Book Read Free

OMEGA Guardian

Page 20

by Stephen Arseneault

  As Garrett set a course for Telfor, I grabbed his arm. "Wait. We need to have a look at Krakus. That’s the Feldons’ main world. The Emperor said they had a fleet there and that the Feldons were being wiped out. If that’s true, we need to take that information back to Telfor. They deserve to know. We will have to prepare to defend against that fleet. The Emperor made it sound like those gunships we destroyed were only playthings."

  Garrett replied, "I didn’t think anyone had fleets. There are no armies anywhere in the Alliance, never have been."

  I sat back in my chair. "The Emperor said they had one that is four million soldiers strong and that they were all equipped with blasters."

  Garrett said, "Well, that might explain why the Governor stays out of their way. It might also explain why the Saltons have forgotten this sector. They can’t afford a fight here when they are fighting a war in Andromeda. We seem to be getting in deeper and deeper out here."

  I replied, "We’ll just have to take them as they come and do the best we can."

  The flight out to Krakus confirmed what the Emperor had said. The ships were bigger and much better armed and armored. With 126 much larger ships in the Talisan fleet, Garrett wondered if the Jess would be enough. I wondered how we would fend off four million trained Talisan soldiers with only three thousand blasters.

  "They are going to be heading to Telfor in the next couple of days. How do we stop a fleet that size?"

  Garrett pulled up a scan of the ships. "I would guess a sizable portion of the Talisan troops are sitting on their home world. I count eight troop transports here, and I would put each one at maybe a hundred thousand troops tops. Maybe, just maybe, they have a million troops down there."

  Garrett looked over the data. "How about this. We go in, guns blazing, taking out only the transports. They are all parked down there on the surface in one area. We could at least trap their troops on the planet until they could get more transports out here. In fact—"

  Garrett pulled up a separate screen. "There are only a dozen of those transports parked on Dallex. We could hit these, zip back, and hit the dozen there. That might buy us a few months while they try to rebuild or repair."

  I nodded. "If it buys us a couple of months, I’m all for it. Plot out a good angle of attack where we can do maximum damage on the way in. They won’t be expecting this, so we might have as many as five minutes before any of the other ships make it down there. I count three of the larger warships in atmosphere, but they are busy on the other side of the planet."

  Garrett spoke. "If we come in at this angle, we should be able to hit these three ships right in the generators on the first run. Take out the generators or the engines, and they aren’t going anywhere."

  I replied, "OK, you do the flying, I’ll do the shooting."

  Garrett smiled. "Cannon control is coming your way."

  I swiped the screens several times to refresh my memory. The controls were the same that had been installed on the Daunte.

  After thirty seconds of poking around, I spoke. "I’m ready when you are."

  Garrett pushed the throttle forward. Two minutes later, we were screaming past the Talisan fleet on our way to the surface. Without transponders and without signal emissions, it would take the Talisans several minutes to react.

  The outer hull of the Jess turned white hot as the air molecules of the Krakus atmosphere were pushed aside. Garrett lined us up for the first shot on the transports. At the optimum range, I pressed the trigger. At the same instant, Garrett pulled back hard on the control stick. My shots went wide.

  I reacted. "What happened? Why did you do that?"

  Garrett transferred a screen to my holo-display. "Take a look. Those aren’t Talisans boarding those transports. It’s Feldons. This isn’t a raid to wipe out the Feldons. It’s a raid to collect more slaves. I think the Emperor’s claim of an army of four million was bogus. They have ships, but they don’t have four million soldiers."

  Garrett turned the Jess back toward the three ships that were on the other side of the planet. "I say we at least let them know we mean business. We can’t take on a hundred of those ships, but we can take on three."

  I replied, "Might be a good test to tell us just how powerful they are."

  We raced around the curvature of Krakus, lining up on the three warships as they pounded positions on the ground. On our first pass, I targeted the aft gravity thrusters, knocking out two of the three that held the ship above the ground. The large ship sank from the sky as if in slow motion, slamming into the burning debris of the city that it was destroying.

  Repeated hails came over the comm from the Talisan fleet. As Garrett turned the Jess to circle back, I responded to one of the hails out of curiosity. "What?"

  A voice came over the comm. "Emperor Beutcher, this is Admiral Kale. Why are you firing on your own ships?"

  Garrett pulled back, turning away from the second ship as we lined up for a shot.

  I replied, "What are you talking about? You attack this planet and enslave its people. We will continue to destroy your ships as we see fit."

  The Admiral came on the holo-display, kneeling and looking downward. "I apologize if there has been a misunderstanding, your highness. The operation to remove the Feldons is intended to save their lives. A deadly airborne plague ravages the cities that are being destroyed. It was released by the former Emperor. Your orders for peace are being carried out as we speak."

  Garrett addressed the Admiral. "Wait, are you saying that Knog Beutcher is the new Emperor of Dallex?"

  The Admiral continued to stare at the floor. "Yes. Emperor Beutcher assumed control when he overthrew Emperor Goonrag. An envoy has been sent to meet with the miners on Telfor. We are attempting to undo the damage that Goonrag unleashed on this planet. Every Feldon must be removed and quarantined for a period of thirty standard days. Had we not taken action as we have, the population of Krakus would have been doomed."

  I leaned forward in my chair. "Stand up, Admiral Kale. It isn't necessary to kneel before me. Why was the plague unleashed on Krakus to begin with? Why didn’t you oppose Goonrag?"

  The Admiral returned a confused look. "We serve the Emperor. His wishes, your wishes, are our commands. We cannot disobey or question the desires of the Emperor. That is not, and has never been, the Talisan way."

  I raised my hands. "You have been enslaving others for years. That doesn’t bother you?"

  The Admiral shook his head. "Whether or not our personal feelings conflict with the Emperor’s instruction is irrelevant. We are compelled to follow his wishes. Emperor Goonrag wanted workers for his mines; we gave him workers. If you ask for the same, we will give you the same. We serve to implement your commands." I replied, "I have a new command for you. No Talisan is to release my image or speak my name. I don’t want others to know that I am the Emperor until I am ready. And above all, deny any efforts to contact me by the Governor of SS241 or his men. I don't him to know the identity of the new emperor. If you have to release a phoney image of some fictitious Talisan that has taken control, then do so."

  I turned my gaze to Garrett as he spoke. "Hmm. Emperor Beutcher. Kind of has a ring to it, don’t you think?"

  I shook my head as I looked back to the Admiral. "So, tell me of your current operations. Where are the Feldon people being taken?"

  The Admiral replied, "Some will be taken to Telfor, and some to Effica. They will be returned when the plague has been eradicated from Krakus. Already our ships at home are preparing transports to bring food and medicines for their care."

  I sat back in my chair as I thought. Could this all be happening? Me, Knog Beutcher, an Emperor? And how long would that last before the next Talisan got wise and overthrew me?

  I said, "Admiral, tell me about Emperor Goonrag’s arrangements with the Governor of SS241."

  The Admiral replied, "The Governor would stay out of our affairs, and in turn, we would leave him to collect his treasures. Without the threat of security forces in this se
ctor coming down on our business, we were left to do as the Emperor pleased. In the seven years since Goonrag became Emperor, Dallex has become a very wealthy colony."

  I shook my head. "I just don’t understand how you could keep a clear conscience while enslaving others."

  Garrett spoke. "Hey, it’s like this: not everyone has the same level of morals as you. Sometimes whole peoples are culturally devoid of some of the things that you and I see as black-and-white issues. What we might call appalling may not even register with them. They would probably make for great soldiers on the battlefield. I’m not saying they would enjoy the purposeful killing of others, but they wouldn’t have any regrets either. Even Humans and Gruntas have differing levels of conviction and principle on some things. This is probably just the way Talisans are wired."

  I sighed and looked back at the Admiral, who was dutifully awaiting orders. "Do your best for the Feldons, Admiral. Continue the evacuation. I will check back with you when I have further orders."

  The Admiral bowed and the comm closed.

  I turned to face Garrett. "I think we should convene the group of Governors that had been friendly with us before. With the Talisans working for us, we could then make a move on Governor Marcos. We could have this whole sector back under the supervision of normal, law-abiding people. That would allow us to head back to Adicus to search for Joni."

  Garrett sat shaking his head.

  I spoke. "What?"

  Garrett replied, "This is all just a little overwhelming, that’s all. I mean, think about it. A few months ago, we were overthrowing the Governor of a security station. He managed a comeback and sent you into slavery. We staged a revolt, you escaped, and then overthrew an Emperor. If that doesn’t make your head spin, I don’t know what would."

  I pulled up a list of colony Governors that we had previously met with. "My life has been nonstop, sometimes violent, transitions for the past year. I went from a five-star detective to a slave to an Emperor. The only thing spinning in my head is the unfinished business of Joni Salton. After that, I don’t know, maybe we can work on saving the New Alliance."

  Garrett laughed. "I will give you this much, Knog Beutcher: you think big. When and if Joni is alive, and we are able to free her, well, I don't know what I will do after that. I have to focus on the task at hand. For you, I should think you would want to get back to your family."

  I replied, "I very much want to see and be with my family. But I want them to have a secure environment where they can grow and prosper. If the New Alliance falls apart, there will be war. It’s inevitable when you have cultures like the Talisans. One bad Emperor and whole colonies could be wiped out. With a stable New Alliance, at least the problems could be worked out. Perhaps the Saltons could be convinced to make the changes that would bring back the good times that the AMP had to offer."

  Garrett frowned. "Yeah, good luck with getting Harden Salton to do anything that he doesn’t think is in his best interest."

  I raised the first of a long list of colony Governors on the comm. The Governor of Halidon was within comm range of our location. He was apprehensive at first, but easily convinced that the new Emperor of Dallex was serious about improving the Omega sector, starting with SS241. I made my way through the Governors list, sending a notice to each of them as we flew back to Telfor.

  Upon our arrival, I was thrilled to see three of the large transports from Dallex had landed, carrying food and medical supplies. Garrett set the Jess down on the plateau next to the Heap. Go was eagerly waiting outside.

  As I stepped out of the Jess, Go spoke. "There he is! The Emperor of Talisan, the Guardian of the Omega sector!"

  Garrett laughed. "Champion of the New Alliance!"

  I shook my head. "I’m just trying to do what’s right."

  I gestured towards the Heap. "How’s the repair coming?"

  Go grinned. "She flies, and she is once again airtight. We scavenged some plating from that downed freighter and beefed up a few of the sections that were weak. She’s heavy, but with the inertial dampeners that doesn’t matter. We have been trying to figure out how to strip one of those big engines from that freighter to replace her two small ones. Without a ship service dock, that probably won’t happen."

  I looked at Go. "The Omega sector is in need of leaders. The way you were able to bring the Jess back to us, and the way you have taken on upgrading the Heap, has me convinced that you are one of those leaders."

  Go stepped back. "What? Me? I don’t know what I’m doing. I would be a terrible leader. I’m much better at following orders."

  I smiled. "OK, if that’s what it takes. I am ordering you to be a leader."

  Garrett laughed. "You might as well face it, Go. The Guardian of Omega gets what he wants!"

  Go looked back at me with a shrug. "What am I supposed to do?"

  I pointed at the Heap. "I want you to go to Dallex. You will be my right hand there. I want you to see to it that the Talisans treat the Feldons with respect. Get them everything they need to get their lives back in order. When you get there, see Admiral Kale. I will send him a note telling him to do whatever it is you need to have done.

  "Jallis and Layda are about to be given the temporary Governorship of Krakus, Telfor, and Effica. I want you to be the tiebreaker vote on anything they can’t agree upon."

  Go gave a confused look. "What are you going to be doing?"

  I replied, "Garrett and I will be coordinating the ouster of Governor Marcos. After that, we have some unfinished business in Alpha sector."

  I placed my hand on Go’s shoulder. "All you have to do on Dallex is ask Admiral Kale for status. If something seems out of place, have him fix it. And one other thing to keep in mind: Dallex has a large space dock. You can have whatever upgrades you want done to the Heap. If you would rather have one of the Talisan ships, take it. Or, if you want them to build a ship, have them build it. Whatever you want, you have the full backing of the Emperor of Talisan."

  Chapter 20

  Arrangements were made for a meeting between the Governors of twenty-six of the wealthier colonies in the Omega sector. The largest of the colonies, located on the planet Banton, was selected for its central and somewhat secure location. The Bantons took the security of their people seriously. Pirate activity in and around Banton was almost nonexistent.

  I stood at a podium to begin what was billed as the Conference of Trade and Security. "Fellow Omegans, I am the new Emperor of the Talisans. As many of you have heard, the prior Talisan Emperor, Goonrag, fell from power recently."

  The crowd chuckled.

  I continued, "I am his replacement. I asked each of you here today for the purpose of forming a free trade alliance, backed by a security alliance.

  "As we all know, the security forces being run by Governor Marcos on SS241 are corrupt. The freely elected Governor there was captured and executed by Marcos and the Talisans. I now control the Talisans, and we need to take back control of that security station. I am here today to ask for your support. With Marcos removed from power, and a fair Governor on SS241, I believe the Omega sector can return to a time of prosperity that it has not seen since the early days of the AMP.

  "With a fair and honest security force, a force that will answer to your colonies, I believe we can elicit better trade deals with the rest of the New Alliance, bringing Omega to a comfortable, achievable level of power and wealth."

  I continued with my pitch for another twenty minutes before the discussions began. The Governors wanted assurances. I offered what I could. I had the Talisan warships at my call, waiting for my orders. No other force in the Omega sector could rival the power that I wielded.

  After a heated round of discussions, Garrett pulled me aside. "I don’t get why you are going through all this. You have the Talisan fleet; you could overrun SS241 on your own. What are you trying to achieve here?"

  I gestured towards the Governors. "If we just kick Marcos out, we leave a power vacuum. There are at least half a dozen Governor
s here who would attempt power grabs of their own. If I can get their backing in this endeavor, it may be possible to have them all cooperate with each other for the betterment of everyone. If we can set up a framework for that to happen, we can head to Alpha while they are peacefully resolving their problems."

  Garrett shook his head. "Hmm."

  I replied, "What?"

  Garrett crossed his arms as he leaned, looking back at the crowd of Governors. "You just continue to amaze me, that’s all. You are like this whirlwind that comes into a situation, and instead of things being blow apart, the dirt is vacuumed up and cleaned away. You would have made a great member of the Council of Governance back in the AMP days."

  I sighed. "I don’t know about that. So far, I haven’t seen any enthusiastic support for my proposals. It shouldn’t be that hard or that remarkable for people to just do what’s right. What we are doing here should be the norm of what’s expected from everyone, not just the occasional citizen."

  Garrett chuckled as he continued to shake his head. "That whole modesty thing just adds to it. Now, go get your agreements before I make your head swell up with too many compliments."

  As I walked back towards the podium, I shook the hands of several Governors. My eye was caught by a stoic look from one of the Governors as I passed by his location. The Governor of the Valen colony, a close ally of Emperor Goonrag and a willing member in the slave trade, was following me with his eyes.

  After passing his position, I was startled by a scream. As I turned back to see what was happening, a knife came swinging toward my shoulder. I ducked as I turned. The knife, an extremely sharp dagger, sliced into the thick skin of my upper arm, not quite penetrating the outer layers, but leaving a deep gouge.

  Garrett reacted with a shot from his blaster. The Governor of Valen exploded, spraying blood, bone, and organs across half a dozen other Governors nearby. The assailant’s upper torso and head dropped to the floor, an evil grin still expressed on his face.

  Garrett raced to my side. "Are you OK?"


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