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Forever Claimed woea-2

Page 3

by Marisa Chenery

  "Algar," she panted.

  "Is this what you want?" He dragged his tongue against her pussy.

  "Oh, God. More."

  When he did it again, she arched her back, lifting her hips off the bed. Arousal pounded inside her. Her body quivered, needing the release Algar could give.

  Spreading her folds, he circled her clit with his tongue before he sucked on it. An intense wave of pleasure shot through her body. She let out a whimpered moan. Algar lapped and sucked on her clit until she was grinding against his mouth. Her body coiled tighter as her orgasm edged nearer.

  One finger, then another, pushed inside her. Algar pumped them in and out, while he stroked her clit with his tongue. Kamryn squeezed her inner muscles around his fingers, increasing the pleasure coursing through her body. Lifting her hips in time with his moving fingers, she moaned.

  "I'm going . . . to . . . . Ah." Kamryn could barely form the words with her orgasm almost upon her.

  "I want you to come," Algar said. "I want to taste you while you find your release."

  He replaced his fingers with his stiffened tongue and used his thumb to stroke her clit at the same time. It was enough to send Kamryn flying. Moaning, she climaxed against his mouth. He continued to lick her pussy until he wrung all he could out of her. When it was over, she went boneless on the bed.

  Algar moved up her body and buried his face into the crook of her neck. She expected him to take off his jeans and sheath his still-hard cock inside her, but he didn't.

  He only lay on top of her, panting.

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Algar?" He may have given her a great orgasm, but she wanted his cock inside her, bringing her to another one.

  "Just give me a minute," he said against her neck.

  She stroked his back as he took in great gulps of air. It was almost a full minute before he lifted his head. He stared down at her with a mix of emotions flitting across his face. The look of hunger remained, but a look of tenderness had now joined it. He lay motionless atop her and made no move to finish what they'd started, though his erection lay nestled between them.

  Starting to feel as if she may have done something wrong, Kamryn asked, "Are you all right? I thought you wanted—"

  Algar cut her off with a brush of his lips. "I still want to, but I've decided I don't want to rush things. I think I'm moving a little too fast. I want to be able to take my time, make love to you until neither one of us can move."

  At Algar's words, her body started to respond again. Her pussy clenched with arousal. She smiled suggestively. "I don't have anything else to do today."

  He smiled back. "You might not, but I do." He ran the pad of his thumb along her bottom lip. "I want to do this right, Kamryn. I have something to do tonight, but I want to spend what is left of it right here in your bed. Will you let me come back even though it'll be really late?"

  Kamryn wasn't about to refuse. She wanted him any way she could get him.

  "Yes, you can come back. I'll probably still be awake anyway. I haven't quite adjusted to the time change."

  "Then I'll come back."

  Algar proceeded to kiss her until he had her moaning into his mouth and straining against him. Breathless, lost in a haze of arousal, Kamryn watched him get off the bed and do up his jeans around his still erect cock. She ached to have it buried deep inside her pussy.

  After he put on his t-shirt, he picked his leather jacket off the floor. "I'll see you tonight." His heated gaze ran over her naked body. "I'll make the wait worth it. I promise."

  With those words, he turned and walked out of her hotel room. Kamryn rolled onto her side and smiled. She had a feeling tonight would be one she wouldn't soon forget.

  * * *

  Algar pulled onto the long, gravel drive that led to the manor house where he and the rest of Tiw's warriors lived. After he parked his car, he made his way inside.

  Voices drifted from the living room, but since Raed's wasn't among them, Algar continued on to the kitchen.

  Lexi, Raed's mate, stood in front of the fridge. Her long, light brown hair fell forward when she leaned inside with the door open. Lexi turned with a water bottle in hand. She smiled when she saw him and closed the refrigerator door. "Back already?

  Did you find her?"

  Algar's gaze fell to Lexi's stomach when she rubbed a hand across it. At five months pregnant, she was just starting to show. "I found her. Is Raed around? I really need to talk to him."

  Lexi shook her head. "You just missed him. He went out for a few groceries." She opened the water bottle and took a drink before she said, "If you want to talk to Raed about the girl, you can always talk to me. The way you're taken with her, I'm getting the feeling there'll soon be another mate added to the ranks around here."

  Algar sighed. "I don't know, Lexi. It's kind of personal."

  She rolled her dark blue eyes, took him by the arm, and moved him to the kitchen table, persuading him to sit. She took the chair next to him. "I'm mated to Raed.

  I have just as much experience in that department as he does. If anything, I would know more about what it's like from your girl's perspective."

  Lexi did have a point. She also had no clue as to what Raed was in the beginning.

  "When you put it like that, maybe you're the one I should talk to."

  "Well, I'm all ears."

  "All right. I think Kamryn—that's her name—is my mate. I'm drawn to her and her scent. She also affects me more than any other woman ever has."

  "She got to your wolf, huh?"

  "Every time I smell her scent, my wolf throws back its head and howls. And then there's the whole business about my eyes going wolf and my claws."

  He'd had a hard time hiding the changes that came over him while he'd been pleasuring Kamryn with his mouth. He'd known his eyes had gone wolf when his sight had become much sharper. Keeping his eyes adverted had been easy enough, but when his claws had pushed through his fingertips, he'd had to watch how he touched her.

  Just before Kamryn had come, he'd had to use his mouth instead of his fingers to bring her to completion.

  "I take it you fooled around with her a bit. Have you made love yet?"

  "No. I'd planned to, but when the other things started to happen I held off."

  The first time Raed had taken Lexi to his bed, he'd found his eyes going wolf and his claws coming out during sex weren't the only things that were different. While making love to his mate, just as he reached orgasm, his cock went like a wolf's as well. It swelled, locking him to Lexi while he continued to come a lot longer than was normal.

  Raed had confided in Algar, worried Lexi wouldn't be able to accept him with all the differences.

  Lexi gave him a knowing smile. "You're worried you'll swell just like Raed does with me? That isn't exactly something you can hide from her."

  "I'm not really worried, more like at a loss as to what to do about it. Ideally, I'd want her to get to know me better before I have to explain about my being immortal and a were. I don't want to scare her away. Though, I'm going to have to work fast, since she's only here for a fortnight."

  "Where's she from?"

  "Niagara Falls, New York."

  "A fellow American." Lexi was originally from Tampa. Raed had met her when she'd come to Norwich on holiday over the summer. "The only advice I can give you is don't try and act as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. Raed hoped I wouldn't notice in the beginning, which was stupid, really. I did notice. And if she asks about it, don't try to hold her off. Just do what you can to ease her into it slowly. She may freak a bit, but that's understandable."

  "So you think I should just go ahead and make love to Kamryn? Let the chips fall where they may?"

  "If you really think she's your mate, why not get the proof that she is? And if she is truly your mate, after you make love to her, Tiw's mark should start to appear. That will be a for sure sign."

  Just as Tiw had marked his warriors, he'd also marked Lexi with the sam
e White Wolf emblem the men carried on the cap of their left shoulders. Instead of being on the same spot on her body, Tiw had placed it high up on the right side of Lexi's back near her shoulder, marking her as a mate. He'd also given Lexi immortality.

  "I plan to go back to Kamryn's hotel after I finish hunting tonight. I just wanted some advice from someone who's already gone through this."

  "Well, you came to the right person." Lexi stood. "If Kamryn does end up being your mate, and she has a hard time accepting what you are, bring her to me. I can help her understand."

  "Thanks, Lexi."

  As Raed's mate walked out of the kitchen, Algar hoped when he did tell Kamryn everything she wouldn't 'freak out', like Lexi said. If she was his mate, and she shunned him for what he was, he didn't think he'd be able to let her go.

  Chapter Four

  Nathan, the pack leader of the werewolves sired by Fenris, made his way stealthily through the stand of trees that bordered the back of the warriors' manor.

  Night had started to darken the sky. The last time he'd been here, five months earlier, he and some of his pack had had a confrontation with the warriors. Nathan had suffered a loss, but he'd thought he'd gained a valuable tool to help bring down his enemy during the fight. He'd had Raed's mate, had even bitten her. With that bite, he'd thought she would have turned and instinctively found her way to their den before the next full moon, like the rest of the newly turned had done. That never happened.

  Daring to stand close to the border where the trees ended, Nathan gazed at the large manor. He needed to see what had happened to Raed's mate. He didn't think the warrior would have killed her. His kind was far too noble to do anything like that.

  His gaze shot to the back door of the manor when it opened and a woman stepped outside. It was Raed's mate. With the wind blowing across the property toward him, he sniffed the air. He frowned when he picked out the woman's scent. She didn't have the smell of his pack, as all members did. She didn't even have the scent of a werewolf, but something about her scent reminded him of the immortal warriors' scent.

  And it wasn't because she was mated to one. The warriors' scent was incorporated into her own.

  Nathan's eyes narrowed when he noticed the slight swelling of her belly under her shirt. She was pregnant. Before he thought about it, he took a step from the cover of the trees, intent on crossing onto the grassy garden, but he came up short. Something stopped him. Almost as if he'd run into an invisible wall. He moved farther down the border and met with the same barrier. Something was keeping him out. He knew of only one entity strong enough to keep his kind off the warriors' property—their Anglo-Saxon god, Tiw.

  Unable to do anything more—but at least he'd found his answers—Nathan moved back into the trees. Right then, Raed came outside and joined his mate. The woman was no longer a viable option. Nathan would have to find another way to strike against the warriors.

  * * *

  The night's hunting proved to be quiet for Algar. He came across none of his prey, which didn't surprise him much. He and his fellow warriors usually found themselves taking down more prey during a full moon when newly turned shifted to werewolf form for the first time. The night of the full moon was three weeks away.

  Algar pulled out his cell phone and dialed Raed.

  "I'm going to have an early night. Not much prey moving tonight," he said when Raed picked up.

  Raed chuckled. "You want to go be with Kamryn."

  When Raed had come home from shopping, Lexi had filled him in on Algar's situation before Algar got a chance to talk to him. "If it was a full moon, you know I wouldn't be calling it quits so early."

  "Relax, Algar. I remember what it was like when I first met Lexi. Besides, Wulfric and Dolf will cover for you."

  That was true. Wulfric and Dolf, two of the other warriors, enjoyed hunting werewolves more than the rest of them did. During the night of a full moon, they competed with each other to see who could bring down more prey.

  "Yeah, they would find it no hardship. Plus, with Garrick and Brand out, there are enough of us still hunting."

  "So I guess I shouldn't expect to see you at the manor any earlier than sometime tomorrow."

  "That's if everything goes all right with Kamryn."

  "I'll leave my cell on just in case."

  "Thanks. Have a good night."

  Ending the call, Algar snapped his phone closed and put it back in his jacket pocket. Now able to go to Kamryn, he didn't take his time returning to where he'd left his car parked. With not much traffic this time of night, he made good time reaching the hotel. His libido kicked into high gear when he stepped inside the empty elevator and rode it to Kamryn's floor.

  At her room's door, he quietly knocked so as not to disturb other hotel patrons who surely were sleeping. His heart beat faster when he heard Kamryn moving on the other side of the door. She opened it with a smile and stepped aside for him to enter.

  No sooner had she closed the door behind him and turned the lock did he sweep her up into his arms and bring his mouth over hers. While he devoured her mouth, he lifted her and carried her toward the bed. Kamryn put her arms around his neck and kissed him back hungrily.

  At the bed, Algar let her slide slowly down his body until she stood on her own.

  He lifted his head but kept her wrapped in his arms. "All I could think about all night was seeing you again."

  Kamryn pressed closer, flattening her breasts against his chest. "I couldn't stop thinking about you, either."

  Algar moaned when she brushed her hip along his erection. "I want you, Kamryn."

  She met his gaze, biting her bottom lip. "Then take me."

  With a groan, Algar took her lips in a fiery kiss. He shucked off his jacket and kicked out of his shoes. He gathered Kamryn close once again. Slanting his mouth over her lips, he pushed his tongue inside and used it to stroke hers. The feel of her body pressed to his, rubbing against him while she eagerly returned his kiss, had his arousal soaring. He pushed back the worries about what would happen if he made love to her and rode the pleasurable sensations that washed over him.

  Aching for her, his cock so hard he was surprised he hadn't burst the zipper on his jeans, he lifted her onto the bed. Kamryn threaded her fingers in his hair at the back of his neck as he settled between her legs. Through their clothes, he rocked his hard cock against her pussy. It felt good, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to feel her bare skin against his.

  He yanked at her top, taking it and her bra off. With her breasts now bared, he covered one and circled his tongue around the taut nipple. Kamryn gasped and arched her back in response. He took the tight little bud between his teeth, gently tugging on it before he sucked it into his mouth.

  As he tasted her flesh, Algar shifted to Kamryn's side. He opened her jeans and shoved a hand down the front of her panties. When he encountered her clit, he circled it with a finger. With a moan, she spread her legs wider. He dipped his finger inside her already wet pussy and brought some of that moisture up to rub on her clit. Her hips jerked.

  "More," she panted. "Touch me more, Algar."

  Abandoning one breast, he rubbed his cheek against the other. "You're so wet. It makes my cock ache to be buried inside you."

  "Yes," she moaned.

  "Not yet."

  He slipped a finger inside her slick pussy, moving it in and out. "Is this what you want?"

  "Ah . . . Yes."

  Algar added a second finger to the first. He looked up to find Kamryn had her eyes shut. Her kiss-swollen lips parted while she breathed at a rapid pace. A slight blush colored her cheeks. He had never seen a more beautiful sight. His cock hardened even more, making the fit of his jeans uncomfortable.

  Algar removed his hand from her pants, pushed them down and off along with her panties. He dragged his gaze down the length of her body. Kamryn was curvy in all the right places. He couldn't wait to get inside her, to hear her cry out his name while lost in her climax.

  With her eyelid
s at half-mast, she reached for his t-shirt. "Take your clothes off, Algar. I want to touch you."

  He got off the bed. Standing with his gaze on her face, he stripped out of his shirt then reached for the button on his jeans. Kamryn licked her lips when he slowly undid the zipper and pushed his pants down his legs. She sucked in a breath, her gaze focused on his erection. He kicked his jeans away, took his cock in his hand, and pumped it once along his full length. Her eyes followed his movement.

  She reached for him. He climbed back on the bed to lie on his side next to her.

  She turned and put her hands on his chest, gently pushing him onto his back.

  "Now I get to stroke every inch of your body," she said, her voice husky.

  "I’m all yours."

  Kamryn moved to straddle his thighs and placed feather-light kisses across his chest, working her way down. She flicked her tongue against each of his flat nipples before she continued downward to his abs. His heart thundered while he watched her explore him with her lips and tongue.

  When she reached his cock, he held his breath, waiting in anticipation for her to touch him. The air in his lungs punched out of him with a moan at the feel of her fingers running along the length of his shaft before she circled the end. Taking a firm hold of him at the base, she licked off a bead of pre-cum that had appeared on the very tip.

  She used her other hand to cup his balls then opened her mouth and took as much of his cock inside that she could manage. Algar, awash in the pleasurable sensation of her sucking on his cock, let his head fall back on the mattress and closed his eyes when they turned. The tips of his fingers burned, his claws threatening to burst through his skin.

  When Kamryn sucked on him harder, pumping her hand up and down the part of his shaft she couldn't take in her mouth, he could no longer hold his claws back. To hide them, he balled his hands into fists at his sides. An animalistic growl pushed out of him before he could stop it.

  He opened his eyes to mere slits to watch Kamryn give his cock one last lick. She released him then moved up his body, placing her hands flat on his chest. She lowered her pussy against his shaft and rubbed herself up and down his full length, coating him with her juices. His claws bit into his palms as he squeezed his fists tighter. While she continued to tease them both this way, he arched his back, his body begging her to take his cock.


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