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Arielle Immortal Fury (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 6)

Page 7

by Lilian Roberts

“Mmm, what’s that for?” he asked.

  “I love you, Sebastian. I love you beyond any human boundaries, beyond any immortal boundaries.”

  “There are no immortal boundaries,” he corrected her and pressed a quick kiss on the tip of her nose.

  “Well, there you go. My love for you is limitless.”

  Sebastian grinned. “You make me a very happy man.” He pulled her hard against his masculine body, causing her to gasp with exhilaration.

  “Happy twenty-second birthday, baby,” he purred and wound his arms about her. “What would you like to do today?” he asked, tugging at her bottom lip with his teeth.

  Arielle gasped against his mouth and pressed closer to explore the softness of her mouth. “I just want to be with you.”

  “I’m right here, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”

  They looked into each other’s eyes and grinned blissfully. Putting her hands flat on his chest, she pushed back softly. “I need to get up.”

  “Whatever for?”

  “I need to use the bathroom.”

  He immediately released her, and she jumped out of bed. “Let's make plans for today,” he called out as the bathroom door closed behind her.

  Arielle leaned against the door and smiled wide. What did I ever do to deserve this much happiness? She didn’t know what true passion felt like until Sebastian moved into her soul and etched his name inside. He had conquered her body and spirit, showing her paradise on earth. She would happily follow him to the ends of the earth. With a soft sigh, she closed her eyes. Heated desire rippled across her body, and she shivered. How can one person have such an intoxicating effect on me? She hauled in a deep breath and peeled herself away from the door, shaking her head in disbelief.

  His eyes were closed when she stepped back into the bedroom. A serene expression spread across his beautiful face.

  Arielle chuckled inwardly, intent on startling him. She took a couple of steps and went airborne, planning to fall right on top of him.

  She screamed when two strong arms grabbed her midair and flipped her onto her back. He pinned her beneath his muscular body. A robust laugh escaped Sebastian’s lips, and Arielle giggled joyfully. His forehead rested against hers, and his lips hovered a breath from her mouth.

  “Did you really think you would succeed?”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she stammered breathlessly.

  “Oh, Arielle, you bring so much happiness and laughter into my life.” His mouth closed over hers, and she wrapped her arms around him, holding him to that kiss. Pulling back, Sebastian gazed into her eyes. “What would you like to do today?”

  “I don’t know. I already had an amazing evening in Vienna with the man that I love. I don’t need anything else.”

  “But it’s your birthday, so let's do something exciting.”

  “Like what?” she asked in an excitable voice. She would be happy to do anything he wanted.

  “I’d like to take you horseback riding. How would you like to call your friends and see if we can all make a day of it?”

  She pretended to consider his suggestion and eventually smiled. Remembering how unselfish this man was and that horseback riding was his passion, she decided to become great at it just to please him. “Yes! I’d love to do that,” she said.

  Sebastian immediately reached for his mobile. He arranged to meet Troy, Gabby, Ian, Eva, Paul, and Loren at the polo fields, and they were soon on their horses in no time. They spent the whole day riding through scenic trails that were surrounded by abundant foliage. Lakes, beautiful woods, and wide-open spaces surrounded the country club. Arielle enjoyed listening to the rustling of the leaves in the slight breeze and the constant chirping of the birds flying from tree to tree. Chatted about different things and laughed while swapping amusing stories. They trotted across grassy fields filled with amazing wild flowers that were swaying in the soft breeze and rode by the lake and crossed several small creeks until they reached the ocean. The thudding of the hoofs on the sand was mesmerizing. Arielle was having a wonderful time. She couldn’t believe how much she was starting to enjoy riding and how good she was getting at handling the horse. Sebastian sent her warm looks of approval, which added to Arielle's happiness.

  They didn’t get home until late in the afternoon. She was completely exhausted but content. In the shower they chatted joyfully about the horses, the ride, and their friends.

  “Arielle, baby, I have some paperwork that I need to look over, and then we will talk about tonight,” Sebastian said.

  “What do you mean tonight? Sebastian, I am tired. I would rather spend the evening alone with you right here,” Arielle said, suppressing a yawn. Sebastian stifled a chuckle. He dropped a gentle kiss on her lips and walked out of the bedroom toward his office. Arielle watched his back until he disappeared at the end of the hall.

  “He never gets tired,” she said with amusement. Her head shook with disbelief.

  “I heard that,” Sebastian called from the other room. Bloody hell, she thought to herself. I can’t even whisper in my own house. He hears everything. A smile tugged her lips. She slowly turned around and walked up to the bed, taking a moment to pile the pillows against the headboard. Then, she took her journal out of the nightstand drawer and climbed onto the bed. After she got comfortable, she thumbed through the pages filled with her most private thoughts until she found the next blank sheet. She closed her eyes and tried to recall some of the most significant points that she wanted to document. Then she let the pen glide.

  October 23rd

  Dear friend,

  I’m back ready to let my thoughts run free across your pages. I have a lot of things to tell you, but I have to jump ahead and start with the most significant and most remarkable experience of my entire life.

  Yesterday was the day before my 22nd birthday, and my birthday present from Eva and Gabby was something out of a fairytale. I actually traveled back through time with them to meet Sebastian as a mortal man. Eva had secured an invitation to one of his parents' gala held on September 23rd, 1575, and as outlandish as it sounds, she did in fact transport the three of us back to 1575!

  I must say that reality became indistinguishable from fantasy. Time spent with Sebastian as a mortal man was quite extraordinary, and I savored each and every moment.

  The excitement became overwhelming when we met his parents and his two brothers. We found them to be absolutely amazing people. His mother’s beauty was that of a Greek goddess. We met people who centuries later become some of the most famous artists in the world. It was extraordinary! One thing became obvious to me; immortality was not able to bring Sebastian any more beauty that what he already possessed. He was just as stunning as a mortal man as he is today, and I couldn’t peel my eyes away from him. I am so in love with him that I can hardly breathe.

  The most astonishing part of the trip was that we spent almost two days in 1575, but when we returned, only 15 minutes had passed. How amazing is that?

  Sebastian's reaction when I returned home was a shock to me. The beautiful gown that Eva created for me to fit the part while attending the gala seemed to bring back memories that shook him to his very core. He was bewildered when he realized that I was the same girl he had met at his parents' gala and thought he had lost forever. He recalled how hard he had tried to understand the familiarity of my eyes when first met at the beach at St. Jean last year. It was like déjà vu. He couldn’t consciously remember the moment, but he was sure that he had looked into my eyes before.

  He had tried for days upon days to evoke the memory, but eventually he had given up. Now he understands the attraction and the familiarity. He told me that he had been in love with me for over five hundred years. I was excited to grasp a small part of his world when he was a mortal man. I met his family, and I loved them all. I met a lot of his friends, and I was impressed by most of them. I know that Eva and Gabrielle were just as impressed as I was.

  However, his friend Gaston made me quite uncomfortable. I
knew he was an immortal from the moment I set eyes on him, but when I told Sebastian, he couldn’t believe it. Gaston had been his best friend, and he never knew anything about his immortality. I found out that Gaston and Sebastian argued over me the morning after the gala. I caused the severance of their friendship. But I can’t truly say that the whole thing bothered me. Gaston gave me the creeps. But even with that one bad incident, nothing will ever compare to this adventure.

  Sebastian’s birthday gift was dreamlike. After that amazing adventure with Eva and Gabby, Sebastian had arranged to fly us out of the country on his private jet for a romantic dinner at an amazing restaurant in Vienna. And as if that wasn’t enough, he gave me a stunning diamond tennis bracelet that belonged to his mother. I was moved to tears.

  Today is my actual birthday, and we spent the day horseback riding with all of our friends. We just got home, and I am completely exhausted. Sebastian has a little paperwork to complete, and I can’t wait for him to come to bed. I want to properly thank him for being the best fiancé in the world. I am crazy about him. He is truly the most unselfish and thoughtful person. He is my life, my love, and my Darcy.

  During my time travel adventure, I finally resolved the enigma about Brandon Burgejion and his strange insistence that we had met before. We did, in fact, meet in Calais at the gala. How incredible is that? He was Marcus’ best friend. Next time I attend the assembly with Eva, I will remind him of our meeting. I am sure it will create some amazing discussions between the three of us. That will be a good time to find out how he became an immortal.

  I need to take a quick shower and wait for my dream to come to bed. I know that we will get very little sleep tonight.

  I think I have captured all of the most significant moments since the last time I visited your blank pages. I will be back when I have more to share.

  Arielle closed her journal and put it away. After a warm shower, she climbed into bed. Closing her eyes, she stretched serenely. She was startled by Sebastian’s strong voice. “Arielle, what do you think you’re doing?”

  She sat up, and stared at him inquisitively. “What?” she asked groggily.

  “You couldn’t possibly think that we are going to bed this early on your birthday, could you?” He grinned and raised a brow.

  “Sebastian, I’m exhausted,” she argued and flung herself back onto the bed.

  “Mmm…I can’t say that I’m not seriously tempted to jump in bed with you, but not tonight,” he said.

  “But Sebastian, I had tons of gifts. You already flew me to another country for dinner, you gave me the most exquisite tennis bracelet, and we spent the whole day with all of our friends doing exactly what I know you love the most. What is there left to do?” She ran her tongue over her lips and smiled alluringly. “Come and lay next to me,” she murmured, and with her hand, she patted the bed at the spot right next to her.

  “Arielle, stop it,” he pleaded. “I want to take you dancing.”

  “Dancing! Are you joking?”

  “Do I look like I’m joking?” He took a couple steps and bent over the bed, and then he pulled her up into his arms for a sumptuous kiss. Her mind went blank. She sighed with pleasure.

  “Can’t we just stay here, please?” she moaned, moving into him suggestively.

  “As tempting as you are, I still have to say no. We are going out,” he said and shifted away from her. She realized that he must have a good reason for insisting, and there was no point in protesting.

  “All right then, I’ll get ready,” she said. She wasn’t going to disappoint him even if she would rather stay in bed.

  In the car, Sebastian took Arielle's hand and pressed it softly. Leaning closer, he said gently into her ear, “I love you, Arielle.”

  “And I you,” she said. She raised her face, and their gazes locked.

  “Don’t be mad, baby. I only want to celebrate your birthday.” He drew her to him and pressed a soft kiss on her lips.

  “I know; I’m not mad. I’m just tired,” she mumbled and kissed him back. She turned and gazed out of the window as she suppressed a yawn.

  “Then, look at me and tell me that you love me again.” His voice was tender, seductive.

  She turned and leaned closer. She ran her finger over his bottom lip. “I adore you,” she whispered, and her lips brushed over his.

  Sebastian let out a shuddering breath. He kept one hand on the wheel and reached around Arielle, pulling her securely against him, reveling at the sensation of her warmth. Arielle rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

  Sebastian gazed down at her, and his lips parted, drawing a shaky breath. Who am I kidding? This is much harder on me than on her. Her warmth in my bed nearly undid me. For a long moment, he remained quiet, filled with passion and desire, fighting the maddening thoughts that were ripping into him like wild fire. I would much rather be home with her, celebrating her birthday alone, but it’s too late to scratch the plans. He had already paid to throw an amazing surprise party for Arielle. Eva and Gabrielle had phoned all their friends from school, and there had been a great response. All he needed to do was to get her to Gabrielle’s place.

  “Would you mind if I make a quick stop at Troy’s?”

  “Something wrong?”

  “No, he has some papers that he wants me to look over prior to our morning staff meeting.”

  “No, I don’t mind,” she replied sluggishly.

  Sebastian bent down and nuzzled her hair. She was half asleep, and he chuckled. She didn’t seem to care about much right now. She really did look exhausted, but he was sure that she would be pleased.

  When they arrived at Troy’s, everything seemed quiet. The house was completely dark except for a couple dim lights on the upper level.

  “I’ll wait for you right here,” she said, leaning back at the headrest and closing her eyes.

  “I don’t think I would like that. I don’t want you sitting in the car alone,” he said firmly. He walked around and opened her door. He pulled her into his arms, pressing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. “Wake up, sleepy head,” he said against her ear. He kept his arm around her as they reached the front door, and he pressed the doorbell. It was a couple of minutes later when the front light came on. Troy opened the door and took Arielle’s breath away. He stood in the doorway shirtless, wearing a pair of jeans.

  “Come on in,” he said. He reached over and gave Arielle a hug.

  “Is Gabrielle asleep?”

  “Not yet, but she’s in bed,” he replied with a soft smile. “Do you want me to get her for you?”

  “No, no, don’t bother her. Sebastian and I are going out for my birthday.”

  “Oh, that sounds like fun,” he gazed at her for a short moment. “Are you certain?”

  “Yes…yes…let her rest. I know she must be exhausted after a whole day riding,” she said. “I feel pretty much the same way right now.”

  Sebastian exchanged a glance with Troy. He spoke quickly to cover the awkward moment. “I’ll get those papers for you,” Troy called out as he disappeared around the corner toward his office. They stood in the foyer. Sebastian snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. There was complete silence in the house, which was strange because Gabrielle loved music and played it night and day. She saw a dim light go on in the kitchen.

  “Hey, Sebastian come here a minute.”

  Sebastian pulled her softly, and they both walked through the study toward the kitchen. They were halfway there when suddenly all the lights came on with a blinding flash. Arielle stilled and drew a shocked breath. She blinked, and her jaw dropped. The room was full of familiar faces, faces that she loved.

  Everyone shouted out, “Surprise! Surprise!”

  Gabrielle and Eva ran towards her with open arms. “Happy birthday, Arielle!”

  Arielle appeared lost for words. She looked around, disbelief in her eyes. She stared as tears blinded her view once again.

  “When did you guys do all this?” Ari
elle asked, wiping her eyes, searching Eva's and Gabrielle’s faces.

  “Oh, it was all Sebastian,” they replied simultaneously, motioning toward him. “He took care of all the details, the catering, the flowers, and the music. He only asked us to help with the invitations,” Eva said. She was beaming with excitement.

  She immediately looked back. Sebastian stood between Ian and Troy. He had a huge smile plastered across his face. She ran to him, falling into his arms.

  “Thank you!”

  He stared down at her with a mischievous smile on his face. “You can thank me when we get home,” he whispered in her ear, and she giggled.

  Sebastian grinned and pressed his lips on hers. “Go and say hello to your friends, I’ll try to control my jealousy as much as possible.”

  “Okay,” she said and gave him a peck on the cheek.

  Chapter 8

  ARIELLE WAS PLEASED to find all of her friends from the university and some from secondary school had shown up to celebrate her twenty-second birthday. There were a few girls that she didn’t know, but they had come with her friends, so they were welcome. The cake was huge, and there was plenty of everything. The excitement woke her up.

  She heard Gabrielle’s voice say, “Arielle, did you see who just came in?”


  “Alex, Robert, and Damien.”

  “Oh, that’s great!” she exclaimed.

  “I invited them, but I didn’t think they were going to make it. They had a Halestorm concert to attend. I’m really surprised they made it,” Gabrielle said.

  Sebastian squeezed Arielle tighter. The song was over, and they moved off of the dance floor. It was but a few minutes later when the newcomers came up to say hello. They wished her a happy birthday, and she got a hug from each one of them.

  “Guys, Gabrielle told me that you were all going to the concert tonight,” Arielle said.

  “What? And miss your birthday party? What are you thinking?” she heard Robert say.


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