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Switchy [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

Page 25

by Tymber Dalton

  Had she thought sex was good with them before? Uh, yeah, and this made it feel like they’d been holding back.

  This was…

  She had no words for what this was.

  “Start fucking my cock, baby,” Garrison said. “You want me to turn this nasty vibrator off and let you rest, you’re gonna have to make me come first.”

  Jarred licked her cheek. “Me, too, baby. Oooh, I get to come inside your ass first.”

  She started rocking back and forth, mostly with Jarred’s help.

  “That’s it,” Garrison said. “I’m really close, baby. Fuck, nothing feels as good as your pussy on my cock.”

  “What about my mouth?” Jarred teased.

  “Shut up, Jare. You know what I mean.”

  Jarred was slowly fucking her, too, that more than anything helping her to fuck herself on Garrison’s cock.

  “That’s it,” Garrison said. “Almost there, baby.”

  Jarred thrust his hips harder, longer strokes. “Me, too.”

  She let out a loud cry as another wave swept through her, the men adding their chorus of groans to hers before the Hitachi switched off and Garrison pulled it away.

  She melted on top of Garrison with Jarred draped over her back, his lips nibbling at the base of her neck.

  “And that’s how two knights make love to their lady,” Garrison whispered against her cheek.

  She turned her head and found his lips and kissed, sucked on his bottom one, nibbling gently. “I can’t do that every night,” she mumbled. “You’d short-circuit my brain. I wouldn’t survive it.”

  Jarred finally sat up and helped her to her feet. “Quick clean-up shower, then I think we’ve all earned sleep.”

  It felt weird and good cuddling in her bed in her house with them. She’d almost managed to forget they came really close to dying earlier that evening.

  She pulled their arms around her, wanting as much contact with them as possible.

  “You realize you’re stuck with me now, right?” she mumbled. “You can’t do that to a lady and not expect her to stay.”

  Garrison yawned. “Damn, I sure hope so. Because we’d look awful pitiful camping on your front porch every night and begging you to be with us.”

  “Don’t make me get the Hitachi and make you come some more,” Jarred sleepily threatened.

  She giggled. “Oh, no, not that.”

  But she quickly found herself sliding head-first into sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The next morning, Em realized she was still in bed with the guys.

  “Uh, hey, shouldn’t you be getting ready for work?”

  “I called off,” Jarred mumbled. “So did he. Family emergency.”

  “Oh. Okay.” She dozed off again.

  When she awoke later on, alone in bed, she smelled coffee and French toast. After using the bathroom and pulling on her robe—and realizing that the aches and pains she was feeling were mostly due to the vigorous romp they’d had last night—she followed her nose to the kitchen.

  “There she is.” Garrison smiled and pulled her in for a hug and kiss.

  “I need to call Mitchell.”

  “I already did,” Jarred said. “Gave him the update.”

  “Ah.” She let him pull her in for a hug and kiss. “We good?”

  He looked at her. “We should ask you that.”

  She smiled. “You think I’m letting you two get away, think again.”

  They surrounded her, hugging her. “Good,” Garrison said. “Because I woke up this morning and realized we should have arranged a codeword or something.”

  “I’m good with my guys taking over and ravishing me sometimes.” A shudder rippled through her. “I think I earned it last night.”

  Based on the location of the bullets the deputies had dug out of their living room walls, they’d probably whizzed within a foot of any of the three of them before they’d hit the floor.

  A step to the side, for any of them, and they might not be there.

  “This isn’t just about last night, is it?” Jarred asked.

  She shook her head. “No. This is about me chasing down what I want.”

  The men smiled. “Yes, Ma’am,” they parroted.

  She grinned. “That is so freaking adorable when you two do that.”

  * * * *

  Life settled down the next couple of weeks, fortunately. Other than Em’s mom, the biggest disruption was the kitchen first getting delayed, then un-delayed when what was thought was a problem with their order having been resolved and turned out to not be a problem at all, but human error on the manufacturing side. Hopefully, it would be installed next week.

  Meanwhile, the three of them settled into a routine. Em would usually come home from work, immediately change, and head next door to work on whatever project they were finishing up.

  The kitchen was the last big thing they needed to make the house really livable.

  That hadn’t stopped them from already having sex—multiple times—in every room in the house.

  And one night on a blanket in the backyard, their activity hidden by the eight-foot privacy fence ringing it.

  Em’s job did get more hectic. While they’d pulled off massive estate sales, this one outdid the largest they’d ever done before. The property itself was less than five acres. It was the sheer number and potential value of the items that’d be sold and auctioned off that made it huge.

  The wife had died ten years earlier, and a severe stroke had forced the husband into a nursing home two years ago. The three daughters and a son were all in agreement on holding the sale, because looking ahead, they could see their father’s finances wouldn’t last as long as he could at his current rate. A cash influx was necessary, and there was no way he’d ever be able to live in his home again.

  Unfortunately, the ex-husband of one of the daughters, whose divorce had only just been finalized weeks earlier, was demanding the sale be postponed until his appeal and challenge could be heard.

  Despite the fact that none of the siblings would be seeing any of the proceeds of the sale, and all of it would go to their father’s care.

  Mitchell had their corporate attorney speak with the estate’s attorney, and was assured that the liquidation could go on as planned. The ex-husband had zero legal standing in the matter.

  That the idiot was representing himself in court didn’t help his case any.

  Mitchell reported all of this to Em when he returned to the office at lunchtime.

  “So we’re good to go for tomorrow?” she asked him. “I’ve got all the extra crews, including part-timers, ready to go.”

  “Yep. Going to need you there, too.”

  “I know.”

  He grinned. “I’ll come pick you up. I’ll even buy you coffee.”

  “You know how to bribe me.”

  “Of course I do.” His smile faded. “How goes it with your situation? We haven’t talked about that in a couple of weeks.”

  “Mom is insisting on moving back in with me.”

  “How is she planning on doing that?”

  “Exactly. She keeps telling my dad that I’m going to change my mind. She’s refusing to admit that’s their new home.”

  “Are they sure they shouldn’t have maybe kept her in the hospital a little longer?”

  “He’s taking her in every day for evaluation as an out-patient. They’re still tweaking her meds.”

  “So she doesn’t know about Jarred and Garrison living with you yet?”

  “Not yet, no. We decided to hold that back for now. I’m not lying to her about our relationship, or about me moving out of my house. She keeps telling me she’ll give me the money to buy it, and I keep telling her no, I’m not going to buy it. I already told the management company I’ll be moving.”

  “You just haven’t told her where you’ll be moving to.”

  “Hell, no. You crazy?” She rethought that phrasing. “Sorry. No, I’m going to wait until we’re living
in the new house full-time.”

  “If you guys need any help moving, let me know.”

  “Thanks, but I’m half-moved as it is. We’ve already painted the two guest rooms and got the new flooring down, so the guys have been moving stuff in. We’ll unpack as we go along. Once the kitchen is in and done, that’s the last big thing. We’re not bringing in the living room furniture yet until that’s finished. We don’t want a lot of stuff in the way when they bring the cabinets in.”

  “Let me know when the housewarming is.”

  “Don’t worry. You and Brent will get a special soft-opening premier dinner as our very first guests.”

  * * * *

  Jarred had been off that day and already had dinner ready when Em arrived home.

  “You know you’ve got me spoiled already,” she said as she slipped her arms around his waist from behind and kissed the back of his neck. “You don’t need to keep showing off.”

  “Baby, what part of ‘for life’ did we not make clear?” He tipped his head back for a kiss from her as he continued sautéing whatever it was he was making them for dinner.

  Garrison walked through the front door. “Hello—oh, wow. That smells awesome!”

  Sometimes, it almost scared her a little how easy things had fallen into place with the guys. Despite the near-death experience and her meddling mother.

  They were just getting ready to sit down for dinner—at the table, real dishes and everything—when the doorbell rang.

  Garrison went to answer it. “Um, Em?”

  She got up and found her mother standing there. “Hey. What’s up?”

  Her mom looked from her, to Garrison, to Jarred, who Em sensed walked up behind her.

  Thank goodness the guys had clothes on, at least. Usually they were already naked by now.

  “I…I wanted to talk to you. About the house. About moving back in.”

  There went any thought Em might have had about inviting her inside. “Mom, it’s done. I’ve already told the management company I’m moving out, and they’re going to list it for sale. Does Dad know you’re here?”

  She blushed, which Em had quickly learned was a tell for her hiding something. “I told him I was going out.”

  Em pulled her cell out of her pocket. “So if I call Dad right now and tell him you’re on my doorstep asking to move back in, he’ll know you’re here?”

  “Why do you have to be so stubborn about this, Em?”

  It wasn’t the first time her mom had finally relented and started calling her that, but it was the sarcastic tone she’d used that rang bells in Em’s mind.

  “Are you taking your meds?” Em asked her.

  “Of course I’m taking my meds.” Her mom looked from Garrison to Jarred and then back to Em. “Okay, fine. Just be that way.” Then she turned and stormed off in a huff.

  They watched her get into her car and drive off.

  Em unlocked her phone and pulled up a number.

  “Calling your dad?” Jarred asked.

  “Bet your ass.”

  She got her dad’s voice mail and left a message for him to call her. He didn’t call her back until they were already finished with dinner. That led to a long conversation with him.

  Apparently, her mom was still out and about. Without her cell phone.

  Which she still refused to use.

  By the time Em got off the phone with him, it was after nine, and both she and Jarred had to be up early tomorrow. Him for work, and her to help out with the huge estate sale.

  So much for nookie.

  Instead, she cuddled in bed with her men and closed her eyes, glad to have this peaceful oasis in her life. Them, their love.

  They hadn’t yet made a decision about marriage. She wanted to marry one of them, but the question was, which one? It sucked she couldn’t marry them both, and she’d mentioned that in passing to them.

  At least it wasn’t a desperation scenario like they’d had before. This time, it was a good problem to have.

  Then again, she thought about maybe making the two of them get married. They’d been together longer.

  It was something she didn’t have to settle for now. Tonight, she wanted to try to sleep without dreaming about estate sale miscellany like sometimes happened before one of these big sales.

  Nothing like a nightmare about not being able to get a cell signal to process credit card payments to send her sitting straight up in bed in a cold sweat, rocked out of a sound sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Em rode with Mitchell Saturday morning. He stopped by her place and picked her up since it was on the way. No doubt it would be an extremely busy sale, and one less car taking up space meant it’d be easier for one more customer to park and spend their money.

  Meaning more money in the family’s pocket, and theirs, by default.

  It’d been a work day for Jarred, therefore only one warm body she had to peel herself away from getting out of bed. Jarred had stashed an omelet for her in the microwave before he left for work, and she’d slipped out of bed without waking Garrison.

  Yes, she felt completely spoiled by her two guys. Thank goodness she’d gotten to know them before she’d delved into the wastelands of FetLife and Internet research about female-led dynamics. It would have totally freaked her out if she had.

  That she had two strong, hunky, Alpha guys willing to do her bidding was proving to be the ultimate turn-on for her.

  In retrospect, her marriage to Ronnie had been doomed before they’d even kissed for the first time. Ronnie was a take-charge kind of guy, and any time he’d tried to unilaterally decide something, it’d grated on her for reasons she hadn’t understood, usually leading to fights between them.

  It also gave her insight as to why some of her previous relationships—aside from the cheaters—had been doomed from the start.

  What she’d needed were guys like Jarred and Garrison, men willing to stand by her side and let her direct things without it bruising their egos. Men happy to make her happy, because it made them happy to do it.

  “You loaded for bear, girl?” Mitchell teased once she was in the passenger seat.

  “I suppose.” She sipped at her travel mug of coffee. “And we’re sure the brother-in-law isn’t going to show up?”

  “Ex. Yes. A restraining order was issued against him.”

  “That only means something if he decides to honor it.”

  “We’ll have plenty of people there today helping. And security.”

  This was the only part of her job she hated, having to get up at the asscrack of dawn to work an on-site sale the morning of. But on a big job like this one, it was an all-hands scenario because of the sheer size of the collection they were selling, the need to have eyes on everything to prevent shrink, and to handle getting customers checked out quickly.

  Em preferred the sales where they held them at their warehouse, one entry and exit point, plenty of staff on-hand to manage people and make sure nothing walked out the door before it was paid for.

  This job also promised a potential mid-five-figure profit margin, or higher, if early indicators could be believed. They’d advertised it heavily, and there were plenty of things for nearly every interest and taste. Antiques, glassware and silver, collectibles, automotive memorabilia—and spread out over a house and the large garage/workshop/outbuilding added a degree of difficulty. Plus the snowbirds were already returning from up north, meaning more people in attendance.

  It was a to-the-walls liquidation, too. Some items would be auctioned off individually, the rest going in a general sale. Anything left over at the end of the day, they’d evaluate, inventory, and then decide what would make the trip back to the warehouse with them for inclusion in a later combined sale, or in the consignment shop and listed on the website.

  “You know, a relationship looks good on you,” he teased.

  She felt the blush rising in her cheeks. “Stop it.”

  “Well, it does. Those two boys are eating out of
your hand. It’s adorable. I’d do them, if I was single. They wait on you hand and foot.”

  “We’re just…taking it one day at a time.”

  Mitchell let out a gasp as he came to a stop for a red light. He looked at her. “You are their Domme, aren’t you?”

  Her face went from flushed to supernova. “Uh, what?”

  “Oh, don’t play coy with me.” He grinned. “Come on. Tell me.”

  “I don’t know what I am. But we have fun together. I think all three of us were kind of lost, and stuff sort of clicked into place when we met. We’re not really putting any labels on it right now.”

  “Well, if you have any questions, I’ve got friends. Or you can ask me and Brent for advice.”

  Em nearly choked on her coffee. “What?”

  “I’m not exactly inexperienced in this area. Brent and I have played around with BDSM before, but we’re both kind of switchy, so we just do what feels good.”

  “Okay, seriously, Mitchell, I love you, honey, but this conversation is quickly veering into parental-sex-discomfort level.”

  He laughed and let off the brake as the light turned green. “Just sayin’, sweetie. You can talk to me. You know I’m open-minded.”

  “Message received. Thanks.”

  * * * *

  Mitchell and Em met with their crew and the family first thing and made sure everyone knew their jobs. There was already a waiting line by the time they opened the gate at seven thirty to allow people onto the grounds. Em and Mitchell would patrol the event, in touch with each other and their crew team leaders via walkie-talkies. Brent would be supervising the auction operation going on in a large tent off to the side of the house.

  As Em stood outside on the lanai by the large, empty pool shell, she thought it was a shame the grounds had been allowed to lapse into disrepair. The house itself was sound, but the irregularly shaped pool had been emptied, only a few inches of greenish water standing in the very deepest part and exposing the bottom contours where it sloped down several times. While the grass was mowed, the plants had been allowed to grow wild, giving the land around the house an almost jungle-like atmosphere.


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