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Robert T Bakker

Page 35

by The Dinosaur Heresies (pdf)

  evolved by the duckbill dinosaurs. Some duckbills evolved large,


  Mammal head-butters—the uintathere Loxolophodon from the Eocene epoch

  (above). Early uintatheres—like Bathyopsis—had small horns and big,

  dangerous canines. Later species—like Uintatherium—evolved big, blunt

  nonlethal horns (below).

  How the trombone-duckbill hooter works.

  The two nasal passages looped up and back

  through the crest—arrows show pathway of

  inhaled air in cutaway of skull.

  Corythosaurus, the hollow-helmet

  duckbill. Arrows on cutaway view

  of skull show air pathway.

  display tails, but in general, they reserved the most vigorous

  expression of their evolutionary changes for their heads. The

  duckbills actually divided into four different subclans evolving ever

  greater cranial specialization. Perhaps the most primitive display

  was Kritosaurus's Roman nose. This animal had enlarged compart-

  ments around its nostrils and probably amplified its bellows and

  snorts through resonating nasal chambers. A bit more complex was

  Saurolopbus, which combined sight with sound: A solid spike of

  bone jutted backward from its head and probably supported a wide

  flap of skin; meanwhile its nasal compartments were huge, imply-

  ing great resonance when it snorted. A strictly audio approach was

  favored by Edmontosaurus. Its head was large and its nasal com-

  partments comparatively huge. The most complex headgear of all

  among the duckbills belonged to Parasaurolophus. Each nostril

  started with a separate trombone-shaped tube leading from the nose

  up to the top of the skull, then out and behind the very long crest,

  a sharp U-turn and back down the crest, then down along the head,

  and through to the windpipe. Since each nostril had a complete

  tube of its own, a crest in section reveals four separate cham-

  bers—two ingoing and two outgoing.

  Hollow-crested duckbills are widely regarded—certainly with

  good reason—as head-hooters, amplifying and modulating their cries

  through their crests. All of the varied, hollow cranial ornaments

  were specialized outgrowths of the normal air tract. In a primitive

  duckbill, like Kritosaurus, as the animal inhaled, the air would pass

  through the nostrils, then through a short passage in the snout, to

  the rear of the throat into the windpipe at the base of the tongue.

  A hollow-crested duckbill complicated the course the air had to

  follow: in through its nostrils, up and back through special bony

  tubes growing backward from the nose, up and above the eyes into

  a huge bony compartment, then down and forward into the throat

  and windpipe. With all their loops and extra chambers, the hol-

  low-crested duckbills could reproduce in bone some of the quali-

  ties instrument makers seek to design into brass and wood today.

  Duckbill springtime choruses may well have been the loudest and

  richest cacophony evolution has ever produced. Being large con-

  ferred great lung power. A male Parasaurolophus would have

  weighed three or four tons. In the fossils of the Judith Delta in

  Alberta, six different duckbills were found within a small area, each


  with its unique nasal amplifier. If all started playing their sexual

  overtures together, the din must have been thunderous.

  The great emphasis dinosaurs placed on auditory messages

  correspondingly demanded an efficient, sensitive hearing system.

  And, as a group, the Dinosauria were indeed equipped with good

  to excellent hearing machinery. All dinosaurs had the skull notches

  to hold a taut eardrum. And all dinosaur middle-ear bones were

  thin and delicate, like a bird's, for picking up higher frequencies.

  In the fluid-filled canals of the brain, the dinosaur's ear was rather

  like a crocodile's. And since crocodiles today have the most sen-

  sitive hearing of any "reptiles," the dinosaurs were certainly tuned

  in to a wide range of airborne sound.

  Taken as a whole, the dinosaurs' adaptations for sex and in-

  timidation simply don't seem to fit the orthodox definition of their

  cold-bloodedness and lethargy. The abundance of head-butting

  devices, the extraordinary exuberance of the cranial hooting and

  snorting apparatuses, are powerful arguments for the idea that the

  Dinosauria as a whole put a lot of evolutionary energy into mat-

  ing. Modern lizards, crocodiles, snakes, and turtles simply do not

  show so many strongly modified organs for high-energy aggres-

  sion. Male alligators, for example, have deep loud voices but have

  never invested in cranial remodeling to achieve a wider range of

  tones. Male rhinoceros iguanas butt one another, but their skulls

  display nothing to compare with the highly specialized ramming

  devices of the dome-headed dinosaurs.

  How warm-blooded were the habits of dinosaurs when they

  mated and defended their territories? The cranial evidence strongly

  points to high energy, to a Mesozoic world where grunting and

  crashing alternated with hooting and bellowing to rend the tropi-

  cal silence as multi-ton monsters vigorously hurled their muscular

  bulk at one another in pain, victory, and frustration.






  n animal's metabolism is inextricably connected to many of

  A its characteristics—one of the most important being its rate

  of growth. Some of the very best evidence for warm-bloodedness

  in dinosaurs is supplied by the study of their patterns of growth,

  research begun fifty years ago but nearly totally overlooked by

  professional paleontologists until very recently. In 1972 I stum-

  bled upon some fairly old monographs about the warm-blooded

  texture found in the bones of dinosaurs. I was in the process of

  working on my hypothesis about warm-bloodedness in dinosaurs,

  relying on my own data about predator-prey ratios and some spec-

  ulative ideas about the posture of limbs. But I had been ignorant

  up to that point of clues that came from evidence about bone

  texture discovered in the 1930s. From 1930 till 1970 the warm-

  blooded style of the dinosaurs' growth had stood as a potent

  support for the nonreptileness of the Dinosauria. But since ortho-

  doxy suffocated dissent, no one paid much attention to the data

  derived from growth rates. In the early 1970s, however, Armand

  de Ricqles attacked the problem of growth with such vigor that it

  became impossible to ignore.

  In today's ecosystems, warm-bloodedness leaves its unmistak-

  able mark on the patterns of birth, adolescence, and adulthood.

  Warm-blooded mammals grow quickly. A German shepherd pup

  weighing five pounds will become a nearly full-sized adult of 120


  Six years from egg to five-ton adult? The giant eight-spiked stegosaur,

  Stegosaurus ungulatus, grew very fast, judg
ing by the bone texture preserved

  in juvenile specimens, as fast or faster than a warm-blooded rhino or water


  pounds one year later. And birds grow even faster. Ostriches grow

  at astonishing rates, from egg to 150-pound bird in as little as nine

  months. But a young, reticulated python of five pounds in the zoo

  requires ten to twenty years to reach 120 pounds. And a reptile

  in the wild grows even more slowly. Box turtles reach sexual ma-

  turity at a weight of about four pounds, the size of a small adult

  cat. A cat reaches breeding weight within half a year after birth,

  but a wild turtle usually needs five to ten years. Alligators too are

  slow growers. In its native Florida habitat, the Mississippi alligator

  requires ten to twenty years to reach two hundred pounds, a weight

  a lioness can reach in two years.

  Our own human species is not a good example of warm-

  blooded patterns of growth—we are exceptionally slow-growing

  compared to nearly all members of the Class Mammalia. We lin-

  ger in drawn-out adolescence, using up fifteen or twenty years to

  reach our final adult size. A four-year-old hyena, white-tailed deer,

  or porpoise is already adult and weighs 120 pounds. A four-year-

  old human weighs about thirty pounds and has just begun to pass

  through the many stages on the path to full physical and social ma-


  turity. The explanation for slow growth in humans probably re-

  lates to the bewildering complexity of our adult society. We have

  to grow slowly in order to absorb the myriad dos and don'ts of

  our parents' culture. It's much simpler for a hyena to be socially

  mature because hyena society contains but a few rules and regu-


  Even the most socially complex reptiles—probably the alli-

  gators and crocodiles—are still far less subtle psychosocial^ than

  the average bird or mammal. An alligator therefore can't blame its

  overly long prepubescence on its need to accumulate the wisdom

  and social nuance of 'gator culture. In fact, from an evolutionary

  point of view, their slow growth is a mistake. Alligators would be

  much better competitors if they could match the rate of growth of

  mammals or birds. The primary Darwinian goal for each and every

  species is to breed—breed early, breed often. In the swamp, there

  is only a limited supply of food to eat or burrows to hide in or

  logs to bask on. And the species that fills the swamp with off-

  spring monopolizes the natural economy. Moreover, fast rates of

  reproduction are powerful evolutionary weapons; they provide an

  enormous advantage in coping with predators or surviving climatic


  The surest method of speeding up rates of breeding is to be-

  come warm-blooded. Why do alligators and tortoises continue to

  grow slowly if this is an inferior evolutionary tactic? There is no

  defect in their biomechanical system. Turtles and alligators rely on

  the same basic systems of enzymes employed by mammals. If those

  systems were exploited at full capacity, an alligator would be able

  to grow as fast as an ostrich. But reptiles cannot exploit their full

  potential for growth, because their cold-blooded physiology makes

  them less effective in gathering food in the wild than a warm-

  blooded creature. Their fluctuating body temperature forces them

  to operate their food procurement and growing processes at levels

  far below maximum for much of their lives. Warm-blooded birds

  and mammals, on the other hand, may be absorbing nourishment

  into their digestive systems at rates very close to the biochemical


  A lot of direct evidence proves that present-day Reptilia in

  the wild usually operate their growing apparatus far below capac-

  ity. Wildlife biologists generally study the stomach contents of their


  specimens in order to study the animals' diet. What is found in

  alligators is surprising—on average, big crocodilians are empty, or

  nearly so. Compared to the average lion or hyena, a Nile croco-

  dile spends most of its life fasting. Lizards tell the same story—on

  average, lizard stomachs are less full of food than are mammals'.

  The ultimate proof that reptilian growth usually works far below

  maximum capacity comes from what happens when reptiles are kept

  in cages warmed to their favorite temperature and are continu-

  ously provided with food. This turns out to be the only way to

  accelerate an alligator's rate of growth to the maximum: Keep it

  warmed all day long, seven days a week, and keep forcing protein-

  rich food into it. Most research scientists couldn't afford to per-

  form such an experiment, but the private sector has come to the

  rescue. Alligator and crocodile skins sell to a lucrative market for

  shoes and handbags, and since conservationist measures restricted

  hunting of wild specimens, enterprising businessmen started to farm

  them. Others have even tried turtle farming, because giant sea

  turtles produce highly esteemed meat. On all these farms, croco-

  diles, alligators, and turtles grow almost as fast as warm-blooded

  mammals. The only side effect the reptiles suffer is an occasional

  attack of gout from the combination of rich diet and lack of ex-


  Did the dinosaurs have a fast-growth weapon in their adap-

  tive arsenal? Did Tyrannosaurus rex grow to breeding weight in five

  years? Was part of the reason dinosaurs enjoyed such unchal-

  lenged dominance throughout the Mesozoic that they bred earlier

  and bred faster? A most intriguing question. Genuine mammals

  were present during that time and were potential ecological threats

  as their later development demonstrates. But mammals never did

  evolve to large size until after the dinosaurs had died out. Maybe

  the dinosaurs were just too good at growing quickly?

  How can the dinosaurs' growth be measured? An accurate es-

  timate can be derived from the texture of fossil bone. A thin slice

  can be cut from a fossil-bone chip and glued to a glass plate. It can

  then be ground so thin that light shines through. The slice under

  the microscope will allow an observer to see precisely how the bone

  crystals were arranged as the bone grew. This transparent thin sec-

  tion, as it is called, is standard today for analyzing the structure of

  the widest variety of hard natural substances—rocks, metals, sin-


  Dinosaurian inefficiency. If dinosaurs were truly warm-blooded, then it would

  take thirty tons of meat to raise a one-ton ceratosaur from egg to adult. But a

  cold-blooded finback from the Permian Period would be much more

  efficient—three hundred pounds of meat would raise a one-hundred-pound

  finback. Still, the much higher metabolism would let the dinosaur grow much


  How dinosaur-bone microtexture differs from the texture in primitive cold-


  gle crystals, and bone from living species. Geologists originated
  the thin-section technique in the 1830s, and it wasn't long before

  paleontologists took it over for fossils. Since bones grow by add-

  ing crystals of mineral, the microtexture of bone indicates how fast

  the body grew.

  When nineteenth-century scientists examined slices from fos-


  sil bones and teeth, they found that dinosaur bone looked very

  like mammal bone. Both dinosaurs and mammals possess many tiny

  channels for blood vessels running through their bone, and both

  have the curious structures known as Haversian canals—long cyl-

  inders, pointed at both ends, where bone mineral had been dis-

  solved and then redeposited in concentric layers. When cut in cross

  section, Haversian systems look like tiny onions sliced across the

  middle. Cut lengthwise, they resemble tiny, multi-layered electri-

  cal cables.

  Using this technique, early twentieth-century scientists as-

  sembled an impressive body of histological data about the entire

  400-million-year history of vertebrates from the earliest fish to

  Neanderthal Man. And all the dinosaur bone slices looked more

  like mammal bone than reptile. These studies were masterfully

  summarized in a series of papers published in the early 1950s by

  two histologists from Texas, Enlow and Brown. But their labors

  had astoundingly little impact. The standard textbooks on dino-

  saurs had hardened into "cold-blooded" orthodoxy. And so the work

  done by these histologists remained in relative obscurity.

  The material concerning the texture of the dinosaurs' bones

  and their rates of growth burst upon the world in the 1970s thanks

  to two independent rediscoveries of the old published work. By

  purest chance I ran across some articles dealing with the texture

  of dinosaur bones and subsequently was led to the wealth of in-

  formation published by Enlow and Brown. They had cut samples

  from dozens of dinosaurs and concluded that the animals may have

  been warm-blooded. In 1972, I published a paper in the journal

  Nature, calling attention to all this forgotten material. Meanwhile,

  in Paris, Armand de Ricqles had also rediscovered the question of

  bone texture and had inaugurated a massive research project in-


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