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Darling Monster

Page 53

by Diana Cooper

  in London, 35-6, 52, 53, 59, 87, 98-9

  DC considers the future of, 102

  in Bognor, 111, 113, 115, 117, 120, 239, 240 and n31

  good relationship with DC, 461

  brief references, 158, 203, 230, 241, 274-5, 311, 325, 340, 479

  Wade, Muriel, 215

  Wadey see Wade, Kate

  Wagner, Richard

  Die Meistersinger, 257

  Siegfried Idyll, 342

  Tristan and Isolde, 262

  The Walkyrie, 262

  Wagons-Lit company (Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lit), 261-2, 356, 378

  Waikiki Beach, 135

  Wake, 148

  Wakefield (née Marler), Daphne, 46, 244, 470

  Wakefield, Mr, 46

  Waldeners, the, 336-7

  Walker, Mrs, 277 and n34, 296

  Wallace, Barbie, 56 n50, 58

  Wallace, Billy, 59, 479

  Wallace, Euan, 56n50, 60, 471

  Wallis see Windsor, Wallis, Duchess of

  Walpole, Letty, 314

  Walsh, Leonardo, 291, 292, 296, 298, 300, 474

  Walston, Katherine (Graham Greene’s mistress), 410 and n13, 435 and n26

  Walton, William, 249

  War Cabinet, 47, 140

  Ward, Mr, 322

  Warner, Mr and Mrs Jack, 28

  Warner, Rex, 240, 392-3

  The Aerodrome, 392

  Warner Brothers, 28

  Warner’s Theatre, London, 40

  War Office, 43

  War Savings Certificates, 54

  Warwick House, 230

  Washington, 17-19, 21, 98, 134

  Washington (ship), 32

  Waterfall, Mr, 153

  Watson, Colonel, 127, 128

  Waugh, Evelyn (Mr Wu), 46, 103, 178, 226, 229-30, 232-3, 234, 236, 237, 251, 382, 383, 385-6, 436, 453, 459

  Helena, 431

  The Loved One, 234 and n16

  Wavell, Sir Archibald, 147, 148 and n12, 150

  Weiller, Paul-Louis (P.L.; P.L.W.; Multimillionaire; Sugar Daddy)

  DC dines with, 333

  on trip to North Africa, 337, 344, 345, 349, 352-3, 354, 355, 358, 359, 360

  the Windsors rent a house from, 379, 380

  attends party at Maxim’s, 390, 391

  and events of La Grande Semaine, 392

  DC comments on the child in him, 432

  and Eisenhower’s visit, 434

  gives mink coat to DC, 450-1

  brief references, 413, 433n18, 452 and n52, 460

  Welfare, Billy, 124 and n13

  Welles, Orson, 197, 301, 460

  Wellington, New Zealand, 147

  Wellington, Duke of, 183

  Wells, H.G., 60, 61, 74, 79, 102, 428

  The New Machiavelli, 60

  Westbury Manor, 31, 83

  JJN describes schooldays at, 12

  Western Avenue, London, 89

  West House see Bognor Regis

  West Indies, 260, 290

  Westminster, Loelia, Duchess of, 77, 88, 474

  Westminster Hospital, 86

  Wetherby, 262

  Weymouth, Lady Daphne, later Marchioness of Bath see Bath, Daphne, Marchioness of (Lady Weymouth)

  Wharton, Captain Eric, 173 and n21

  Whistler, Laurence, 314 and n45

  Whistler, Rex, 45-6, 71, 99, 176 and n24

  White City, 51

  White House, 17, 18

  White’s Club, London, 3, 229

  Whitty, May, 404

  Wiborg, Mary Hoyt (Hoytie), 199, 472

  Wilde, Oscar, 324, 383

  Wilder, Thornton, 240 and n34

  William IV, King, 6

  Williamsburg, 19

  Willingdon, Lord and Lady, 86

  Wilkie, Wendell, 91 and n20, 105, 106

  Willow (dog), 383, 384-5, 403, 404, 417-18

  Wilson, Natasha, 283

  Wilton, 306-8, 381, 383-4

  Wilton’s restaurant, London, 232

  Wimborne, Lord, 214, 362

  Windsor, 162

  Windsor, Duke of, 49 and n35, 333, 334, 379, 423-4, 430, 440-1, 442, 443-4, 460

  Windsor, Wallis, Duchess of, 332, 333, 334, 379, 380, 423, 424, 430, 440-1, 442, 443

  Winslow Boy, The, 285, 299, 301

  Winston see Churchill, Winston

  Wodehouse, P.G., 188 n7, 463

  Wodehouse, Mrs P.G., 188 n7

  Woodford, 50

  World’s Fair, New York, 15 and n4, 16, 17

  Wormwood see Gaulle, General Charles de

  Wu, Mr see Waugh, Evelyn

  WVS (Women’s Voluntary Service), 185

  Wyndham, Dick, 230

  Wynne see Godley, Wynne

  Yey, Mr, 149

  YMCA canteen, 43 and n23, 59, 82, 86

  Young, Terence, 204

  Youngstown, 22

  Youssopoff, Felix, 405

  Yugoslavia, 175

  King and Queen of, 309

  Zanuck, 309

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  Epub ISBN: 9781448139118

  Version 1.0

  Published by Chatto & Windus 2013

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  Lady Diana Cooper letters © Estate of Lady Diana Cooper, 1939–52

  John Julius Norwich letters © John Julius Norwich, 1940–50

  Editorial material © John Julius Norwich, 2013

  Lady Diana Cooper has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work, and John Julius Norwich as its editor

  First published in Great Britain in 2013 by

  Chatto & Windus

  Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road,

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  ISBN 9780701187798




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