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The Adventures of Mark Spinner - The Detective

Page 8

by I. T. Eren

  This time, his meeting with the councilor was much more open and sincere when compared to the previous ones. Perhaps, the old man was seeing him as someone who belonged to the crew since Mark had already successfully completed the first phase. Mark felt both excited and nervous because he would start traveling in time the next day.


  The next day, Mark was more nervous than he thought he would be on his way to the Security Headquarters. He felt as if his feet were moving backwards. When he finally reached his destination, he met an individual, who was in charge of preparing Mark for the time travel.

  “Good morning, Mr. Spinner. My name is Sydney. I’ll be preparing you for the travel,” the man said. “You may keep your regular clothes on when entering the time travel machine. Come on, let’s head over to the machine now.”

  Sydney was much more amicable than the other officers. Mark was surprised that such a young person could take part in this project. When Sydney let Mark into the room where the time machine stood, Mark was astonished that he had never known that this huge place existed, especially as it was accessible from a room he often passed by.

  The time machine was a capsule made of glass that looked a lot like his bathroom shower; it had no resemblance to any he had seen in science fiction movies. Sydney told him it is important not to have any open wounds or any wet spots on your body when you entered the machine because there was the possibility that your cells would not unite again in the correct way. Later, Mark would find out that they had discovered this by a rather unfortunate incident. Therefore, before he entered the capsule, the experts carefully studied Mark’s entire body. They also told him that he had to inhale a simple solution made of lemon juice to prevent his lungs from being adversely affected. What an unpleasant piece of news! He hadn’t envisioned such risks related to time travel before. When he inhaled the lemon juice, he felt a sharp, almost unbearable pain—first in his nose, then in his lungs. Luckily, the worst of it was over in a minute or so, and then he was ready to enter the time capsule.

  When he was inside with the door shut, he found himself saying all the prayers he knew. The first trial would send him to the previous month to Krispin Square. Since there were always many tourists in that area, Mark, who would probably be looking around in awe and disbelief, would not attract too much attention. They told him that one had to wear suitable clothes that fit the era when traveling to the distant past. But since he would be traveling to the very near past, he could keep his current clothes on. This first trip would last fifteen minutes. He would be beamed to the public restroom in the square. After leaving the restroom and going into the square, he needed to buy a newspaper from a stand in the square, cut out the date, put it in his pocket, and then return to the present time. When he returned to the restroom, he would have to press a button they gave him to inform the headquarters that he was ready to return.

  The maximum callback time in time travel episodes was set as one hour. They placed a chip under Mark’s skin that would tell them where Mark was and also be able to bring him back. If Mark failed to send a signal after one hour had passed, he would be pulled back automatically—after the alarm started ringing at the fifty-eighth second. They would try to find the best location for this to take place. If, at that moment, he were among people, it would cause major chaos. That’s why one of the most important criteria in selecting the agents was having the skills to prevent that sort of risk.

  Everything in the capsule could be beamed to the past. In other words, one could even send a pocket TV to a hundred years ago and create a new era. Or one could be accused of being a sorcerer instead and end up burned to ashes. That’s why the tasks were very simple and clear. It was also why no down time was allowed during the travels. Besides Mark had been told that sending an agent the past and bringing him back cost the state more than the five-year salary of the average state employee. Therefore, the center focused only on solving major problems and refrained from inflating the budget.

  The countdown for Mark finally began. The men around him advised him to keep his eyes closed to keep his stress under control. After hearing the “zero” command in ten seconds, he suddenly felt very dizzy, and his ears started to ring, as if he were in a rollercoaster that was falling down.

  When he opened his eyes again, he was in a public lavatory cabin. His lungs and throat still burned. He felt the natural need to check if all his limbs were in place. He especially checked all of his fingers, just in case. Upon seeing that all parts of his body were safe and sound, he finally felt relief and stepped out of the cabin. He immediately saw the newspaper stand across from the square. He also saw the garden wall where vandalistic tourists had carved their names—just as he was told. He used the remaining ten minutes of time travel to observe the people passing by. After the waiting period ended, he returned to the restroom and pressed the button on the device in his pocket. Then he closed his eyes and waited. He wished he had done all this as if playing out a cartoon, but he knew it didn’t really matter if he had fun since he wouldn’t be able to share it with anyone.

  Mark returned to the time capsule, feeling dizzy once again. While checking again whether all his limbs were in place, he realized that everyone in the room was watching him. They all had smiles on their faces. He felt relieved, once again, upon confirming that his body was in good shape after the travel.

  Someone asked, “So, what were your first impressions?”

  In truth, Mark felt very calm, as if he had been doing this for ages. He told them that he didn’t feel excited and that he didn’t notice anything unusual.

  Mr. Manson, the man in charge of the project, said, “Mr. Spinner, the following experiments will not be as simple as this first one. This was just something to test whether your body would react to time travel or not.”

  Then they did many tests on Mark to make sure he had not suffered any unexpected side effects.

  Although this had been a rather short trip, Mark had the chance to find out much more about this program for detectives. As far as he could understand, the security headquarters was not able to observe what took place in the past. Therefore, they had to depend on what each detective told them. It seemed as if there was no way of finding out quickly whether a detective completed a project successfully or not. In fact, Mark thought that they asked him to carve his name on to the wall, just to make sure that he had been to the past. He could sworn, also, that they had sent someone to Krispin Square to check the wall. And he realized that he thought time travel to the past was more technologically advanced than it really was.

  Actually, because the jobs detectives performed would not be checked in real time, misuse could probably not be prevented. As Mark thought about the implications of this, he started to realize why the detectives received such high salaries. The state had to offer them fantastic opportunities so they would not turn elsewhere.

  Another thing Mark realized was that although the headquarters knew where in the past the detective traveled, the exact location of a detective at any given moment was not known until he returned.

  His next time travel was scheduled for the following week. This time he would be going to ten years earlier and would also be expected to solve a simple problem. Mark was given a list with the details related to the problem and was asked to work on coming up with solutions, at least four days before his trip. He worked on the problem for quite a while and came up with many ideas. After that, he tossed the list aside, thinking that what they were asking him to solve was no big deal. Confident, he now felt he was entitled for some idle time.


  When Mark went to the laboratory for additional tests, he could swear that something extraordinary was happening. People were rushing in the corridors , and some of them looked really tense.

  “What’s going on? Why this commotion?” he asked one of the testers.

  “I don’t know, but Mr. Mallhan has just informed us that today’s test was canceled and that you’re sup
posed to take the day off today.”

  This information made Mark even more curious. “Is Mr. Mallhan here? I’d like to talk to him.”

  Although they told him that Mr. Mallhan was very busy that day and was even expecting a visit from the councilor, Mark was determined to see the guy. So he waited at the center. Luckily he didn’t have to wait long. A few minutes later, he saw Mr. Mallhan hurrying down the corridor. Mark obstructed the passage with his body, not letting Mallhan get away.

  “Mr. Mallhan, good morning.,” he said. “I’ve been told that all tests were canceled for today. Apparently there’s something extraordinary going on. Could you please inform me as well?”

  Trying to look friendly, Mallhan said, “There’s nothing I can share with you right now, Mr. Spinner. Just go home and use this opportunity to have a nice rest.” Unable to insist any further, Mark left for home.

  A few hours later, while spending time in front of the TV , Mark was startled by the phone ringing. It was a secretary from the security headquarters, informing Mark that the councilor was at the center and that he wanted to have a meeting with Mark as soon as possible. Mark immediately got ready and rushed out. In half an hour, he was already at the headquarters.

  He was admitted to the same room, as always. He took a seat to wait for the councilor, as always. Then something strange happened—the councilor came to the room right away, without making Mark wait for ten minutes. This had to be proof that something really unusual was going on!

  The councilor dove right into the topic. He sounded worried. “Mr. Spinner, for the first time in our history, we’re experiencing a breach. The other candidate whom we sent to the past yesterday didn’t return at the designated time. And when we activated the automatic retrieval, we found a kid named John Drek in the time capsule, instead of our man. So we’re sure that Candidate Y took out the chip on his body and attached it to this kid. We’re still searching his home and computer to see if we can get our hands on more information. Our men found out that Y had used his computer to search your name and that he had also spent quite some time in the alumni pages of the elementary school you attended.”

  What he just heard worried Mark a lot, yet couldn’t understand why this was happening. The councilor continued to explain, “Mr. Spinner, through the information we already have, we’re guessing that Candidate Y wants to go back to your childhood and try to eliminate you so that you don’t become his opponent in the future. And we’re trying to decide what to do. We might ask you to help us during this process.”

  Mark couldn’t believe his ears. He said, “You mean this person can go back to my childhood and really get rid of me? How could this happen? You have to do something immediately!”

  The councilor, who was a little offended by the way Mark yelled at him, left the room. As soon as the guy was gone, Mark stood up and started pacing.

  At that moment, Mr. Mallhan entered and said, “Mr. Spinner, we have been sending one of our detectives to the past to your childhood, where you lived, and where went to school. However, we haven’t made any progress so far, as we don’t know to which time period Y went. I have no idea how you can help us, but if you happen to think of something please let us know.”

  Once again Mark started yelling, “Mr. Mallhan, are you saying that this guy can eliminate me and that he’s lost in time at the moment?”

  Mr. Mallhan didn’t reply but just nodded. Then he left the room, after saying, “Let me leave you alone for a while, Mr. Spinner, so that you calm down.”

  Half an hour later Mark was calmer. He found out that the security headquarters had no information as to how and from what time period John Drek had been brought. They told Mark that the kid was really frightened and just cried and asked, “Isn’t this the simulator?” Even though Mark thought this name sounded familiar, he couldn’t remember where he had heard it before. He also didn’t get why the kid was asking about a simulator.

  Two hours later everyone had gathered in the command room for a team meeting. The first one who spoke was Mark. He asked, “Are you still not going to tell me the name of Candidate Y?” He sounded furious. Thankfully, his words made the effect he wanted. First Mark and a few lower-ranked officials were asked to wait outside the room while those in charge held a short but vital session. Eventually they decided to inform Mark at trainer level because of the direness of the situation. In this way, Mark would be able to access much more information than he was allowed before, even if it were just for a set period of time.

  Could Candidate Y be able to go further back in time? They weren’t sure if this was possible. In this case, it would pay off if Mark could remember what he was up to fifteen years ago. But this wouldn’t be easy. After thinking for a while, he decided to give his mother a call.

  Trying to sound as calm as possible, he said to his mother, “Mom, I’d like to ask you something. Do you have any idea as to where I was and what I was doing fifteen years ago?”

  His mother thought for some time before she said, “Weren’t you at that summer camp fifteen years ago today? I’m not sure, but I think that’s where you were.”

  How could have not remembered that? Fifteen years ago, at the beginning of July, he was at camp. That meant the following five days would be the last days of the camp. This knowledge would make this easier, he thought. After thanking his mother and sending greetings to his father, he hung up the phone.

  As soon as he shared this information with Mr. Mallhan, the man decided to send another detective to the past to the summer camp. Mark objected by saying, “I should be the one going there. I can remember exactly what I was doing at the time and act accordingly.”

  When Mr. Mallhan didn’t respond, Mark insisted further. “I want you to authorize me so that I can protect my own past. It wasn’t me who created this situation. What can make it worse than it is now?”

  Eventually he got permission, and half an hour later, he was inside the time capsule ready to go back to his own childhood. He had worn clothes suitable for that era and put a few tools he might need into his backpack. They didn’t allow him to take a gun, but just a narcotized arrow.. The countdown for time travel soon began.


  “Who wouldn’t want to go back to his childhood?” Who knows how many millions of people had voiced that cliché, but for Mark, that was not the case. He would have loved to go back to his childhood but not in this way. He was overcome by many different emotions, as he stepped into the time capsule. They beamed Mark to the parking garage of a shopping mall in the city where he lived. There he wouldn’t attract too much attention. After leaving the garage, he went to the marketplace next to the train station and rented an SUV by using “old paper money” that they still used at that time.

  When he first got into his vehicle, he had a hard time getting used to the outdated technology, but it didn’t take long for him to figure it out. Soon after, he was driving to the summer campground. Under normal conditions, time travel was planned at the security headquarters in great detail, and actions for all possible circumstances were discussed thoroughly. If a traffic cop stopped Mark now and asked for his driver’s license, he wouldn’t be able to show it and would probably get a heavy fine. But it was no use wasting time by thinking about such stuff.

  As he drove, his mind was busy thinking how he could fool the guard at the gate of the campground. He had to be close enough to young Mark so that he could follow, keep an eye on, and protect him for a whole week. Moreover, it would be even nicer to find Y and get him out of the way, but he didn’t even have a gun to do that.

  When he reached the summer camp, he thought how strange it felt to return his childhood. In the meantime, he realized that he had made a fatal mistake before being beamed here—he had forgotten to get Candidate Y’s real name. He immediately parked his vehicle behind some trees and pushed the button to go back to the center.

  The people at headquarters were worried because Mark returned so fast. They were probably wondering whethe
r something had gone wrong. The first aid team and the doctors ran toward Mark. Mark told them why he had returned.

  Mr. Mallhan then wrote Y’s real name on a piece of paper that he handed to Mark. Mark read the name aloud, “Pierce Manual!”

  This was his best childhood friend! He and Pierce had not seen each other for years since two friends had gone to separate cities for higher education. Could it really be Pierce who wanted to get rid of Mark? But Mark knew no two people could have such a strange name. It had to be his old friend.

  Overtaken by mixed emotions, Mark entered the time capsule once again and returned to that summer. He started driving toward the camp, and remarkably he was somewhat able to remember the direction to the campground. It didn’t take him long to get there. At the gate, he wondered whether he should tell the guard that he was Mark Spinner’s cousin and that he had come to visit him. But if he did that, when young Mark saw him, he would have to tell the boy everything about the situation, and that wouldn’t be right.

  The guard was already very near. Mark had to make up something very fast so that he wouldn’t spoil everything. Seconds felt like a year. As Mark tried to think of a story, the man bent toward his window and asked, “May I ask why you’re visiting the campground, Sir?”

  Mark replied, “I’m here to talk to Mr. Klinger. I’m the new teacher trainee.”

  The man said to Mark, “Sir, please wait inside for a few minutes.” And he showed him the little security cabin. Mark parked his car and entered the cabin. After just a few minutes, Mr. Klinger arrived. He was just like Mark remembered him.

  “How can I help you?” the man asked.

  “Mr. Klinger, my name is Mark Schiller, and I have recently received my teaching certificate. I would like to work as a volunteer teacher this summer, so I can have more experience in teaching. I’ve found out that your school has a summer camp and didn’t want to miss this opportunity. If you think it is suitable, I’d like to help you until the end of the camp. Besides, I will work for free. I am looking for experience, not monetary compensation.”


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