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The Forever Ones (The Iduna Project)

Page 16

by DeLuca, Marjorie

  “Looks like there’s some pretty high voltage going through there,” he says, backing away.

  “So we shouldn’t take any chances,” I say. “We need to take a leap and clear that fence or we’ll be fried.”

  We join hands to get the Iduna power flowing through us and afterwards we line up at a point that gives us a good run. Sileas goes first, taking off a foot before the fence and leaping high up in the air then showing off with a small somersault. Ida follows and like the graceful gymnast she is, clears it with at least two feet to spare. Sileas catches her on the other side. I go next feeling the power drive my legs upwards in a breathless whoosh as if my body has no weight. I land winded and excited on the other side. Chale is so tall he can probably step over it but he takes a run and sails over, his knees tucked upwards towards his chin. He lands right beside me, his arms up in the air. Now we’re waiting for Junius who seems to be stalling – running on the spot and then stretching his legs.

  “C’mon man,” says Sileas. “You can do it.”

  Junius nods and backs up a few feet. He stares at the fence as if he’s wishing it would just dissolve then takes a big long run but he gets no height when he launches himself and it looks as if he’s going to run right into it when Chale lunges forward and grabs his arm then yanks him upwards with all the strength he has. They land on the other side, tumbling into a tanged heap.

  “What the hell happened?” says Sileas.

  Junius groans and rolls flat onto his back. “Thanks man,” he says as Chale stumbles up onto his feet. “It’s like the power suddenly left me. Don’t ask me why.”

  “You OK?” I ask, helping Chale to pull him up. “You almost got tangled up with that fence.”

  “Just a little sore in the shoulders,” he says, brushing himself off. “Sorry guys.”

  We all shake our heads and tell him not to be worried but I feel a nagging sense that something’s not quite as it should be. Maybe Junius isn’t exactly the person he says he is. I’m just considering that troubling thought when Chale yanks me back into the bushes.

  “Quit dreaming,” he whispers. “ARP security approaching and you’re a sitting target.


  I peek out to see the red and black uniforms of three guards. The girl from last night and two new guys. They’re patrolling the perimeter and chatting at the same time. About two hundred yards away from us they stop and one of the guys, a muscular giant with shaved head and stubbly chin, takes out a pack of cigarettes and offers it to the others.

  “They actually smoke?” whispers Ida and Sileas shushes her, putting a hand over her mouth.

  “Jeez – after Bren got burned last night I need one,” says the girl, her sandy hair tied in a long pony tail that hangs down her broad back. “And I don’t even smoke.”

  “Poor guy just qualified for serum benefits,” says shaved head taking a long drag. “If I catch the sonofabitch that did it I’ll cut them in two from scalp to toes.

  “I’d be out there fighting the Crime Lords if it wasn’t for that lying bitch and her boyfriend,” says the other, a red-haired guy with a snake tattoo on his wrist. “Now we have to sit around this god-forsaken dump all day.”

  “Yeah and I was looking forward to a bit of action,” says shaved head.

  “Gina’s got some vodka back at the pool,” says the girl.

  “Sounds like a plan,” says red hair. “Nobody’s gonna be around for the rest of the day. Feeder pod’s closed until the battle’s over.”

  “We could have our own little feeder session,” says the girl. “There’s plenty of serum to go around. We’ll have a few shots before we go to the pool. I mean I don’t wanna wait until next year for it – the wrinkles are already starting to spread around my eyes.”

  “Lara - you got the right idea,” says shaved head. “They cut me out of the action – I get even.”

  They throw the butts into the bushes, narrowly missing Junius’s eye and start back in the direction of headquarters, laughing and elbowing each other as they go.

  “Where do they recruit these morons from?” asks Chale standing and stretching his legs.

  “Just makes our job easier,” I say, dusting off some stray ash. “Now we need to locate the weapons storage.”

  It’s hard to believe the entire pod has been left in the hands of three incompetent guards but as we sneak around the perimeter nobody challenges us. We make sure to keep a cautious eye on headquarters as we check out the other buildings. One small shed opens up to reveal shelves of food. Boxes and cans and bags full of everything from spaghetti to beans and protein powders. We fill our pockets with protein bars and grab some water and juices.

  “No wonder these guys are so big,” says Sileas. “But where’s all this stuff coming from?”

  “It’s not on the Realtown menu,” I say. “So it’s gotta be coming from somewhere outside – past the mountains.”

  The next building is a curved golden structure with no visible windows but out front are two large flagpoles flying the gold Iduna flag. They flank a huge steel door.

  “The stronghold that protects the empire,” says Junius. “But how the heck do we get in?”

  Just as we’re skirting the silvery perimeter looking for an opening, there’s a massive boom and orange streaks of fire tear across the sky.

  “Battle’s on,” says Sileas, shoving his hand into his pocket where the laser is. “We gotta get hold of more weapons.”

  We check out every inch of the wall until we come across a series of narrow vents that look like some kind of air exchange system but the opening is so small Ida and I are the only ones with a chance of fitting through there.

  “Okay,” I say, taking off my backpack. “I’ll give it a try. You coming too, Ida?”

  She pulls back. “There’s a lot of things I can do but stick me in a tiny confined space and my body shuts down,” she says, shaking her long pony tail. “Sorry Paige – I’d just put you in danger as well.”

  I can’t believe I’m hearing her right. “You should’ve said something to Kumaresh before you joined this whole thing,” I say taking a quick swig of water. “I understood we had to be prepared for any situation.”

  Sileas jostles forward. “C’mon, Paige. Don’t give her a hard time. Better you find out now than when you’re halfway down some shaft and she freaks out.”

  “I guess,” I say, crouching down towards the vent.

  “I’d come with you if I could fit,” says Chale, ducking his head instinctively as another huge blast rips shakes the ground somewhere out beyond the city sending fire, smoke and dust shooting into the air.

  “Okay with the heroics,” says Junius. “We’ve got one chance here and we need to take it. Chale and Ida - you keep an eye here while me and Sileas take the front door just in case you can get out that way. Bring whatever weapons you can lay your hands on.”

  I take a deep breath and lower my feet into the vent trying not to think of the possibilities. I could be heading straight towards a furnace or some kind of massive fan system that would mangle me into little pieces. I could fall right into a roomful of security guards just waiting with weapons ready for someone like me to drop in. For now though, everything’s quiet and there’s actually a small ladder at first – probably for maintenance of whatever system this happens to be.

  It’s a tight squeeze and I have to work hard not to let those fingers of anxiety tighten around my throat. I’d soon start hyperventilating and then I’d be well and truly stuck, so lowering myself down rung by rung I gradually gather speed until my foot reaches out and finds nothing, I overbalance and soon I’m tumbling like a packed garbage bag down a chute, bumping from one side of the tunnel to the other. Down and down, round and round for what seems like ages until I smash backwards up against a wide metal grille. Apart from a sore shoulder and a bruised butt I’m winded though unharmed. I take a minute to collect myself then maneuver myself around to see where I’ve landed up. Looking down I see a cavernous room fi
lled with whirring machines. This must be some kind of air quality control centre. Probably necessary for proper storage of sensitive weapons.

  I put both hands on the grille and focus with all my energy, pushing as hard as I can until the metal grating bursts out of its holder and clatters to the floor below. If there’s anyone down here they should be here in minutes after that racket. After a few minutes there’s no movement so I let myself out of the vent, crawling onto the top of a large ventilator unit then, knees bent and arms swinging, I leap down to the floor.

  The air is icy cold in here and so dry my hair’s almost standing on end. When I touch the door handle my hand pulls back at the prickly blue sparks of static. I let myself out of the room into a long, curved hallway that seems to have no corners and just keeps winding and winding like a coiled-up rope towards some kind of centre. I feel like I’ve landed right at the edges of a giant snail shell. Along the way I come across a small door marked Staff. I turn the handle slowly and push the door open bit by bit until I’m inside a storage room with two rails on either side. Red and black uniforms hang there like silent ghosts so I dive in and rummage through the racks until I find one that looks like it would fit, though I’m a bit shorter than the average security guard. At least if someone’s around I stand some chance of getting away with it.

  Checking to see that nobody’s around, I get back into the winding hallway, slowed down a bit by the stiff fabric of the uniform. I keep wondering when the heck this passage to nowhere will end and I’m just considering heading back when the blank walls change into transparent ones and I know I’m at the centre of something. Through the glass I can make out row upon row of winding shelves just stacked with all kinds of gold and silver gadgets. Laser weapons and others I’ve never seen before. So many left over after they’ve sent an entire army out to meet the Crime Lords. This must be just one of many massive stockpiles of firepower. No wonder this whole organization is an island in the middle of nowhere. Nobody from the outside can get near it without being blasted to oblivion. Now if I can only get through the glass partition I can get my hands on enough lasers to equip the six of us and any others that Kumaresh brings from the compound.

  I look for a door but see nothing resembling one. I’m contemplating doing my smashing the glass trick when I hear footsteps coming along the hallway. In panic I look around for cover but there’s nothing. No way out. The footsteps come nearer. I’ll have to bluff my way out but I hope it isn’t any of the guards from last night because then I’ll be done for.

  I head back towards the uniform room when a stocky brown haired guard appears in front of me. He stops dead in his tracks.

  “Didn’t see you come in,” he says frowning and looking me up and down. “Matter of fact I’ve never seen you before.”

  I tell myself to keep calm – just bluff it. “Er – they brought me in last night from Central. Extra precautions after that attack.”

  “I didn’t hear nothing about that,” he says, taking out a phone. “Think I’ll check with headquarters.”

  “You won’t find anyone there – Lara took the guys to the pool,” I blurt quickly. “Gina’s got vodka.”

  He pauses to think. “Does she now?”

  “Matter of fact, I was thinking of going there too but I didn’t wanna be odd girl out,” I say, cringing inside at the thought of a swimming party with this guy.

  He has blonde eyelashes that give his eyes a strangely naked look. “Well – I could keep you company,” he says. “Wanna head over there?”

  “I just have to do a final check here then I can meet you back in the coffee room. Gotta freshen up too,” I say, putting on my cheesiest smile.

  He slaps the side of his thigh with a broad red hand. “I just knew it was gonna be a good day,” he says, grinning from ear to ear. “Anyway - what’s your name.”

  “Lynette,” I say, thinking of the first regular name I can.

  “Niiiiiice,” he says, turning to leave. “”I’m Cal. Tell you what - I’ll put a fresh pot of coffee on for us, Lynette. Don’t be too long.”

  His footsteps echo down the corridor and I fall back against the wall breathless. I wipe my sweating palms down my leg and wait till there’s total silence. I hope he doesn’t see Junius and Sileas at the front door but I can’t worry about them right now. I have a job to do.

  I feel my way along the glass wall trying to find some kind of sensor or panel that might give me a way in. Then I find it. A flickering pinpoint of red light. Nothing happens when I wave my hand over it and press. Maybe there’s a key in the uniform. I feel in the pockets. Nothing. Then I check the sleeve and sure enough there’s some kind of raised marking by the wrist. I hold it up to the light and gasp as the screen slides soundlessly open. I have to work quickly otherwise Cal’s going to get impatient waiting for me.

  It’s cool inside the weapons room and completely silent as I scan the shelves for some kind of carrying case. I find one I can handle on the lowest shelf. Next I look for lasers just like the one Sileas has. I grab a dozen of them, placing them carefully inside the case. There are other weapons but I have no idea what they are. Some are labeled so I grab two larger laser rockets. When I test the case I can just about manage it without too much effort so I snap it shut and walk further around the dimly lit room. Round the corner, illuminated in glass cases are massive guns, some with wheels and others that look like giant rockets. I’ll know where to come if we need more.

  Waving my arm over the sensor, I grab the case and make my way back. Round and round the winding hallway until my head is dizzy and my arm aches. Now I need to find the front door. I come to the fan room but there’s no way I can get out that way. The vent is way too steep. Which way to go? I have two choices. I take the first long hallway and end up at a blank metal wall so I try the other direction. I’m breathing in short gasps. The case is so heavy. What if there’s no way out? What if you need a key? We couldn’t see any visible door when we were looking outside. I could be stuck in here until Cal comes back for me. And then what?

  The hallway suddenly opens up on a huge lobby three stories high. Each level has a balcony with offices along it. This must be the front of the building. I search around for a door in the curved metal wall and run like crazy when I see another blinking sensor light. With one swipe of my sleeve a small door slides open and daylight dazzles me. I stand there blinking like a blind woman, my arm weighed down with the case, when I hear Junius.

  “The case, Paige, over here.”

  I look across to the bushes and see him hidden among the leaves. Sileas steps out from the cover of the bush and reaches his hand out to help me when there’s a loud yell.

  “Freeze, right there asshole,” says Cal, running from the central headquarters. “Leave her alone.”

  I freeze – unsure of what to do when a flash of green fire blasts from Sileas’s gun, missing Cal and slicing the flagpole near the front door. Before I can do anything the massive pole cracks and falls just as Cal shoots a blast of laser fire that burns down the middle of Sileas’s chest. He falls to the floor screaming at the same time the pole crashes down on Cal’s head crushing him to the ground. I drop the case to the floor and run to Sileas just as Junius gets to him and retch at the stench of burning flesh. I have to turn away from the sight of Sileas’s charred body. We’re too late to save him. He’s dead.


  I’m sobbing so hard Junius grabs me by the shoulders which by now are shaking like crazy. I gulp and swallow at the air unable to stop seeing the image of Sileas’s burning body.

  “Paige – Paige – we have to get out of here,” says Junius but it feels like I’m locked in a jar and his voice is coming from outside. I’m shaking my head. No – no – we can’t leave him but Junius grabs the case from me and drags me away. Round to the back of the building where Chale and Ida are waiting, their faces tight with fear. I fall back against the shiny wall and cough until I feel my insides hurting.

  By now Junius has told the o
ther two what happened and now Ida’s crying and Chale stuffs his fist into his mouth to stop himself. Junius’s face is as white as the shirt he’s wearing, his coppery eyes frantic.

  “We knew this would be dangerous,” he says. “If Sileas had just waited instead of stepping out into the open…”

  “He was trying to help me,” I gulp. “The case was heavy.”

  “I can’t believe he’s gone,” says Chale. “I never thought any of us could die.”

  Ida’s just quiet. Frozen with grief and shaking her head.

  “Just shows how vulnerable we all are,” says Junius. “But we gotta pull ourselves together. If those other guards heard the noise they’ll be back here before we know it.”

  “And we’re just gonna leave Sileas there?” I say, glaring at Junius.

  “Let’s at least pull him under a tree or something,” says Chale. “We can’t leave him in the open.”

  Junius and Chale head back around to the front while Ida and I follow. I’m still clutching the weapons case. I hold Ida back when we come across Sileas’s burned body, then I put my arms around her shielding her from the sight. The two guys dash out into the open and I see Chale double up and retch. Once he recovers they each take a foot and drag the body into the bushes. Grabbing loose twigs and branches they cover it as best they can and we gather around the small mound for a moment in complete silence except for occasional sobs from Ida and I.

  “He saved my life,” I say, my head bowed. “I couldn’t stand to think of him lying out there alone.

  “He was such a kind guy,” says Ida, dissolving into tears again. “And so caring. I’ll feel lost without him.”

  “Sileas was a fighter,” says Junius. “And committed to this mission.”

  “Yeah – an all-round good guy,” says Chale. “Rest in peace, brother.”

  But after another moment of silence Junius looks edgy. “We need to get these weapons to Kumaresh and the others,” he says just as another explosion rips into the air. “They should make contact any time now so we have to be ready. If everything goes right we can storm the feeder pod tonight and free all those kids.”


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