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Gone By

Page 5

by Hajong, Beatone

  “No... no way Isha not at all” my conscious subtle at me.



  To be honest with my heart still knocked for my lost love, Anannya. Isha was just a guest of mine. “ But what about that in the elevator” my inner subconscious hinged at me.

  I couldn’t agree to that what went between me and Isha. I was still awake and I could sense what’s rounding up on my mind. Although Something went wrong today in the elevator. I still denied it to be true. How long do I have to be in this emotional and mental turmoil I had no particular answer for it. It just kept stroking out of my soul. By now my body demanded some rest. But the collection of eccentric thoughts echoed into my ears diverging my heroic audacity. Trembling hard to sleep but the vibrations of her remembrance woke me up. Still I say to myself I do really love Anannya with true heart. My tongue attempted to whisper her name softly. With this slow browsing of immersed thought that emerged out painfully my eyes finally set to relax its lid disconnecting the inflow of rays entering in it. I fell asleep tiredly not only through my body but with all heart and soul.

  Night felt so calm by now, yet it’s the next day when it propelled me to put myself into silence. A shadow casted on my inner lame mind, he stood upright before me. My eyes peace in sleep even then I could visualise to observe the dark casting on my face. He watched me close and stern. He exactly looked like me. He tried to touch me, talk to me. But I was dumb lost into weary world. “You look sad” he whispered into my ears.

  I struggled hard to say but I lost my voice to speak. He nodded his head assuring he followed my inner spirit what I wanted to say. He placed his palm on my forehead. The world twisted round and round and I could see him turned into densely white angelic soul. My forehead felt the cold touch. He turned into an angel, shining bright before my eyes that laid off. So pretty was she I burst out into words of random beautification. I finally learned to speak and smile with despairs logging out of my life. She put a magic on my face, tinkering all around the room. My saddened heart began pumping harder driving out the innocence of being in broken love. She casted me as a newly born soul on this earth and I began to feel the incoming happiness all around. All the tinned feelings and emotions that did not supported me were deported back to where they belong. There was an empty hollow which I could feel now. My heart needed a new genre of love and affections. She tackled my every horrific syndrome of distress tumbling me into new kind.

  She put an obstructive question mark before me asking “Are you still in Love with her”.

  I miss matched for seconds on whom she was remarking about. I gaggled out to know. She repeated again in her sweet tone “Are you still in love with Anannya”. Silence revealed for moment, dejections appeared on my face that continued to survive until I feebly responded “Yes”. She sparkled out more bright flipping it’s wing asking me to follow her the way she led. She softly grasped my hand and took me through her way. She opened a door before. There I saw a bright shining light glittering out spreading from all directions. She pulled me more in and I kept my way following. After few steps she vanished out. I got lost in fear, wondering out where am I. When then I could hear some footsteps approaching closer to me. As it came nearer it grew brighter and brighter. I could see a beautiful girl spangled with rare apparel inching towards me. Her face glowed with shades of happiness, rolling from top to bottom. She revealed her face and I saw the one whom I love, Anannya. Injection of joy and happiness stunned me. I stayed aloof on my thought but my eyes stared at her serenely. She flashed out a smile that dissolved my heart and I began to fall more for her. She looked similar to that angel who led me here. I initiated my step closer to her, she approached from front. She flinched at me shyly and turned her face away from my view. She was shining like a star and I walked in to get lost in it. Her eyes peeked at me with smile on her face. She spoke nothing but indicated the joy of our meeting after a long time separation from each other. I held her hand, felt the soft palm she possessed. My mouth cluttered with words but unable to speak out. Her eyes shimmering with glory of reunion. So was mine with the lining of love and affection I bored for her. She ceases to come closer to me. I could feel her beat pumping faster. I pushed myself little more closer like every time I thought about.

  I whispered into her ear “I’ve been constantly thinking about you. Let’s start with forever ending”.

  “I’ve been waiting to come to you” Anannya said softly.

  Her eyes slightly gets deserted. I ran my palm on her cheek. She felt the bound of love between us. She shifted closer and embraced me. Her eyes shedding tears and I could feel it drop wise falling on my shoulder with her head placed on it. So was my heart weeping inside.

  “Don’t you ever walk away again” with my passionate voice.

  She wept more, tears stroking out rapidly. Everything bulged out into huge volume of membrane where only love resided. Where two soul filled up to its heart brim nourishing there long lasting intuition. Debts are being fulfilled, under the coin of love and war. The bond reconstructed from being ruptured and here we stood like as one.

  A knock ticked at my door. A voice called from out. The knock got harder and louder. I was still under the effect of hallucinatory sleep. This time it banged more harder like there occurred a crack due to its heavy force. My eyes suddenly loosened up and geared in terror which finally made me upright and free fall from deep sleep. The knocking continued. I realized was it real, was Anannya with me. I stood up on my foot. Everything vanished out into fumes of air but the only dream pictured on my mind.

  “Oh!!!...gush!!!. It was only just a dream” flicked it on my mind.

  I hurried towards the door. I managed to pull the hook of the door with drowsiness left over my eyes. My vision surely not clear but I could openly see hazy, anything that came into light before my eyes. I opened it slowly and saw Isha before my eyes. Eyes fired to fall free from drowsiness “Hey” that morning gleam began to shine on my face.

  “You’re late. C’mon lets join the gym” she dropped her voice at me.

  I twisted to look at my wrist watch. It’s 10:30am. Isha plunged at me to get ready. I still stood sleepy with my lazy eyes supporting my body weight completely on the edge width of the door. And Isha compelling me to come down with her. Her words were so compulsive that I couldn’t deny onto her commands.

  “Just go and get ready with your shorts” she demanded me to do quick.

  I hurdled on to quick out. She entered in took a seat on the corner edge of bed.

  “Eww!!!! It’s extreme dirty. And what this shit is” she picked up the whisky bottle that kept rolling on floor.

  “You drank the other night” she stumbled at me.

  “Yeah!” with my casual notation.

  “What’s the reason behind” she was keen to know.

  I shrugged “Let’s go to the gym first” I pointed her at the door out.

  “You’re so stubborn guy” she groaned.

  “I know that people do tell me often such things” I sighed.

  She nodded her head and cleared out to move out from my cluttered room.

  “Make it quick c’mon, I’m waiting out”. She walked out of my room.

  I could hear her voice as it dimmed out slowly.

  “Yeah!! Just a minute” I cracked out loud.

  I put my short on, the vest on my body fitting tight. The face towel that laid on the bed I plucked it on my shoulder and walked on towards Isha. I took the elevator to slid down a floor. The door opened smoothly. I hanged to step out. There I saw Isha at the entrance of gym door desperately waiting for me. She wore out tightly fitted slacks. She looked slim and almost shaped out to be a modeller. She smiled from few yards as I walked closer to her. She carried a bottle of water in her left hand whereas on the right she too had a small size towel. I had no idea how long will this go on but this would be one memorable day I penned on my mind. Before I stepped out of my room I browsed my thoughts for more than dozens.
So, finally I thought of spending a weekend skipping the institutional career.

  “So, are you leaving today” she inquired.

  “Where” with my patronizing tone.

  “You said yesterday you’d be leaving for your engineering”.

  “Yeah!!! I changed my mind”. We walked together and step in to the gym hall.

  “Really” she toned in slight excitement.

  “I thought of spending a week here with you”.

  “Wow!! That’s so incredible of you”.

  I fit myself to one machine that builds the chest. I just pulled it’s strong elastic synthetic windings. I continued until I could feel the pull in my arm muscles. Isha took the running machine.

  “So, why did you changed your mind” she grinned breathing heavily.

  I had no absolute reason for staying back yet I wanted to.

  “ Maybe I liked the evening the day before “.

  Isha hummed “hmmmmm!!!!”.

  “what’s your today’s plan”.

  “Well, not decided yet” my voice tackled to say in randomness as I was busy pulling the elastic windings that stretched side wards.

  Isha stopped her running machine. She looked tired and exhausted. I could watch out sweat running through her body. I paused for a while after counts of stretching. Isha walked towards a resting chair. She grabbed her bottle of water and quenched her thirsty and dry throat. She puts herself into relax position occupying the chair. I marched forward towards her where there laid another empty chair. I pulled closer to her where she rested.

  “Looks tired” I grinned.

  “Yeah! Ran almost more than 3kms”.

  “Yeah! I do see that” in my sarcastic way.

  Isha smiled at my sarcasm. “You know you were very emotional the other night” she mumbled at me.

  I grasped the bottle of water from her hand and drank out sips to strengthen my body.

  “So, were you at the marine drive”. She laughed at my statement.

  “Was I??” She cracked funny.

  “Don’t need to act, you know you were in tears” in my casual notation.

  “I know that, I was in tears” she holds to agree.

  “Oh! Well you were saying to be something new at the cafe, do you remember”.

  “Oh...Yeah! yeah!..but if you are willing to be” her voice shrilled at my ear.

  “What you want me to be” I ingested my importance on her.

  “You don’t seem impotent, do you?” she said dryly.

  “What.....what you mean by that”.

  “I mean you got extensive potential .You’re a hunky young Man” she murmured rapidly.

  “C’mon now you don’t revolve me around”. Isha grinned at me.

  “You’re intelligent too, smart, handsome, dashing and little stupid” she lined her compliment at me.

  “Let’s walk out for today” with my insisting tone.

  “Sure” she peeked her eyes at me.

  With that short conversation we ended our gym period. We followed out together through the door. She held the bottle of water and the face towel that she carried. I managed to push the glass door and made a way for Isha. She walked out and I followed after her. Both of our steps matched at the ground level and we were heading to our respective room.

  “Shall meet up soon” Isha squeaked as she moved on to the other side of the corridor that led to her room. I waited for the elevator to slid one floor above. Finally it halted before me and I shuffled to move in. The elevator stood empty with only me inside, I press the located button of my floor. The elevator starts to slide up. It halted at that floor. I quickened to move out marching towards my room. The day broke out sunny with rays of the sun burning out bright. It’s almost morning 11:00 am, twisting my wrist watch with a glance. I opened the door of my room. Before I began my regularities I stood before a huge mirror that was fixed in the dressing table . I sharply observed at myself standing still and proceeded for my morning schedule. I had to shower myself with the coldest water available.

  I slipped out of my bathing room. I grabbed the towel and covered my lower half of body. All I needed now was to put on my decent attire. When then the landline started to ring. Unlike the mobile neither it had a screen that could print out the name and the number who’s on the other side. With doubt on my mind I plucked the receiver “Hello” the first word I uttered. For seconds no voice did come from other end.

  “Hey! It’s Isha come down quick I’ll be waiting out” with sort of dampness in her voice.


  She put down the other receiver. I tried being fussy about my dressing. I looked out for the one piece that would go with my complexion. A T-shirt coloured black and a jeans I could extract out from journey bag. I settled with those attire that day. Had a glanced at the mirror like everyone does once they get dressed up to look the way we want. Externally or internally I had no intentions to be unique but I would really want to be loved by all. With that intentions I prepared the day. I knew Isha must have been waiting for me. I hurried to plug out of my room. This time I was empty handed, locking back the company of my Nikon camera inside room. I hurdled on to move to the elevator. My steps galloped harder and with an inch I managed to check in to the elevator which was just running down. It was completely occupied with its capacity. And I was among them standing together. It moved swiftly down to its lower levels. As it slid down the beat of my heart shrunk, felt there was a loss of my body weight. Finally, it halted at the lowest floor of the hotel building. Everyone rushed out in hurry and I waited it out to be cooled. I gradually made my way out at last. My vision blurred out since I was with no glass on my eyes that day. There I could see Isha stood waiting for me.

  “Hey” my voice shrivelled.

  “So, finally you’re here” she jerked out.

  She looked amazing with her purple line apparel on. Her face glowed bright like those of little stars at night. She casted a furtive glance over her shoulder at me. A smile I threw at her as I walked closer to her.

  “So, where are you heading to plan out” I shrugged.

  “As usual show me your guide” she chuckled.

  I slid in my hand into my pocket to look for the guide map. I could feel the emptiness inside it. “Isha... I am sorry I forgot to bring the map” with little fear in my tone.

  I glided out my hand from pocket smoothly. As I did a small shaped photograph fell off into the ground from an inch height of my pocket level. It laid upside over fallen into the ground. Neither my reflex could feel it.

  “It’s ok” Isha squinted.

  “Look there’s something fell off from your pocket” Isha intensely emerged her voice out curiously.

  I suddenly squatted to look out and picked it up from the ground. My eyes turned out into deep clouds of emotions, that rushed to appear on my face.

  “Whose photograph is that” Isha crackled.

  “It’s Anannya”.

  “Let me have a look” she was curious to glance at it.

  She snatched from my hand and protruded her constant gaze at the photograph.

  “Hey” I sighed.

  She peeked her eyes close at me, her face more or less crinkled in deep silent “She’s beautiful”.

  I nodded my head with some memories evoked.

  “Keep it safe”.

  “Yeah” as my hand directed to place it inside. I could surely feel the convolution that gathered around me flashing back the days and the absence of her. Besides Isha, She was a part of the present. She clung my hand “let’s move out”.


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