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Paradise Encounter

Page 2

by Pepper Anthony

  “Everything okay, Andy?”

  Realizing he’d been standing motionless for some time, he sucked in fresh oxygen, filling his lungs. Come on, fool. All this stalling wasn’t getting the mulch loaded onto her truck. That was the main mission today, after all, to get Maya’s order completed and out to the job site on time. He turned and pushed the cart over to the pickup.

  “Everything’s great,” he said. “This will only take a few minutes to load.”

  She sent him back a smile that would have blinded a lesser man.

  One by one, he strong-armed the slippery plastic bags onto the bed of the truck and then pushed the cart off to the side. Then he lugged the first arborvitae over to the truck. He felt her eyes follow him the whole time. Had it suddenly gotten twenty degrees warmer on the back lot? Perspiration prickled down the center of his back and under his arms.

  “Is there anything I should be doing?” she asked, holding up a small pair of work gloves. “I came prepared.”

  “Not a thing, Maya. You just stand right there and pretty up the place.”

  God help him! Now he was spouting lines from a bad 50s Western!

  As the corny words tumbled unchecked from his mouth, he allowed his eyes to flick over her from top to bottom. She was leaning with her hip against the wheel well of the truck, her gorgeous legs crossed at the ankles. So much smooth brown skin. And what sexy little feet peeked at him from those ridiculous, impractical sandals. “You’re not exactly dressed for it, after all.”

  She laughed. “I told you that on the phone, remember? I guess I’ll just have to leave all the dirty stuff up to you.”

  Their eyes met again, hers shining with naked admiration as they roved boldly over his body. His belly dropped out and his cock snapped to attention. Had she meant that the way it sounded? ‘Cause he could think of all kinds of dirty stuff he’d rather be doing right now, certainly not involving mulch and shrubs. Flushing, he turned away and made quick work of loading the other four pots, then slammed the tailgate closed.

  “There you go. All set.” He stepped back and took his gloves off. With his hand barely grazing her elbow, he walked her around to the driver’s side of the cab. “There will be plenty of guys at the site to unload you, right?”

  “I guess so.” She looked uncertain as she put her fingers on the door handle. She hesitated a moment, dropping her gaze, then looked up again from under the fringe of her thick, black lashes. “You wouldn’t consider driving me, would you? I did have a little trouble with the pedals on the way over.” Her lashes fluttered. “These heels, you know?”

  Andy’s heart thudded and took off at a gallop. Granted, it had been awhile since he’d been in this close proximity to such a sexy woman, but he was pretty sure he was reading her signals correctly: she was coming on to him, no doubt.

  Confirming his thoughts, Maya took a step forward and put her hand on his arm. He caught a heady whiff of her perfume. When he looked down into her face she smiled up at him in a way he’d only fantasized about.

  Or was he just imagining that?

  And what about now? Was he just imagining that she’d taken another step and was pressing herself up against him, tipping her head back and amping up her lazy, come-hither smile? His whole body went into emergency mode, thigh muscles tensing, blood rushing to his face…and other places. No doubt she could feel how hard his cock had gotten, jutting there against the curve of her belly.

  “Uh, Maya?”

  “Yes, Andy?” Another sexy smile. And yeah, she was snuggling right up to him, her lush body like a sleek, soft cat’s. If possible, his cock got even harder.

  His arms seemed to go around her of their own volition.

  The truck blocked whatever view of them someone might have from the front part of the nursery, and the gate was closed behind them. What was stopping him from taking what she was offering?

  At the moment he couldn’t think of one damn thing.

  Raw energy surged through him as he pulled her up hard and lowered his lips to hers. It wasn’t a shy or awkward kiss. All the longing he’d stored up over the past months flowed through him, translating into simple, potent sexual passion. Her lips opened willingly beneath his and she made a desperate little sound that told him she liked what he was doing. Her mouth was sweet and plump and yielding, her tongue firm when it met his. She tasted faintly of vanilla. He slid his tongue deeper, thrusting and exploring.

  As his mouth took full possession of hers, he splayed his hands wide on her back. Her warmth pulsed against his palms through the thin fabric of her dress. He felt the soft ridge of her bra strap. She moaned as his fingers played there, and her scent trapped him in a stupefying swirl, stealing any ability he might have had to pull away.

  It was Maya who tilted her head back first, breaking the kiss with a little gasp. Their gazes locked, hot and needy, the air punctuated by the ragged sounds of their breathing. Her breasts rose and fell where they still pressed against him, and his cock throbbed with the primitive urge to take things further.

  She put one hand to her lips and looked up at him with wide eyes.

  “Oh my,” she said.

  He stood frozen for a few seconds, at war with the passion still steamrolling through him. He hadn’t felt a reaction this strong since junior high when Beth Gardner let him get to second base. Good God, he had almost lost control. He’d wanted nothing more than to fuck Maya Thomas right here in the back lot!

  And from all appearances she would have been a willing partner.

  He let his hands drop away.

  “Maya, I’m – I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened.”

  She was silent for a moment, her clear green eyes studying him. Then she gave him another flirty smile.

  “I do,” she said. And before he knew her intent, she reached down between their bodies and grabbed his erect cock, pressing and rubbing where it strained against his zipper. Renewed heat burst through him. He groaned and captured her fingers. He could hardly believe he was stopping her from doing the one thing his reckless body craved.

  “We really can’t do this.”

  “No? Why not?” She was practically purring, her clever hand continuing to stroke and knead.

  One of them had to keep a clear head. But he didn’t want to offend her either.

  “Look, Maya, I’d love to. And that’s putting it mildly. But Wilson Homes is an important customer of ours. It’s never a good idea to mix business and pleasure, you know? Besides, you’ve got a yard to landscape and I’ve got a nursery to run.” He gestured toward the trees and shrubs surrounding them, all the while finding the situation just too surreal. Was he really turning down his dream girl for hot sex?

  Her bottom lip protruded ever so slightly.

  “Does that mean you won’t drive me over to the house either?” Her fingers began to fiddle with the tab on his zipper. His pulse erupted once more. Again he captured the errant hand in his.

  “I’ll drive you. Yes. Fine. But we unload the truck and then you bring me right back. Agreed?”

  “Okay,” she said, still pretending to sulk.

  He set her away from him and held out his hand. “Keys?”

  He went to the passenger side and held the door open while she climbed in. He made it a point to turn away from the tantalizing view of her perfect legs and ass as she positioned herself on the seat. Then he slammed the door and walked around to the driver’s side.

  * * * *

  Once Andy had closed her door and disappeared around the back of the truck, Maya slumped down in the seat, hitting her forehead sharply with the heel of her hand. What had she just done? This was Handy Andy, her phone buddy, the guy who never failed to be helpful and kind to her when she called with a problem or question. And she’d just made a grab for his cock, for god’s sake. That wasn’t like her at all. What the hell?

  But could you blame a girl? The man was incredibly hot!

  In her wildest dreams she had never pictured him looking the way he did,
something along the lines of Ryan Reynolds’ darker-haired brother. How was that fair, taking her unaware like that? And especially since it had been a long, dry three months since she’d been with a man. Watching the flex of Andy’s tanned muscles as he moved the mulch, smelling the scent of clean sweat and warm male body had definitely reawakened her sexual side. That he had responded initially only made things harder – she smiled at her own pun – and the kiss they’d shared had been amazing. The man certainly knew what to do with his mouth. She couldn’t help wondering just how far south his expertise extended.

  But of course what Andy had said made sense. Maintaining a good business relationship was critical to them both. Even casual hookups could get messy. And she’d hate having to explain to Junior why they suddenly had to find a new landscape nursery.

  She had to fix this.

  She turned toward him as he pulled open the door and got in.


  “Hmm?” He settled on the seat and turned the key in the ignition, keeping his eyes on the dash board controls. His cheeks were still faintly pink. The sudden rumble of the big truck’s engine made conversation difficult.

  “I’m sorry!” She raised her voice above the noise. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  Now he looked over and smiled. He shrugged and began backing the truck up to turn around. “I know what you mean. That wasn’t typical behavior for me either.”

  “Can we start over?”

  “Okay. Sure.” With an expression of obvious relief, he threw her a grin. Then he seemed to notice the interior of the cab for the first time. He stopped the truck and pulled a folded red kerchief from his back pocket. “Here. Sit on this. It’s clean, and you don’t want to ruin your dress on these filthy seats.”

  “Too late,” she said, but she took the kerchief and did her best to slide it under her body. Derek never would have thought of that. To be honest, no guy she’d ever dated would have thought of it. Andy was one of a kind.

  He reached down and fingered a small remote on his belt, and the big gate rolled open as they approached it. In a moment they were out on the city street and heading west through the midday traffic.

  Since the noise level was still prohibitive of conversation, she sat back in the corner of the seat and just observed. Trying not to be obvious, she took a detailed inventory. From his scuffed leather work boots to his muscular thighs straining the seams of his jeans, to the beefy arms and chest she’d already admired, the man epitomized the word hunk. Even his profile could only be described as classically handsome. And the fact that he was thoughtful and kind – and could kiss with the kind of soldering heat that joins metals – soon had her squirming on the dusty seat.

  Okay, so he was right. Taking things further wasn’t the smartest idea. But what if somehow they could give in to their desires? She closed her eyes and let her imagination run loose.

  Taking up where the kiss had left off, she envisioned him suddenly pulling the truck off to the side of the road. There in the heat and dust of the cab, he’d pull her against him as if she weighed nothing at all. His hands would claim her body, moving over her with bold assurance. He’d caress her aching breasts until she whimpered and then he’d shove her dress up her trembling thighs, and – .

  Oh Andy! Yes!

  Maya eyes flew open. Whew! Bad idea.

  It was the first time she’d ever felt seriously attracted to a man outside her own race.

  So he’s white. So what? She might take a little teasing from her friends, but they would learn to deal. And her grandmother Bertha, who was raised in Atlanta and still sometimes ranted about “the man”, would just have to get over it.

  Besides, it wasn’t like she was going to marry the guy. Right?

  But there was definitely a major curiosity component going on. After that heated kiss and the way he’d used his hands on her body, she was dying to know what it would be like to go to bed with him. Her pussy was still pulsing at the idea of it. And she was sure the impressive cock she’d fondled would be more than up to the job

  “Which house is it?”

  Andy’s question jarred her from her reverie. She was shocked to realize that they had made the twenty minute trip across town and just passed through the big stone gate to the home show. She shook off her wayward thoughts and pointed down the street.

  “Last one on the right.”

  * * * *

  Five minutes later the truck bed was empty, courtesy of a few of Maya’s burly coworkers. They had swarmed over the truck, hardly letting Andy lift a finger. He leaned against the cab and watched, intentionally staying several feet from where Maya stood. The last thing he needed was the Wilson Homes guys getting wind of what was going on between the two of them.

  Not that anything was going on. He was pretty sure he’d successfully put the kibosh on that scenario. He and Maya just needed to back pedal a bit, and pretend that torrid little scene in the nursery parking lot had never happened. Hopefully, they could go back to being friendly business associates and nothing more.

  Yeah, right. As if his cock wasn’t still as stiff as a stake in his jeans.

  He cleared this throat and sauntered over to her.

  “You about ready to head back?”

  “Oh. Okay.” She seemed surprised. “I was thinking that maybe you’d like to tour the house first. I know I would. I haven’t seen it since the designer finished staging all the rooms.” She smiled at him, all sunny innocence.

  He didn’t have much interest in seeing the inside of the massive model home. He’d pretty much had his fill of house hunting and home décor discussions during his engagement to Danielle. But Maya looked so hopeful he couldn’t say no.

  “Sure. Lead the way.”

  She took a ring of keys from her purse and started down the curved stone pathway that led to the impressive front door.

  “Shoes off, please,” she said as she fitted the key in the lock.

  There was a low wooden bench just outside the door. It took a moment to get his boots off and his socks rearranged. By the time he was ready, she had already slipped out of her sexy little sandals and left them in the tray next to the door. Then she disappeared inside. As he crossed the threshold a moment later, it gave him the oddest feeling to look down and see their shoes alongside each other, his big, soiled boots nudging her dainty heels.

  Inside, the vaulted entry was paneled in rich cherry, and a grand staircase curved up and to the right. To the left, the space opened into a huge formal living room. Maya stood in the middle of the room, arms outstretched. Light from the bank of east-facing windows behind her made her dress diaphanous. He tried not to notice the clearly defined outline of her thighs and hips.

  “Isn’t it something?” Her voice was hushed, reverent. “Sixty five hundred square feet of suburban luxury. Our designer really outdid himself.” She walked to one of the two deep sofas, both of which were upholstered in a sophisticated gray striped silk, and ran her hand over the cushions.

  He shrugged. “Not my style.” Did she have to keep stroking those pillows? He found he could hardly take his eyes off her hands with their sleek red nails, remembering the warm friction of those fingers at his fly.

  “No?” She cocked her head. “Let me guess. You told me once you enjoy camping. Are you more of a log cabin guy?”

  “Not exactly. I live in a Craftsman style home built in 1922. I’ve been restoring it in my spare time.”

  “Really!” She seemed impressed. She left the couch and crossed to the huge fireplace. “How about this? Do you like the granite tile surround and burlwood mantle, or is it too showy?”

  “I like it.” It wasn’t awful. But again, not his taste.

  Now he trailed behind her down a darkened hallway, his eyes gravitating to the alluring sway of her hips. Her voice filtered back to him. “The master is on the main floor in this model. All the kids’ rooms are upstairs. Makes for plenty of privacy for Mom and Dad.”

  He followed her through
the double doors into the dim room, and there she was, standing directly in his path. He pretty much mowed her down.

  They both gasped at the unexpected contact. He registered the soft crush of her breasts against his chest, and her arms, stiff and awkward, coming up to fend him off.

  “Sorry,” he said.

  “Sorry,” she said at the same time. “I was just looking for the light switch.” Then she giggled. It was that soft sound that drew him back to her. And almost before he knew what he was doing, he had her up against the wall there inside the door. She let out a kittenish cry and struggled beneath him for maybe two seconds, and then she melted like soft chocolate, right into his arms.

  Blood roared in his ears as he lowered his mouth and kissed her. This time, it was the barest of contact, lip to quivering lip, in stark contrast to his complete physical command of her. He pinned her shoulders back against the wall, holding her helpless as he brushed his mouth against hers, their sighs and little gasps mingling. She mewled, lifting her chin, exposing the golden column of her throat. He put his lips there and felt the rapid thrum of her pulse, smelled once more the intoxicating perfume from her cleavage.

  He was overcome, unable to stop the forward motion of his desire. He’d never experienced this roller coaster dive with anyone before, this inability to judge and decide. He relinquished any attempt at control and just went with it, claiming her soft mouth again as he skimmed his hands over her breasts. If she had objected, he liked to think he would have had one last scrap of restraint in reserve, enough to push away, straighten her clothes, make some kind of apology. But as he fondled her breasts, she moaned in a way that could only be interpreted as encouragement, and thrust her chest forward to give him better access. His fingers closed over the warm, satin-covered mounds, squeezing and caressing, his thumbs finding just the suggestion of erect nipples beneath the fabric. In response, her tongue quickened in his mouth, as if eager to tell him how much she liked his touch. Still, he had to be sure he was reading her response correctly.

  “I want you, Maya.”

  “Oh, Andy. I don’t want to stop this time.”


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