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Arielle Immortal Fury (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 6)

Page 3

by Lilian Roberts

  “Are you ready?” Gabrielle asked again.

  “No, of course not. You know riding is not my favorite hobby, but I’ll go. I must admit that I have become quite good at this, thanks to Sebastian,” she said gleefully.

  Gabrielle laughed out loud. “You and Eva are accomplished riders, so there is nothing to worry about.”

  “I’m not worried about it, Gabby. I know that Sebastian taught me well, but still, it’s not my favorite hobby.”

  Gabrielle grinned. “You look beautiful!” she said.

  Arielle smiled blissfully. They walked out of the room and went across the hall to meet Eva. Arielle couldn’t hold back her admiration.

  “Eva, you are gorgeous!” she exclaimed. Eva walked over and gave Arielle a hug.

  “Are you having a good time, Arielle?”

  “Oh, Eva, words couldn’t explain the way I feel. I’ll never forget this for as long as I live. This isn’t just a gift; this is an amazing adventure.” Arielle snorted and gave Eva another hug.

  “The maid just notified me that she’ll be coming right back to take us to the breakfast room,” Eva said. “The family has already been seated, and they are waiting for us.”

  She had barely finished her sentence when a short, attractive woman appeared at the door. “If you are ready, please follow me,” she said.

  Chapter 3

  THE GIRLS WALKED out of the room and down the long corridor. Reaching the end, they went down a long set of stairs, around a few more corners, and down a couple more short hallways. They found themselves in front of an epic entrance made from elegantly sculpted and painted wood. The maid stepped aside and motioned for them to enter.

  Four stunning men with smiles on their beautiful faces rose from their seats as soon as the ladies entered the room. Mademoiselle Gaulle remained seated, a soft grin on her fabulous lips.

  Soft whispers came from the Gaulle family as they watched the girls walk towards them. Smiles of approval spread across their faces. Arielle felt ten feet tall. Sebastian met her halfway. Anton and Marcus did the same thing with Eva and Gabrielle.

  Her eyes rested on Sebastian’s stunning face. A soft smile teased his luscious lips. She shivered with excitement, totally mesmerized. He reached out and took her hand, escorting her to a seat between him and his father.

  “You look amazing,” Sebastian whispered in her ear.

  Arielle smiled. She soon lost track of what was taking place around her. She was overwhelmed by exhilaration. She finally peeled her eyes away from Sebastian in time to see Marcus walking on the other side of the table holding Gabrielle’s hand. Arielle let Gabrielle take the seat between him and his mother. Anton escorted Eva to the seat next to Sebastian, and he sat next to her.

  They were all gathered on one end of an enormous table that could comfortably seat thirty people with Sebastian’s father at the head. The conversation was warm. The Gaulles asked questions about the ladies' parents and their home in England. Arielle let Eva reply to those questions as she was making up a great story. They wanted to know their interests and about their education. Each one of them spoke of their real interests: reading, music, and horseback riding. They couldn’t talk about going to the university since women didn’t attend schools in the sixteenth century. They talked about studying at home. Everyone appeared to be having a wonderful time.

  Arielle took a moment to look around the room. She was in awe. The room was brilliantly lit with windows made out of luxurious stained glass. She was sure that a master glassworker had created them. The room's light seemed to triumph over substance.

  She turned her attention next to the huge fireplace across from their table. There were fabulous bookcases on either side decorated with foliage, roses, and angels holding volumes of books. There were two exquisite paintings above each one of the bookcases, and again she was sure that they were masterpieces. Amazing tapestries covered the spaces between the floor-to-ceiling windows. The armchairs around the table were French imperial-style covered with cordovan leather. Arielle found hers to be extremely comfortable.

  “What are you thinking?” Sebastian’s voice was a soft whisper in her ear. Startled, she turned to find his face a hair's width from her own. She gasped softly and pulled back. God, he's stunning! A smile teased the corners of his mouth. She cleared her throat and tried to steady her voice before she replied.

  “I was admiring this incredible room.”

  “Do you really like the house?” he asked

  “Like it? I don’t think that’s the right word,” she replied and laughed softly under her breath.

  “What word would you use?”

  “I would use amazing, fascinating, stunning, or one of many more appellations.”

  “Well, I’m impressed,” he said and smiled wide. “You aren’t eating anything,” he noted.

  “I’m not very hungry. Maybe the excitement is too much for me,” she said. “There is enough food here to feed a lot of people.” She exhaled softly as she ran her eyes over the bowls filled with fruits, breads, and all kinds of delicious foods. The smell of eggs and bacon was exactly the same as back home. The scent filled her heart with warmth.

  “You are stunningly beautiful,” she heard again, his soft whisper making her smile in utter bliss.

  “How did you sleep?” Monsiuer Gaulle asked.

  “The beds were very comfortable, and we thank you for your hospitality,” Gabrielle replied.

  “Anytime you are in these parts of the country you are welcome to stay with us,” said Mademoiselle Gaulle.

  “I couldn’t sleep at all thinking about seeing you today,” Sebastian whispered. Arielle blushed and remained quiet.

  Soon after, they were on their way to the stables.

  “Do you ladies ride sidesaddle?” Mademoiselle Gaulle asked. Arielle thought how glad she was that not all women of the upper class rode sidesaddle at this time in history.

  Eva was ready with the answer. “We prefer to ride astride, giving us a bit more control of the horse.”

  Arielle held back laughter with extreme difficulty as she gazed over at Gabrielle who looked to be doing the same thing. Eva would be the last person to discuss horseback riding.

  “Excellent! That’s how I like to ride,” said Mademoiselle Gaulle as she held on to the girth, grabbed onto the reins, and put her left foot on the stirrup. With amazing gracefulness, she swung her right leg gently over the horse.

  Arielle noticed Monsiuer Gaulle keeping a watchful eye over his wife. Once on the horse, she turned her gaze to her husband. His lips curved into a mesmerizing smile, leaving a tangible warmth vibrating between the two. Arielle swallowed hard, and her thoughts turned to her one and only desire: Sebastian. She let her eyes slide over him, and she inwardly smiled.

  “Do you ride well?” Monsiuer Gaulle asked, his gaze directed toward Arielle.

  “Somewhat,” she replied hesitantly.

  “Who is the best rider of the three?” Marcus asked, glancing between Eva, Gabby, and Arielle. Instantly, Eva and Arielle pointed at Gabrielle, breaking into soft laughter.

  “Who is the least experienced rider?” he pressed, truly amused. Arielle knew he was being polite by not outright asking which of the three was the worst. Eva and Gabrielle turned their gaze toward Arielle and smiled. There was a warm understanding between the three girls about how they were going to handle this, and Arielle nodded softly.

  “That will be me,” she said grinning. Sebastian pulled his horse and moved close enough for their arms to touch. His nearness made her quiver.

  “Don’t worry; I’m a very good rider,” he said in a deep, seductive voice. “I’ll stay by your side.” His breath caressed her cheek, and she shivered.

  Arielle rested her eyes on his incredible face and almost lost her train of thought. “Thank you. that’ll be wonderful,” she said, the tone of her voice a bit shaken. “I’m not a bad rider. I’m just a little afraid of horses. I have a great teacher back home who has spent countless hours hel
ping me become better.” She chuckled, meeting his gaze. Sebastian had taken her riding several times in Brighton and while they were on holiday in Italy.

  “Well, that sounds great!” he said, watching her intently. “Truly, how well do you ride?”

  “I know that you want to ask me how awful a rider I am.” She chuckled. His lips curved, and suddenly he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers eagerly. Arielle nearly lost it.

  “Would you like me to teach you to ride?” he whispered, without breaking the kiss. She blinked. She had stopped breathing. Closing her eyes, she let her senses enjoy the taste of his beautiful lips. She sighed lightly and moved into him. Attempting to regain her senses, she coughed.

  “I would like that, but we are leaving tomorrow for England,” she said. The closeness of him made her heart accelerate to a dangerous point. “I’m not a bad rider, however. Like I said, I’m a little afraid of horses. I think they sense my fear. I’m improving as time goes by, and I assure you that I can hold my own.”

  He grinned joyfully and let her go, clearly unwillingly. He turned around and taking the reins, he pulled a gorgeous horse toward her.

  “His name is Clair de Lune. He’s one of my favorite horses,” he added. He leaned over and gave the horse a couple of loving pats, making Arielle smile at his sensitivity. She walked closer and ran her hand over the silky, soft mane. “So you’re Moonlight,” she whispered close to his ear. She gave Moonlight a couple of soft pats, too. She was going to surprise him with her ability to ride. Inwardly, she smiled as Sebastian put his hands together for her to step on. He helped her mount the horse. His left hand reached up and handed her the reins, but his other hand was still resting on her hand. His gaze pierced through her as if he were trying to read into her soul. Arielle looked down at him, causing his moist lips to curve up. The sight sent a hot sensation shivering through her. She loved him so much yet had to pretend that he didn't turn her whole world upside down.

  “Are you ready to go? Do you feel comfortable?” he asked. She nodded and watched him mount his horse in a graceful movement. He looked so distinguished in his riding gear that he took her breath away.

  “Let’s go; we’ll ride at your pace,” he said smiling.

  She gave a gentle nudge to Moonlight’s side and set out on a low gallop, picking up speed gradually. She knew she could go faster, but she was set to surprise him to better enjoy his reaction. They rode for more than a half hour, talking about all kinds of subjects. He was clearly enjoying her company. She thought this was a good time to let him know that she could ride quite well. She chuckled under her breath and took a firm grip on the reins as she gave a hard nudge into Moonlight’s gut. He took off at full gallop. She looked back and laughed out loud. Sebastian appeared shocked. She heard his joyful laughter as he took off after her.

  “You lied,” he called out with elation. He had caught up with her easily. She looked at him with eyes full of love, but she hoped that he didn’t know her inner feelings. Complete exhilaration took over her as the ground seemed to fly right past her and the scenery became blurry. She took a deep breath and smiled, watching the horse’s ears tuck back tightly. Moonlight's hooves were barely touching the ground.

  They crossed quite a distance when suddenly they were in front of the beautiful lake she had seen from the bedroom window the night before. It was breathtaking. She pulled on the reins and stopped close to the water. Sebastian stopped next to her.

  “You are a pretty good rider. How come you lied?”

  “I never lied. I said that I was scared of horses, and that is an absolute truth,” she said.

  “I took it to mean that you couldn’t ride when in fact you can,” he said grinning. She didn’t reply, just stared wide-eyed over the water.

  “What is it?” he asked, watching her intently.

  “The view…is breathtaking,” she said. She slid off her horse, quite a feat with the dress around her. Taking the reins, she walked slowly to the edge of the water. Enjoying the scenery, she stood silently. Sebastian dismounted and walked to stand right next to her. His body brushed her side, leaving his fragrant scent to tempt her. Her breath held in her throat, and her body shivered.

  “You are beautiful,” he whispered. Arielle turned to look at him. Their lips locked in a warm kiss filled with desire. She quivered, and he pulled back gasping. He looked lost for words. Clearly struggling to suppress his desire, he shook his head.

  “Will I see you again?” he asked anxiously. She could hear anxiety in his voice.

  “Yes,” she replied, knowing that her reply was true. Maybe not this century, but certainly in mine. He watched her thoughtfully.

  “Arielle!” The anxiety was evident in his eyes.

  Electrifying emotions filled her mind. Sebastian looked into the depths of her sapphire eyes. Arielle raised her eyebrows. “What is it, Sebastian?”

  Startled at the sound of her voice, he swallowed hard and cleared his throat. “Arielle, do you promise that I will see you again?”

  “Yes, I promise,” she said without hesitation. He had no idea how long it would be before their next miraculous encounter in St. Jean de Luz. Five hundred years plus. The almost unbelievable thought made her chuckle under her breath. “We’ll meet again, Sebastian, but please, in the meantime, try to be happy. Your mother told me something last night that I believe is true.”

  “Oh, what was that?” he asked.

  “She said that the world is full of undeniable beauty, awe, and wonder. Try to experience all of it as life is short with no guarantees.”

  Sebastian threw his head back and laughed blissfully. “That sounds like my mother.”

  He drew her back into his arms and held her tight. He lowered his head once again and pressed his lips on hers with unleashed desire that left her breathless. After a very long moment, he released her and then lifted her to the saddle.

  A quiet sigh escaped her lips as a puzzling thought entered her mind. She wondered how much time had passed back in her century. It was a fraction of time, but how small? She was mesmerized at the thought of time passing at different rates. She looked out into the distance, and lowering her gaze gradually to his face, she smiled wide.

  “I wonder where your parents took Eva and Gabrielle?” she asked, straightening her back while seated on the horse.

  “There are many places in the estate that you can ride. If we don’t find them soon, we will meet with them back at the house,” he said and grinned. She found his smile enchanting. He mounted effortlessly, pulled on the reins, and started out with Arielle by his side. They enjoyed the next couple of hours, riding across beautiful green fields without talking.

  They finally turned the horses in the direction of the house. It was around mid-afternoon when they reached the stables.

  They didn’t have to wait long before they heard lively conversation and laughter. Looking up, they saw the others trotting over the hill. Soon, everyone was off the horses and walking toward the house, chatting together cheerfully. They had a little less than an hour before the five o’clock portal, and Eva had made sure that the carriage was still waiting for them. They changed back into their gorgeous gowns, and promising to keep in touch, they walked toward the exit with the Gaulle family on their heels.

  Sebastian lifted her face to his, and his eyes spoke volumes of the turmoil he was feeling. Arielle was unable to utter a single word. Deep emotions were tightening her throat knowing how desperately he didn’t want her to leave.

  “What is it?” she asked. Reaching up, she ran her finger lightly down his cheek.

  “I’m trying to memorize your face, because I have a feeling you will not come back. If you don’t come back, I’ll come looking for you. One thing I know for sure, I’ll never forget your eyes,” he whispered.

  The ladies thanked the family for their warm hospitality and climbed onto the carriage, waving feverishly. The Gaulle family waited on the front lawn until they couldn’t see them any longer. It was now a minut
e before five. Eva took their hands and asked them to close their eyes. She imagined that she heard Sebastian’s voice calling out “Arielle…Arielle… Arielle,” several times. That was the last thought she had before the swirling, hard push she had experienced last time they time traveled knocked the wind out of her lungs. Her mind went blank until she felt the familiar stillness. Her eyes snapped open in dismay.

  The three of them were standing in the middle of Eva’s study, still holding hands as if they had never moved. They looked at each other in silence, immersed in the moment. Exhilaration filled Arielle, and she screamed out loud with sheer pleasure. She started to jump up and down and hugged both her friends. Tears ran down her face.

  “That was absolutely amazing” she said. “Eva, you’re an angel, and I love you beyond words.” Her eyes filled with exultation.

  “I love you, too, Arielle, and happy birthday! I hope it was as amazing an experience for you as it was for both of us,” she said, waving her hand between Gabrielle and herself. Arielle remembered that Eva's immortality allowed her to read Gabby's mind, so she knew exactly how much she had enjoyed the trip.

  “Oh, it was much more than an experience. It was a wonderful, amazing, fantastic gift.” Arielle was laughing as she ran out of adjectives. “Can we keep the clothes?” Arielle asked. I want Sebastian to see me in this awesome gown.


  “Thanks again, Eva. What time is it?”

  Eva glanced at the clock on the wall. “Five twenty four,” she said. Gabrielle and Arielle gasped and spun around to face her.

  “Are you saying that we were only gone for fifteen minutes?” Gabrielle gulped.

  “Yep,” Eva replied. She looked amused by her best friends' reactions.

  “Wow,” Arielle said. They stood silently, acclimating to being once again in the twenty-first century. They sat around and talked for a while, and then Arielle and Gabby were ready to go home and face their miracles in their sixteenth-century gowns. Arielle picked up her amulet from Eva’s jewelry box and clipped it back on her neck. With a final hug, they were on their way home.


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