Book Read Free

The Starter

Page 42

by Scott Sigler

  Everyone except Ju, who still had his head up high.

  Quentin’s upper lip curled into a sneer.

  • • •

  BRIGHT LIGHTS BLAZED, making it hard to see the assembled reporters packed into Cloud Killer Stadium’s small press room. But the lights didn’t stop Quentin from hearing them, from hearing their inane questions.

  “Quentin! Quentin! Kint the Fabulous, ESPN. Ju Tweedy had another mixed game for you, going for over a hundred yards and scoring two touchdowns, but do you think his three fumbles were a factor in the loss to the Cloud Killers?”

  Quentin glared in the reporter’s general direction, able to make out only a little bit of his face through the lights.

  “Yes,” Quentin said. “We lost sixteen to fourteen, by two points. So, yeah, I think three fumbles, including two in the red-zone; that might have had an impact.”

  His words rang with sarcasm, but the reporters didn’t seem to register that. He’d barely finished his last word before the voices erupted into annoying and endless shouts of his name until one of the peons shouted down the others.

  “Quentin! Quentin! Sara Mabuza, Earth News Syndicate. How does it feel to know that you’re in last place?”

  “How do you think it feels?” Quentin said. He heard his temper slipping, then controlled himself. This was part of the job, he had to lighten up. “It feels like crap, but we can come back from this.”

  There were more than a few laughs heard through the endless shouts of his name. His fingers curled into fists.

  “Come on,” Mabuza said, barely able to hide her own laughter. “The Krakens are two-and-six with four games left, including one against the Jupiter Jacks.”

  “We win two games, we’re safe,” Quentin said quickly. “We still have to play the Hullwalkers, who are only one game ahead of us. And we’re only two games behind the Criminals and the Planets. We play them both as well. Any of those three teams loses the rest of their games, including their game against Ionath, and we win two? That would do it for us.”

  There was still a little laughter, but also a few murmurs of approval. Perhaps the reporters didn’t think a football player could do math?

  “Quentin! Quentin! Kelp Bringer from the Leekee Galaxy Times. Are you saying that you really think the Krakens are still in this, that you’re not already on your way back to Tier Two?”

  Quentin stood up. “That is exactly what I am saying. We have the offense to win those games if we can hold onto the ball. The Krakens can, and will, stay in Tier One. I see my mandatory twenty minutes for answering your idiotic questions has expired, so I’m done with this.”

  He stormed away from the table and back toward the visitors’ locker room. His own words already rang in his ears. Had he just guaranteed the Krakens would stay in T1? Yes, yes he had. And he was right about one thing — they could stay in Tier One, if they could hold onto the ball.

  Ju Tweedy couldn’t get what he wanted, so he was fumbling on purpose. Quentin had to find a way to get Ju to play to win, or it would be Tier Two all over again.


  (Courtesy of Galaxy Sports Network)

  There is only one word to describe the Planet Division playoff race, and that word is “madness.” A tumultuous week ended with seven teams tied for first, and another two teams only one game out. The Alimum Armada (5-3) grabbed a share of first place with a 31-17 win over the Mars Planets (4-4). The Lu Juggernauts upset the Isis Ice Storm 24-14, leveling both teams’ records at 5-3. Wabash also moved into first by beating the Sala Intrigue 23-12, and don’t look now but here comes the Themala Dreadnaughts. After starting the season at 1-3, the Dreads (5-3) have won four straight, including this week’s 16-14 win over the To Pirates (5-3).

  In the Solar Division, things are a little more clear. New Rodina (7-1) won its fifth straight to stay in first, beating up on the War Dogs by a score of 28-7. D’Kow began the season at 4-0, but four straight losses move them to fifth place in the Solar. The Astros need to keep winning to stay ahead of the Jupiter Jacks (6-2), who beat Bartel 35-17, Neptune (6-2) who topped the Vik Vanguard 24-20, and Bord (6-2), who beat the Shorah Warlords 44-38.

  The Chillich Spider-Bears (1-7) earned their first win of the season with a 24-23 victory over the Jang Atom Smashers (1-7). Chillich, Jang and Vik are now all tied at the bottom of the Solar Division.


  No deaths reported this week.

  Offensive Player of the Week

  Jupiter wide receiver Denver, who caught five passes for 112 yards and three touchdowns in a 35-17 win over the Bartel Water Bugs.

  Defensive Player of the Week

  Atom Smashers linebacker Mike Dowell, who caused two fumbles and had six solo tackles in a 24-23 loss to the Chillich Spider-Bears.



  5-3 Alimum Armada

  5-3 Coranadillana Cloud Killers

  5-3 Themala Dreadnaughts

  5-3 Lu Juggernauts

  5-3 To Pirates

  5-3 Isis Ice Storm

  5-3 Wabash Wolfpack

  4-4 Yall Criminals

  4-4 Mars Planets

  3-5 Hittoni Hullwalkers

  2-6 Ionath Krakens


  7-1 New Rodina Astronauts

  6-2 Bord Brigands

  6-2 Neptune Scarlet Fliers

  6-2 Jupiter Jacks

  4-4 D’Kow War Dogs

  3-5 Sala Intrigue

  3-5 Shorah Warlords

  2-6 Bartel Water Bugs

  1-7 Jang Atom Smashers

  1-7 Vik Vanguard

  1-7 Chillich Spider-Bears

  From the OS1 Tribune

  * * *

  Orbiting Death Owner Makes Bold Roster Moves


  ORBITAL STATION I (Galaxy News Service) — New owner Anna Villani has wasted no time in putting her stamp on the Orbiting Death football team.

  Villani became the Death’s new owner after the tragic passing of Sikka the Death just a few short weeks ago. While Villani publicly mourned Sikka’s passing, she also had a job to do — how could she get the Death ready for the upcoming Tier Two season, without all-star running back Ju Tweedy? Tweedy, who recently signed with the Ionath Krakens, is the prime suspect in the murder of OS1 citizen Grace McDermot.

  Offensively, Villani immediately changed the Death from a running team to a passing one with the signing of quarterback Condor Adrienne, formerly of the Whitok Pioneers. The Pioneers finished 6-3 last year, with all three losses occurring when Adrienne was out with a leg injury.

  “I was surprised to get the news,” Adrienne said. “I mean, well, we really have a good thing going in Whitok. I love it here in Whitok, and I wanted to take the Pioneers to a Tier One championship. I don’t know why [Pioneers owner] Shag-En-Bah sold my contract but well, I’ll make the most of it with the Orbiting Death.”

  Villani also signed Quyth Survivors running back Chooch Motumbo to replace Tweedy, but it was on the defensive side of the ball that she shocked the Quyth Irradiated Conference with the addition of Sky Demolition All- Pro linebacker Yalla the Biter. Yalla is the all-time GFL leader for fatalities, with eight during his seven-year career.

  “We are going to Tier One,” Villani said of the roster additions. “These players are what were missing from last year’s lineup. Whatever it takes, we will win the T2 Tournament in 2683. I have some scores to settle in Tier One, and you can bet that I will settle them.”

  “Whatever it takes, we will win the T2 Tournament in 2683.”


  * * *

  A FLYER FOUND IN PISSAGATA, second-largest city on the planet Yall of the Sklorno Dynasty.

  * * *


  All members of the CoQB!


  The CoQB is booking group passage on a ship to Ionath, located in the Quyth Concordia, to see
His Holiness Quentin Barnes give his blessings live!

  This affordable trip includes transit fare, travel to the planet’s surface and official church robes in “the orange and the black,” the official colors of His Holiness Quentin Barnes. A limited number of tickets are available for the football game of the Ionath Krakens against the Yall Criminals. Those that cannot attend the game will join us on the streets of Ionath City, jumping, singing songs, and shouting praises in honor of His Holiness Quentin Barnes.

  Basic food is included, but pilgrims should feel free to bring a friend if fresh meat is desired.

  Yes, you can see His Holiness at his home Temple of Ionath Stadium. The truly devoted will assuredly make this pilgrimage. Full members, acolytes, and those interested in converting are all welcome.

  Join us in holy worship!

  * * *

  JU TWEEDY HADN’T FUMBLED the entire game. Quentin had to wonder if the only reason for that was because the Krakens were down 42-21.

  Late in the fourth quarter, down by three touchdowns, the home crowd booing the Krakens once again. Well, not the entire home crowd. At least ten percent of the stadium was filled with Sklorno females, clad eyestalks-to-toes in orange and black wrapping or robes. Those Sklorno squealed, chattered, and chirped every time Quentin touched the ball, which — considering he was the quarterback — happened on every Krakens offensive play.

  Apparently, the Church of Quentin Barnes had traveled en masse to Ionath. No matter what Quentin did, they cheered. Many season-ticket holders in those sections had dressed in rain gear or outdoor wear — they were prepared for ten thousand Sklorno females in religious rapture, raspers dangling long and flinging drool when the females jumped with joy at each completed pass.

  The city streets were full of Sklorno, and not just the females. Bedbugs, the male of the species, were all over the place, an estimated five thousand of them milling about with the females and generally getting underfoot. For Quentin’s safety, Gredok had confined him to the Krakens building and the stadium for the entire week. Quentin hadn’t minded that edict at all — the whole thing was overwhelming, embarrassing, and a little bit frightening.

  He walked back to the forming huddle. He’d just thrown another incompletion, forcing a ball into coverage. The pass probably should have been picked off, but Hawick had knocked the ball out of the defensive back’s tentacles.

  The Criminals kept five defensive backs in — a “nickel” package — instead of the normal four. They were playing the pass, making sure the Krakens couldn’t get a long ball for a quick score that might put them back in the game. Quentin had already given up two interceptions, throwing into double and even triple coverage as he tried to make something happen. With only four minutes to play, the odds of a three-touchdown comeback were slim.

  “Barnes!” Coach Hokor popped up in the heads-up holo display. “Stop forcing the ball. We can’t win if you just give them the ball back.”

  “Coach, we need points.”

  “We also need to work for the rest of the season, and not needlessly put our receivers in jeopardy with the kind of passes you are throwing. X-set formation, run the draw.”

  “A draw play? You wanna run the ball?”

  “That’s right.”

  “But Coach, we need to pass, we—”

  “Run the plays that I call!”

  Quentin kicked the ground, then walked to the huddle. Hokor had given up on the game and wanted to turn the last four minutes into real-time practice. The Krakens would try to put a drive together, see if they could get one more touchdown, build experience for the next three games so they could score when it mattered, score in a game they could win.

  “X-set draw,” Quentin said to the huddle. Tired faces looked up at him. His teammates didn’t want to run the ball, they wanted to go for the win no matter how improbable it might be.

  “Just run the damn play,” Quentin snapped. “X-Set draw on two, on two, ready? Break!”

  Quentin walked to the line. The X-set put four receivers on the field — two wide to the left and two wide to the right — with Ju Tweedy as the single back behind Quentin. The defensive backs moved into woman-to-woman coverage, with a good seven- to eight-yard cushion off of Hawick, Milford, Mezquitic, and Halawa. The linebackers spread to the sides of the line — they would be playing a short zone, trying to disrupt inside slant patterns. If Quentin audibled, he could get Hawick or Halawa to sprint out ten yards and turn on a hook pattern, then hit either of them right there.

  But a ten-yard pass wouldn’t get points. So, he might as well just run the plays that were called.

  He looked over the Criminals defense. White jerseys with purple numbers and purple splashes on their shoulders. White helmets decorated with their purple “ball-and-chain Sklorno” logo. Purple leg armor. Shoes that had started the game as white were now streaked with stains.

  “Red, twenty-two!” Quentin called out. “Red, twenty-two! Hut-hut!”

  Quentin dropped back and raised the ball to his ear, eyes scanning for a pattern. The four receivers sprinted downfield, forcing the defenders to move back as well. The linebackers also backpedaled into their zone positions. Five steps into the drop, Quentin stuck the ball out to his left, where Ju Tweedy tore it out of his hands.

  The linebackers had to stop their backward momentum before they could come forward. In that brief pause, Ju reached the line. Michael Kimberlin had let his defensive tackle penetrate past the line of scrimmage, but had pushed him to the right, to the outside. The tackle couldn’t stop his momentum as Ju ran inside, keeping Kimberlin between the tackle and himself. Ju shot through the line at full speed. A Quyth Warrior linebacker attacked, but a head-and-shoulders fake left that linebacker grabbing at air as Ju went by him, cutting outside and heading for the sidelines. A cornerback angled for him, trying to shake off Halawa’s downfield block. Instead of cutting, Ju just lowered his head and shoulders and ran her over. He high-stepped through the tackle, reached the sidelines, and cut upfield.

  Quentin watched, hearing the home crowd roar as Ju chewed up the yards. The safety and strong safety’s speed let them quickly close the distance. Ju reached the 10-yard line, then slid out of bounds just as the strong safety hit him.

  Quentin felt a rage wash over him. Ju could have lowered his shoulder, taken the strong safety on, tried for the touchdown. But instead, Ju slid out of bounds just ten yards shy of a score. In one play, Ju had shown his moves, his physical power to run sentients over, and then showed that — sometimes — he chose not to use that physical power. His team was down by three scores and needed a big play, yet he ran out of bounds.

  • • •

  THE KRAKENS GOT THAT TOUCHDOWN three plays later when Quentin hit Crazy George Starcher for six. With only two and a half minutes to play, down by two touchdowns, Arioch Morningstar tried an on-side kick. The Criminals got the ball back. They then notched two first downs and proceeded to run out the clock.

  Once again, Quentin had to watch the opposition’s victory formation, their quarterback taking a knee to end the game.

  Quentin shook hands with the Criminals players, a rage building inside of him even as he nodded and passed out the obligatory good game congratulations.

  Ionath was now 2-and-7. Two games behind the next closest teams, the Mars Planets and the Hittoni Hullwalkers, that were 4-and-5. Three games remained in the season. The Krakens had to win at least two, if not all three. Quentin’s bold claim that they would stay in Tier One looked like just that — a bold claim.

  Something had to be done. Something drastic. Ju wanted a man-to-man fight, winner take all? Well, then maybe that had to happen. But before it could, Quentin needed to take Ju out of his game.

  He needed to get inside Ju Tweedy’s head.


  (Courtesy of Galaxy Sports Network)

  The drama continues in the Planet Division. With just three games left in the season, it’s a four-way tie for first between teams with mat
ching 6-3 records: Coranadillana, Isis, Themala and To. Isis stayed in first by knocking Alimum (5-4) down to second-place with a 22-13 win. Themala also knocked a team down to second, thanks to a 28-7 win over the Lu Juggernauts (5-4).

  New Rodina (8-1) won it’s sixth in a row to stay in first place. The Astronauts recorded their highest point total of the season, winning 63-10 against the Spider-Bears (1-8). Both Jupiter (7-2) and Neptune (7-2) remain hot on New Rodina’s heels for the Solar Division title.

  And speaking of things on heels, the relegation monster is closing in on Ionath. The Krakens (2-7) are two full games behind the Planets (4-5) and the Hullwalkers (4-5).

  In the Solar Division, four teams remain on the relegation bubble: Bartel (2-7), Vik (1-8), Chillich (1-8) and Jang (2-7). The Vanguard and the Spider-Bears go head-to-head next week. The winner is guaranteed to avoid relegation.


  Alimum Armada wide receiver Tenny, who was killed on a late hit from Mars Planets linebacker Doug St. Cyr. Cyr was injured in an altercation following the hit, and will be out for the rest of the season.

  Offensive Player of the Week:

  Dreadnaughts quarterback Gavin Warren, who threw for two touchdowns and ran for two more in a 28-7 win over the Lu Juggernauts.

  Defensive Player of the Week

  Neptune free safety Tulsa, who had three interceptions and four tackles against the Bartel Water Bugs.



  6-3 Coranadillana Cloud Killers

  6-3 Isis Ice Storm

  6-3 Themala Dreadnaughts

  6-3 To Pirates

  5-4 Alimum Armada


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