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Pirate's Promise

Page 35

by Chris A. Jackson

  About the Author

  A sailing writer, or writing sailor (he's still not sure which), Chris A. Jackson is living his dream. Sailing full time since 2009, he and his wife divide their time between writing fantasy and cruising the Caribbean and the US East Coast. Chris's Scimitar Seas novels won multiple gold medals for best fantasy novel of the year from Foreword Reviews Magazine, and his Weapon of Flesh trilogy has become a Kindle bestseller, spurring international interest and a second series, the Weapon of Fear trilogy. His Pathfinder Tales work includes the novel Pirate's Honor as well as the free story "Stargazer." Chris has also written extensively in the Iron Kingdoms world from Privateer Press, including the nautical novella Blood and Iron and stories in various anthologies.

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  All Pathfinder Tales novels are set in the rich and vibrant world of the Pathfinder campaign setting. Below are explanations of several key terms used in this book. For more information on the world of Golarion and the strange monsters, people, and deities that make it their home, see The Inner Sea World Guide, or dive into the game and begin playing your own adventures with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook or the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beginner Box, all available at Those particularly interested in more information about pirates like Torius should check out the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path and Pathfinder Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea.

  Abadar: Master of the First Vault and the god of cities, wealth, merchants, and law.

  Absalom: Largest city in the Inner Sea region, located on the Isle of Kortos.

  Abyss: Plane of evil and chaos ruled by demons, where many evil souls go after they die.

  Alchemists: Spellcasters whose magic takes the form of potions, explosives, and strange mutagens that modify their own physiology.

  Almas: Capital city of Andoran.

  Aluum: Mysterious construct guardians employed by the rulers of Katapesh to help keep peace in the capital city.

  Andoran: Democratic and freedom-loving nation known for its abolitionist military campaigns. For more information, see Pathfinder Player Companion: Andoran, Spirit of Liberty.

  Andoren: Of or pertaining to Andoran; someone from Andoran.

  Asmodeus: Devil-god of tyranny, slavery, pride, and contracts; lord of Hell and current patron deity of Cheliax.

  Augustana: Port city in Andoran known for its shipyards.

  Besmara: Goddess of piracy, strife, and sea monsters.

  Bunyips: Ferocious creatures resembling a combination of shark and seal.

  Calistria: Also known as the Savored Sting; goddess of trickery, lust, and revenge.

  Cheliax: A powerful devil-worshiping nation located on the northern shore of the Inner Sea.

  Chelish: Of or relating to the nation of Cheliax.

  Cosmic Caravan: The constellations making up Golarion's zodiac, and of particular importance to astrologers.

  Demons: Evil denizens of the plane of the Abyss, who seek only to maim, ruin, and feed on mortal souls.

  Desna: Good-natured goddess of dreams, stars, travelers, and luck.

  Druma: Shortened name for the Kalistocracy of Druma, a nation in which individuals view the accumulation of wealth as the highest possible goal.

  Drumish: Of or relating to the nation of Druma.

  Duenas: Band of hyenafolk that hunts the deserts of Katapesh.

  Dwarves: Short, stocky humanoids who excel at physical labor, mining, and craftsmanship.

  Eagle Knights: Military order in Andoran devoted to spreading the virtues of justice, equality, and freedom.

  Elves: Long-lived, beautiful humanoids identifiable by pointed ears, lithe bodies, and pupils so large their eyes appear to be one color.

  Familiars: Small creatures that assist certain types of spellcasters, often developing greater powers and intelligence than normal members of their kind.

  Fleshfairs: Okeno's notorious slave market.

  Garund: Southern continent of the Inner Sea region.

  Gillmen: Race of amphibious humanoids descended from the Azlanti after that empire sank into the sea millennia ago.

  Gnomes: Small humanoids with strange mindsets, big eyes, and often wildly colored hair.

  Gozreh: God of nature, the sea, and weather. Depicted as a dual deity, with both male and female aspects.

  Gray Corsairs: Naval division of the Steel Falcons, the Eagle Knight branch focused on abolitionist military activities. Often focused on raiding slave ships.

  Half-Orcs: Born from unions between humans and orcs, members of this race have green or gray skin, brutish appearances, and short tempers, and are mistrusted by many societies.

  Hyenafolk: Bestial and savage race of hyena-headed humanoids.

  Inner Sea: The vast inland sea whose northern continent, Avistan, and southern continent, Garund, are the primary focus of the Pathfinder campaign setting.

  Inquisitor: Religious spellcaster whose power comes from a god, and whose skills are particularly dedicated to hunting down enemies of the faith.

  Isle of Kortos: Island at the center of the Inner Sea, on which the city of Absalom is situated.

  Jalmeray: Island nation in the Obari Ocean, southeast of Katapesh.

  Katapesh: Mighty trade-oriented nation south of the Inner Sea. Also the name of its capital city. Ruled by mysterious masked beings known as Pactmasters. For more information, see Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Dark Markets, A Guide to Katapesh.

  Katapeshi: Of or related to the nation of Katapesh.

  Keleshite: Of or related to the Empire of Kelesh, far to the east of the Inner Sea region.

  Lamashtu: Goddess of monsters, madness, and nightmares.

  Lunar Nagas: Race of nagas obsessed with the stars and astrology.

  Masks: Slang term for the Pactmasters.

  Mwangi: Of or pertaining to the Mwangi Expanse; someone from that region.

  Mwangi Expanse: A sweltering region of jungles and savannas south of the Inner Sea.

  Nagas: Race of intelligent, magical creatures with the heads of humans and bodies of snakes.

  Nethys: Two-faced god of magic, pledged to both destroy the world and protect it. Also known as the All-Seeing Eye.

  Obari Ocean: Ocean east of Garund.

  Okeno: Island port city on Stonespine Island; center for the slave trade on the Inner Sea.

  Osirian: Of or relating to the nation of Osirion, or a resident of Osirion.

  Osirion: Ancient nation south of the Inner Sea renowned for its deserts, pharaohs, and pyramids.

  Pactmasters: Council of mysterious, masked humanoid creatures that rule Katapesh.

  Pathfinder: A member of the Pathfinder Society.

  Pathfinder Lodge: Meeting house where members of the Pathfinder Society can buy provisions and swap stories.

  Pathfinder Society: Organization of traveling scholars and adventurers who seek to document the world's wonders. Based out of Absalom.

  People's Council: Elected body that rules Andoran.

  Pesh: Narcotic drug made from a type of cactus.

  Pharasma: The goddess of birth, death, and prophecy, who judges mortal souls after their deaths and sends them on to the appropriate afterlife; also known as the Lady of Graves.

  Qadira: Desert nation on the eastern side of the Inner Sea.

  Rough Beast: Rovagug.

  Rovagug: Evil god of wrath, disaster, and destruction. Imprisoned deep beneath the earth by other deities.

  Ruby Prince: Khemet III, the Forthbringer, current ruler of Osirion.

  Scarab (currency): Gold coin from Katapesh.

  Scroll: Magical document in which a spell is recorded so that it can be released when read, even if the reader doesn't know how to cast that spell. Destroyed as part of the casting process.

  Shackles: Pirate isles southwest of the Inner Sea.

  Sorcerer: Someone who casts spells through natural
ability rather than faith or study.

  Sothis: Capital city of the desert nation of Osirion, on the northeastern shores of Garund.

  Steel Falcons: Branch of Andoran's Eagle Knights specifically dedicated to combating slavery through military force.

  Taldan: Of or pertaining to Taldor; a citizen of Taldor.

  Taldor: A formerly glorious nation that has lost many of its holdings in recent years to neglect and decadence.

  Talmandor: Heavenly patron saint of Andoran, with a body that is half-man, half-eagle.

  Trollhounds: Grotesque, monstrous hounds that regenerate injuries quickly and whose bites carry disease.

  Twilight Talons: Top-secret espionage division of the Steel Falcons, thought by many to be merely a legend.

  Varisia: Frontier region far northwest of the Inner Sea.

  Varisian: Of or relating to the frontier region of Varisia, or a resident of that region. Ethnic Varisians tend to organize in clans and wander in caravans, acting as tinkers, musicians, dancers, or performers. Often have strong family ties and are maligned as thieves and swindlers.

  Werejackals: Supernatural creatures with the ability to assume both human and jackal form, as well as a monstrous combination of the two.

  Westcrown: Former capital of Cheliax, now overrun with shadow beasts and despair.

  Wizard: Someone who casts spells through careful study and rigorous scientific methods rather than faith or innate talent, recording the necessary incantations in a spellbook.

  Yellow Harbor: The main harbor of Okeno, named for the yellow sails of the slaver ships.

  Zephyr Guard: The Katapesh city guard.


  Thanks to everyone who helped with this novel: my wife, Anne, for putting up with my rough first draft; my editor, James, for answering about a million questions about spell effects; and the Pathfinder designers for creating such an awesome sandbox to play in.




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