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Wanted: White Russian

Page 3

by Marteeka Karland

  His hands on her shoulders and face and head continued their easy massage, but so did the ones on her legs and the trunk of her body. She gasped when her breasts began to tingle. Her nipples pebbled under what felt like huge hands covering them, squeezing them gently. Dubnikov's hands were certainly big enough to cover her breasts. It felt more like an exploratory touch, and somewhere in the recesses of her mind, she knew it was the med-unit healing any bruising to her chest. Unfortunately, to her drug-fogged brain, all she could process was that Dubnikov was playing with her body as if he owned it. As if he wanted her as much as she'd wanted him since the first time she'd seen him.

  Tiressa was lost in pleasure. She knew it was mostly the drugs enhancing her carnal thoughts but couldn't seem to drum up the energy to fight her way back to reality. Fact was, she wasn't sure she wanted to. The fantasy was so much more wonderful. In the real world, Dubnikov was her enemy, or at the very least not her friend. He might have helped her through the nebula storm, but he'd benefited as much as she 28

  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  had. Probably more. If he killed her now, he'd have her ship to go anywhere he wanted. He could space her body, and she'd never be found.

  Still, his hands were gentle in his steady massaging of her scalp and forehead. Her body burned and throbbed with sexual excitement she was helpless to fight. He might kill her, but at least she'd go happy.

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  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  Chapter Three

  Yuri continued to let his hands explore the silky hair of Tiressa's head. He'd made good use of his time while she was in the med-unit and had the computer read her bio to him.

  Tiressa Sabian seemed to be as straightforward as her bio suggested. She'd certainly not pulled any punches with him.

  He definitely liked that. He wouldn't have to worry about where he stood with her.

  Now, she seemed to tolerate his touch easily enough, enjoyed it even, if the little moans she was making were any indication. The med-unit had no doubt pumped her full of drugs to kill the pain and infection, but he seriously doubted her reaction would have been any different no matter what.

  Assuming she'd drop her defenses long enough to let him get that close if she were stone cold sober. He'd already figured out she said exactly what she meant. Women like her were a rarity. He intended to enjoy this one as long as she'd let him.

  "Oh, God..." Her voice trailed off, but he'd clearly understood her meaning. She squirmed in the med-unit, restless and edgy. Yuri backed off slightly, but still played in her wealth of silky dark hair. "Don' stop." Her words were slightly slurred, and he was certain she was dreaming. There was no way this woman would go willingly on a sexual rollercoaster with him if not for the drugs. Sad, but he knew it and accepted it.

  "As much as I'd love to accommodate you, my sweet, I doubt I'd be doing either of us any favors." He knew he 30

  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  needed to leave her hair alone, but touching it, stroking it, seemed to be a compulsion. He settled for twirling a strand of the silky stuff around one finger.

  "If you stop, I might kill you when I get out of this thing."

  He chuckled. "Oh, I find it highly probable you would try, but I think we both know you wouldn't succeed."

  "You ever had an attempt made on your life by a sexually frustrated woman?"

  Her eyes opened for a brief moment and locked with his before slowly drifting closed as if she couldn't hold them open any more. Yuri sighed and kissed her forehead. He'd never felt such attraction to any other person in his life as he felt for Tiressa. It probably had everything to do with the fact that she had no hidden agenda. She was what she was and made no apologies for it. It was exceedingly refreshing for a man imbedded so deeply in lies and intrigue.

  Yuri went back to flight control and set their course. He couldn't be sure her ship was free of tracking devices, so he didn't dare take her to one of this many hole-ups and linger.

  Instead, he decided to sacrifice an older hideout he had in the sector and use the ship he kept stashed there. Besides, he had better medical equipment, and he wasn't taking any chances she wouldn't completely heal.

  Tiressa was still in a deep sleep a couple of hours later when he arrived at the dead moon and flew into a cave within one of the many craters along the surface. Yuri checked the med-unit readout once to make sure it was safe to remove her before he released the dome covering her body and lifted her securely into his arms.


  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  The ships were connected by an airlock tail to tail. Yuri carried Tiressa from one ship to the other, and left the moon, never to return. There was no way he could risk his cover. He was taking enough of a risk by having Tiressa with him, but he couldn't make himself simply leave her there. She would be fine without him now but, for the first time in his life, he wanted something for himself. Perhaps it was wrong that he was going to take her without giving her a choice, but he'd deal with that later. There was no way he was leaving without her, and since he couldn't stay without risking capture, he had no alternatives. There would likely be hell to pay later, but it would be worth it. Besides, he'd never been one to worry about consequences.

  Once aboard his own ship, he put her in his own med-unit just to be sure. He'd removed her before the cycle had been completed on her ship and, while he made his escape into deep space, he'd have plenty of time before she woke. Man, was she gonna be pissed. He grinned. Should be fun.

  Setting his heading and plotting a roundabout course, Yuri set the autopilot and went to see about his guest. His med-unit pronounced her free of injury, and she lay resting peacefully. A delicious thought came to him, and he simply couldn't shake it. She'd probably serve his balls to him later, but he'd have fun before she did.

  He left her where she was for the moment. Snug in the med-unit, resting quietly. Before he started playing, he needed to clean up. He'd been in the station holding cell for more than three days waiting for a transport to death, and he felt like he smelled worse than two-week-old rotted meat.


  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  It took only a few minutes to run through the shower.

  Water being limited, the thing would only trickle for five minutes, anyway. But he felt much better. Clean. When he approached Tiressa again, Yuri grinned. For someone with so much fire, she looked as innocent as a babe in sleep.

  Yuri lifted her from the table and securely into his arms.

  He crossed the corridor to his sleeping chamber, placed Tiressa on his bed and lay beside her, tucking her snugly next to him. Surprisingly, she merely mumbled something unintelligible and cuddled against his chest. Her head found that little niche between his right pectoral muscle and his shoulder and she threw an arm over his chest possessively before settling into a comfortable sleep once more.

  Smiling, Yuri stroked her arm absently. He wondered what she'd do when she woke. He certainly had a few ideas but they probably wouldn't happen. Oh, well. The fireworks should be fun.

  Oh, God, something smelled good! Clean. Deliciously male.

  She was draped over a man, that much she knew, but she couldn't remember who she'd gone to bed with. She ached all over and not necessarily in a good way. Which begged the question, what exactly had she done?

  "Glad to see you're back with me." Tiressa's eyes snapped open, and she pushed away from him until his big arms stopped her. "Just where do you think you're going?"

  "Let me go." Her voice was tight. She tried to keep herself under control enough not to shriek, but she wasn't sure how long that would last. She was scared half out of her mind 33

  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  because Yuri Dubnikov had her at his mercy.
And turned on beyond belief—because Yuri Dubnikov had her at his mercy.

  "Why should I do that? I'm enjoying myself."

  "Let me up, or I'll gut you like a goddamned fish." Her reply through clenched teeth didn't seem to faze him in the least.

  "You're welcome to try, little one, but I don't think you're a match for me physically."

  Just because he pissed her off, Tiressa drove her thumb into the place where his muscles came together in his armpit as hard as she could and rolled. Or tried to roll. The big man rolled with her until she was securely pinned beneath him, his body between her legs in a most intimate position. His chest was flush against her breasts, and she bit back a whimper at the contact. Thank God for her dark complexion because Tiressa was sure she blushed from head to toe. This was not what she'd envisioned when she'd tried to make good her escape. She was usually better than this in a fight.

  When the hard ridge of his cock grazed her sex, Tiressa was sure her eyes rolled back in her head. The erotic dreams she'd had came slamming home, and she felt every second of the unfulfilled lust. He flexed his hips once. Sweat broke out all over her body and she trembled.

  "Ahh, you like that. Yes?"

  "Get off me." Her order was more a breathless whisper, and she wasn't even sure she really meant it.

  For a moment he simply looked at her, flexing his hips easily, lazily. Before Tiressa realized it, she had wrapped her 34

  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  legs around his waist, dug her heels into his butt, and was urging him on.

  "Doesn't seem like you want me off you." And still he kept on lazily pumping his hips. Tiressa couldn't take her eyes from his. It was like he'd captured her instead of him being her captive. Hell, that was exactly the way it was. There was no way she'd ever get the upper hand again, and it excited the hell out of her.

  Finally, with a resigned sigh, Tiressa wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. It wasn't the smartest thing she'd ever done, and she'd regret it later, but she hadn't been with a man in a very long time. Even then, she'd never been with a man like this. He was so big, he nearly dwarfed her smaller frame. It was a heady feeling, indeed. She needed more.

  Dubnikov seemed to know the instant she surrendered, because he took control of the kiss and deepened it into a hungry, needy thing. He slid against her easily, yet with enough force to get her really hot and bothered. In that moment, she'd have gladly surrendered her body to anything he damn well wanted as long as he kept making her feel like this.

  His tongue thrust deep into her mouth like she longed for his cock to do inside her cunt. Rough hands molded one breast with surprising gentleness while the other tangled in her hair to angle her head just the way he wanted it. It wasn't long before Tiressa was completely lost in the mayhem he was creating in her body.


  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  She'd never felt so wonderfully, deliciously alive! It was as if every nerve ending were screaming for release and only this man in her arms could give it to her. When his mouth left hers to blaze a path from her cheek to her ear, she groaned aloud and held him as tightly as he held her.

  "Are you ready, my lovely? Are you ready to come for me?" His husky whisper was the most erotic thing next to her ear causing a fresh round of goose bumps to erupt over her skin. She shivered uncontrollably now, needing release like she'd never needed anything in her life.

  "Oh, God, yes. Please!"

  Abruptly, he stopped and pulled back to look at her.

  Intense green eyes held her gaze, and the look on his face was anything but playful.

  "Say my name, Tiressa."

  For a moment she was confused. Her head spun with lust and need, and he expected her to remember his name?


  He growled and flexed his hips again. "My name is Yuri.

  Say it!"


  He grunted his approval and dipped his head to her neck to lick a long path from her collarbone, up her chin, to her mouth. "You will scream my name when I make you come, my Tiressa. And make no mistake —" He nipped her bottom lip and she yelped. "— you are mine."

  Tiressa should have been scared. She should have pushed with all her might and fought like a wild woman to get away, but she didn't. She couldn't. If she didn't come, she was sure 36

  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  she'd die. There had never been such an overwhelming feeling of helpless lust taking over her good sense. There was no way she could scrape together even an ounce of self-preservation if her life depended on it, and it very well might.

  Her breath came in little gasps as Dubnikov continued his thrusting, this time sucking her neck slightly. "Say it," he growled against her skin. "Say you're mine, or I leave you like this."

  She bit her lip to keep from doing just what he ordered.

  Instinctively, she knew he'd hold her to it.

  "Do it, Tiressa." His voice was softer now, more of a seduction than a command. "Tell me you're mine. Tell me you want to know the pleasure only I can give you. I know you've never felt like this before. I can feel it in the way you're trembling in my arms. Hear it in the way you haven't told me to go fuck myself like you did before. You want me, and no other man will ever do for you." He tightened his grip in her hair and pulled her back to look at him once more before growling almost ferally. "Tell me!"

  "Yes," she found herself whispering. "I'm yours."

  And just like that, her orgasm crested and washed over her with the force of a dam breaking. "Yuri!" The scream tore from her lips in a ragged, raging explosion matching the force of her completion. She squeezed Dubnikov's hips convulsively with her legs, needing him closer, knowing that this stimulation wouldn't be enough. She wouldn't be satisfied until he exploded deep inside her.

  Her orgasm lasted several seconds as she pushed through it. She felt her own intimate moisture gush from her cunt and 37

  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  knew she'd made a mess of herself and her clothes. Still, the spasms continued to ravage her lower body, until finally they faded with a pleasant but insistent tingle telling her she needed more.

  Tiressa lay there, clinging to Dubnikov, dazed and confused. What had she just done? For the first time in her life, she felt like crying. She'd finally found a man she couldn't handle, a man who made her feel like a woman, and he had to be the galaxy's most wanted. Not only that, but he'd likely kill her before it was all over. Maybe it was the force of her attraction, or maybe just that she'd never known she could feel anything so intense, but she could do nothing other than hold him close and try her best not to let him go.

  Oh, this was bad. This was way bad.

  And damned if she didn't give a flying fuck.

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  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  Chapter Four

  Yuri was as hard as a titanium rod. He wanted Tiressa.

  Badly. After he'd made her come, he'd kissed her gently, savoring her confusion and indecision and counting himself lucky she hadn't kneed him in the nuts. He knew he could have taken her then, but what would the fun of that have been? She'd have just regretted it later. At least this way she had something to think about. Something to consider and wonder about.

  He'd left her in his bed while he'd gone to the helm to start the double backs and course changes and corrections that would confuse anyone trying to follow them to his hole-up. He intended to get them there safely and without unwelcome guests. Once there, he'd set about seducing her in earnest. If he could intrigue her just enough to keep her interest without raising too many questions he wasn't ready to answer just yet, she might stick around for a while before he had to let her go. He might make her want to stay, period.

  Tiressa didn't come near him for a
while. It was probably a couple of hours before he heard her light footsteps enter the control room. He didn't look at her as she took the co-pilot's seat next to him, but he was acutely and completely aware of her every move. She folded herself into the chair with all the grace of a queen sitting on her throne, but with the supple movements of a dancer. She folded those long legs beneath her and just stared at him.


  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  "Something on your mind?" He didn't look at her, but pretended to enter information into the console. He checked headings, calculated hyperspace jumps he had no intention of making—anything to make himself look busy and not like he was hanging on her every word.

  "Why?" From anyone else, that one word would have sounded confused or accusatory. From Tiressa, it was more contemplative, as if she was sizing up her next move. Yuri had no doubt that was exactly what she was doing.

  "Why what?"

  "Why did..." She cut herself off and started again. "Why didn't you come too?"

  He raised an eyebrow. "My, but you're direct, aren't you?"

  He glanced her way then, showing enough interest to let her know he gave her question serious thought but not so much that she knew how hard it was for him to remember how difficult it had been to leave her there before he'd finished.

  He'd had a boner the size of a space cruiser! Even now, he wanted to stroke himself off right there while she watched.

  No. It wouldn't do for her to figure that part out. Not yet, at least. "I didn't come because I have no intention of coming anywhere but inside that delectable little body of yours."

  There was a long pause while she thought about that.

  "What if I don't want you to come inside me?"

  "In that case, I'll have to convince you otherwise."

  "Why is that so important? I have a birth control implant.

  It's not like I could get pregnant or anything. What would you have to gain?"


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