Book Read Free

Gone By

Page 2

by Hajong, Beatone

  “Are we stuck in the jam” Isha toned out.

  Her voice instantly touched my ear. Couldn’t even digest to reply in hurry. That husky sweetness appeal in her tone pulled my attention towards her.

  “Yes! Guess it may take minutes to clear out” I winced.

  I could sense she was gathered with boredom. From inside her bag, she took out a novel to read to compensate the waiting time.

  “So you love reading books” I asked her putting on my interest.

  “Yeah!!! It’s my hobby, especially When I travel” she squeaked.

  She flipped some pages ahead, perhaps she had left a marked from where she had to start the page to reread again.

  “Uhhhh!!!! So, what sort of genre you love to read” I shrugged .

  She showed me the cover page of the book. It was nothing but all famous and one of the most read book of all times Message in a bottle from famous author Nicholas Sparks. The green light blinked by now and we were heading ahead.

  “So, Where you come from” She flattered.

  It seemed she was in hyper interest to know me. I realized her wish and answered.

  “For the moment I came from nearby city Pune”. She nodded her head on my reply.

  “Are you first time in Mumbai” I questioned her.

  “Yes, In fact in India”.

  She was very much responsive. My eyes dazzled at her with confusion. She looked more of modern Indian type, yet she’s first time to Mumbai. It geared my eagerness to know more about her.

  “How’s that possible” I muttered with interest. She smiled at first.

  “Confuse, I’m a tourist from foreign land”.

  My lips widened in surprise, eye brows raised.

  “You need to share your story” I sounded funny. She giggled out and puts a smile on her face.

  We were almost there at the spot of destination. Just few minutes away and then we would be viewing the most beautiful scene, the Bassien Fort.

  “So, do you like India” I gestured her with a smile on my face.

  With no idea on my mind I just wanted to make her feel comfortable with the people and the surrounding around.

  “Yeah!!!! I do” she scoffed.

  Our bus came in through the gate until it halted in a parking lot. We were given a ticket with some cost for the sight scene. Everyone was in layers of excitement, so was I. We scrolled out of the bus in hurry.

  “Can you spent the day with me” Isha muttered with deep scornful look at me.

  My eyes melted drawing deep at her innocent face. For I knew She was all alone here, on the other hand she had no idea about the place and the language. Though she was an exotic Indian, she needed a friend to assist her for the rest of the day.

  “Surely, My majesty” I agreed with a smile.

  “Hahaha!!!!!..You’re funny guy” she laughed.

  “Is that so” I chuckled.

  “Yes...Indeed. You’re nice” she passed a glimpse of her chubby expression as we walked together. We headed our steps and with every interesting view I clicked with my Nikon camera. So was she doing the same thing. Whenever she approached near me I could smell the fragrance of her million dollar scent, which was just intoxicating. We almost had hundreds of negative collection on each one’s reel. I could feel that she was more free with me rather she exchanged more talk with me than all other by whom we were surrounded with. In the process of clicking photos, I quietly diverted my sight out of her. I managed to go deep inside the fort for more collection of historical pictures for my own magazine that I planned for. After minutes later I fizzed out to look for her. She was still busy with the camera on her hand.

  “You are a good photographer” I sighed as I walked towards her.

  She turned back holding her camera with her left eye placed on the aperture and the forefinger on clicking button.

  “Hold there” She scowled loud.

  She flashed the camera. My eyes tuned to shutter it’s lid for microsecond with the flash.

  “Uhhh!!!!” I shrugged.

  “Hahah...I’m going to keep this as memory” she squinted as she walked towards me.

  “Where were you???...I was looking for you” she interrogated hastily.

  “I was inside the fort for more pictures” I answered her slowly.

  “Were you petrified being left alone” I asked her solemnly.

  “No, I was Ok” she shrugged.

  I could see at her eyes she felt the loneliness of being left alone, yet she walled her inner confrontations.

  “I’m sorry” I made an apology.

  “It’s ok..I’m fine” she spoke in soft tone.

  We almost spent for more than an hour. I had no exact idea where we would be travelling next. The day had almost shifted to its full noon and she was walking alongside me.

  “So do you know anymore fine places in Mumbai” she asked dryly.

  I wasn’t sure enough too, as I had been very rare person to Mumbai.

  “Yeah!!! There’s lot” positioning my Nikon camera to take a flash of an open space surrounded by worldly birds chirping out.

  “You like nature” she squished.

  “Yeah!!! Very much. I do spent some photography with nature” I replied her with some enthusiasm.

  “So, what’s your other interest in escaping out from those bookish world” I hinted her with a gentle tone.

  She was very much peddled by my question. Her forefinger smoothly placed on her chin evoking some answers to reply. She was in chronic thought what would be her other fields of interest. “Crap! Did I asked her awkward” my subconscious slammed me as we walked together.

  “Well, I have no idea on my other interest” she chuckled with a sort of embarrassment within. “So, do you think I’m good at any of activities” she grinned.

  “Hahaha!!!!! Miss Isha, how would I be knowing your field of interest” my voice crisped out dryly.

  “Yeah!!! It was obvious, how would you know” she laughed.

  We were heading towards the bus now for the next location. Every section of our tour has been divided timely. And we ought to follow according to it. I had no plan, if I would be spending the day completely with all this old generation people. On the other hand I couldn’t leave Isha all alone neither I wanted to. The company of old generation was very outrageous to me but somehow I had to keep mingling among them. So did Isha too. We came closer to our bus. All we needed was to step in to our respective seat. More family parties yet to come. The bus driver blew it’s horn signalling for the departure. We waited outside until all were gathered to move in for the next destination. I was in seismic conflicts on my mind.

  “Should I spent the day alone or with all these” my subconscious flourished inside.

  I have now the every reason to spent not alone but with Isha beside me. Thereby, I concretely decided to cancel my next visit with the crew. All I have now with me is Isha. The only thing that remained now was to pertain her and to persuade her on my way. She stood just beside me. With my eyes glaring deep at her.

  “How did you like the place” I sounded husky.

  She hurled at me gently “It was lovely”.

  “Just that” I said acting funnily.

  “Yes! What more you want me to say” her eyes raised with tender smiles.

  I never thought she would be a sort of reserve kind of girl. Neither I had the interest of knowing her age. But from every point of understanding she was really beautiful with those fumes of mesmerizing attributes she had. Her eye brow touched each end forming a bridge between two eyes. Even now I wasn’t much close to her. No idea from where did she come from but all I could figure it out, she was an exotic with a tag of NRI.

  “So, when are you going to share your story to me” I fickle.

  “What story” She squinted loud.

  “It’s about you... I should know you” my voice squirmed.

  “Oh! Well I’ll let you know as the day goes on but before that I should know you too” her voice hurdled

  I put a smile on my face to reflect a good presence “Yes! You’re right”.

  “You shouldn’t worry here cause you’re with me” I niggled my voice in some serious notation. “Alright!..Give me a reason to trust you” she folded her hands.

  “Here, I stand before you to take you anywhere you wish”. She laughed.

  “ You’re crazy”.

  “My friends always tells me that”. She laughed again.

  The contractor signalled again, we proceeded to move inside and held our respective seat. I let Isha in first followed by me. She moved through the aisle and sat. I conjointly joined beside her. This time she took the window seat.

  “So, where are we heading next” she asked.

  “I have no Idea”.

  She looked delighted as we started to move on. Her eyes flavoured with colours, peeked at me. I could see she’s still holding the Novel of Nicholas Sparks in her hand. She sat so comfortable beside me that I felt for some moment like I knew her since ages. She glanced her pretty face at me and brought a smile on her face. I widened my lips to put similar smile to flash back to let her feel the essence of our company. At the time where there was no crowd of traffic our bus accelerated faster. I had no idea where we would be landing next but was sure enough this time it would be only me and Isha. My breath relaxed as my conscious decides it’s way to make up to Isha in persuading her to spent the day only with me. To make the thing happen firstly I got to cancel our names from the list. Secondly, yet I have to make her agree.

  “So, you don’t know where we are going. It’s like the road leading us to death...Is it that way?” she cocked her head one side to me funnily.

  “No...but if I can suggest you a bit, would you come along with me? with my voice raised loud. “Where, to die with you” she laughed. She was very much responsive and amusing.

  “No.....To explore you the pride of this city” I hinted her interestingly.

  “Oh!!! Really. Can you do that”. For I knew she was exhilarated by my idea.

  “So, when are you going to take me out” she hissed her voice softly into my ears.

  “Do you really want that?”.

  “Of Course I’m exhausted with all this oldies” her expression showed some dullness .

  “Alright Miss, we got to get down the next station”.

  “What, you must be kidding” she squished.

  “Well, wait and watch. Cancelling our both names” I snapped.

  “Ok!!! How did you become so much well acquainted with me at so quick rate” she peeked her eyes at me.

  “I don’t know” said I casually.

  “Well, you be seated here until I come back cancelling our names”.

  I shifted my steps forward inside the running bus. The guide person was sitting few seats away from us closer to the driver’s cabin. I headed towards him with my hands holding the iron bar that ran over head from front to rear end of the bus. From behind Isha watching me close.

  “Watch out your steps” she screamed softly.

  And I in response to her just nodded my head. My legs moved on, while the wheels kept whirling on. Taking the support from my hands from anywhere I could judge, I finally reached to him. “Hello” I started with my greetings to him .

  “Yes, Sir any problem” he responded with curiosity.

  “I would like to skip out two names and leave the mob for the rest of the day”.

  “But, sir the bill has been made according to that”.

  “You can keep the little amount with you” I captioned him.

  “Where would you like to get down sir” he asked.

  “By the next station”.

  “Ok Sir, we will stop the bus for you” he grinned.

  I followed back to my way that’s led me back to my seat. There I could see Isha with lingering gaze at me. I could perceive by her clunky expression that she demanded a smile from my cluttering face. So, I put a smile to divert her attention back to where she was left. I clutched back, rested my buttock beside her. Her face shimmering out.

  “So, where are we going to get down” she demanded a reply.

  “By the next stoppage”.

  She primped her hair adjusting it carefully to bring out the glow of her beauty. While doing so, she peeked her eyes cornering at me with a pleasant smile that she put on. Being very much concern about myself, I had no freaking idea where I would take her for the rest of the day.

  “I needed a guide map of Mumbai” my voice feared.

  “ Something got to save me from being embarrass” all happening in my inner conscious. “Are you Ok” she squished.

  “Yeah, I’m alright. We are going to have fun” my breath gets lengthen.

  “You look pale”.

  “ must be kidding”.

  She hissed her breath. She pulled out something inside of her hand bag. An object perhaps wrapped in gifted paper. She throws a glimpse of it to me.

  “What’s this” .

  “It’s a marble statue of Jesus Christ. Thought of gifting it to a Father, but unfortunately he’s no more” her voice in depth sorrow.

  “That’s really sad” with an endorsement of sympathy.

  “But, I would like to visit his church in Goa before I leave this country. There I’ll hand over this to his successor”.

  The contractor called out from the front line.

  “Sir, your station has arrived. We won’t be stopping the next”.



  Finally, we would set ourselves free from this old generations. We got off from the bus. It was just fifteen minutes that elapsed away since we came from the Bassien Fort view. We stood waiting there for a while, until the bus left us for their respective destination. As the bus accelerated to move on leaving us behind, we both headed our steps wherever it took us.

  “Mr. By the way where are you taking me” Isha inquired.

  I remained silent a while. We were stuck by the traffic. The zebra crossing few distance ahead of us. All we needed was to put our steps together along the line of zebra crossing to reach the other side of the road. We both proceeded towards it.

  “Are you hungry” I asked her intently.

  “Yeah! Since morning”

  We walk along the footpath that led us to the Zebra crossing. We reached the spot, waiting for a silence of traffic.....of course the red signal for major safety. Few seconds later, the red light glowed and we hurried to walk fast. Along the line of crossing there were many passersby ,some coming from front, some joining along with us.

  “Omg!!! This city is overcrowded” Isha incorporates her voice along with those crowds.

  I couldn’t amplify my attention to hear what she had said due to the over buzz of car’s horn blowing from all direction. All I was concern about her. With no flick of judgement and thought I held her hand through my right hand to handle her safely. She followed me with no intention of rejections. I could feel her soft palm, and the warmness in her hand as our steps directed on. Lastly, we reached the other side of the road.

  “What would you like to have Miss beautiful” I asked her in my most tender way.

  “What......What did you just call me??” she flickered.

  We were still walking on, not knowing where should we enter. In fact, our conversations holding on to get deeper and deeper.

  “I said Miss beautiful” I squirmed.

  “Are you flirting with me young guy” she charmed her face with a smile.

  “No I guess not”

  “Now take me to any restaurant. My stomach aching to taste Indian Spice”.

  The sunny day has penalised both of us. It seemed that the part of our body that needed the most assurance finally started to response and most of all our throat running dry.

  “I’m feeling thirsty, my throat burning out of heat” Isha squinted.

  We were yet to halt, searching for the best restaurant that I could sort out.

  “Wait here” I shr

  . She stood waited, as I walked off to a small shop that laid around the street corner. I ordered two lemonade bottle, of course chilled ones with the addition of straw for free. Some chocolates, I asked the shopkeeper to make a parcel of all. Nothing cost it much but within 100 bucks it wrapped. She looked very tired, I could watch her as I forwarded my steps back to her. “Wow!...finally my throat will be quenched” She jiggled as my steps intently came closer to her. She held her camera again, placed her eye on the aperture and flashed the light. This is the second time she clicked a picture of mine. Indeed I looked odd, which I knew but remained incurious about it.

  “Give me quick, the lemonade” She flushed intensely.

  She didn’t wait for me to hand it for her, instead she acted in a method of grabbing from my hand.

  “Hahaha!!!!!...” I laughed.

  She opened it in no waste of time, poured down the chilled lemonade through her throat swallowing in with some crackling hiss. Within no time it’s brim reached the bottom of the lemonade bottle. I stood watching at her, shocked by the way she drank it. But that was the style and it was a cool fashion.

  “What....why you staring at me as stranger” she quirked.

  I giggled at first “That was cool” as we proceeded to move on.

  I handed her some chocolates.

  “ Well, that was the extreme thirst” she tells.

  My lemon drink still in its halfway to bottom.

  “How long do we have to walk to find a fucking restaurant in Mumbai” she shrilled hard on me. “It’s just few minutes more”.

  “Are you sure about it”.

  “Yeah!!!!!!!”. She came inch nearer to me as we walk by the lane.

  In every new precise sight she observes she clicked an image out of her camera. By now her reel must have been occupied completely. Whereas mine still had lots of space enough to take photographs. I held her hand with no hesitation, pushing the glass door of the restaurant. A man stood outside welcomed us before the entry. Inside, the effect of air condition shrilled my spines, walking along a long length carpet with the soft palm of Isha curled through my hand. We headed for the most silent location. An empty table laid at one corner.


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