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Arielle Immortal Fury (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 6)

Page 15

by Lilian Roberts

  “Do you have any of the documents they tried to send through the system at hand?” Sebastian asked.

  Dylan walked behind his desk and pulled some papers out of the top drawer. He handed them to Sebastian, who thumbed through them carefully before handing them over to Nathan and Troy. They were emails sent using a virus called Trezlez that was designed to cause widespread damage. This virus would help the mafia collect and distribute personal data, business contacts, and other sensitive information that they may have in their company systems. It was pretty scary stuff, but nothing that Sebastian felt that he and his immortal friends couldn’t handle.

  Sebastian handed the papers back to Dylan. He rose to his feet ready to leave. Nathan and Troy stood as well.

  Dylan gazed at Sebastian thoughtfully. “Sebastian, there is something more.”

  Sebastian had already known this was coming, but he pretended to look surprised. “Oh, what is it?”

  “My agents have intercepted their conversations and know they are preparing to threaten you with something more severe.”

  “Like what?”

  “They are setting surveillance on your home, your friends, and your loved ones. Their next step will be the kidnapping of a loved one. They will use a hostage to negotiate the surrender of the documents.”

  “Dylan, you know I would never allow that to happen.”

  “You don’t know how powerful these people are and how heartless they can be. I want everyone to be careful. I will have agents spread out to keep an eye on you and your home.”

  “Thank you. That will not be necessary. I have private security to do all that for me. But I do thank you for your concern. You have my mobile if something comes up.”

  Dylan nodded. With his agreement, the three immortals walked out. When they reached the parking lot, Sebastian was all worked up. They climbed into the car and headed back to their office building.

  “Well…we have the surveillance location, and that’s the starting point. I’m sure we can find all the scum involved and get to them with no problem. Does either one of you have an issue with going to Brussels tomorrow?”

  Nathan and Troy looked at each other as they shrugged their shoulders. “No, not at all,” they both answered almost in unison.

  “Let’s go home. I’ll make the flight arrangements and call you, unless you don’t want to use a plane to get there.” He chuckled as both Nathan and Troy broke out into laughter.

  “Nathan,” Sebastian said, “please let Alex know that he’ll be filling in for you while you are gone.”

  “Okay, Sebastian.” Nathan asked to be let out at the front entrance of the building. He needed to complete the work he’d started early in the morning and also talk to Alex about leaving for Brussels. He gave a friendly pat to Troy’s back.

  “Let me know what time I need to be ready in the morning,” he said as he stepped out of the car.

  “All right. I’ll call you as soon as I have the tickets in hand.”

  The drive home was a quiet one until they arrived at Troy’s house. “Hey, Troy. I don’t know how to thank you. You have become one of my best friends, and your support has been enormous in many ways. I truly feel indebted to you.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m more than happy to do that. I need to thank you for giving me this incredible opportunity with your business. I enjoy going to the office with you and the change of the daily routine. Eternity is a curse, as you very well know, so even though I’m tired of school, I’ll do it just to stay near Gabrielle. I have a huge business in Italy, but Gabrielle’s life is here. She loves living in Brighton close to her family and friends. I love her more than life, and I would never ask her to choose between Brighton and Italy. So as you can see, you have done a lot more for me than I’ve done for you.”

  “Who’s running the business in Italy?”

  “I’ve put in place one of my oldest friends, Raffaello. He has been running the business for as long as I can remember, and that’s a hell of a long time,” he said snorting. “We talk daily, and he keeps me informed.”

  “You’ve never told me what type of business that is.”

  “Oh, we evolved throughout the centuries. My father and one of his best friends started the business. They handled tapestries and coins at first, and then later emerged into the art market. They purchased and sold exquisite art pieces from some of the best artists of the sixteenth century. Those pieces were treated with special care. As the centuries rolled by, we expended the business throughout Europe, and we now have eighteen major companies that still deal with significant public and private collections.”

  “I would love to visit your company,” Sebastian said. “It sounds fascinating.”

  “Thanks, Sebastian. I would love to take the girls to see some of the pieces still held by my company. I just don’t want to sell them.” He shook his head and chuckled. They shook hands, and Sebastian headed home.

  It was six o’clock when he pulled into the garage, and he could hardly wait to hold his fiancée. He opened the door and called out for her, but all he heard was silence. He ran from room to room, calling her name as anxiety started to take over and fear crept slowly up his spine. He walked out into the backyard, hoping that she was out there or down at the beach, but she was nowhere to be found. He picked up his mobile and called her, but she didn’t pick up. Next, he called Eva. She said that she had not seen Arielle since they left school. He called Gabrielle, but she hadn’t seen her either. His palms were clammy. The muscles in his stomach were tight. Bile rose to his throat. Oh my God, please don’t let anything happen to her. He called Loren and Paul next, but neither picked up. His last call was to her parents' house, but they hadn’t seen her since the last time they were all together.

  “Is everything all right?” her mother asked.

  “Sure, everything is okay. I was just late coming home, and I’m sure she went shopping without me.” He forced a chuckle as he thanked her and hung up in clear terror. Where could she be? He called Christian even though he knew he hadn’t warned him about this until late in the afternoon.

  “Hey, Christian.”

  “Sebastian, what’s wrong? You sound upset.”

  “Please ask Isabella if she saw Arielle late this afternoon? She isn’t home and none of the others have seen her. I’m going out of my mind.”

  “Hang on.” He was back on the phone in no time at all.

  “Isabella said that she left with Loren. Paul was going to a basketball game with Robert and Alex, so she asked Arielle if she wanted to go shopping with her.”

  “I tried Loren, but she didn’t answer.”

  “They are together. Maybe they left their mobiles in the car. Give them a little more time, and if you don’t hear from her, let me know.”

  “Okay, thanks. I will.” He hung up, and a little hope crept in. At least she left with Loren, that alone was great relief, but it was short lived as his mind whirled to another scenario. What if something happened to her while on her way home? He took a few deep breaths and sat on the big chair to wait.

  An hour later, he picked up his phone and speed-dialed Loren again. She picked up on the first ring.

  “Loren!” he exclaimed.

  “Hi, Sebastian. What’s wrong? You sound awful.”

  “Loren, I’ve been worried about Arielle.”

  “Arielle? Isn’t she home yet?”

  “No, no…she isn’t home, and I’m really worried,” he said anxiously.

  “Well, we went shopping, but she left over an hour ago. She said she wanted to be home before you got there.”

  “Oh my God, something must be wrong.”

  “What are you saying?” Loren asked.

  “I’m saying that she might be hurt,” he said flatly.

  “Do you mean Annabel?”

  “No, Loren. I have bigger problems than Annabel right now.”

  “What kind of problems?”

  “There are people out there that are threatening to hurt Ari
elle if I don’t surrender the company designs to them,” he said, his voice filled with wretchedness.

  “Sebastian, maybe she stopped somewhere and forgot about the time.”

  After a moment of hesitation, he said in a painful gasp, “That’s not like Arielle, but I hope that you’re right.”

  “Sebastian, do you want me to come over?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “Please don’t think the worst. She’ll be home soon. Call me if you need me.”

  “I try not to think of the worst. I just want to know that she’s all right.”

  “Call me,” Loren said.

  “If I don’t hear from her soon, I’ll be calling you.”

  “Love you,” Loren said softly.

  “Love you, too,” he said and put the phone down.

  He collapsed into the leather chair, emotionally exhausted. He stared at the clock on the mantel, and the ticking noise grated on his nerves. Impatience crept in insidiously as he watched the hands of time barely move. Loneliness enveloped him, and the blood began to boil in his veins. Wild thoughts started to swirl in his head. If she were kidnapped, he was sure that they would contact him with their demands. He just didn’t know what else to do except sit and wait. He covered his face with his hands and wished that he could cry. The pain and anguish was so deep that he could hardly stand it.

  A sick, painful feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. His mind whirled around as he tried to understand why he should feel the effects of human emotion so strongly. Why was it that irrational thoughts invaded every corner of his mind? As an immortal, he should be able to analyze this emotion.

  He closed his eyes in shock and disbelief. What if someone actually took her? What if she was in pain, scared and alone? Sebastian felt numb. He felt angry and resentful. He was at fault. He was the reason that her life had become chaos. Pain overwhelmed him, the kind of pain that would never end. He didn’t want to exist in this world if she wasn’t in it. His senses went reeling, and his fears became palpable. His stomach was tense with uneasiness. He decided that he needed to snap himself out of this horrible state.

  He rose to his feet and strolled across the room to stand in front of the window. His eyes traveled across the water. This had been a troublesome day, and he was trying hard to suppress his temper. “Damn it; where is she?”

  Chapter 14

  TWO MORE HOURS had passed since he last talked to Loren, and Sebastian was going out of his mind. He knew that he needed to stop obsessing by invoking the worst case scenarios, so he didn’t allow the debilitating emotions to drain every resource he possessed. He stood up, determined to stay stoic as he drew a line to his obsession, prepared not only to cross it but to endure the danger. He walked to the kitchen and pulled a bottle of salve from the fridge. He took several sips, needing the energy and strength. He stopped breathing as he heard a car engine approaching and gasped in relief as the car pull into the garage.

  He flew to the door and yanked it open hard enough that it sprang against the wall. Elation made his body tingle with joy. He drew in a shaky breath and felt the blood thudding against his temples slowly dissolve. Arielle stepped out of the car, looking unruffled. She had a huge smile painted on her beautiful face, eyes sparkling like brilliant sapphires. She had no idea of the fierce war he had been waging inside himself as he waited for her to get home.

  “Hey, baby,” she said, her voice soft, sweet. It caressed every corner of his soul. He stepped into the garage and swept her off the floor, pulling her into his arms. He twirled her around with eagerness, and passion. She was startled as he set her back on the floor, and bending down, he crushed her lips beneath his.

  “Where the devil have you been?” he asked breathlessly. He swept her into his arms one more time and carried her inside, shutting the door behind them with his foot.

  “Shopping,” she called out softly. “There are bags in the back of the car.” She threw her head backward and stretched her arm out, pointing toward the garage.

  “You can get them later,” he said. “Why didn’t you answer your phone? I’ve been going out of my mind.”

  “Um, I didn’t hear it ring. The battery must be dead, but why? What’s wrong? You look upset,” she said, clearly surprised by his frustration.

  “No, I’m not upset,” he said, trying to cover up his crazy emotions. “I was just worried about you.” He strove to appear relaxed even though he had been dying inside, waiting to see her home safe.

  “What are you worried about?” she asked, eyebrows arched.

  “All kinds of things,” he said, waving his hand in a dismissive way.

  “Such as?” she pressed.

  “Such as an accident, or…or something else major,” he said humorously in a poor attempt to cover his anxiety. His eyes rested on her beautiful face, trying hard to seem nonchalant.

  “All I did was go shopping, and trust me the damage is quite major.” She emphasized the last word and laughed joyfully. Sebastian held her warmly, happy to have her home and in his arms where she belonged. He looked to heaven with a silent prayer and smiled wide. He set her feet on the floor and pulled her into his embrace, unwilling to let her go.

  “My bags,” she stressed again. She leaned back and stretched her arm, pointing toward the closed door.

  “I’m not ready to let you go, so please forget about the bags. Can you do that for just a moment?” He pulled her back into a hot kiss until he felt her melting against him. “Je t’aime, Arielle. Je t'adore.”

  “Oh, there is something wrong. You are speaking French.” She looked at him quizzically. “Spill it; what is it?”

  He laughed at the tone of her voice and pulled her closer, as if that was even possible. He slipped both his hands to her backside as he pressed against her while shifting his lower body. He was excited.

  “Je t'ai manqué,” she whispered, out of breath.

  “Moi, aussi,” he replied breathlessly.

  “Montrez-moi.” It was all she could say. She moaned softly.

  “Mmm.” His eyes were closed. Passion burned in the pit of his stomach.

  “Je tu veux en ce moment.”

  She threw her arms around his neck, and he carried her to bed. He handled her with a wild hunger. His hands caressed every inch of her body. His mouth and tongue ran wildly, savoring every inch of her, making her cry out in ecstasy. He moaned. Nothing mattered except pleasing her. She kissed the hollow of his throat in the place she knew he liked. He smiled, liking that she knew what set him off. His lovemaking was powerful. It wasn’t just need, it was eagerness.

  He was breathless, his face full of intense passion. There was something different about the heat that overwhelmed their bodies. He knew that she must feel it.

  Silence fell as their encounter ended. Sebastian was unable to utter a single word. He rolled off of her onto his back and placed his hands behind his head as he watched her. Arielle laid her head on the crook of his shoulder and pulled her body as close to him as possible. She wrapped her arm around his chest. He sighed

  “You have absolutely no idea how much I love you,” he murmured, voice velvety soft.

  “I think I do,” she whispered. She ran her tongue around his lip line, and he moaned. He parted his lips, knowing that she wanted to taste the sweetness of his immortal scent. They stayed in each other's arms for a couple of hours.

  It was getting dark outside when she decided to get out of bed. They took a warm shower, chatting away about this and that. She laughed blissfully. He knew that she was unable to understand his immortal desire, but she wasn’t complaining.

  While drying her hair, Sebastian saw that she had something to ask him. He had tried to hide his emotions, tried to appear like nothing was out of the ordinary, but she must have noticed.

  “Can you tell me what was all that about?” Arielle asked.

  “What do you mean?” Sebastian smiled seductively.

  “I mean the way you made love to me,” she said, sighing.
br />   “What was strange about that?”

  “Sebastian, I know that you don’t think of me as a fool. I know and you know that there was something extraordinary about the way you made love to me tonight. Did something happen while I was gone?”

  “No.” He pulled her to him for a kiss. “I just missed you,” he said without leaving the kiss.

  “You are holding something back, and that’s all right, but I want you to remember this moment,” she said emphatically. Sebastian gazed deeply into her eyes.

  “What do you mean by that?” he asked curiously. He walked slowly toward the bed and laid back down, putting his hands behind his head. He watched her carefully. She followed him, propping herself on her elbow and gazing down at him.

  “I know that there will be a time when you ask me what I’m thinking, and I won’t tell you,” she said. She turned and jumped back out of bed. She tried to walk away, but he reached out with his immortal speed and grabbed her wrist. He drew her back to him as she swayed on her feet. She turned to face him; his emerald eyes sparkled as a wide smile spread across his face.

  “What am I going to do with you?”

  “I think you’ve already done it,” she said with a smile, and he laughed. “But you still haven’t answered my question.”

  Sebastian thought that was a great moment to tell her about the trip.

  “Arielle, I have to leave for Brussels in the morning.” He closed his eyes, expecting an outburst or a protest, but he heard nothing but silence. He opened his eyes reluctantly. She was out of bed, standing over him, watching him carefully.

  “Well, there it is! I knew that you were hiding something.” Her unruffled voice stunned him. He hadn’t expected that at all. Did she really think that he made love to her because of the trip? She was so…wrong, but he wasn’t going to discuss the various issues and the dangers he was dealing with.

  “When were you planning on telling me about this?” Her voice was soft, matter of fact.

  “Now. Is this a bad time?” He chuckled as his eyes pleaded for understanding. Arielle couldn’t possibly stay mad at him.


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