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OMEGA Guardian

Page 17

by Stephen Arseneault

  Four Talisan gunships fired as they approached. The first shots went wide. I turned the Heap directly towards the lead ship and fired my twin forward cannons, clipping a wing and sending the ship spinning out of control. The other three ships quickly fanned out from their formation.

  Garrett spoke. "Auto is on. Just do your best to aim straight at a ship, and the cannons should fire for you."

  As the first automated shots fell behind their target, I replied, "There is only one problem with that, Garrett. We will always end up firing behind them because they will have moved from that location."

  Garrett shook his head. "I was hoping it wouldn’t come to that. The automation should work well when they are in close, but at a distance, we’ll be lucky to get a hit. I’m switching back to manual. Jallis, Layda, try to lead with your shots if possible."

  The four gunships kept at a distance, all the while taking random shots as I maneuvered the Heap ever towards the remaining fleet. As we drew closer, we began to take hits to the hull. The Talisan gunners were well practiced.

  Eight additional gunships began to move towards us. Garrett spoke. "There’s no backing out now. I would suggest you take us in close to Telfor. If we do have a hull breach, we could at least take her down into the atmosphere."

  I replied, "That was my plan."

  Jallis fired a shot that impacted one of the gunships broadside. The side of the craft opened wide before the entire ship split in half.

  Jallis yelled, "Whooo! Scratch one!"

  I continued my drive toward the planet, and the other gunships of the Talisan fleet headed our way.

  Garrett said, "I count forty-two ships minus the one Jallis just took out. We need to start racking up some kills!"

  The strikes to our hull began to increase in frequency as the bulk of the Talisan ships closed in. I continued to fire and was soon rewarded with a kill of my own. The twin ion bolts from the forward cannons perfectly caught the port and starboard sides of an approaching gunship. The forward half of its hull disintegrated in a bright fury.

  Garrett managed a kill that sent the debris from one ship into another, taking the second out of the fight as well. Jallis took down another ship, but the hits to our hull continued to increase. When the bulk of the gunships came within range, the number of strikes to our hull became critical.

  I yelled. "Get your automated targeting ready, Garrett. I’m taking us right into that pack. Either your algorithms work, or this is a suicide run!"

  Garrett pressed a button. "OK, automation is online. This is for all or nothing!"

  The multi-blaster cannons of the Heap began to fire nonstop. The hull gave off a series of horrifying sounds as if an angry mob was just outside with blasters, firing at will. Our hull was taking a beating as the thirty-odd gunships fired upon our location.

  However, Garrett’s automated cannons began to take their toll. Five Talisan ships exploded in the span of ten seconds’ time. Another three exploded in the next fifteen. As I moved deeper into the thick of the Talisan fleet, our multi-blaster cannons and Garrett’s automation system became even more effective. Eight more Talisan ships violently exploded. In an instant, their fleet was in chaos.

  I pushed the Heap further, and she took more of a beating than she was made to handle, but she continued to hold together. Another seven Talisan ships were taken out of the fight before the fleet commander changed tactics. The least-armored portion of the ship was over the top of the fuselage. This had been a Talisan ship, and someone in their fleet had remembered the thinner plating of the top hull.

  As two more Talisan ships exploded, we received a hit that caused our first hull breach.

  Jallis and Layda jumped up and headed back to the cargo hold where the pinhole leak was jetting away our air. "We got this; just keep flying!"

  Garrett stood. "I’m going back to strip the air supplies from those helmets."

  A second and then a third pinhole breach occurred in the inner hull. Jallis and Layda quickly had a patch on the first one. As they moved to the second, three more opened up high on the ceiling.

  Garrett yelled, "Get whatever equipment and materials you need for patching and drag it up front. We can’t cover this whole area. I’m going to seal it off and pump whatever air is left into our tanks!"

  Jallis nodded, and the two scrambled to gather metal patch plates. When several dozen had been moved forward, they returned for an ion welder and an epoxy sealant mix. Garrett finished stripping the Harpian helmets, and the door to the cargo hold was closed and sealed.

  The automated cannons managed another four kills before the first pinhole breach opened up in the cabin ceiling.

  Garrett yelled. "Layda, start mixing the epoxy! Make up enough for two plates. Go light on the activator, and we should have five to ten minutes before they fully set. If a hole opens, slap on a plate. We can weld them up later!"

  Before the first plate could be applied, two additional holes opened in the cabin. We were bleeding air at a rate that could not be sustained. The patch plates were quickly slapped on as two more Talisan gunships left the fight.

  I yelled as the others scrambled to secure the cabin, "Six ships to go! I thought I saw one of them take a full strike, but it’s still flying!"

  As Garrett patched the last breach, he sat back in the copilot’s chair. "We are down about three-quarters of our oxygen. You might want to head for the atmosphere. A couple more hits and you are going to have to jam that rig I made into your nostrils."

  The Heap took a series of six hits at once, all across the cabin sealing, all breaching the outer and inner hull. The oxygen level in the cabin and cockpit fell off dramatically. I could feel the cold seeping into the crude stitching of my makeshift suit. My nostrils were soon filled with the plastic piping that Garrett had pieced together. I was surprised at how it remained somewhat effortless to breathe.

  Jallis and Layda pulled the patching equipment and materials up into the now-cramped cockpit of the Heap. The cabin door was closed and sealed.

  Garrett stooped to help Layda mix up the epoxy. Two more Talisan gunships exploded, and then a third. The top turret then took a direct hit.

  Garrett yelled, "Crap! We lost the high gun! Keep this ship rolling, or we won’t have a shot!"

  Four breaches opened up on a line going across the ceiling of the cockpit. A heavy piece of shrapnel embedded itself in my shoulder. Layda and Jallis jumped up to patch the holes as Garrett swung around to look at my arm.

  Garrett said, "It’s not bleeding. At least not out here. I think we leave it until we get settled."

  I replied, "That isn’t going to work. The longer that material stays there, the sooner that portion of my body will begin to swell and shut down. Deep foreign objects will send Grunta bodies into shock after only a few short minutes. I need you to remove it as soon as possible."

  Garrett looked at the jagged piece of metal. "OK, here goes."

  Garrett pulled on the shrapnel, but my skin would not release its grip.

  Garrett spoke after a second try. "It’s not coming out of there easy. I need something to cut you with if I’m going to get that out of there cleanly."

  I sent the Heap into a roll followed by a counter roll. Another Talisan ship met its fate. "Just grab it and rip it out if you have to. I can feel that I am on the verge of losing consciousness! Just do it!"

  Garrett grabbed a pair of pliers and took a firm grip on the metal shrapnel. As he pulled, I screamed out in pain. The jagged metal would not release. Three more pinhole breaches opened in the cockpit.

  I yelled out, "Pull! It! Out!!!"

  Garrett stood on the base of the copilot’s chair and reached over. With a massive grunt and strain, the jagged metal shrapnel began to tear through my muscle and skin. With a second grunt and strained pull, the object came free.

  The pain was extreme, and I fought the urge to let myself go into that passed-out state where the pain would end. At the same moment, the Heap began to enter the atmosphere of T
elfor. Jallis slapped a patch on the last of the cockpit breaches as Layda fired up the ion welder to secure them.

  As the hull began to heat up, the epoxy began to burn, filling the cockpit with smoke. My shoulder was bleeding profusely as Garrett attempted to apply pressure. My eyes teared up from the smoke, making it difficult to see the instruments in front of me. For a moment, everything seemed out of control.

  Garrett located the valves needed to purge the cockpit of air. Within seconds I was able to see that the ground was fast approaching. I rolled the Heap over, allowing the lower cannon turret to fire back up toward the two remaining Talisan gunships that followed. The move worked to scatter the gunships as I pulled up just short of the ground. I left the Heap in an upside-down state and settled on the jungle floor with the lower turret still facing the sky. The gunships moved to just out of range and hovered.

  My head was becoming foggy as I spoke. "I need to lie down. I can’t maintain consciousne—"

  When I awoke, nine hours had passed. Layda was sitting beside the captain’s bunk.

  I tried to sit up as I spoke. "How long have I been out?"

  Layda pushed me back as she smiled. "Don't move. You need to rest. You have been out for most of the day."

  I again attempted to sit up, but a firm hand on my arm held me in place.

  Layda shook her head. "You aren’t going anywhere. That piece of metal Garrett pulled out of your shoulder left a gaping hole. We didn’t know if we could stop the bleeding. I’m sorry I had to do it, but I used the ion welder to cauterize that wound. It’s not a pretty sight."

  I placed my hand over Layda’s. "I thank you. That probably saved my life. We Gruntas are tough so long as our hides are not violated. On the inside, we can take a beating, but we don’t do well with internal bleeding. Near the surface, the fluids that surround our body tissue act as coagulants when we are cut. If that cut is too deep, the coagulants are not effective and we bleed out. Please tell that to no one."

  Layda nodded. "You don’t have to worry about me."

  I looked around the cabin. "Where are the others?"

  Layda replied, "Jallis is scouting the perimeter just around the ship. Garrett is in the cargo hold trying to piece together another multi-blaster. One that we can carry with us if needed."

  I continued, "And the Talisans?"

  Layda smiled. "They are keeping their distance. They know that upward-facing gun is still active. When Garrett gets a couple of the multi-blasters put together, he plans on flipping this ship over so we can repair that top turret. He thinks Jallis and I will be able to keep those gunships away with the handheld multi-blasters."

  I nodded as I lay my head back in pain. "Garrett is a good man. All of you, you are warriors, and I am proud to have allied with you."

  Layda offered a half smile. "Well, we need for you to heal up, because this fight is not over. We landed in the jungle, but this region has not been liberated. Garrett thinks we might have a troop of Talisans marching through that jungle right now. If so, they could be on us within the hour."

  I slowly reached down to my arm pad. I flipped on the locator that would let anyone who wanted to, know that I was on the planet. If Go was coming, he would be able to find us.

  Garrett walked into the cabin. "Ah, good, glad to see that you are awake. Sorry about welding up your shoulder. We couldn’t think of any other way to stop the bleeding. It just kept pouring out of that wound whenever I removed pressure."

  Layda spoke. "Yeah, when Gruntas get deep wounds, there is no stopping the bleeding."

  I looked over at Layda with dismay. "What did I just say?"

  Layda shrugged. "It’s Garrett; I thought he should know."

  I sighed. "Please do not tell this to anyone else. It is a secret, a vulnerability, that my people have kept hidden for thousands of years."

  Layda replied, "Well, you shouldn’t have told me, then."

  Garrett held up his hand. "OK, we are all on the same side here. I have a single multi-blaster put together. I’m about to start on a second. If I can get that one finished, we can take a shot at flipping this ship upright. I can’t repair that turret while it’s sitting in the mud."

  I said, "You should use the lower turret to clear out the jungle all around the ship. If the Talisans are coming on foot, you will want the open space to fight them."

  I looked at Layda. "Bring Jallis in so Garrett can get started on the clearing."

  Garrett replied, "Layda, bring Jallis in. He can monitor the sensors while you clear out the jungle. I need to finish up that second multi-blaster. We are going to need it should the Talisans show on foot."

  I nodded. "Agreed. Now, go, I do not need further attention. My body will heal if given time."

  For the next several hours, the jungle surrounding the upside-down Heap was blasted back. The occasional shot was fired in the direction of the Talisan gunships as a warning for them to stay back. Garrett continued his work on the hand multi-blaster as I got my rest. We had somehow survived to fight another day.

  Chapter 17

  An hour passed before the first ion bolt came out of the jungle a half kilometer from the ship. Layda had cleared back an area that would keep the enemy at that distance. The few scattered shots pinged as they impacted the hull, causing only minor surface damage. Layda spun the turret around and fired a bolt back into the thick trees. Debris could be seen flying, and for a moment, the shooting stopped.

  I sat up in the bunk and walked over to the captain’s chair. After looking at the console screen for several seconds, I glanced up to look through the front viewports. Seeing the jungle while upside down was a strange sensation. The ship’s gravity generator pulled with an upward force as the world outside was oriented in the opposite direction.

  Jallis spoke. "Hey, those two gunships just dropped down out of sight. I don’t like this."

  Garrett walked into the cabin and through to the cockpit. "The second blaster is done. I think we can flip this ship over now. Jallis and I will take watch outside."

  I pointed to the nav screen. "We have another problem. The gunships have dropped down behind those hills out there. I would say that signals an attack is coming."

  Garrett replied, "Well, this thing can still fly. Take us up a kilometer or two, and we’ll pelt the surrounding jungle from there."

  I nodded. "If needed, we could set down elsewhere to do the repairs. We don’t need to be in this spot to do them."

  Garrett smiled. "Make it happen, then. Take us to a sector on this planet that has been liberated."

  As I powered up the ion engines, the first Talisan gunship came skipping over the treetops and fired a series of bolts into the Heap’s rear hull. The second gunship repeated the maneuver from another direction. Garrett flipped the multi-blaster cannons back to automatic. Two more attack runs by the gunships told us the automation was not fast enough.

  The following attack saw major damage. An ion bolt had penetrated the outer hull, while a second strike had shattered a large area of the inner hull. A third bolt, following the first two, had damaged the ion transfer tubes on the port side of the ship, taking out the power feed to the port-side gravity thruster.

  I yelled, "We just lost an engine! Garrett, get on that turret and see if you can stop this!"

  I throttled up the second engine, and the Heap began to lift off the ground. Another pass by the Talisan gunships blew a hole in the starboard side of the ship, just missing the power feed for the starboard engine.

  I again yelled, "Somebody’s got to stop that, or we aren’t going anywhere!"

  A second strike then damaged the remaining power feed. Ion energy was spewing out of the damaged conduit. The starboard engine sputtered and shut down. The Heap dropped five meters to the ground.

  Garrett scowled as he pounded his fist and spoke. "They knew exactly how to cripple this thing! Shut down that feed! Jallis, come with me. We’re going to attempt to patch that conduit!"

  Layda yelled out, "We have anot
her problem! Sensors are showing several hundred Talisans, and they are coming from every direction!"

  Garrett pointed back at the console as the ship was again rocked by ion bolts from a gunship pass. "Get on that gun and try to force them back!"

  Layda took aim and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened.

  Layda again yelled, "Cannon is offline!"

  Garrett growled. "OK, you keep trying with that cannon. Knog? Can you carry a blaster?"

  I replied, "I can, with my left arm."

  Garrett pointed to Jallis. "You get back there and see if you can get that starboard conduit patched. Knog, you come with me. We are going to give these multi-blasters a workout!"

  I followed Garrett into the cargo hold and then out through the gravity wall as a Talisan gunship screamed overhead and continued to pound the hull. The heap was taking more than she could handle.

  Garrett dove onto the ground as several ion bolts from the tree line zipped just over our heads.

  Garrett yelled, "We need some cover!"

  I moved to the right and aimed at the ground five meters in front of me. Three bolts from the multi-blaster sent a pile of debris into the air, leaving a pit that was almost a meter and a half deep. I jumped down into the muddy hole as four ion bolts slammed the Heap’s hull near where I had been standing.

  Garrett looked over and shook his head. "Sometimes the solution is right in your hands and you can’t see it!"

  Garrett stood, firing into the ground in front of him before leaping into the large hole he had made. With our new, modestly protected positions, we began to return fire on the advancing forces. The gunships continued their treetop runs, pounding new holes into the side of the Heap’s hull. I could only wonder if Jallis was still alive just inside the gravity wall.


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