Book Read Free

Saving Us

Page 8

by Heather D'Agostino

  “You’re an asshole!” he shouted.

  “And you kept me from getting laid this morning!” I yelled back before rounding the corner to the most delicious smell ever. Maddie had truly outdone herself.


  “You know I can teach you, right?” Wes stood in front of his closet as he got ready for his Karate class. “I’m one test away from my first black belt.”

  “My parents are not going to pay for me to learn Karate,” I groaned as I flopped back on Wes’s bed. I’d come over after football practice so I could avoid going home, but Wes was leaving for class so I’d be booted out soon enough.

  “You don’t have to go to class. We’ll do it here. Dad’s got an area set up downstairs for me. We can use that. No one would know,” he shrugged as he slipped his shoes on.

  “Maybe,” I mumbled. “It hasn’t been too bad lately. No broken bones in three months.”

  “It’s football season,” Wes rolled his eyes. “He wants you to play. He wouldn’t do anything to keep you from playing.”

  “You’re an ass sometimes, you know that?” I huffed as I stood and made my way over to his bedroom door.

  “I’m just being honest. Come on, you know it’s the truth,” he tossed his head back as he stared at the ceiling.

  “That doesn’t mean you need to point it out,” I growled.

  “Come on,” he begged. “Come back over tomorrow. I’ll teach you some things. We’ll do some boxing, too. I bet if you practiced you might be able to beat me,” he teased.

  “I’m bigger than you, dummy. Of course, I can beat you,” I chided.

  “Size doesn’t always determine the outcome of a fight. Karate is about precision and control,” he narrowed his eyes on me.

  “Yes, Sensei,” I bowed mocking him. Before I could prepare myself, Wes spun on me, grabbed my arm, and had me pinned to the floor. “Get off me!” I growled as I struggled to free myself.

  “See? Size doesn’t have anything to do with it. I could break your arm with a twist this way,” he tugged my arm further behind me to demonstrate how easy it would be to snap my wrist.

  “Fine,” I relented and he released me. “Happy now,” I scowled.

  “You’re badass, Cole, but you don’t use your size to your advantage,” Wes sighed. “We’ll start tomorrow, and before you know it, you’ll be kicking my ass…that is, if I let you,” he laughed. “I’m training for the big leagues,” he smirked. “My teacher says if I dedicate myself to the craft, I could go pro when I’m older.”

  “You’re a cocky S.O.B, you know that?” I shook my head as I left him standing there laughing. My best friend was stubborn and cocky. I had no doubt he’d make it to the big time, no doubt at all.

  “Are you ready yet?” Wes sighed exasperatedly as he leaned against the ropes of the ring in the gym.

  “Hold your damn horses,” I growled as I held my hands out for Maddie to finish taping for me. Wes had been harassing me since he got here to spar with him. Maddie had given me the look, you know, the one that said ‘are you ok’. It was like she was worried about me coming back in here after the way things had been the last time. This room held memories though, and if my best friend could do it then I could, too. We’d knock gloves, he’d be happy, and then I could lose myself in Maddie later.

  “When you two are done eye-fucking each other, let me know,” he chuckled and Maddie sucked in a sharp breath.

  “Get the ice ready,” I muttered. “He’s gonna need it.” I turned to face the ring, and as I climbed in, I taunted him, “Put up or shut up!” and slipped my mouth guard in place.

  “Those are some mean fightin’ words coming from the loser,” Wes snapped back as he too shoved in his mouth guard.

  When I looked over to where Maddie was standing, she was shaking her head at the two of us. I knew we were acting like a bunch of teenagers, but it felt good. Even though this place brought back some of the more unsavory memories I had trapped away, it also brought back happy ones. Wes and I had some good times here, and it felt good to be back here together. I only hoped he was still smiling when he found out that he wasn’t getting his room back tonight.

  Chapter 11


  “I can’t believe you fucking sucker punched me,” Cole growled, glaring at Wes as I lifted the ice pack from his lip. The bleeding had finally stopped, and it didn’t look like he was going to need stiches, but it was going to be swollen for a while.

  “You looked away!” Wes tossed his arms in the air angrily. “I wasn’t trying to punch your face, but you looked away!”

  “We were sparring, not fighting!” He rose to his feet and began pacing in front of the couch. We’d moved inside after I’d calmed him down. When it first happened, I thought it was going to turn into a brawl, but me being there seemed to calm him. Cole had looked right at me, and the anger that had filled his face had melted away just as fast.

  “Your head wasn’t in the game,” Wes shook his head as he moved to stand in Cole’s path. “I wasn’t trying to sucker punch you,” he held his hand out stop Cole’s pacing. “Are we good?”

  Cole sighed as he nodded quickly, “Yeah man, we’re good,” his face took on a dark look before his lips tried to curve into a smile. “Don’t you fucking do that again,” he grimaced as a small drop of blood leaked from the cut on his lip.

  “Pussy,” Wes muttered as he shoved past Cole and stripped off his shirt in the process. “See ya, later; I’m gonna shower.”

  I watched as Wes’s lean body ascended the stairs and disappeared into one of the guest rooms at the top. “When did you tell him you weren’t giving up the room?” I quirked a brow.

  “Right before he gave me this,” Cole pointed to the spot where his cheek was now swelling.

  “That looks like it hurts,” I cringed.

  “Nothing I can’t take,” Cole shrugged as he flopped down and motioned for me to join him.

  “I was thinking of taking a shower,” I gave him a coy smile as I turned my back on him. “I thought maybe we could finish what we started this morning? That is, if you’re not too injured.”

  “You don’t even need to ask,” he sprung to his feet, and began following me. “I’m locking the door this time. That fucker isn’t giving me blue balls again.”

  “Cole,” I gasped.

  “What?” he pressed into my back at the base of stairs causing me to pause mid-step. He leaned in closer and whispered right beside my ear as I shivered with awareness, “When I slide my cock so deep in you that you feel me everywhere, I won’t want to stop. I want to make you pant, and scream my name as you come all over me. I wanna feel you tighten around me as I fill you. I’ve been going crazy today watching you prance around in these fucking sexy ass yoga pants. You’re perfect body is going to be the death of me.”

  I licked my lips as I glanced over my shoulder, “We better hurry if we want any hot water then.”

  “As hot as I am right now, I might need cold water,” he growled as his arm banded around my waist and tugged my back flush to his front. His erection pressed into my bottom causing me to grind my hips back.

  “Fuck this,” he cursed as he spun me around, lifted me up, and tossed me on his shoulder. “I want you now!”

  “Cole!” I giggled as I bounced along until we made it inside the bedroom.

  He tossed me on the bed playfully, and then pointed his finger at me making an up-and-down gesture. “You…that…off. All of it.” He reached for the bottom of his sweaty T-shirt, and peeled it off his body tossing it toward our dirty clothes pile. I groaned as I watched him. “I’m waiting,” he tapped his foot anxiously before reaching for the waistband of his gym shorts. He shoved them down along with his boxers freeing himself; that simple movement put me in action.

  I scrambled to get my clothes off as Cole’s eyes darkened before stalking into the bathroom to start the shower. The room quickly filled with steam, and before I could protest, he’d pulled me by the wrist into the large t
wo-person shower.

  “I can’t believe Wes gave up this shower for us,” I muttered as Cole turned and pressed himself into me.

  “I don’t wanna talk about him right now,” he groaned when I rubbed myself against him and he slipped between my legs.

  “Mmmm,” I lifted my arms and locked them around his neck as I threaded my fingers in his hair.

  “You’re so beautiful. All of you. I hope you know that. I hope you know that I think you are the most sexy, amazingly beautiful woman I know, and I can’t wait to be buried inside that hot little body.” His hands ran up and down my back before settling on my rear. He kneaded the soft flesh as his head dipped down to place a kiss on my jaw. “So beautiful,” he mumbled before he moved farther down and connected with my aching breasts.

  “Cole,” I gasped when he bit down gently on one of the sensitive nipples. “Ahh!” I clawed at his back as my hips thrust forward trying to create the friction I so desperately needed.

  “I’m gonna take good care of you,” he grinned against me as he let the nipple pop free from his mouth “Just as soon as I’m done getting a taste.” Before I knew it, he’d dropped to his knees in front of me. My hands flew out to brace myself as he lifted one leg, and gently placed it over his shoulder. “So sweet,” he mumbled as he nuzzled me before his tongue slipped out to run over my center.

  “Cole!” I screamed as one hand grabbed a handful of his chocolate hair while the other slapped blindly at the wall. My eyes squeezed shut as the tremors began to take over. He chuckled as he reached up to help steady me.

  “Easy, baby,” he cooed before he leaned down to run his tongue over me once again. This time though, he didn’t stop at just teasing. This time his dipped in to probe deeper.

  “Oh god!” I gasped as my legs shook. “Cole?” I tightened my grip on his hair. I know I was probably hurting him, but I was so wound up that I didn’t care. His tongue continued its assault and I felt my body shatter apart. Right as the orgasm crashed through me his tongue slipped from its spot and moved slightly upward as he sucked hard against my clit. “Cole!” I shrieked as I spiraled further into orgasmic bliss.

  “Fuck! I can’t wait any longer,” he growled as he stood and lifted me into his arms. “You’re so fucking sweet. I could eat you all day,” his voice was strained as I wrapped my legs around him. “I wanna fuck you until neither of us can stand up anymore,” he reached between us, and as soon as I felt the tip of him brush over me he was a goner. Every bit of control that Cole had exhibited before flew out the window as he slammed into me.

  My back hit the side of the shower with an oomph as his cock speared me. “Oh fuck!” he growled as his fingers dug into my thighs. His mouth crashed down onto mine and his tongue began to mimic what his cock was doing below.

  I moaned as I pressed my aching breasts against his chest, the water pouring over us causing our bodies to slip-and-slide against one another. The muscles of his back tensed as he kept me pinned in place. I was long past being able to put together a coherent thought. Cole had effectively put me in an orgasmic coma as his body continued to pleasure me.

  I tightened my grip on him, afraid I would fall if I didn’t, as his rhythm became choppy and erratic. His legs quivered as his hips sped up. One hand slipped between us and began to press against my clit and a surge of pleasure spread through me, beginning at my center and shooting outward.

  “One more time,” he growled in my ear. “Come for me one more time.” He nipped at my lobe as my head fell forward. I screamed in pleasure as I sunk my teeth into his shoulder causing him to finally let go and release himself into me.

  “Holy fuck that was intense,” he mumbled as his cock jerked a few times inside me. We were still in the same position as we both came down from our high. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to hold myself up. My legs were weak and wobbly, and Cole’s arms were shaking where he continued to brace me against the wall.

  “I…I’m…I’m sorry,” I leaned over and kissed the red bite mark on his shoulder. I couldn’t believe that I’d done that. I’d never gotten that out of control while having sex before. “I’ve never done that,” I blushed, embarrassed.

  “No worries,” he chuckled. “I like that you marked me.” This only caused me to redden more. “Hey,” he lowered my feet to the floor and reached to grab my chin, “This is nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  “I just…” I trailed off.

  “You’ve never let go like that,” he nodded. “You always guarded yourself with him, I get it.”

  I nodded silently as I let my eyes drop to the floor. I wasn’t sure where to go from here. I didn’t want to put a damper our mood, or take anything away from the moment. I had enjoyed myself, more than I had in a long time. Cole was making me feel again. I didn’t want to bring Richard into our moment and make this about him. “I’m fine,” I reached for the bottle of shower gel as I pasted on a smile. “Want me to wash your back?” I grinned up at him and turned the conversation to a different topic.

  Without saying a word, his head bobbed as if he knew what I was doing, and he let me steer us in a safer direction. He turned his back to me, giving me permission and groaned in satisfaction when my soapy hands began to run along the ridges of his back. I tried not to concentrate on the crisscross of scars that marred his beautiful tanned skin, but it was difficult. I avoided tracing them, but felt him stiffen slightly when my hand ran along one near his waist. “I got that protecting my mom,” he sighed when he felt me pause. “I threw myself in front of my dad when he was going after her, and he whipped me for it.”

  “Oh Cole,” I sucked in a breath. “I’m sorry.” I leaned forward and kissed his shoulder as a tear slipped from the corner of my eye.

  “Don’t be,” he grunted. “I’m not. I saved her that night.”

  I nodded against his back as I let my hands slide around him. I attempted to soap his chest and abs from my current position, but it was difficult, and when I went to back away my hand brushed over where he was getting hard again. “I’m gonna have to fuck you again if you don’t stop,” he mused. “We might run out of hot water.”

  I stumbled back just as he spun and reached for the soap. “My turn,” he grinned as he began lathering his hands. My eyes drifted closed as he went to work cleaning me. I’d like to say that we stayed clean, but by the time he finished running his hands over me, he had me so worked up that I practically attacked him. We’d used up most of the hot water, and as the shower cooled, we moved into the bedroom.

  I didn’t know what had become of Wes as we remained locked in his room, and quite frankly, I didn’t care. Cole and I were too busy pleasuring each other to be concerned with much else.

  I stopped counting after my body shattered apart for the fifth time, and Cole celebrated that feat. I knew I needed another shower, but I was so tired that it didn’t matter. We’d worked ourselves into such an exhausted state; all I wanted to do was curl up with him in peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 12


  When I awoke the next morning, I could hear banging coming from the kitchen. I groaned as I stretched in bed and felt Cole shift beside me. My eyes popped open since I’d momentarily forgotten that Wes had stayed the night.

  After a nap recuperating from Cole’s attempt to wear my body out, we spent the rest of the evening with Wes. I had enjoyed watching Wes and Cole rib each other as we prepared and ate dinner sitting out on the deck. You could really see the friendship that they shared, and it made me long for someone like that too. I had Erin, but we weren’t as close as the guys. They’d known each other since they were kids. They could communicate with a simple look or one word answer. I sometimes felt like an outsider when I watched them.

  Wes had finally made an excuse around midnight to go to bed. Cole had smirked and made some comment about how Wes was climbing into bed alone. I couldn’t help but blush, and I wondered if all the flirting I’d witnessed between him and Erin had ever led to anything. I kept my lips s
ealed as I watched him disappear upstairs before I’d turned, yawned, and told Cole that I wanted to go to bed, too. As we climbed the stairs¸ I wondered how he was going to react when I told him no.

  “Cole?” I peered up at his smirking face and smiled softly as we entered the bedroom.

  “Yeah?” he leaned down and pecked my nose.

  “I’m really tired,” I murmured.

  “Me too,” his hands slid down my back and squeezed my rear.

  I grimaced as I pulled back. All the old fears I’d had about Richard rose to the surface and worry replaced the playfulness that I’d felt moments earlier. I continued to step back until I felt my thighs bump against the bed. “I just…” I looked away as I watched Cole’s brow crease.

  “Maddie, what’s wrong?” He moved closer, his eyes concerned.

  “I’m tired,” I tried again. I didn’t want to tell him that I didn’t want to have sex with him. I didn’t want to upset him. He’d never given me any reason to worry or fear him. He’d never done anything to make me believe he would react as Richard had. However my history with Richard rushed to mind as I stood there contemplating my next move. Richard had taught me that a man needed to have his sexual needs met, and no matter what the woman wanted, she needed to submit. I’d generally let Richard take what he wanted, and when I didn’t, I knew I would suffer. Now I feared that I was going to be doing the same thing with Cole.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” He stepped closer and reached for me, but when he saw me start shaking, he dropped his hand. “Maddie? What is it?”

  “I’m so exhausted; I just want to go to sleep,” I murmured as I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn’t want to see his face. I didn’t want to see his anger.

  “Ok,” he mumbled as his brow creased further.

  “Ok?” I sank down onto the bed in relief.

  “Yeah,” he nodded as he sat beside me. “I would never force myself on you; you have to know that.”


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