Book Read Free

Gone By

Page 35

by Hajong, Beatone



  I had posted the letter the next day. So, my everyday routine was the same. Except for a time when it comes to write a letter to her. Gradually, we began to communicate more in terms of writing letters rather talking over phone and through social sites. After every writing I would sent her, the only thing I could wait patiently was her reply back. Apart from writing to her I began to reconstruct my mind in the field of writing. In course of my free time I began to write any sort of fictional stories which came up on my mind. I had started blog on my own. Gradually I began to deliver them into the cyber world. Days passed on with no response from her. I was still waiting for her letter like every other day I did. Every night began to last longer and the days turned dark before my eyes. Every steps of my life was tormented being away from her. I intended to know what has happened to her. I thought of writing another letter to her concerning about her.

  It was Sunday afternoon. I was seated in my table holding a pen and paper. When then a knock came up to my door. The knock was loud enough to pull my attention towards it. I hurried to open to response for it.

  “Sir there’s a letter for you” a man said.

  I took the letter for his hand. He took a signature on a pad and walked off for the other deliveries. I tore the opening of the envelope. A letter from her, which I had wished for so long. Finally my patient waiting had paid off. I sat back to my table and placed on it. I could notice she had written a long letter, somehow she had managed within that page. Her writing seemed very attractive this time. She had changed her pen ink. The whole letter was blooming an effect of blue colour. I was captivated to read with interest.

  Dear Beatone,

  After reading you last letter, I almost had the chance to change my life. I never knew you’d be so wonderful person. A prayer I made for you. You every letter touches my heart and I can’t wait to read your next. As usual my life has been the same without you. Last Sunday I had you with me, I wonder this Sunday who would be by my side. I would treasure the time we had spent the last time. I wish you be fine with every walk of your life. How hard it must for you like it’s for me. A day I always think of when you and me would be forever as one. Here the things goes the same until you come to change that moment of my life.

  To be honest, I miss you the most. Sometimes I stand on my terrace watching the moon passing through the clouds. When then I would think about you a lot who would stand by my side holding my hand. I realized your words do keep me strong. Every thought of my life it begins with you. I can’t stop to summon upon you. A reason you showed me to live again. Since the time I had began to live my life with happiness it’s you who added the flavour and nurtured me.

  You’re the first Man with whom I have been in true love than ever. Indulging every beat of my heart I pray for you every night and day. I still remember when I first met you. That corridor where we had our first eye contact. You were shy like I was. But, then we finally made it. And here we are today with the immense affection for one another. I always dream we be as one soul. So far yet so near you’re to my heart. Though we began to write letters to each other, I loved your every idea you have. After all, love is all I want from you. That’s the reason my life had chosen you. With strong determination I would never let go. I would wait for your next writing.



  I couldn’t wait to fall in tears. I had folded back the letter to envelope. Added to my collection into the drawer. I couldn’t resist that moment but wanted to talk to her. I instantly dialled her number. From the other end I could hear the phone ringing.

  “Hey” said Anannya.

  “I just received your letter”.

  “Did you read it” she interrogated.

  “Yeah!..I just can’t say. I promise you I’ll never let you down” I added.

  She spoke nothing for seconds.

  “I always thought to have a good man by my side and you’re that” she replied after minutes pause.

  “I have been missing you very much”.

  “Me too”.

  “Your letter did touched me from the core..and I have no words how to appreciate and describe you..but to love you even more”.

  “’s that so” she smiled.

  “Yeah! I’m more deeper in love with you”.

  “It’s the same for me” she responded quickly.

  “I would wait for your next letter”.

  “I would love to write the next as quickly as possible” said Anannya.

  We hanged the phone. That was after weeks I had talked to her. Indeed, I felt very enthused after that conversation. That night I had a dream about her. Her every words did revolved around in my head. The way she addressed me in her letter were very charming. I thought of writing far more better in every letter I would write to her. I pondered every day and night about our relation. I walked out of the room, looked up into the sky.

  That night the moon was covered with clouds. It struggled to spread it’s silver line over the earth surface. Within few days I would see the same moon up above my head, and I waited for that full moon day. I stood outside for some time. The silent night accompanied me to add up to my desolation. I felt the breeze blowing from west side. I never thought of everyday’s college hour that I had every morning hour of my life. I began to search of doing something new in life. However I couldn’t do much of my own. I had to wait until I graduate to do on my own. My Dad wanted to see me as the classic engineer. I had a dream of my own and I was on my way to achieve it. I was standing by the edge of the terrace of my building. While above me the moon hovered around. With the passage of the night I finally went to bed. Every next day of my life would go surely empty. Nothing more than the daily life of attending lectures and then back to my room. Was it the life of an engineer supposed to be that way. I had no clue to that. It was the first time I had taken up to be an engineer. I had no measures of idea what an engineering is all about. All I could do was to sit with those bundles of books on my table at the time of examination. The whole month would spare in reading other books, off course not the technical ones. That’s how I began to build up my professional life.

  I glanced at the time. The night reached it’s quarter. I had to close my diary. I settled my pen out of my hand and left idle. I was still seated on my bed. Thought about Isha. For few minutes I decided to go and have a look at her. I walked out of my room leaving the diary on my bed. Shuffled towards her room. Gently I pulled her door. Just could open half of her room door. Through the half slit I gave a glanced at her. She was peacefully asleep they way I had left her. Few seconds I stood staring at her. Then gently shuffled back to my room. I decided to sleep for the night instead of holding the pen and the dairy again. We would meet again the next day.

  That night I had a wonderful sleep like every man dreams off. I had no realization when the day broke out. The reason was far more clear enough. The last night I had gone lately to bed.

  Isha came up knocking at my door. She had been knocking for the past few minutes. While I had been lying asleep. The knock began to grew louder. The noise began to penetrate into my sleepy ears. Lately I realized to wake up and stepped up to open up the door for her. She stood ferociously before me.

  “This is perhaps the third time I had been waking you up” said Isha glaring at me.

  “I’m Sorry” I could just break an apology to her.

  “You’re late” she added.

  “Where we’re supposed to go”.

  “Somewhere down the beach”.

  “Would you give me some minutes”.


  She came in and pulled the curtain of my room. The window had an access to view out to the beach area. The blue water of the ocean reflected the bright sun rays across the whole beach area. “So what have you done the last night” Isha asked.

  “Well, I had been writing up my story”.


  “Do you know you were ou
t of the world last night” I added.

  “What do you mean by out of the world”.

  “Don’t you remember” I added splashing water on my face.

  “Was I drunk”.

  “So you do remember”.

  “Have I said something wrong out of my wild mouth” she intended to know.

  “What do you think did you”.

  “Well, I don’t remember about that and I’m very sorry if I did so” she said firmly looking out of the window at those white clouds.

  “That’s fine. You haven’t” peeking at her while I stood before the dressing mirror.

  “You got to do faster” she squinted.

  “Well I’m done”.

  “Hold your diary too” she added.

  “Here it is, let’s move”.

  I stood before her like I wanted to see her for million years before my eyes. She shifted closer to me from the window side and stared at me for a while. We moved out of the room, took the elevator and slid down to the ground floor of the building. The morning did had a wonderful fragrance. Every tourist began to wish one another.

  “Hello Good morning” said a woman.

  She wished us as we were heading out of the hotel. We walked out of the porch and headed out to the open space where the shinny light had been spreading out into the atmosphere.

  “Let’s walk onto the other side of the beach” Isha claimed.

  “Sure it’s the best morning I would ever had” I added.

  By now we were out into the beach area. The cafes and the restaurant were yet to open. Only a small stall was open few yards away from the main area of the beach. We headed on to get a cup of fruit juice in our hands. The morning gave a slight effect of shivering cold that shook my spine. Even the breeze that blew had moisture content in it. We had taken a cup of juice of our own choices and began to walk onto the other side of the beach. It stretched long surpassing the boundary beyond the horizon. Our steps added together along the shore. I had the diary in my hand.

  “You have always been very supported to me since the time I had met you” I said softly.

  “I’m very lucky I got a person who came into my life where I couldn’t think of” she took a sip of her juice.

  “So, what’s the next you’ve written the last night” she was keen to know about that.

  “Well, I continued the portion after you’ve left”.

  “I would love to read that” she smiled peeking at me.

  “How far you’ve decided to walk today” I grinned.

  “Well, as long as we’re not tired enough to take a rest somewhere” she added.

  “So we’re in an adventure”.

  She raised her eyebrow and gave a brief laughed at that comment.

  “Yeah! we’re in an adventure” she added.

  “I love adventure” I added too.

  “Do you remember the first meeting we had”.

  “No I don’t” I said sarcastically.

  “You were like so dump person who had never seen a beautiful lady before” she teased me and laughed.

  “Was be honest with you are very beautiful”.

  “Thanks..but I can’t stop laughing at that moment I had with you in the first meeting. Remember the moment I asked you for the seat” she began to laugh louder.

  “Oh! C’mon Isha stop mocking me” I demanded.

  “I’m sorry..I’m kidding. I know you’re a good man” she came closer to my body.

  I held by her waist and we walked together.

  “ I would love to see your Mom”.

  “I said about you. She was very keen to know about you. She has an interest to meet you up” Isha added.

  “But how can that be possible. The next time you come here India you got to bring your Mom. It’s an order” flashing a smile on my face.

  “Alright my Majesty”.

  “How about your Dad. I would love to see him too” Isha squinted.

  “I promise you the next time you be here I would take you to my home”.

  “I would love to be there”.

  We were distance away from the main area now. While the morning sun began to spread the message of light around the whole area. Gradually the heat of the sun began to rise higher. As we walked more ahead we could see the roughness of the ocean being prevailed over the shore. Huge waves hit the shore. While our steps added it’s print along the shoreline.

  “I shall remember these days a lot in my life” I said watching at Isha very deeply into her eyes.

  “I shall treasure the moments we had” she added.

  “So, what you do at your college” she questioned.

  “Well, I have been building up my life there. Get involve myself with those heavy piles of books”. “She do comes into your mind is it”.

  “Yeah! but I’ve learned to stay with the scars” I smiled and added my voice.

  “It’s good for you” she said patting at my back.

  “If I were you I would do the same” she added.

  “Well, I completely forgot to know about your thesis”.

  “It’s under construction” she said making a contact in my eyes.

  “Well, I would love to read it”.

  “Sure this evening”.

  After walking miles or more we halted for a while. The area had a wonderful view over the ocean. The planted coconut trees casted shadow under it. Isha loosened herself from my grip and run to search for suitable place to sit under it.

  “Hey, we got a place to rest for the day” she said loudly.

  I shuffled to her. She already took her place and sat under the coconut tree. I roomed for myself beside her.

  “Get me your diary” she snatched from my hand.

  “So you want to read the part I had written the last night”.

  “Yeah! I do” she said.

  She flipped the pages where she stopped the last time. She uttered a word from where I began to write. Perhaps she couldn’t get my handwriting. I had helped her for that.

  “Why do you write such stories” she said suddenly.

  “It’s my story” I added.

  “I mean such heartbreaking”.

  “I don’t know..I have no reason for it. Maybe it’s for her” gazing deep at the ocean water.

  “She will be very happy”.

  “I expect that” I squinted.

  She began to read the page. Our fruit drinks were over by now. Had nothing more to chew except the view before our eyes.

  “Wow! It’s amazingly written. I really love the letter she had written to you. I would love to meet Anannya”.

  “Really you want her before you” I said keenly.

  “Of course...I would love to see her”.

  “Well, there’s a little problem for that”.

  “What’s that problem” Isha put an interest.

  “She doesn’t want to talk to me anymore”.

  “Why that so”.

  “Well, I have no idea about that” my tone seemed regretting.

  “It’s ok” said Isha.

  “So, what’s your next part of your epic I’m to script it” she added flashing a smile on her face.

  “You are so stubborn”.

  “Mom says me that” she chuckled.

  “Well, I should respect your desire”.

  “What desire you’re talking about”.

  “The desire of your writing my story” I added.

  “Alright” she shrugged.

  She had taken a blank page of my diary, waited for my narration. I laid side wards facing towards her. My legs were stretched and held crisscross one over the another. While the roars of wild ocean waves began to flush in along the coast. Far distance in the mid ocean we could take a sight of ships. Few small boats were also sighted. Even the air blew with soft romance across the coast. The chirping of birds added the sweet music into the air. Even the smell of wet sand dunes flavoured the air we were breathing. The time began to grew older as the sun began to cha
nge its position. I began to narrate the story again.

  Everything were smooth in my life. Just like every other week letters were delivered to Anannya. In returned she had almost written more to me. Not only that our contacts through messages and calls were also continued. The best day of the week was only the Sunday I had. That’s the day where I would be with her. Every moment turned out to be different with every Sunday passed on. I grew more closer to her. Gagan did become one of my good friend. Every aspects of our life began to bloom miraculously. At the time of certain loneliness I had a secrete place where I would spent my time thinking about her. That’s the time when I would realize the strong dedication I had for her. I showed her up in the first week of march. That Sunday it was the complete beginning of spring. I collected some flowers from the shop before I could meet her up. She was waiting up in her lobby where she used to wait for me all time. This time she was all alone. As shuffled I sighted her from far away. She began to walk in from the other side. Like always she did embraced me. I was concern about her friend Gagan. He was out of station. As per she said Gagan went home.

  We walked together through the street that was connected to a subway. Crossing the subway we had entered to a coffee stall where we were almost the regular customer of Sunday. We were seated inside the stall. Served us with coffee.

  “I want to take you to one place today” I said.

  “Where” she was keen to know.

  “Somewhere away from here”.

  “I would love to go” she said softly.

  After we had completed we shuffled out to hire a taxi. In my mind I had only one place which I had been thinking for days for her. Eventually it was the day where I could show her up and take her to the place which I had been dreaming. It was few kilometres away from Pune. The place has got a natural beauty with flora and fauna. Perhaps it’s the place I had discovered. Very few people knew about it. A silent, vibrant and pleasurable environment the nature had. We had travel few miles away from the main city area. After boarding for than an hour we were finally at the spot where we thought to be. She began to like the place. Even the presence of people around gave the feeling of excitement. That’s the day when I had seen her the happiest. She looked very charming with the spell of joy and hope in her eyes. The place gave a wonderful view of the morning rising Sun protruding out between the sloppy hills. Far across the distance we could see nothing more than the white clouds covering the high hills. We shuffled higher into the main top of the hill.


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