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Pretend I'm Yours_A Single Dad Romance

Page 139

by Vivian Wood

  “Yes,” it came out clear and soft. “Absolutely yes!” she said more clearly this time.

  His mouth turned up into the most radiant grin that she had ever seen before he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her with the hunger of a starving man again. An all-consuming kiss she could feel in every nerve in her body, into the deepest reaches of her soul and she moaned happily.

  “I love you, Rhys.” The words slipped out as the kiss broke. His eyes widened for just a split second and he grinned even wider, more radiantly than he had when she'd said yes, his face seeming at risk of splitting open. “And I utterly, completely and totally love you too, Serena,” he said, before pulling her back into that kiss.

  It felt like hours had passed since she'd walked into the park; she didn't know how much time had actually gone by as Rhys and her walked toward the exit though, their hands entwined as if fused together. His arm holding her close to his side. They must have looked like such fools, but nothing could burst her bubble. He was wearing his baseball cap and sunglasses and with his face tucked into her neck and hair, they weren't bothered by anyone.

  “Hey, do you wanna meet my sister and Mary? They insisted on coming with me, moral support or something. They’re in that coffee shop over there. It’s okay if you don’t want to, they’re both huge fans, so they might scream… But they’ve also been dying to meet my boyfriend and they’ve really helped this whole process along the last few days…”

  “Moral support?” he asked, an amused expression in his eyes.

  The tips of her ears went red. “Yeah, they wanted to be here in case it didn’t go well, and to meet you if it did. I know it sounds pathetic, but…” He cut her off with a chaste kiss.

  “That coffee shop there?” He nodded toward it and smirked.

  “Yeah, that’s the one.”

  “Look at the car parked outside it, princess.”

  She spotted his black Range Rover, a bit confused as to why he was pointing his car out to her, until he lifted their joined hands in the air as if claiming victory and laughed. “Milo and Luc are in it. Moral support or something.” His eyes twinkled.

  “So, are you going to introduce me to your sister and best friend, or am I going to be your dirty little secret forever? You’ve already met my family.”

  Katie and Mary started cheering as they entered the coffee shop, hands still entwined, so she copied Rhys’ ”victory” gesture and they took a little bow before they headed over to them.

  Luckily, the coffee shop was rather empty and the other patrons didn't look too put out by the cheering.

  “Rhys, meet Katie and Mary. You guys know him, but this is Rhys, officially my boyfriend.” His radiant grin was back as he pulled Katie and Mary both toward them and into a group hug. Needless to say, they both squealed at hugging him, but they squeezed her as well and Katie whispered in her ear, “Proud of you, sis! Be happy!”

  “Hey hey hey, what’s this now?” Luc’s voice boomed from the door as he and Milo bound toward them.

  “Are we not invited to the group hug, then?” Milo feigned hurt. “Ya know, I heard this happens when guys fall in love, they forget all about their friends and stuff. But my surrogate sis, I expected better from you,” he said dramatically, slamming his hand over his heart, but both laughed as they reached them and pulled them all together again.

  “Good to see you, Sese,” Milo exclaimed as the group hug ended. “He’s a drag without you.“ “You should have fucking seen him, Sese,” Luc said. She was Sese to him now, too? Seemed the nickname had stuck for good. “He was impossible to live with, never leave again!” Their easygoing banter carried on for another minute or so, until they noticed Katie and Mary, completely starstruck and slackjawed.

  She giggled at their expressions. They were both usually so confident and self-assured, yet her sister and best friend had both been rendered speechless. Stop the presses!

  “Katie, Mary, meet Luc and Milo - for whatever introduction they might need to you two,” she teased. “Luc, Milo, my sister Katie and my best friend, Mary.”

  Katie was the first to recover and to her surprise, before even acknowledging Milo and Luc, she swatted Rhys on the arm. “You ever hurt her again and I’ll hunt you down and shave your eyebrows off, I don’t care if you have an army of security! I’ll find a way! You hear me?” she said sternly.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He gave her a little salute, eyes crinkling with laughter.

  “Good, in that case, it’s great to meet you all.”

  Milo, Luc, Katie and Mary exchanged excited hugs. They’d no sooner finished the nice to meet yous before Luc exclaimed, “Celebratory drinks at the house! The thundercloud has dissipated! Sese’s back! All is right in the world! Well, celebratory-flavored water for me! But hell!” He had unknowingly repeated Katie’s exact thundercloud analogy from earlier. “Fuck it, it’s a special occasion, soda for me!” he cried laughingly.

  Rhys pulled her closer to him, his hands digging into her hips. “You guys go, we’ll catch up… in a couple of days.” He smirked. “I’m taking my girlfriend here home, and she’s not leaving my bed for at least as long as we were apart, so don’t expect us for two and half days - at least.”

  Their laughter and cheers followed them as Rhys guided her out of the coffee shop, palm seeming to burn on the small of her back.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Six months later

  Remember how life went to hell in a handbasket, up in flames, whatever you want to call it in six days a couple of months ago? Well, it has been absolute perfection for six months now, she thought.

  She swatted Mary’s arm for probably the tenth time. “Stop that!” she teased as she handed over the next cupcake for her to frost.

  Mary and her were in the kitchen at the Malibu house, finishing off the frosting on the last few cupcakes for Christmas dessert.

  Only, Mary was sneaking more glances at Milo, Rhys and Luc who were casually draped over the couches in the lounge, than focusing on her frosting. Luc and Rhys were strumming their guitars and all three were singing along to some old Misery tune, trying to decide who could do the best imitation of Jett. Their music was interspersed with shots of laughter as they tried to outdo one another with what they called their “Jett moves.”

  “So,” she drew her attention back to their conversation. “I have some news. I’ve been accepted to the Otis College of Art and Design! I start in the spring!” She watched with bated breath as she froze, threw her hands up over her head and started swinging them around, her “whooo hoooo!” resonating through the house. “Congratulations, girl! I knew you would get in! I knew it!” She threw her arms around Serena and hugged her tight.

  The guys stopped their fooling around at Mary’s cheers and she felt Rhys’ strong arms wrap around her waist. “You told her, then?” he asked, pride ringing in his voice. She had been reluctant to start actually applying to schools, convinced she wasn’t good enough to get in. Rhys wouldn’t take no for an answer and patiently but doggedly insisted she apply. He had been with her every step of the way and seemed as excited as she was.

  “I did!” She beamed at his twinkling eyes and he rewarded her with a soft kiss. “I’m so proud of you love, you’re going to be great!” he whispered against her ear, his breath washing over her skin, sending shivers up her spine. Instead of dwindling with time like she had expected, the effect that Rhys had on her became stronger every day. And she thanked her lucky stars for him every morning when she woke up next to her living, breathing dream come true.

  Rhys and her had decided to move to the house in Malibu about a month after they had gotten back together. It was more peaceful here, they were more relaxed and they had more time to themselves - which had been the deciding factor after the third time she'd been on the brink of orgasm only for someone to knock on the door looking for the bathroom or a spontaneous party broke out at the house in the Hills. It might have been Rhys’ place, but it was way too convenient for the guys to move - or
organize - their parties there. Something that they had taken to for a while there, claiming to miss having them around all the time.

  There was a lot less foot traffic here. The guys were here all the time and Mary and Katie visited often, but it was different- no groupies, executives or lawyers in sight and the only parties they hosted were the ones they actually wanted to have, when they wanted to have them, with the people that they invited.

  Well, the guys minus Anders for now - were here all the time. Once he was released, she had no idea whether they would stick to the plan to record from the studio here or if Anders would insist on recording elsewhere.

  It had been hell getting him to agree to rehab. Finally, first Rhys and then the others had gotten him to agree by refusing to start recording the new album until he got clean. Deacon threw a complete shitfit - it had been glorious to behold - and threatened that the label would drop them if they didn’t start recording immediately. As the family that they were, Misery had stood their ground against the threats - shrugging them off in their ”devil-may-care” way until Anders agreed to go just to “shut them the fuck up” as he had put it.

  And the press? Annie was a complete genius! The band had announced that they were taking a bit of a break before their next album was released, claiming exhaustion from the pace they’d been keeping up for the last five years. Somehow, no one had found out about Anders having been admitted to rehab. As far as the world knew, he was backpacking across Europe. Photos of his trip even showed up on his Instagram page every now and then.

  Luc’s voice pulled her from her thoughts. He hopped up from the couch now, clearly distracted by something on the giant Christmas tree Rhys and she had set up. “That’s my face!” he exclaimed, examining the personalized baubles she had ordered.

  “Cool, huh?” Rhys shot at him, still holding her in his arms. “Serena found this place online that you send pictures of your family to and they turn your pictures into Christmas tree decorations.”

  “Awesome!” Milo bellowed, having joined Luc at the tree. “Our faces have been on some crazy shit, bro, but this is the fucking best!” He examined the baubles delicately, his face almost reverent. “Thanks Serena, this is really cool!” he added, his voice softer now. “So much cooler than that range of vibrators.” He let out a peal of laughter and ducked out.

  She'd gotten to know Milo, Luc and Jett quite well over the course of the last few months. None of them had had easy childhoods and she doubted they had any good Christmas memories, so she'd wanted to create a special family Christmas for them. Especially since Rhys had told her that their Misery Christmas tradition was to get slaughtered on the 24th and stay that way till past New Year's.

  Definitely time for new traditions, so she'd banned alcohol from “New Christmas” - yes, there had been a lot of complaining- and she planned on stuffing them with cupcakes and warm memories instead.

  “You know what time Jett will be here?” Milo asked, sharing a look with Rhys as he settled back on his couch.

  Rhys had had this strange, nervous energy these last few days and while he had been relaxed the last few hours fooling around on the guitars, it returned with a vengeance at Milo’s question.

  “Yeah,” she said, glancing at her watch. “He texted me when he left the house, he should be here any minute now.” Rhys planted a kiss on the top of her head and whispered a soft ”love you” before bounding outside. “I’m going to get some fresh air before he gets here,” he pronounced over his shoulder, Luc in tow.

  He was acting really weird, but she wasn't worried. He would tell her what was going on when he was ready to. She had grown completely confident in their relationship, in him, so she trusted him implicitly. Stupid maybe, but she was in love, and he hadn't given her a reason to doubt him. He’d been honest with literally the whole world about being in a relationship. Most of his followers on social media seemed happy that he was happy, but the rest had been downright vicious toward her.

  Her train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Ah, that must be him now, Miles,” she said to Milo, who nodded as he rose from his position on the couch. “I’ll get it. How are the cupcakes coming, ladies?”

  She spun with a flourish as she set the last one down. “Done.” She was bummed that Katie wasn't here, but she’d promised that her last minute change of plans was important…

  Rhys and Luc had made their way back inside, and Rhys followed Milo to the front door while Luc was back to examining the personalized baubles on the Christmas tree. Mary and Serena joined him. “Oh look, I’m here, too!” Mary cried happily at spotting her bauble. “Of course you are, Mare. You’re like a sister to me, you know that!” she declared, noticing that silence had fallen at the front door.

  Milo stepped aside to reveal Jett - with Anders at the door. Jett stepped inside and he and Milo talked quietly as they joined everyone. Rhys and Anders stared at one another, neither making a move to talk or walk - or fight for that matter, so that was something. At the same time, they each took a step toward the other and then exchanged a long hug, thumping on each other’s back in that way that men do. Then they shook hands and both broke into grins as they walked toward the rest of them.

  To her surprise, Anders pulled her in for a hug as well after exchanging another back- thumping hug with Luc. Mary seemed stunned again, he was the last member of Misery she had to meet and her starstruck expression was fixed firmly on her face again. Serena stomped on her foot lightly, and her face returned to normal.

  “I’m happy you’re here, Anders. Really fucking ecstatic actually!” Rhys announced. “There’s something really big that I’ve been meaning to do and it’ll be great to get your support.” Milo, Luc and Jett lit up with smiles that made the lights on the Christmas tree seem dim as Rhys slid down on to one knee and took her hands in his, staring up at her with bright, insanely beautiful eyes.

  Her breath hitched and her heart stopped. What now? Was he… No! He couldn't be!

  “Serena, my princess, my angel, my love. That first time I went down on my knees for you, I hadn’t been planning to, the idea came to me in that moment staring at you over that kitchen counter and it just felt right. Felt right just like every day feels with you, and I think a part of me knew even in that moment that you are the love of my life. I knew deep down inside that something was happening, changing, in me. My heart nearly stopped when you said yes, and every day that you have said yes to being with me after that brought light to my black soul, a love that runs so deep that my heart feels like it’s going to explode with it every time I look at you, and a life filled with joy beyond anything I could ever have imagined. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes, yes of course I will!” she gasped, tears springing to her eyes. He broke into the happiest, widest grin as he slid an ornately designed diamond ring onto her finger and pulled her into a deep kiss that set her body on fire instantaneously. And he wanted to be hers forever!

  “I’m the luckiest girl in the world!” she murmured against his lips as their kiss broke and she became aware of the cheers of their family around them for the first time. “I can’t believe that we’ll get to feel this way forever!”

  He stared into her eyes, still holding their faces close together. “Feel this way forever,” he mused. “That’s actually not a bad name for the new album, maybe it’s finally time we really get into making a new one.”

  Want MORE?

  There’s a little bit more of Rhys and Serena, just waiting for you! Get this bonus story FREE — right now — when you sign up for Vivian’s mailing list! Head to for more info.

  About Vivian Wood

  Vivian likes to write about troubled, deeply flawed alpha males and the fiery, kick-ass women who bring them to their knees.

  Vivian's lasting motto in romance is a quote from a favorite song: "Soulmates never die."

  Be sure to follow Vivian through her Vivian's Vixens mailing list ( or Facebook page (h
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  Vivian’s Works

  Pretend I’m Yours

  The Baby Mission

  His Brother’s Fiancée

  Dr. Hottie


  Hot As Hell

  Wild Hearts

  Bad Boy Prince



  His Virgin

  His Best Friend’s Little Sister

  Claiming Her Innocence

  His To Keep

  Promise Me

  Knocking Boots

  SEAL’s Bride

  SEAL’s Kiss

  SEAL’s Touch

  First Touch

  For more information….




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