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Royal Romance: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 38)

Page 5

by Flora Ferrari

  The conclusion that now has the chance to become real.

  “Yes,” I say. I bring my hands to my face and the tears flow uncontrollably.

  He presents the ring in front of me and I remove my left hand. He carefully slides the ring onto my finger. A perfect fit.

  I lean in and kiss him right on the mouth.

  I’m crying and laughing and can’t even believe what’s happening.

  “Wait a second,” I say.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “This is truly the old fashioned storybook romance.”

  “You mean marrying the prince?” he says. He lifts an eyebrow as if to say, “really?”

  “Well, yes, but that’s not even what I was thinking.”

  “What were you thinking then?”

  “The virgin bride.”


  I nod my head. “I’ve been saving myself and am I ever glad I did.”

  His eyes narrow and suddenly it’s almost as if he’s become a hunter.

  “So you’re telling me you’re not interested in heading up to my room?”

  “I’m not saying that. I just said I was saving myself. I didn’t say for marriage.”

  I wink.

  He scoops me up and seconds later he’s carrying me upstairs.



  My head is still spinning when we reach the top of the stairs.

  Not from the fact that he’s carrying me, but due to everything that’s happening…and how quickly it’s happening.

  But when we reach the top of the stairs he doesn’t turn the way I expect him to. He takes me down one hall and then down another. I’m totally disoriented now and not sure what he’s up to.

  We reach a doorway and he taps it gently with his foot.

  It was just cracked so it slides open easily.

  He carries me right to the bed and sets me down.

  Talk about the royal suite, I think to myself.

  He’s got candles everywhere and half of the walls are completely glass providing a 180 degree view of the countryside. It’s absolutely breathtaking inside and out.

  And inside is exactly where I want him to be. Inside me.

  I turn to see him looking at me as he’s unbuttoning his shirt.

  I swing my feet around the side of the bed before standing. I lift the dress up and over my head and stand there completely bare for the first time in my life in front of any man, not to mention one as powerful and handsome as he is.

  He makes short work of his clothes saving his boxer briefs for last.

  As he slides them off I see a cock that’s going to be waaaay too big. At least for my first time.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle and we’ve got all night.”

  “Okay,” I say softly.

  He moves over toward me and runs his hand along my cheek, admiring my face.

  After he pushes a locket of hair behind my ear he leans in a little closer, stopping just short of my lips.

  I can feel his breath on mine and I know he can feel the same.

  I just want this moment to stay like this forever, but seconds later it gets even better as his lips gently meet mine.

  I feel a bit awkward having never been in this position before, but it comes naturally.

  Letting my desires guide me, my hands come up and I run them up and down his back as our kisses get deeper and more passionate. I feel his erection pressed firmly against my body and my pussy is wet with anticipation.

  “I’m going to make you mine tonight. And it will be that way forever,” he whispers in my ear in-between gentle kisses just below it on my neck.

  An exhale escapes me.

  “If you’re ready for it.”

  “I’m ready,” I say softly. “I’m ready now.”

  As much as I think I want the anticipation to continue I know my feral desires are kicking in quick and I want out bodies to become one. For the two halves that we are to become whole.

  I feel his hands on my waist and he pulls my body in even closer, his kisses deeper yet. I return in kind.

  His hand slides up the side of my body and takes my breast. He cups it before dropping his lips from my collarbone to my nipple, sucking it which causes me to breath in deep and for my eyes to close momentarily.

  I bring my hands around from behind him and towards the front, taking his cock in my hands for the first time.

  It’s so thick and huge and now it’s mine for all of eternity.

  It’s going to take plenty of time before I’m able to take it, but every long journey starts with a first step. And he is definitely long.

  I grip the base of his cock with one hand and run it up his shaft. I bring my second hand to his shaft realizing his dick is bigger than both of my hands stacked on top of each other, and I can’t even get my fingers all the way around it.

  I stroke him again and his mouth releases my breast and he moans deeply. He takes my face in both hands and kisses me squarely.

  I can feel his passion. His lust. His desire.

  And more importantly I know it will be this way forever.

  I wasn’t waiting my entire life to have sex. I was waiting my entire life to make love with my one and only. He’s that and all those years of waiting are finally over.

  His hands come around to my back and slide down before cupping my butt.

  He lifts me effortlessly off the floor and sets me down gently on the bed.

  He mounts me immediately but doesn’t slide it in yet.

  “Are you sure you’re ready?”

  “I’m ready,” I say.

  “I’ve been waiting for you forever. And here you are. My princess.”

  The craziest part is his words are true.

  “I want to be your hero. Not just this morning, but forever. But we don’t have to live in this palatial estate. We can run off and be by ourselves somewhere nice and quiet. A ranch in rural Brazil. A vineyard in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Where doesn’t matter, as long as we’re together.”

  “Together,” I say.

  “But right now I need us to be together in a different way. For you to make me whole and me to do the same. I want to own you. To make you mine. To feel you from the inside as much as I feel you from the outside and inside my soul.”

  “Yes,” I say. “I want that too.”

  “And I want to take you somewhere you’ve never been. To hold you in the palm of my hand while your pussy holds my cock. But after this it’s no longer my cock. It’s your cock. Yours and only yours. And I’m going to use it to not only pleasure you but to fill you with my seed and to start our family together.”

  “I want that too.”

  “I want a house full of kids, and pets, and laughter.”

  “And love,” I say.

  “Everything. And it’s only possible with you.”

  He lines the head of his cock up to my opening.

  “Are you ready?”

  “I’m ready. I want you inside me now.”

  His body slides forward slowly and for the first time I feel his cock inside me. Just as my eyes close I feel his lips gently meet mine.

  His lips pull away as his cock slides out of me. I open my eyes again and watch as he slowly guides himself back inside.

  The intensity is plastered on his face. His muscles are flaring. His focus unbreakable.

  His eyes are locked on mine and my pussy is locking onto him.

  I can barely contain myself and we’ve just started.

  “I’m going to finish soon. Too soon,” I say. “Fuck me like you want to.”

  His eyes open wider and suddenly his pace quickens and his dick slides in and out at full speed, going deeper with every thrust.

  I grab for the sheets balling them up, my hands turning to fists.

  My arms start to quiver and my eyes close as I feel him driving into me, but I know he’s not going in nearly all the way. Even in his fury he’s putting me first.

  And halfway or
whatever he’s giving me for the first time right now is more than enough.

  I feel a sensation in my entire body and then suddenly everything contracts as I explode all over his rod.

  I’ve never felt so much pleasure in my entire life until a few seconds later he moans loudly and unleashes inside me. I feel his warmth enter me and it’s incomprehensible…indescribable.

  “Uhhh,” he says as I feel a second seed planted deep within me.

  I open my eyes and he leans forward and kisses me on the forehead before falling next to me on the bed.

  His cock has only been outside of me a mere few seconds yet it already longs to feel him again. My walls are calling for him to come and open them up wider.

  “I know we just made a baby,” he says.

  “Maybe an introverted dog lover?” I say.

  He laughs a full laugh for the first time since I’ve known him.

  There’s nothing sexier than exploring more sides to this man. To learning more about him and what makes him tick. And in the process I’m learning more and more about myself.

  I snuggle in next to him and feel the warmth of his body. And when he wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer I feel the warmth of his heart.



  I wake up in the morning and roll over only to find Alistair isn’t there.

  That’s strange, I think to myself.

  I stand up and stretch and go looking for him in the room. How big is this place? Unbelievable.

  The shower and bathtub are even bigger than I remembered seeing last night in the moonlight. And there’s even a walk-in closet that’s bigger than my entire apartment.

  I wonder where he is?

  I hear some talk in the hall and start to wonder what part of the house I’m actually in.

  I walk over to the door and the words become clearer.

  “The help! You’re in love with the help? Have you lost your mind?”

  “You’re the one who lost your mind a long time ago, dad. You in your high castle, literally. Your ivory tower. You have no idea what goes on outside these gates, nor do you want to. You live in your bubble having no idea what it’s like to love. You don’t even know anymore, do you? I’ve supported you through thick and thin and if you don’t want to stand behind me the one time I bring some big, life-changing, news your way then so be it. I wasn’t planning on living here anyways. I’d rather go be happy somewhere else. With her!”

  “This will pass over and when it does we’ll find you a young woman worthy of what we have.”

  I feel the first tear already falling down my cheek.

  “Worthy? You’re the one who’s not worthy of her. I don’t want to introduce you to her anyways. Why would I? You’re just being a bitter old man about the whole thing.”

  “I’m sure your mother is beside me on this one.”

  “Oh, you think so? I sure don’t. Let’s go ask her right now. You’ll see.”

  I hear footsteps down the hall. I wait until I don’t hear anything anymore.

  Oh my god. What have I gotten myself into?

  This is so much bigger than me and Alistair. This is about the entire country. I know I could stand beside him and be the partner he needs me to be, and he could do the same, but this is more. This is about putting on a pretty face and attending events.

  Maybe his dad’s right. Maybe I’m not worthy of this. I wasn’t born into this type of life and I’m certainly not used to it.

  Can we really just run away to somewhere like South Africa or Brazil? Last night it was pillow talk and I believed it, but my emotions were running high. Saying it and doing it are two separate things.

  If he pulled such a move it would be an international scandal…because of me.

  I quickly slide into my dress and carefully tiptoe out the door and down the hall. Luckily I don’t bump into anyone.

  I quickly figure out where I am now thanks to the direction of the sunlight coming in through the window, and turn down another hallway once it’s clear.

  It’s the hallway where my room is.

  I dart inside and grab my things, fumbling with my phone to schedule an Uber pickup for right now.

  I stick my head out the door looking both ways and see that the coast is clear, but there are voices!

  I make a run for it, dashing down the hall and down the stairs before the voices get closer.

  I reach the front door and the butler is there to quickly open it.

  “Not staying for breakfast, ma’am?”

  “I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused. You’ll never have to see me again,” I say.

  “Not staying for breakfast, ma’am?” I mumble as I run down the long winding driveway. What a jerk!

  I think he was mocking me, but I’m not even 100% sure. Maybe he was actually being polite.

  Just goes to show what I know about this life. I can’t even make out the butler’s comments.


  Peaches and Cream.

  I turn back around and run back around the side of the house for the kennel.

  Luckily a couple minutes later I’ve found them in the kennel.

  Their fur looks shiny and soft and they look like they’re in doggie wonderland back here with all these other dogs to play with.

  I free them from the kennel and take off running for the front gate. Thankfully they chase after me, being that they are dogs and all. Imagine if I was a cat person.

  Before I know it I’m at the gate.

  “Going home early today. Feeling well?”

  “Some days just aren’t your day,” I say trying to avoid getting into a long conversation.

  “I know the feeling,” he says. “Hope you get to feeling better soon.”

  He signs me out and I push through the security gate and out onto the street.

  My Uber driver pulls up just in time. Finally, something good is happening.

  “Dogs? Are you joking me,” he says.

  “I’ll pay double.”

  “Better make that triple.”

  “Whatever you want. Just drive please.”

  “You got that much cash on you?”

  “Drive!” I yell.

  He pulls away and I try and remember where I put in the destination field. I just remember clicking the map to the farthest point away from here.

  I pull up the app and realize I’ve clicked on the train station.

  Another stroke of luck.

  Maybe it’s a sign. Everything is working now that I’m outside the palace walls.

  Who was I to dare think I ever belonged in there anyways?

  But I never cared about any of that. Only him. He’s all I ever wanted. I don’t care about his title or any of that stuff.

  With the car in motion and my dogs miraculously being calm I have a moment to realize just what happened.

  The tears come back instantly and raise my hand to wipe them away, feeling the ring against my cheek.

  I totally forgot I have a ring on my finger worth more that most people’s lifetime salaries, or at least a good chunk of it.

  I have to find a way to give it back.

  “You pay extra if you get my car wet,” the driver says.

  I do a sort of nervous and ironic laugh combined in one. I’m still crying but at least I can see the humor in it all.

  I’ve got a multi-million dollar ring on my hand but barely enough cash to last me a week.

  Somehow I’ve got to get the ring back, without going back myself.

  I went from being on top of the world to being an absolute mess in under fifteen minutes.

  And there’s no solution in sight.



  I make my way back to the room to see how Faith is sleeping. I hope she’s still asleep. She looked so beautiful and peaceful there this morning when I left her to go get orange juice for us.


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