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Inferno-Kat 2

Page 15

by Vivi Anna

  She cried until she thought she’d shrivel up from dehydration. Hades just held her, his face nestled against her head, murmuring nonsense into her hair. It didn’t matter to her what he said, it was that he was there, alive, in her arms that mattered most. She never thought to feel the warmth and security of his form again. Could never hope to have her heart whole. But as she nuzzled into him, inhaled his masculine, woodsy scent, Kat could feel the pieces start to knit back together.

  “I thought you were dead. I saw you die.”

  He smoothed a hand over her hair and pressed his lips to her forehead. “I almost did. Leucothea cut me loose.”

  That brought Kat’s head up. “Thea? She saved you?”

  He nodded and then glanced past her face to something behind her. Kat turned.

  Leucothea stood there, her hands wringing nervously at her waist. She was dirty and rumpled, looking like she’d crawled through shit to get to where she stood now. By the haggard look on the girl’s pale face, maybe she had.

  Kat crossed the distance between them in two seconds and gathered the girl in her arms. She was still rake thin, but Kat thought she no longer sensed fragility in her. Obviously Leucothea had been through enough to change that.

  She hugged Kat back hard. Kat could feel the moisture of tears on her shoulder. After patting the girl’s back, Kat took hold of her arms and pushed her away so she could see her face.

  “I should kick your ass for being here.” Leucothea opened her mouth to protest, but Kat continued. “But I won’t, considering you saved Hades and brought him back to me.”

  Leucothea smiled, tears still streaming down her face. “I couldn’t very well let him come by himself. Who knows what kind of trouble he’d find without my help.”

  “Yeah.” Kat returned her smile.

  “How did you escape?” Hades asked.

  Dropping her hands from Leucothea’s arms, Kat turned around and went back to the sanctity of Hades. She nestled into him before answering. She needed to feel his touch. Only then could she answer.

  “Satarah let me go.”

  “She what?” This from the dark man who hadn’t moved from his perch against the counter. “She never lets anyone go.”

  Kat turned her head to meet his gaze. “The only reason she let me go is because she wants Baruch out of her city. She figures if I escape, he’ll follow.”

  “Will he?”

  “Oh, yeah.” The thought brought a violent shudder to her body. Hades pulled her in tighter, wrapping his arms snugly around her as though he sensed she needed him to.

  “Onyx’s agreed to help us, if we take him with us.”

  “Fine with me. As long as he has the cure.”

  “I have it.” Onyx nodded and then pushed away from the counter. “Which reminds me, I should get to my lab and start packing stuff up so we can get out of here.” He moved toward the middle of the room where the grill in the ceiling still hung open. “C’mon, Thea, you can help me.”

  Leucothea glanced at Kat and Hades and then nodded. “Sure.”

  Once Onyx and Leucothea were up through the grate, Kat raised her head and found Hades’

  mouth again. She nipped on his bottom lip as she swept her tongue over his, feasting on him. He tasted like home. It was no particular place, just him. A familiar sense of warmth, comfort, and longing filled her mind and body.

  A sudden violent urge to have him took her by storm. While she continued to feast on his lips, her hands raced everywhere, desperate to find his hard, hot flesh. Streaking her fingers under his shirt, she moved them up his stomach and over his ribs. The tips of her fingers grazed the bandages over his side. He flinched and grunted in protest.

  “You’re hurt.” She pulled on his shirt, yanking it up to reveal his wounds. She’d never seen skin so badly bruised before. Certainly she’d had her fair share of beatings—the last one still lingered in her mind—but she’d never seen injuries to match the ones that blossomed across Hades’ side.

  He winced and cringed as she trailed her fingers over it.

  She glanced up at his face. “How bad?”

  He met her gaze and lied. “I’m OK. It’ll heal.”

  It was only then that Kat noticed how he had yet to push away from the wall she had shoved him into. He was leaning against it for support. His face was pale and glistening with sweat.

  “Onyx gave me one of his elixirs earlier. I’m doing better than I was.”

  He wasn’t telling her the truth. His eyes never lied. And she could see the pain and untold story in them.

  She wanted to scream. How dare they be brought back together, if they only had a short time to enjoy it? Life was just one kick in the gut after another. Sighing, Kat decided to make the most it.

  She couldn’t go another minute without being with Hades, without having her flesh touch his. He was injured, she was injured, but she didn’t care. She’d put her pain aside for any amount of pleasure with Hades.

  Taking his hand, she pulled him away from the wall and led him to the soft furry rug on the floor. There was no bed, so it would have to suffice. Kneeling, she brought him down to her.

  Once he was on his knees, she gently pushed him onto his back. She gazed down at him and traced her fingers over the rugged plains of his face. The beauty of him made her ache. God couldn’t have sculpted anyone more perfect for her.

  He stilled her hand and brought it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her palm. “Don’t look at me that way. I didn’t escape death to leave you any time soon.”


  “Woman, don’t argue.” He tugged on her arm. “Come down here and kiss me instead. I’ve been waiting too damn long.”

  Chuckling, she leaned down, covering his body with hers, and kissed him. But a sudden thought made her pull back.

  “Are we safe here?” She nodded toward the open grate in the ceiling.

  Leaning as far as he could, Hades grabbed the butt of his shotgun and dragged it over. He propped it up against the wall next to his head.

  Grinning, he pulled her back down. “There. Nice and safe.”

  On a laugh, she bent back down and covered his mouth with hers.


  Hades couldn’t believe Kat was here. He had his arms around her, his hands stroking her back, but still the need to pinch himself was strong. Too many times he’d pictured her in his mind, only to jolt awake from the dream.

  He’d be damned if he woke from this one.

  Her sudden appearance in Onyx’s apartment was surreal. Seeing her drop down from the ceiling nearly stole his breath. It was as if his thoughts had come alive. He’d been thinking of her, how to get to her, and it was as if she’d fallen from the heavens right in front of him. It had taken everything he had not to rush to her and wrap his arms around her, squeezing her in a big bear hug. But he knew her well enough to know that she’d draw a weapon immediately. And she had.

  When he watched her slide the knife from the sheath on her thigh, he knew he had to approach her with caution.

  She’d nearly damaged him anyway.

  Stroking a hand over the bristles of her hair, Hades continued to kiss her. He couldn’t get enough of her. If he could, he’d devour her whole, savoring her spiced flavor. Just holding her close like this, smelling her scent, made him as hard as iron.

  “God, I’ve missed you.” He nipped at her bottom lip and swept his tongue between them.

  She returned his kisses, just as hard, just as intense. She seemed as hungry for him as he was for her.

  He tried not to think as he kissed her. Tried not to see the cuts and bruises marring her perfect pale skin. But they were there as a glaring reminder of the hell she’d been through.

  She must have endured something brutal for her to turn to him like that. To let go like she had.

  The last time he’d seen her purge her emotions was in the Wastelands after a storm had ripped her partner Damian from her hands. She had thought she’d lost him, killed him even by her sel
fish pursuit of treasure.

  He wouldn’t ask her what happened. He could only imagine how vile it would’ve been in Baruch’s hands. If she wanted to tell him, she would. But now was not the time for questions. It was time for them to reconnect. To be together. It was time for pleasure.

  Because Hades knew they may never get another chance.

  As Kat kissed her way over his face and to his chin, Hades busied himself underneath her shirt.

  Her flesh was how he remembered. Hot and hard, soft in all the right places.

  Tracing his fingers along her ribs, he finally found what he was searching for. He filled his hands with her firm breasts, savoring the way her breath hitched as he flicked his thumbs over her nipples.

  But touching her wasn’t enough. He wanted to see her while he did it. See the emotions flicker across her face as he pleasured her.

  “Sit up, babe. I want to see you.”

  Kat sat back and lifted up her arms as Hades pulled her shirt over her head. Tossing the garment to the side, he looked his fill of her. Even with the bruising and the abrasions on her torso, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Strong, lithe, and sexy. A warrior woman. His warrior woman.

  Reaching up, he traced a finger over one nipple and then the other. Enjoying the way they grew tighter, harder when he touched her. Her skin developed goosebumps while he trailed his hand over her. He especially loved the way she trembled when he drew a line down her sternum to the button of her pants.

  “Your pants are in the way.” His voice thick and low, rumbling from desire.

  Standing, Kat unzipped her leathers and pushed them down her legs. When they were at her ankles, she stepped out of them and kicked them into a corner.

  Smiling, she lifted her foot and stood over him, her legs splayed for his viewing pleasure.

  “How’s this?”

  “Perfect,” he managed to say, although he found it hard not to lick his lips as he eyed her from head to toe. She was a long drink of cool water, and he was parched.

  Everything about her made his mouth water and his blood boil. The way her eyes grew dark when aroused or angry. The tiny expanse of her waist and flare of her hip. Her shapely, muscular legs and arms, strong but pliant when manipulated the right way. And he knew all the right ways.

  Reaching up, he placed his hands on her thighs, rubbing his thumbs back and forth over her heated skin. He could feel her tight muscles quiver under his touch. By the looks of her, he didn’t think she could stand much longer. He liked to think it was because he was driving her mad with desire.

  “Come here, babe.” He linked fingers with hers and pulled her down to him.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” she said as she knelt along his uninjured side.

  “I can’t feel anything but you right now.”

  She pressed her lips to his, darting her tongue in, and then streaked her hand up under his shirt.

  The feel of her hand on his flesh tore a moan from him.

  “Do you have another shirt?” she asked in between kisses.

  He nodded, not wanting to break the contact his mouth had on hers.

  Without stopping the delicious things she was doing to his chin and neck, Kat reached down along his leg and unsheathed his knife. She sat up, took his shirt in her hand, and sliced it in half before he could utter a protest.

  “There, that’s better.” Grinning, she stuck the knife in the floor and bent down to lick his flesh.

  Hades ran a hand over her head as she carved out a moist path down the line of his sternum to his navel. While teasing him with the tip of her tongue, she undid his pants and tugged them down.

  His cock, hard and hot, waited there eagerly for her.

  Growling low in her throat, Kat gripped him in her hand and trailed her tongue along the tip.

  Moaning, Hades nearly came right there and then. Watching Kat take his cock into her hungry mouth sent ripples of pure animal desire through him. It took all he had not to thrust into her hot, wet mouth. He’d save that pleasure for another place he knew would be just as hot and wet.

  “Lord, woman, I don’t think I can hang on.”

  Smiling around his cock, she purred, “You better.” With that, she slid the long length of him into her waiting mouth.

  Hades had to grit his teeth and clench his hands to stop from coming too soon. The way her tongue and teeth alternated between strokes over his sensitive flesh was driving him insane. He’d never felt anything so enjoyable in its contradictions. Smooth and rough. Soft and hard.

  Opposing forces, just like Kat.

  He ran his hand over her head and cradled her cheek, stilling her movements. “Enough. I want to come inside you.”

  “What about your side?”

  “I’ll feel better once I’m inside you, babe. You’re the only medicine I need.”

  She turned her head before straddling him, but he saw the tears welling there in the beautiful green depths of her eyes.

  Once she was on top of him, he moved his hand down and gripped his cock, urging her to slide down on him. Bracing her hands on his chest, careful to avoid his injuries, Kat lowered herself onto him.

  Closing his eyes, he bit back a moan, delighted in the way they fit together perfectly. Two pieces of the same puzzle. He’d never felt anything as glorious as her. And he probably never would again.

  The tears fell as she watched his face contort in pleasure. At least, she hoped it was in pleasure and she wasn’t pushing on his wounds. Maybe he felt the same way she did.

  She could no longer distinguish between the sensations zinging over her body. Pain evolved into delightful surges of pleasure, depending on how she moved.

  Right now all she could feel was Hades, sheathed deep inside her slick core. She could feel the pulse of his racing heart on the insides of her inner muscles. If she concentrated hard enough, she could distinguish every vein and ridge of his perfect cock rubbing against her flesh.

  For the first time she could remember, she wanted to go slow with their lovemaking. All the other times it had been fast, frenzied, out of control. Now it was paced, thorough. As though they both knew it might be their last time.

  Lifting herself up, she teetered right on the tip of his cock and then slowly lowered herself again, squeezing her muscles around him. She continued to do this until her legs vibrated and her breath came out in short pants.

  As she moved, she watched his face. She loved how his lips and cheeks would lift and furrow with each movement. She could tell he was struggling to maintain his control. And she wondered what it would take to make him lose it.

  Hades rubbed his hands over her body, as though searching for the right spot to hold on to.

  Digging into her thighs, he gritted his teeth as she continued to torture him with her languid pace.

  It was torture to her, too.

  She’d like nothing more than to slam herself down on him, ending her torment. To completely impale herself on his cock. But she didn’t want it to end so soon. They didn’t have much time together, so she wanted to enjoy every solitary second with him, on him. Connected to him.

  “I love how you feel,” he panted. “Hard.” He rubbed a hand over the muscles of her thigh. “And soft.” He moved his hand up and slid his finger into her cleft where they joined.

  Slowly he moved his finger back and forth along her wet slit, separating her inner lips with every stroke. She let out a loud moan when he found her clit. Rubbing it in circles, Hades coaxed her closer to orgasm. It was boiling like molten lava deep inside her. Every nerve ending in her body was firing, every muscle quivering.

  The one thing she didn’t feel was the virus.

  It was still there, she knew. She hadn’t been purged of it. The veins on her arms were still black with its poison. But it lay dormant, waiting patiently. It was as if it had grown a conscience and was giving her the privacy she desired to be with Hades one last time.

  Trembling with need, Kat could no longer hold her
self up. She leaned forward across his chest, nuzzling her face into his neck. She loved how he smelled, how his skin tasted just below his earlobe. She licked him there and up his ear. He shivered in response, groaning with appreciation.

  He ran his hands up and down her back as she continued to move her hips, pushing back and forth. After trailing her tongue up his neck and over his chin, she found his lips with hers. With a hand on her head, he pulled her close and opened his mouth to her. They kissed. Nipping and tugging. Tongues darting. Sweeping over each other.

  Hades broke the kiss. Cradling her face in his hands, he kept her still, his cock pulsating inside her sex, and gazed into her eyes. “You’re all I’ve ever needed, Kat. All I’ve ever wanted. The world makes no sense without you.”

  The tears she was trying to stifle now fell freely. He moved her in so many ways. No one had ever gotten into her mind, body, and soul like Hades had. He completed her in ways she was just beginning to understand.

  “I love you,” he breathed, his voice cracking with emotion.

  She touched his lips with hers. “I love you.”

  Wrapping his arms around her tightly, he lifted his pelvis and drove into her. Crying out, Kat buried her face into his neck and held on as he took them up. With each thrust Hades made, she could feel her orgasm building into a tempest.

  Sweat slicked them both as they worked in unison. As Kat slammed back, Hades thrust forward, burying his cock deep. She could almost feel it in her throat. The wet sounds of their lovemaking echoed around them. Kat loved how flesh sounded being pounded on, and the scent of both of their arousals was thick in the air. She would remember everything about this moment. Ingrain it into her memory.

  She was very near to coming. She was a shivering mass of nerves. Her thighs were trembling violently with the anticipation. And by the sounds of Hades’ grunts and groans, she thought he was, too. Pushing up onto her elbows, she wanted to see his face when he did.

  Digging his fingers into her ass, he pulled her down as he pushed up. With a loud groan, he emptied himself into her. Kat watched the twitches and grimaces on his face as he came.


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