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The Platinum Rebound

Page 28

by T V Hartwell

  “No, I don’t. I don’t owe you anything and you don’t owe me anything.”

  “What, you think you can just string me along forever, use me like I’m some kind of human repository that you can ejaculate into whenever you’re horny and want to get off? Is that all this is?”

  “When was it ever anything different?” Jake asked coldly.

  Julie narrowed her eyes on him, now furious as a bull. “Fuck. You.”

  “Fuck you too,” he yelled back. “I thought I was giving you what you wanted. You’re the one who came on to me, remember? You pulled me into a public bathroom for sex, you got mad at me for not sleeping with you before I slept with Samantha, remember that?”

  “But that was back in October. It’s January now and you’ve been with me ever since.”

  “What do you mean I’ve been with you ever since? I haven’t just been with you, Julie.”

  “So you’re still fucking other girls?”

  “Of course I am. Where did you get this idea that we were being exclusive? We never agreed to be exclusive with one another.”

  “I beg to differ. We talked about it as a condition of your being with me, Jake.”

  Jake chuckled then sneered, “I agreed to not fool around with other girls at the office. That’s what I agreed to. Not that I would be exclusive with you.”

  Julie sighed. “Oh, so you thought I only meant girls at work, but not other random girls you might pick up at a bar or on the street? Don’t be stupid, Jake. I’m not interested in having you pass along some STD to me as a result of your propensity to drop your pants for any and every girl who winks at you. How many other girls have you been screwing around with, anyway?”

  “I don’t drop my pants for every girl that’s interested in me, Julie. Look, we probably should just end this right now. If you’re looking for a commitment and exclusivity, I can’t offer that to you. Not today. Probably not ever. I’m sorry. I thought we were on the same page and were just having fun . . . being friends and all. Now things are getting complicated and messy.”

  “What, am I not good enough for you? Is the girl from Jersey beneath your family’s standards?”

  “This has nothing to do with my family, okay? My family likes you actually. This is about me and you, but more me.”

  Sighing with annoyance, Julie didn’t bother to hide her disgust. “Fine. Just leave. Just leave.”

  “All right,” Jake said, lifting his hands in surrender and stepping back to pick up his stuff. Then he walked to her front door and let himself out.

  * * *

  Chapter Forty

  The next morning, Jake went to work with Amanda and not Julie on his mind. As soon as he reached his office, he picked up his phone eager to get answers.

  “Good morning, Jake,” Mike said, seeing Jake’s name and interoffice extension appear on his phone’s caller ID.

  “Hey, Mike. I need to talk to you about something. Are you free right now?”

  “Yeah . . . sure, but I don’t have that much time. I have a conference call in about . . . fifteen minutes. What’s this about?”

  “It’s about Amanda. Some things are going on that I’m a little confused about.”

  “Okay. Come on down.”

  After hanging up the phone, Jake stepped out and briskly walked down the hall toward Mike’s corner office, but then he collided, literally, with Julie, who’d just stepped out of her own office.

  Startled, they both gave a yelp as the file Julie had in her hand fell to the floor. “Oh, I’m sorry,” Jake said as he instinctively grabbed her by the arms to stabilize her. “Are you okay? I’m sorry, that was my fault,” he said.

  “I’m fine,” she said stoically, but seemed to appreciate his attentiveness as he bent down to pick up the folder.

  He looked her directly in the eyes as he handed her the folder. “I feel badly about yesterday,” he said in a low, soft tone. “Can we talk later?”

  “Sure,” and then she stepped aside to allow him to pass. “As you were,” she said, holding the folder to her chest.

  Jake smiled at her awkwardly and then continued on his way.

  “Jake! Come on in,” Mike said when the other man popped his head through Mike’s open door.

  “Good morning,” Jake said as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

  “What’s going on?” Mike asked as Jake walked over to one of the chairs in front of Mike’s desk and took a seat.

  “So . . . when I broke things off with Amanda I didn’t think about the fact that she would start dating again and would likely be pursued by other guys. I guess I was so focused on the idea of her having this split personality disorder and what it was doing to her, that I just assumed her parents were going to take more drastic measures to care for her.”

  “What do you mean by more drastic measures?”

  “I don’t know . . . like . . . having her committed or institutionalized temporarily so that she could get the medical assistance she needs. I recall Rick even saying that they were going to try to convince her to move back home so that they could keep an eye on her, but it looks like she’s just going about her life the way she was when we were still together, and now she’s dating this guy, this producer Adam Weinstock, and she appeared on TV with him last night at the Golden Globe Awards.”

  “Really?” Mike said, appearing surprised if not slightly tickled.

  “Yeah. This guy’s a big name, well-known producer—”

  “Yes, I think I’ve heard of him.”

  “He produced Hell-bent a few years back . . .”

  “Right, right.”

  “And his latest film was nominated for a Golden Globe as best picture.”

  “Which one was that?” Mike asked.

  “Uh . . . I think it’s called Mr. Henry’s Book Club—”

  “Oh, yes, yes, Shelly and I just saw that last month. It’s very good. So she’s dating the producer of that film?”



  “She was on the red carpet with him, being interviewed on live TV and everything. And then there are photos of them on the Internet, going to movie premieres and hanging out together in New York, and being followed around by the paparazzi like any other celebrity couple.”

  Mike just stared back at him with a blank expression causing Jake to feel a bit more agitated.

  “I don’t get it, Mike. They’re being so open and public about it. If she’s so demented, having this crazy alter ego that threatens to harm people, how come they’re letting her go on national TV, carry on in public that way with a famous person? Wouldn’t it be more humiliating and dangerous for her and the Climent family if she snapped in public or did something to harm a famous producer? And shouldn’t they be concerned about all the media attention?”

  “Good questions, but I don’t have answers for you.”

  “Why are they allowing this to go on? Shouldn’t they be offering to pay him off too? To stop him from seeing her?”

  “I honestly don’t know what’s going on, Jake, even though I agree this all sounds a bit odd.”

  “So you’re not in communication with Rick about this? I thought he’d hired you to help him deal with this issue of her dating, because of the danger she posed to herself and potentially to others.”

  “I was asked to specifically help facilitate negotiations with you. That was the one and only time I discussed Amanda’s health concerns with Rick. Frankly, I haven’t mentioned her name to him since September, after you agreed to call everything off. My work was essentially done at that point and Rick has never again broached that particular subject with me.”

  “Mike, I don’t get it. This doesn’t make any sense to me. They were only concerned about her dating me, but not anybody else?”

  “Maybe she’s receiving treatment now and is on medication. You know . . . doing better.”

  “How come that wasn’t a possibility when she was with me? For her to receive treatment? I offer
ed to help with that, to talk to her, and Rick acted like the situation was so dire that there was nothing I could say or do to help, like I was in the way or something.”

  “Well, according to them and what they believed at that time, you were in the way. Amanda or Maggie, rather, was threatening to harm and even kill Amanda if she proceeded to marry you. Because of that threat they believed that breaking you two apart to stave off Maggie’s attack was the best option, Jake, and you went along with it.”

  “So now, only a few months later, that threat has completely disappeared, and she’s all clear to date again and possibly even marry?”

  “Jake, I don’t know what more to tell you. What do you want me to do?”

  Jake sighed and looked down to the floor feeling tense and anxious, and then looked back up at Mike. “I don’t know. I guess there’s nothing you can do at this point. I’m just going to have to investigate the situation on my own. I’ve wanted to talk with Amanda, to tell her the real reason behind our breakup; unfortunately I got a little sidetracked and distracted by some other things. But now I feel like I should just go confront her directly about all of this and stop relying on third parties for information.”

  Mike furrowed his brow as Jake spoke, appearing alarmed. “Wait a minute, you agreed not to attempt any further communication with her.”

  “I didn’t actually sign the agreement as you recall. Since I refused to accept any money we never made it that far.”

  “But you gave your word, Jake. The fact that you did break up with her and call off your wedding at Rick’s request is indication of good faith, that you were willing to go along with the terms of the agreement or that you at least accepted them in principle and would abide by them moving forward.”

  “I respectfully disagree. I broke up with Amanda in response to information about her mental health that was provided to me by a very credible source. Out of concern for her well-being and safety, I made a personal decision not to marry her. I didn’t receive anything in return. Therefore, I’m not bound by any conditions or obligations of a contract that was never effected. But more importantly, the credibility of the information about Amanda’s health has now come into question.”

  Mike sighed and shook his head in exasperation. “Look, I have a conference call that’s about to begin in sixty seconds. Let me try to get ahold of Rick to see what I can find out. But I want to remind you that he was very adamant about others not knowing about Amanda’s condition or revealing to her that they know about it, if informed. I will also remind you that Rick is one of our biggest clients and he and I spoke with you in confidence, Jake, and you did in fact give your word to keep this matter strictly confidential and not to reveal what you knew to anyone, including Amanda. Therefore, I fully expect for you to keep your word not only to Rick, but to me.”

  * * *

  Chapter Forty-One

  Amanda gasped as Adam entered her yet again. With his arms wrapped around her tightly and his chest pressed to her bosom as she lay back in bed, he rocked himself into her slowly, deeply. “You were the most beautiful woman in the room last night. You know that? All eyes were on you. Everywhere we went, you completely stole the show.”

  Amanda smiled at him between her gasps and then closed her eyes, enjoying the feel and pressure of his thick shaft rhythmically moving inside her. “I wasn’t trying to.”

  “You don’t have to try. It’s completely effortless with you.”

  “I wish you would’ve won. You deserved it,” she said breathlessly as she ran her nails down the spine of his back, exciting him even more as he swirled his body against hers with greater intensity and vigor.

  “I did win. I won you,” he said in a voice deep and trembling with desire and then he kissed her lips softly. “Having you underneath me, here in your bed, makes me far happier than having a golden statue to stare at,” he continued before licking her lips with his tongue. Amanda opened her mouth to lick him back as their tongues collided and tussled and then he pushed his tongue into her mouth to kiss her hard and deep. He did so with such unrelenting passion that Amanda became overwhelmed with emotion. A tear streamed down her face as her moans and cries were smothered by the adoration and affection conveyed in his kiss. As he consumed her, his mouth locked on hers and the weight of his body holding her down while he spread her opening wide and penetrated her deep, all she could do was succumb. Succumb to his love.


  As they lay there quietly, exhausted and spent from the high of their climaxes, Amanda eventually leaned over to check the time on her cell phone. “You know it’s ten a.m. I think we probably should get out of bed and have a bite to eat. Aren’t you hungry? I’m craving breakfast.”

  “Okay, give me fifteen more minutes,” Adam said groggily.

  “I think I want pancakes. I’m craving pancakes and bacon.”

  He let out a long yawn, then leaned over to rub her tummy as he kissed her right breast, then reached down to fondle and massage her kitty. “I’m craving more of this,” he said with a grin.

  “Adam!” she said with a giggle. “My God, you’re such a beast.” Then Amanda raised herself up and swung her legs over the side of the bed to hop off it. “Seriously, don’t you feel like pancakes?”

  “Sounds good, but I don’t eat bacon.”

  “Oh right, of course. I might have turkey bacon actually.”

  “I’ll eat that.”

  “Good! Oh, good. I’m so excited. I get to make breakfast for you,” she said clapping her hands happily and smiling.

  Adam eventually crawled out of bed too and headed for the shower while Amanda made her way to the kitchen to flip pancakes for them.

  “I do have turkey bacon,” she said cheerily when he appeared and slowly walked toward her, wearing only his tuxedo pants, his hair slicked back and damp and his five o’clock shadow thick and dark. Distracted and reading messages on his phone, he didn’t acknowledge her comment. Then his face lit up with a big grin.

  “Even though we didn’t win best picture last night, it looks like we still got lots of good press—all because of you.”

  “What? What do you mean?”

  “I’m getting messages from Carolyn, Antonio, and a few other people about the rave reviews of your dress. The Red Carpet Show hosts put you at the top of their list and so did Debbie Does Hollywood. They sent me links . . . look,” he said.

  “Oh my God. . . that’s so cool,” Amanda said as he held the phone in front of her while she busied herself with a spatula and frying pan.

  “Have you checked your own messages yet?” Adam asked. “I’m sure you must have tons.”

  “Actually I haven’t, but wait, turn on the TV. I totally forgot that the morning shows are on and are likely talking about last night.”

  When Adam grabbed the remote in the living room and flipped on the TV, lo and behold, the morning show hosts were talking Golden Globes and the best dresses of the night. She and Adam watched spellbound as footage of her walking down the red carpet appeared on the screen. “Now this dress by Alana Dupree many people agree was the best on the red carpet last night. It was worn by Amanda Climent, the girlfriend of Adam Weinstock, who’s the producer of best picture nominee Mr. Henry’s Book Club. She looked absolutely gorgeous. The dress fit her slim figure perfectly with its flowing cape. Look at the train on the cape as she walks down the carpet and then turns and poses revealing the back. Isn’t that stunning? It looks so regal and elegant on her.”

  “Indeed. It was a great choice,” the other commentator agreed.

  “Wow,” Amanda said, feeling surprised and delighted as she and Adam looked at each other, both grinning from ear to ear.

  “And then the earrings that were on loan to her from Harry Winston were a nice complement, along with the ornamented clutch,” the commentator said as the TV frame zeroed in on her earrings, then to the clutch, and then back to the earrings.

  “And by the way,” the other commentator chimed in, “those blue sapphire
and diamond studded earrings she was wearing? I found out that they retail for about half a million dollars.”

  “My . . . must be nice to have jewelers loaning out such expensive gems for you to wear free of charge when you’re a celebrity.”

  “I know, right?”

  “Actually the earrings belong to my mother,” Amanda said. “Good thing they didn’t ask me about them. I’m not sure I would’ve wanted to admit to that on national TV.”

  “Why not?” Adam said, perplexed.

  “Most people don’t go around wearing half million dollar earrings, Adam. I like wearing them, but it’s kind of embarrassing to admit that they cost more than what most people pay for a house.”

  “Well, they don’t call you the Platinum Princess for nothing.”

  “Which I hate.”

  “I know. I’m sorry,” he said stepping over to her as she stood at the kitchen’s center island. “At least the one bright spot from your growing celebrity status is that more people are going to want to see my film now just because I’m dating you,” Adam said with a grin on his face as he wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed the side of her neck.

  “I don’t know about that, but I’m happy to be a walking, talking advertisement for you, babe.”

  When they sat down to eat, Amanda finally did pick up her phone and indeed there were tons of congratulatory messages from friends and rave reviews and comments from a whole new batch of admirers, becoming the topic of discussion among fashion critics, celebrity watchers, and the general public alike. She felt as though she were living a fairy tale.

  * * *

  Chapter Forty-Two


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