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Motown Throwdown

Page 15

by K. S. Adkins

Because as I was figuring out, they were all driven by getting pussy. Offer it up and there’s a line around the block. That’s why once I’m done with this shit and had my degree, I knew I could look forward to treating all these idiots for the STDs they’re passing around.

  Meh, something to look forward to.

  He has many names for me.

  Teach when we were kids, Doc as adults and my favorite: Kandace. When he says my name I get chills, no lie. In his deep voice he draws my name out like he isn’t used to saying it. In the quiet of my house, I can hear and feel when his breathing evens out.

  Letting him sleep on me, I take the time to memorize him.

  If you went by looks alone, Rome was a living God. Stunningly handsome and built like a tank. But that stuff fades, it was his core that I cared about. If I were lucky enough to keep him forever, in time, looks would change with age, but it’s the essence of him that would not. I saw it then and I see it now.

  When he jerks in his sleep and tightens his grip, I can feel him tense. He was having a nightmare. Breathing heavy then pushing off of me, he sits up trying to shake the fog.

  “Hey,” I whisper. “It’s okay, you’re safe.”

  “I love you,” he says quietly.

  “I know you do,” I tell him pulling him back down. “Sleep, I’ll be here when you get up.”

  He slept hard.

  I relished having him next to me, breathing into my neck and holding on to me like I was his best secret. I understood it now and I was okay with it. When daylight hit, he was the first to wake. When I rolled over, it was to a single flower and a note.

  Went to get you coffee, love you.

  Stopping myself from crying I force myself up to take a shower. I had just finished rinsing the conditioner when I felt the breeze from the curtain opening.

  “Good morning,” he says stepping in naked pulling my back to his front.

  “Morning,” I moan leaning into him. The way he takes control of me feels so good that I surrender to it.

  “Hands,” he says. Not following I turn to look back at him when he pushes my arms forward placing my palms on the tile. Not a word was exchanged when he parted me and slid in. Maybe I knew he was close by or maybe my body was always ready for his, either way I gave him no resistance. With slow and steady thrusts, I listen to our skin slapping while the water soaks us both. His forearms slid across mine where he then rested his palms over the tops of my hands.

  Looking at the beauty of our skin, I wondered one day if our kids (should we have them) would be light skinned or dark. Personally, I wanted any fictional children to look like their father. He was a beauty that should be replicated.

  “Gonna blow,” he grunts into my ear.

  “Me too,” I moan back.

  And before either of us do, he turns me around and lifts me onto his lap with my legs resting over his thighs and my back against the tile. Biting down, he covers the same spot he bit the night before. That, along with my fingers, triggered my orgasm which triggered his. Slowly sliding back down to find my feet he smiles at me. Honest to God, smiled.

  “No g-spot this time?” he asks lacing his fingers with mine.

  “It’s like the holy grail,” I giggle. “But you found it once, you’ll find it again.”

  “What happened to your wrist?” he asks pulling to his face to inspect it.

  “Nothing,” I whisper trying to pull away.

  “Don’t,” he says firmly.

  “What the fuck cut you?”

  “Nothing cut me,” I assure him. But the hot water certainly made it stand out, always did. “I had my own secrets too, Rome.”

  Shutting the water off and turning my wrist back and forth, he looks from it to me and back to it.

  “Twenty nine,” he says with disbelief. “That was my number, twenty nine.”

  “I know.”

  “When did you do this?”

  “The day you were sentenced.”

  “Why?” he growls at me. “Tell me why!”

  “So you’d always be with me.” I say simply.

  Climbing out the shower he hands me a towel before taking one for himself. Propped up against my sink my bathroom felt like a box. I didn’t do it to upset him, I did it for me never thinking in a million years he’d actually see it.

  “Since high school my number was twenty nine,” he says still rubbing my wrist. “Now I’ve lost my number but I’ve got you.”


  “I’d lose the number again to be standing here in your bathroom.”

  “Twenty nine is a beautiful number,” I tell him. “Years from now when we look back on this we’ll remember that you were twenty nine when we found each other again.”

  “Christ,” he says staring at his feet. “Twenty nine.”

  “It’s a good number,” I tell him dropping the towel.

  “It’s a great number,” he mumbles reaching for me. Sweeping me up and carrying me to my bed, he sets me down and says, “We can fuck later, I’m running to the store then heading home to clean before she gets here tomorrow. Later tonight, that ass is mine.”

  “Wait!” I call out before he clears the door. “Don’t forget the shoe box on the floor!”

  Smirking at me he mutters, “Twenty fucking nine,” and leaves.

  “Your smile is contagious,” she says biting the tip of her pencil. Fuck me, was she flirting or being literal? “But I like your eyes the best. You know you’re good looking so it’s not like I have to point it out, but your eyes, Roman, they tell me a different story.”

  “Yeah? What kind of story are they telling, Teach?”

  “Fiction mostly,” she says not once breaking her stare. “At least I think so. The Roman they see and the Roman I see are two different people. The guy staring at me right now, likes to hide from me but should know by now that he doesn’t have to. That other guy? The one they see? He’s fiction, he’s not real, he’s a character, fake.”

  “The fuck!” I growl at her stealing the pencil from her mouth. This right here is why I’m terrified of her. What female says shit like this? Her, that’s who.

  “This back and forth we’re doing, well you’re doing, is doing more harm than good.” She says breaking the stare. “I just ask that when I’m with you here or hanging out elsewhere that I get this Roman, the real one or I’d rather you find another tutor and part time friend.”

  “I am not fake,” I yell at her. “The hell are you playing at? Let me guess, you’re jealous again?”

  “No,” she sighs. “Okay yes, I am jealous.”

  “I fucking knew it---“

  “I’m jealous because I’m me wherever I go, I never change, I don’t know how. I wish I had the ability to morph into someone else because then you trampling me at your convenience wouldn’t hurt so much.”

  “I trample you?”

  “If you showed them you, the real you they’d love you like I---“ she starts but then bolts from the table.

  “Teach!” I call out for her but she just kept running. A better guy wouldn’t be smiling, I wasn’t that guy.

  Before prison I smiled a lot. Shit, I had a lot of reasons to smile but since then they don’t come as easily. She brings out the best in me and smiling is easy with her but that’s about it. The crew at Lush weren’t overly happy people either, thank fuck. Seriously sarcastic and funny yeah, but rainbows and kittens? No. Tonight though, I was on everyone’s radar when I couldn’t wipe the damn smile off my face.

  Bishop likes being in the loop. Standing next to me by the door, he elbows me and that was all it took because I wanted someone to talk to, someone that would listen and get that this was huge for me. “This is it for me,” I say leaning over for him to hear me. “Ten fucking years, bro, and I finally got her to love me.”

  “No shit,” he says nodding. “Let’s say you could have a re-do, skip the sentence have your career but not have her. Would you take it?”

  I didn’t even have to think about it. “No,”
I tell him honestly. “No, I wouldn’t take the re-do.”

  “Well fuck me in the ass,” he says throwing his hands up.

  “Pass,” I laugh as I reach into my pocket to check my phone.

  Her: does your boss give you breaks?

  Me: yeah why?

  Her: can you take one now?

  Me: yeah why?

  Her: meet me out back and find out

  “Taking my break,” I tell Bishop. “Do me a favor and keep Boss away from the camera out back for a few.”

  “This is bullshit!” he says with no anger. “Say hey to the Doc for me, you know…after.”

  Pushing the door open I look over and see her leaning against the wall. Before I can say anything, she calls me over with her finger and a smile. Wearing only a trench coat and heels my cock started thumping with every step. Grabbing the front of my shirt she pulls me to her and bites the side of my lip.

  “Fuck me,” she demands just before she slides her hands under my shirt and pinches my nipple.

  “Someone could see you,” I groan into her neck.

  “You’ll protect me,” she says sliding her knee between my legs. “Open my coat, Rome.”

  Swallowing hard I loosen the buttons that reveal Kandace in nothing but a black lace slip. No bra, no panties, no fucking problem. “Touch me,” she says pulling me closer. Running my hands up her thighs I have to keep blinking so I don’t miss anything. With her hands sliding inside of my jeans it’s a real struggle to stay focused until I feel how wet she is for me.

  “Have you ever done this before?” she asks breathlessly as I play between her legs.

  “No,” I grunt wanting inside of her. “Fuck, Kandace this is dangerous.”

  “I know,” she says before dropping my jeans low enough to get my cock in her hands. “Take good care of me, Rome, you never know who could be watching.”

  “No one looks at you but me,” I tell her tilting her neck to the side and biting down. “Spread those God damn legs for me.”

  Taking her in was too fucking much. My woman was out back in an alley wearing stilettos wanting to fuck and I wouldn’t be letting her down. “Turn around,” I tell her then when she does I step behind her. “Ask me again,” I order her. “Ask me to fuck you, Kandace.”

  “Come on, Kandace,” Gage says handing the bottle to me. “Just drink it.”

  “It smells like shit,” I say handing it back.

  “It tastes like shit too, that’s the point.” He counters taking a gulp.

  My brother had a house party while our dads were out of town for a conference. There were probably twenty kids from school here. All drunk, all being annoying which wasn’t a stretch. Especially Tre trying to dance with my skeleton model. Ignoring the idiots, I went out back to read by the fire when Gage yelled out to me for help. Dropping the book and running into the kitchen, I see Alexis bleeding all over the floor.

  “She cut herself on the bottle that broke,” he explains quickly.

  “Rinse her hand in cool water, not cold Gage, cool. I’ll be right back.”

  Doing as he was told, I ran into my room and gathered my supplies. Since I was in first grade I loved fixing people up and outside of needing a script, we never went to the doctor. I was the doctor. With the crowd watching and Alexis squealing I sewed her up, gave her instructions and went back outside to finish my book.

  “Thanks, sis,” he says a while later. “You are one hell of a doctor.”

  “Thanks,” I say smiling up at him. “I’ll stay close so when dads get home and cut you, I can minimize the bleeding.”

  College felt like a lifetime ago but sometimes I felt like that kid again, the one who always wanted to do reckless things but didn’t because she had bigger plans. Since then, I’ve come out of my shell a bit. Nothing quite like this however, but I needed to be a little careless for once. Do something I’ve always wanted to do but never had the cajones to do it.

  Now with him surrounding me, protecting me, and wanting me, I knew this was the right decision. Calling in a favor to Jules (which she happily agreed to), showing up here half naked and in my hooker heels no less, my plan was to seduce him on his break. In many ways he was still that boy in college who took what he wanted but he’s admitted that he didn’t need game to get it. What he offered then girls wanted without him having to say or do anything.

  Part of me wanted to show him the art of seduction. The benefits of it and I felt bad that he missed out on learning it like the rest of us did with time and experience. But with his mouth near my ear, with my legs spread and his fingers inside of me I realized some people came by seduction naturally.

  Rome was one of those people.

  Me? I had to learn it the hard way. That was okay, because by doing so gave me the confidence to ask him to fuck me in the back alley of Lush.

  Scooting me back, raising my ass up and getting in position behind me he did exactly that. With his big hands on my shoulders to keep me steady, pulling my slip up around my waist, he slid inside of me with a firm thrust and a loud grunt. Being taken outdoors was amazing, beautiful, and addictive. With no sounds except for the traffic in the distance, it was our skin slapping, our moans and the bass from inside the club surrounding us.

  Knowing I was close, I took one hand from the wall and slid it between my legs to get me there. Arching some and resting my head on the front of his chest he started grunting all sorts of filthy words into my ear and it sent me even higher. “Pull my hair,” I beg him. When he does it wins a moan from me so I push him even further. “Spank my ass, Rome.”

  Wasting no time, he lifts my coat and the second the air hits my skin so does his palm. “Oh God,” I groan biting my lip.

  “You like that?” he asks and does it again.

  “Mhmm,” I moan working myself even faster. “I’m going to come, Rome,” I announce loud and proud. “Lift me up like before,” I beg him.

  “You like your ass in my hands? My cock deep in that pussy?”

  “Fuck yes,” I groan gripping his shoulders letting the brick do the rest of the work.

  “This belongs to me,” he says hitting the right spot. “I own it.”

  Nodding vigorously I stay in synch with him until he starts to falter which meant he was close too. “Tell me you love me,” I order him. “Tell me how much.”

  Then with a few final thrusts only a man his size could manage he yells out his release and his answer. “I love you!” he yells arching back. “More than my own fucking freedom,” he growls as he grinds into me. “More than fucking anything, Kandace,” he whispers still holding me up. Resting my head on his shoulder, I stroke the side of face with the back of my hand and whisper back,

  “I love you so much, I would have waited forever.”

  Slowly sliding me back down to my heels, he steadies me then adjusts my coat. “Where’d you park?” he asks after kissing me. “Behind the dumpster,” I say absently because I preferred kissing to talking. Walking me over, he opens my door, gets me inside and adjusts my belt before handing me a key.

  “My place,” he says with a smile. “Be ready for me when I get home.”

  Blowing him a kiss I start to close my door when he stops me. “Thank you,” he says quietly.

  “You’re welcome,” I say closing my door. Then like always, I could feel his eyes on me as I drove away. Once I was safely back to his place, I let myself in and totally snooped around. He had a cozy sectional, pictures of his grandparents, a killer sound system and a giant fluffy bed. Spending time in his room, I get lost looking at his book shelf, CDs and trophies. What really got me though, were the pictures of me next to his bed.

  Opening his drawers I was shocked to see that there was no industrial size box of condoms. For a split second I panicked about us not using anything but dialed it back down. I’ve been on the shot for years, I’d be fine, I had to be. When my phone buzzes, I check it and see he’s headed home early.

  If I had to bet, Jules gave him the rest of the night

  When you called in a favor to Jules, she really pulled through, but I know her and guarantee she did it so she could call in her own favors with me later. If this kind of stuff was my pay off for helping her out, I had no problems with house calls.

  Rome knew he missed out on a lot of stuff being locked up and what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t help him make up for lost time? Running into his living room, I did exactly that.

  He could thank me with orgasms.

  It was rare that I ran late but I had to meet with my counselor today and couldn’t help it. Moving on without me she had her iPod on and was humming again. Standing in the aisle behind her, I was happy to watch and listen like everyone else was. Teach’s humming was so God damn beautiful I wanted to know what her singing voice sounded like.

  When the song ended she looked up and caught me staring. She didn’t freak out or get embarrassed about it, instead she just smiled and said, “Hi, Roman.” That was the thing about her, when she knew she was sure about something she didn’t shy away from it. Which always brought me back to why she shied away from me.

  I cleared the door at work and had Bishop, Jules, and Venessa giving me a standing ovation. Rogan was just giving me the finger. When I started to get pissed, Jules punched me in the shoulder and said, “Relax, she called before she got here. No one saw a thing.”

  “Yeah, but did you?”

  “Ask Max tomorrow,” she winks walking away. ”Oh and Rome? Go home, you’re of no use to me tonight.” Not having to be told twice, I hauled ass back to Kandace. Walking in, I was blown away by her, first; and why she did it, second. “You’re home!” she squeals jumping into my lap. “Keep dancing,” I tell her after kissing her and setting her down. “I want to watch.” Kicking my shoes off, I can’t take my eyes off of her singing and dancing for me in my living room. After a few minutes of doing it solo, she comes to me swinging her hips and holding her arms out.

  “Dance with me, baby,” she says pulling me up to my feet.

  I am not ashamed to admit I had an hour long dance party with my woman in my living room. I twirled her, dipped her and even spanked her ass a few times. I’ve never done this before and she knew it. She did this, for me.


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