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Wanted: White Russian

Page 5

by Marteeka Karland

  Tiressa was lightheaded and instinctively braced against Yuri's hard chest to steady herself. When she realized what she was doing, she pushed away only to sink to the floor on weak knees. She knew she was revealing far too much about how their encounter had affected her, but she was too drained to really care.

  What she did care about was the metallic scrape followed by big, brawny arms surrounding her and lifting her. "What the... How did you...?" She was so frazzled she couldn't complete her question, but in reality, she didn't really care how he'd gotten loose. All that mattered was she was in his arms and this time he was the aggressor.

  In a few long strides, Yuri took her to his bed and tossed her on top of the covers only to follow her down and cover her body with his.

  "Now, my Tiressa, it's my turn."

  His voice was gruff and husky. His eyes sparkled with lust.

  Tiressa expected to feel the blunt tip of his cock pushing at her folds, but instead he moved slowly down her body. He tasted her flesh, laving his way to her breast. Each nipple received ample attention as he licked the peaks with a long, flat lick of his tongue. The damp, puckered skin pebbled as cool air gently brushed her body from the vent circulating air throughout the ship. Involuntarily, Tiressa arched her back, 53

  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  offering her breasts to him. It was completely reflexive, and she quickly realized holding herself in check was not an option. Yuri demanded honest reactions from her as surely as if he'd spoken the command.

  Lower and lower he ventured, delving his tongue into her navel, kissing the soft swell of her lower abdomen. Tiressa held her breath, knowing if he kissed her lower, she might well explode again.

  Sure enough, one swipe of his tongue through her swollen lips, and an orgasm washed over her again. She thrashed and bucked, unable to hold herself still, but Yuri held on. He wrapped his arms around her thighs and rode her bucking body with great skill.

  And he kept on loving her with his mouth. The man definitely had skill. Tiressa wasn't sure how long he kept her like that, but sweat dripped from her exhausted body before he crawled back up the bed to cover her with his big body once again. He didn't say anything, only gave one, sure thrust and buried himself deep inside her, triggering yet another orgasm.

  Tiressa wasn't sure she'd survive. Already she was trembling and exhausted, and it looked like Yuri was just getting started.

  "Look at me, Tiressa." She hadn't realized she'd closed her eyes, but when he spoke she complied automatically. "I'm not sure why you pulled away from me back there, but I can probably guess. I didn't come because I didn't want to do it as a passive lover. I'm first and foremost a predator. Taking my pleasure while chained is just not my style."


  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  "Speaking of which, how did you get out of those cuffs?"

  Tiressa had more important things on her mind, but she needed to take a break and collect her wits.

  He smiled and tapped his temple. "Cybernetic implants.

  I'm linked with this ship and everything the computer interacts with. The cuffs were for your benefit, but once you'd gone as far as you could, I wasn't about to wait around for you to nurture your doubts. I take what I want, Tiressa. And I want you."

  Yuri watched his little Tiressa closely. Every move, every kiss, every touch of her skin was designed to maximize her pleasure. He had to hook her with this first encounter. He had to make this the best sex of her life. It was important to him.

  He wanted to just sink into her and finally find some relief, but there was no way he could do anything less than blow her ever-loving mind. She was that kind of woman. Nothing less than the very best would do for her.

  With every stroke of his body, Tiressa began to come alive again. He watched her building passion with fascination and pride. She was so fucking beautiful! Lust and pleasure really agreed with her, and Yuri vowed right then he'd do everything in his power to watch that look of complete rapture on her face every day for the rest of their lives.

  Her light mocha skin seemed to shimmer with a coating of sweat as she moved beneath him. He found himself focusing on the way the darker hue of her skin contrasted with his lighter color. Yuri loved the way she clung to him, arching into him as she let him use his body to give her pleasure.

  Everything about this woman fascinated him on a level that 55

  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  went beyond physical. As he made love to her, knowing she was still unsure about him and his motivations, he was struck at how quickly and deeply he'd fallen for her. There was never a question as to if they'd be together. In his mind, they already were. She was the only woman for him, and he'd do anything he had to to keep her.

  With that determination in mind, Yuri followed her lead even as he made sure he was in complete control. He watched her for subtle signs of discomfort and noticed everything that seemed to fan the fire within her. He built her pleasure until she dug her nails into his back and rode him as hard as she could, grinding her pelvis against his.

  When Yuri was certain she'd had as much as she could take, he gave in to his own need and began to thrust in earnest. With a scream to do a banshee proud, Tiressa took her pleasure and came so hard Yuri was pretty sure she'd strangle his cock. She milked his cock as if she wanted nothing more than to have him explode within her body. With two more sound, hard strokes, Yuri did just that. Nothing could have prepared him for the sheer exhilaration of the moment. Why, he couldn't say. Perhaps it was some primal, male need to mark what was his. Whatever the reason, Yuri clung to Tiressa as he howled his release and shuddered in her arms as the last effects made his body quiver weakly.

  Immediately, he rolled them to their sides, though he didn't release her, nor did his cock slip from her body. He pulled her leg high on his hips so he could stay that way as long as possible.


  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  "Are you all right?" He asked his question even though he wasn't sure he was all right, himself. Physically, he'd never been more spent. Emotionally, he was terrified she'd still want to leave.

  "Wow," she said, her eyes wide and searching his. "I've never..."

  "Good." He smiled and kissed her nose. "I've never, either."

  They didn't say anything more for a while, just looked at each other. Yuri got the impression she was trying to figure him out, and he was all too happy to let her wonder. The longer he kept her attention, the better his chances of keeping her.

  "So, what now?" she finally asked. "Where do we go from here?"

  "I've got something I need to do, and I was hoping you could help me. You're a great pilot and aren't new to the transport business. I've got some deliveries to make, and I could really use a partner."

  Tiressa didn't answer immediately, and Yuri could clearly see indecision in her eyes. "What would I be transporting? I'll tell you up front, I refuse to transport weapons of any kind.

  It's too dangerous, and I don't care how good a fuck you are, I'm not setting myself up for a death sentence."

  He chuckled. That was expected, and the least of his worries. "Nothing of the kind, my sweet. I need you to help me deliver supplies. Food, mostly, but other things like clothing and other basic necessities, as well. I'm offering you a chance to see why I'm the most wanted man in several 57

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  by Marteeka Karland

  galaxies." He raised an eyebrow, knowing she'd take it as a challenge. "Think you're up to it?"

  "Oh, you did not go there." She pushed him back a little, but didn't let go of him, or move her lower body. Yuri was still deeply imbedded within her despite having just come. "As long as it's not something illegal, I can hold my own with any transport officer anywhere."

  "I didn't say it wasn't illegal. Where we're going, it's highly illegal, but it's
necessary. How much are you willing to risk to help people who truly need it?"

  [Back to Table of Contents]


  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  Chapter Six

  Tiressa should have had her doubts, but for some reason, she didn't. She found she believed Yuri when he said the inhabitants of Deblin 4 weren't dead. This was one of the planets he was accused of targeting for genocide. If they weren't dead, why was he accused of killing them? When she'd asked, his face had tightened into an angry, determined frown, and he'd replied, "You'll see." Curiosity was a bitch.

  "You'll pilot the cargo ship, I'll fly the fighter escort." They sat in the control room, Yuri piloting the ship through an asteroid belt effortlessly. Tiressa admired his skill as a pilot, as well as the strong, muscled arms as they bunched with his movements.

  Tiressa raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think I trust you that much? You could easily turn on me. Shoot down my ship."

  "It wouldn't serve a purpose. If I'd wanted you dead, I could have killed you here." He raised an eyebrow challengingly.

  "I'll want to inspect the cargo. Make sure you're not having me transport weapons of mass destruction or some shit," she countered, raising her chin a notch.

  "It's mostly food. I could poison it, and you'd never know."

  He actually grinned at her this time. "We can do this all day if you like, but I'm sure I could think of more pleasurable activities."


  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  "You're an ass, Dubnikov." She tried to scowl at him, but his grin was infectious. There were innumerable reasons not to trust him, and only one for her to take him at his word.

  Blind instinct. Everything inside her wanted to believe him.

  It wasn't just the sex, either. She'd had great sex before, though never anything that touched her as deeply as it had with Yuri. He just didn't fit the profile of a killer. But was she willing to risk her life on that assumption? Normally, there was no way. She wasn't one to risk her life frivolously, but she knew without a doubt she was willing to trust Yuri enough to do what he asked of her.

  "Maybe," he conceded, "but I've never claimed otherwise, so at least I'm honest about it." She snorted, but said nothing else. Instead, she curled her legs up in the co-pilot's seat and waited.

  They didn't talk much after that. They flew in compatible silence for an hour before they approached a large asteroid.

  At first, Tiressa thought they'd land on the surface, but as they approached, she saw a crater in the surface that opened up into a cave hidden by the natural lay of the rock. When they passed the cave entrance, there was a shift in gravity and a slight jolt of the ship as they passed into what seemed like a normal atmosphere. Instead of the nearly zero friction of space, there was an atmosphere, causing a significant drag on the ship's momentum. Yuri deftly flew the ship into the cave several hundred meters before landing them and doing a quick post landing check.

  "There's a force field just inside the entrance to hold in an artificial atmosphere. Think of it as a hangar."


  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  "Is the air breathable?" This was the most fascinating piece of engineering she'd ever seen. Especially for one man. He definitely had resources.

  "Absolutely. This is a small space station housing myself and three others, though there is room for six to live comfortably."

  "I see. Quite a feat for four people."

  "It's not just us—at least, it didn't used to be. And we were set up here for a completely different purpose." Yuri finished his systems check and powered the ship down before turning back to her. "You see, we were supposed to be the monsters I've been named. The only problem was we figured out what they were wanting us to do and changed the plan."

  He stood and held his hand for her. Tiressa took it automatically, and he gently urged her to her feet. Pressing a sequence of buttons, Yuri opened the gangway, and they walked down the ramp. Yuri seemed to like holding her hand, and laced his fingers through hers as they walked through the hangar to the inner part of the station.

  Down a long corridor, they entered the first door on the right. There was a big table and six chairs, but not much else.

  On the far wall, a console blinked with blue and amber lights above a hollowed out space that glowed with a blue energy field. Tiressa guessed it was some kind of food processor, though she'd never seen one like it.

  Then she noticed the three men standing in the corner looking at another wall console. None of them seemed to notice they'd arrived, they were so deep in conversation.


  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  "If we approach with one ship from the near moon's dark side, and simultaneously from the inner rings, the ship launched from the moon should be overlooked and make it through," one man said. His voice was rich and deep, but he was probably the scariest son of a bitch Tiressa had ever seen. Nearly seven feet tall, he carried enough muscle bulk for his size and more, and his face was a mixture of harsh angles and scars. Not a handsome face at all, and one she'd prefer not to meet alone.

  "True," one who bore a striking resemblance to Yuri said, his voice accented slightly in Russian, "but we'll have to be careful. If we're too obvious, they'll catch on to us and leave the second ship open to attack. We'll have to send one fighter escort with both, and that itself will be suspicious."

  "I have a solution," Yuri spoke up, tugging Tiressa closer to his side and tightening his grip on her hand. Three pairs of eyes turned toward them.

  A man with hair as dark as a raven's wing who'd yet to speak raised an eyebrow and nodded toward Tiressa. "New recruit, Yuri?"

  "Not for you, Storm." Yuri let go of her hand then, but only to put his arm around her and pull her against his body, obviously staking a claim. Tiressa had to suppress a giggle she was sure Yuri would definitely not appreciate. "She's here to pilot the second freighter."

  The other three men looked at each other but said nothing.

  The one called Storm spoke to Tiressa. "Can you handle this?

  There's no shame if you can't—we just need to know now before we lose everything we've spent months stockpiling."


  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  Tiressa didn't hesitate. "I can fly any freighter-sized ship you need me to. Whether I can handle the actual mission has yet to be seen, since I'm not certain exactly what to expect."

  Storm nodded his head and looked back to Yuri. "At least she's honest. Can she handle it?"

  Yuri shrugged, but kept his arm firmly around Tiressa. "If I didn't think so, I certainly wouldn't have involved her. This is dangerous, and I don't like it, but once I saw her flying abilities, I knew I didn't have much of a choice."

  "I'm assuming you're planning on flying her escort?" the tall blond asked. He wasn't as bulky as the others, but looked no less dangerous.

  "Absolutely, Dmitry. You don't think I'm trusting any of you, do you?" Yuri smiled wickedly, and the others laughed, but if Tiressa were betting, she'd wager he was only half joking.

  The huge man with chestnut-colored hair crossed his arms over his chest. The scars on his face seemed accented in the lighting of the room, but his voice was deep and smooth. If she listened to his voice for long, he could easily lull her into a sexual haze that would fog her brain. "So, who is this vision of loveliness, Yuri? It's impolite not to make introductions.

  Especially if we're trusting her with the most important part of the mission." Tiressa didn't miss the censure thinly veiled in his question. This man didn't like the change of plans, and Tiressa could see his point.

  "I'm Tiressa Sabian, formerly a transport pilot with the Davion Company."


  Wanted: White Russian

  by Marteeka Karland

  Storm raised an
eyebrow. "I've heard of you. You're the only pilot in the sector who hasn't been jacked. Rumor is..."

  "Completely true," Tiressa interrupted. No point expounding when they obviously knew the story. "And having it circulated has served me well over the years."

  "Satisfied, Hawk?" Yuri gave a level look to the brown-haired man.

  "Unless she proves otherwise, I suppose I'll have to be.

  You seem to trust her, and you've always been a good judge of character." He paused a moment before adding, "If you're thinking with your brain, that is."

  In that instant, Yuri's expression hardened to one so deadly Tiressa flinched and would have stepped back had he not pulled her against his body with one hard arm. "You're free to leave if you think I'm compromised in any way, Hawk."

  The other man raised his hands and looked away.

  "Wouldn't dream of it, boss. I just never expected you to bring an outsider here, is all. We agreed we'd keep this among ourselves and not involve anyone else. The fewer people who know about it, the better. The Consolidation already knows about your involvement, and look what they've done to you. If they find out everyone else is involved..."

  "You don't have to explain the risks to me," Yuri snapped.

  "It was my idea. It's my life that has been forever changed.

  The rest of you can go on about your business if you want to, but I'm branded a criminal of the worst sort. And as to how that happened... well, you don't think it was by accident, do you? I leaked the information. They know me and what I'm 64

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  by Marteeka Karland

  capable of. If they knew about me, there was a good chance they'd not look any farther. I've given my life for this project.

  I'm not about to jeopardize it now."


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