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Her Sweet Surrender: Billionaire Secrets - Book Four

Page 12

by Sinclair, Drew

  "I mean, that sounds so bad Nadia, worse than it was. He did things to me, incredible mind-blowing things. I'd never met a man like him before and probably never will, but I had to force him to do it the first time. He just wouldn't make love to me in the sense of…"

  "He wouldn't…. penetrate?"

  "Exactly." Suzy breathed a sigh of relief. It was out. She could talk about it now. "I had to bargain him into it."

  "Bargain?" Nadia lowered her voice instinctively. "You mean, when we were going to Point Nemo and you guys were squabbling about deals and agreements that's what you were talking about?"

  Suzy nodded her head.

  "That's right. I had to trade with him for it, beat him at his own game, but then when he finally did it to me, my God… Nadia, I've never experienced anything like it and I mean not even in my wildest fantasies."

  Nadia watched her friend, mouth still hanging open. Suzy nodded her head as if to say 'oh yeah' everything you're thinking and more. She looked at her friend and then leaned in a little closer to her.

  "I mean, for Christ's sake Nadia, he fucked me unconscious."


  "Oh yes. The guy gave me simultaneous clitoral and G-spot orgasms. It was unreal."

  "The blended O?"

  Suzy nodded.

  "On the first time and then every time since then."

  Nadia took in a deep breath, blew out a long sigh and reached for her Champagne glass.

  "Blended O on the first time." She whispered. "So tell me again, why exactly did you say no to him? Because I am definitely missing something here. He is fucking you now, right? No more penetration issues? "

  Suzy nodded. There were no issues, none at all, unless being satisfied to the core of your being at a moment's notice whenever your lover was around was an issue.

  "So what is it?"

  "The issue is that he won't tell me why it was so hard for him to do it with me in the first place."

  Nadia plunked her Champagne glass down with a thud.

  "Are out of your mind? Are you seriously out of your high IQ tiny, little mind? Jesus Christ, where's my phone? I'm calling that man for you right now and saying yes on your behalf before he changes his mind."

  "Don't do that Nadia. I know it sounds small, but you know how it goes with these things. He asked me to marry him and of course I wanted to say yes but something held me back. I told him nothing would make me happier but that I couldn't say yes until he had answered one question for me."

  "And what did he say?"

  "He said to ask him anything, so I asked him why he had been the way he was with me in the beginning."

  "And he said?"

  "He looked at me for way too long and then eventually gave me one of his stupid enigmatic answers. 'Put it aside for now.' That's what he said."

  "Put it aside?"

  "Yes. Those were his words, 'put it aside'."

  Nadia fingered her glass, looked out at the sea for a moment and then turned back to her friend again.

  "That smug, patronizing arrogant bastard." She said.

  "I know! Right?" Suzy said with relief. "I was beginning to think I was crazy but it's him, isn't it?"

  "Damn right it is. 'Put it aside'? Who does he think he's talking to, a child?"

  "A child from the eighteenth century."

  The two women stared at each other for a moment more.

  "You have got to know what this is." Nadia said.

  "Exactly. I mean, if it was just that he had been a little shy or self-conscious, but God, Nadia, you have no idea what a pervert this he was. I'm not saying it wasn't hot, but Jesus, how does a person wind up being into all that bondage, teasing, sexual control stuff?"

  "Sexual control?"

  She nodded. "Can you believe it?"

  "Him? Sure. You? Never."

  "I know."

  The women lapsed into momentary silence again before a thought occurred to Nadia.

  "So that whole trip to Point Nemo, from the time you disappeared into your hotel bedroom with him in Manhattan, he did all of that just to have his evil, wicked, sexy way with you?

  Suzy nodded.

  "He was willing to risk his business, his reputation, even his life to do kinky 'sexual control stuff' with your bones?"

  Suzy nodded again.

  "And were you… were you kind of… kind of…?"

  "Into it?"

  "Yeah… we're you getting off on it too?"

  "Not at first, but hell, it didn’t take long."

  "I knew it." Nadia exclaimed. "I knew he was forcing you into doing weird sexual stuff for him, I just didn't realize you were having so much God damn fun doing it."

  The friends looked at each other for a moment and then cracked up into a fit of giggles. When the laughing subsided Suzy looked at her friend again.

  "Problems of the billionaire girlfriend, right? It's a hard life isn't? Maybe I should take a reality check here. I mean, there are people who can't eat in this world and I'm complaining about my billionaire stud boyfriend's one little sexual secret."

  Nadia took a sip of her Champagne and then shook her head vigorously.

  "No way. The upside of that is that we are now in a position to really help people who need it, so you don’t have to feel bad about that anymore. At least now there's something you can do apart from just keeping a roof over your head. And damn it Suzy you need to know what happened to him. You don’t want this coming back to bite you after ten years of marriage when he decides he can't put it inside you anymore and needs to spice things up with a few straps and handcuffs or whatever he's convinced himself he needs to get off himself off in the bedroom."

  Suzy's eyes widened.

  "You're right. I hadn’t thought about it that way before. I'm so glad you made me talk about this Nadia."

  "No charge for the counseling session baby, all part of the service."

  "So what do you think I should I do? I can’t ask him about it directly anymore; the subject is totally off limits now. I think Candy, his old head of security, she might know something but it's like she's fallen off the face of the earth since Point Nemo. I just don’t know what to do anymore."

  "Leave it to me. I'm pretty sure I can find out what the problem was. If Clay doesn’t know something about this then it'll be a scientific and statistical wonder. Those two are like guy soulmates."

  "No, no, no. Nadia, don’t dare say anything to him about this. Promise me that."

  "Pshaw! Do you know remember who you’re talking to honey? Do you even remember who you are? Clay and Ruben are two smart cookies but they have nothing on the sisterhood. Don’t tell me that blended, double O you put out every night isn’t blowing his mind as well."

  Suzy smiled shyly.

  "Well, it does kind of rock his world alright."

  "Damn right it does. He may rule the roost in the little world of Mayweather Services but you have that man wrapped around your finger in the bedroom. And don’t you think this MIT alumna has a few bedroom tricks up her sleeve that can rock the Hargrave world as well?"

  "I wouldn’t doubt it for a second."

  "Trust me, your hero's dirty, sexy little secret will be out in the open long before we've even picked the bridesmaids' gowns for our big day. And the best part? He'll never even know you know. Not until you want him to know of course. We can run rings around those two manicured cavemen until they drop."

  Suzy smiled and shook her head helplessly from side to side. She had a pretty good idea it was mostly bubble talk from the Champagne, but at the same time, if Nadia put her mind to something then it was almost guaranteed to happen.

  She raised her glass and Nadia raised hers.

  "To honesty." She said.

  "To full disclosure." Nadia replied.

  When they had each taken a slow sip Suzy returned her glass to the table.

  "So can you go ahead and start planning your wedding now, right? Knowing that Ruben and I will soon have our last remaining little bump in the road iron
ed out."

  "Well, it certainly will help but unfortunately, waiting for you and Ruben isn't the only issue."


  "You know how Clay is about family?"

  "Sure I do, yeah. I think it's really wonderful how hi and Dale are so close to each other and to their mother. I'm kind of jealous almost."

  "I know, but unfortunately that's precisely the other obstacle. Clay won’t fix a date until Dale has started acting normal again."

  "I didn't know he was capable of acting any other way than he does now."

  "Well, you and I know him as the dark, moody one of the three, but apparently that only started after they rescued us from Point Nemo. He was supposedly the most 'normal' of the three of them."

  "Dale? The most normal? I find that hard to believe."

  "Crazy I know, but Clay swears it. Whatever happened to him on the island or directly afterwards has changed him and he refuses to speak about it. It's another of my little side projects but the guy is never around. Even Hargrave Robotics is suffering because of it."

  Nadia's phone buzzed from her bag in the hotel room. Suzy looked disappointed.

  "I thought we agreed no phones for the rest of the weekend?" She said.

  "Damn it, I'm sorry Suzy. I thought I had it turned off. Look, you know how I am these days, if I hear it ring I have to answer or I won't be able to concentrate. Don’t put that Champagne glass down, I'll be right back."

  Nadia hurried to the bedroom and Suzy took another long sip from her glass. She looked out at the sea again as the last shimmering rays of golden sunset set the water on fire. This trip had been right, so completely right after all. She should never have doubted how strong she and Nadia could be together. Trying to go it alone was pointless, counter-productive. Working together they could easily figure this whole thing out and make it a fairy tale happy ending for everyone.

  She heard Nadia's voice from the bedroom. She sounded excited, or was she upset? She looked over her shoulder and saw her friend stepping back out onto the balcony; visibly shaken.

  "We've got to go." Nadia said.

  "Huh? Nadia, we just got here. What's going on?"

  "It's Dale. He's disappeared. Gone without a trace."

  The women looked at each other, reading each others' thoughts. Nothing else mattered now. The Hargraves and Ruben Mayweather had risked their lives to save them - two women that they hardly knew.

  "Come on Nadia." Suzy said. "We're going home. They need us. I'm not even unpacked yet anyhow."

  The last ray of brilliant evening sunshine slipped below the horizon.


  Thank you for taking time to read Her Sweet Surrender, Volume Four in the Billionaire Secrets Series. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and your kind words are much appreciated.

  Sample Chapter: His Strict Requirement

  Billionaire Secrets Vol Five

  From the moment he lays eyes on her Dale Hargrave knows he has to have her. What he doesn’t know is that Lindsay day has a secret to hide that will ruin him, his brother Clayton and his friend Ruben Mayweather. One way or the other he wants the feisty woman in his bed but Lindsay Day is a seasoned investigative reporter and knows how to give as good as she gets and much more again. Watch them duke it out with plenty of hot, steamy flirtation, sexual jousting and fast paced action along the way in this high octane volume of lip-biting love!

  Chapter One

  The stern woman in charge of Mayweather's security team walked over and took her boss's hands into her own. Their eyes met and for the first time since the beginning of the tense runway standoff, this heroic man looked vulnerable, shaken. His head of security wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly. After a moment he wrapped his arms around her too.

  Lindsay watched, spellbound, as the remarkable group of people just barely held it together during what was a crushing moment of absolute failure. She would have to find out who all of these people were and tell their story. This was too moving, too heroic to remain a secret to the world. Already they were beginning to regroup with the commanding figure of Mayweather giving orders to all around him. Then out of the blue the second tall and incredibly good looking man who had emerged from the plane caught sight of her.

  "Who are they?" He said instantly, and suddenly, from being an invisible spectator Lindsay now found the entire group's attention focused onto herself and Nena who had come out from behind the cargo crates to stand next to her, half hidden behind her leg.

  "Go back inside. " Ruben Mayweather ordered her. "It's not safe out here."

  "Please." Lindsay said. "We need to get back home. We need to let our families know that we're safe. We were taken from the street days ago."

  She was thinking on her feet. If she went back inside then she was just a part of the general group and would be treated as such. She needed to get inside this story. These people were the missing key to the Boyevik story and were pretty fascinating characters all by themselves.

  Especially the man who had drawn the group's attention to her and Nena.

  "My people will take care of you. Now go back to the main building." Ruben said.

  "Don’t be such an asshole Ruben." The rugged man interrupted. "You come here kid." He said to Nena. "You too ma'am."

  This was it; her chance to get the inside story. There was always a way, always an upside to every situation.

  Lindsay took Nena's hand and walked over to the group, she shook her long dark hair and approached the man who had taken their side. He would be her ally on this story, whether he knew it or not.

  And what an ally.

  He was dressed casually but even to the untrained eye this was a man of wealth, presence and power.

  And God was he something else again when you got up close to him.

  Lindsay's eyes climbed higher, taking in his broad chest, his powerful shoulders, a neck that she wanted to sink her teeth into and then those eyes. My God those eyes. Ruben Mayweather was obviously an intimidating individual and seemingly the boss of everyone here, but this man alone clearly had no fear of him.

  He hunkered down slowly in front of her and the act took her by surprise. She looked down at the seductively tousled mane of hair in front of her lower abdomen and a crazy fantasy flickered before her eyes. It involved him being on his knees in front of her, just with less clothes on. It was so visceral and unexpected that she almost gasped.

  "Don’t worry kiddo," The man said to Nena. "I'll give you and your mommy a ride out of here."


  She looked down saw that this bear of a man had effortlessly transformed the anger and tension that had been on his face into the most lovable big-brother, playmate smile for the little girl.

  "She's not my mommy." Nena said.

  Dale looked up at Lindsay and it was as though she felt the full force of his undivided attention for the first time. The craziness of the last hours seemed to disappear as he rose up slowly in front of her and extended his hand.

  Holy fuck. He is totally, totally….

  "Dale Hargrave." He said and relaxed into what could only be described as a wouldn't-it-be-so-easy-for-us-to-just-fall-into-bed-together smile.

  Stay focused Lindsay, stay focused. Report the story, don’t be the story.

  She extended her hand without a trace of a smile on her full, beautiful lips.

  "Lindsay Day." She said very simply and felt the strength of his hand close around hers.


  His Strict Requirement will be available soon - sign up to Drew's Newsletter and be the first to know when this back-arching volume is released!

  About Drew

  Drew is a Contemporary Romance Fiction Writer leading a mysterious life of international hi-jinks and diamond encrusted guffaws. When not writing romance or flying high above the world involved in some daft caper, Drew is hanging out with family, doing yoga, writing
something else or just soaking up the moment like a New Age Guru high as a kite on the power of absolute hysteria.

  Connect with Drew

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  Other Books by Drew Sinclair

  Big brother Dale Hargrave has gone off the rails. He's a man on a mission and Lindsay Day is in his sights. The problem is that she's an investigative reporter with a mission of her own. Will the heat of the billionaire's desire be enough to throw her off course? Or will his one strict requirement be too much for her to take? Find out in His Strict Requirement - Book Five of the Billionaire Secrets Series, available from Friday Jan 16th, 2015, exclusively on Amazon and available to all Kindle Unlimited subscribers!

  Romantic Suspense

  The Billionaire Secrets Series

  His Strict Requirement - Book Five - available Jan 16th 2015!

  Her Sweet Liberation - Book Six - available Jan 23rd 2015!

  Billionaire Secrets - The Big Six Pack Edition - available Jan 23rd 2015!

  Contemporary Romance

  The Scandalous Billionaires Collection - Introducing the Demovic family

  Scandalous: Download Volume One for free right now!

  Outrageous: Volume Two

  Totally Inappropriate: Volume Three

  The Scandalous Billionaires Collection: Volumes One, Two and Three

  Resisting the Billionaire Series - Introducing the Drummond brothers

  Teased: Volume One

  Tempted: Volume Two

  Tamed: Volume Three

  Resisting the Billionaire Collection: Volumes One, Two and Three



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