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Their Forever Home [Men of the Border Lands 13] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Marla Monroe

  Instead of letting go of him, Vella tightened her grip on his thickening dick and sucked all the harder. She looked over and realized that Lance had slowed his pumping and was smiling at her, encouraging her to make Carver come. She redoubled her efforts, using her tongue to increase the stimulation even as she raked her teeth lightly over the ridge near the tip.

  “Holy hell!” Carver’s eyes widened with surprise before they all but rolled back in his head as she took all of him into her mouth that would fit. When she swallowed around him, he filled her mouth and throat with his cum.

  As soon as he’d finished and pulled free of her mouth, Lance hammered into her, stroking over her G-spot every time he pulled out. She reached up and caressed Lance’s chest with her hands, letting the pleasure build until she had no choice but to succumb to it.

  “Lance! Oh, God. So good. Carver. Please, I can’t take any more,” she begged.

  “Yes, you can, babe.” Carver brushed back her hair and kissed her long and deep before taking a nipple into his mouth and adding a different kind of pleasure to the mix.

  “Carver, man. Need some help here. She’s so fucking tight. I’m not going to last this time. It’s too fucking good,” Lance said through clenched teeth.

  Carver didn’t tease the man, though she knew he wanted to. Instead he reached between her and Lance and lightly tapped her clit with his finger while sucking and nipping her nipple. The combination of all three at one time blew her away. Vella’s world exploded into bright colors as her entire body tightened in orgasm. She couldn’t scream because she couldn’t breathe.

  Her ears were ringing so loud that she nearly missed when Lance came, burying himself inside of her as he squeezed her hips and dropped his head to her chest. Carver barely managed to pull his hand back and let go of her breast in time to avoid Lance dropping on him.

  “Watch it, Lance,” Carver said with a snarl. “I don’t want to touch your junk.”

  “Fuck, Carver. Right now I don’t care what you touch,” Lance said and sighed.

  “Get off of her, man. You’re suffocating her. You’re too heavy for her.” Carver pulled on the other man’s shoulder as she started laughing beneath him.

  “Are you okay, babe?” Carver asked her.

  “Y–yes,” she managed to get out between laughing. “You guys are so funny. You’d think you’d been friends forever instead of a few months.”

  Carver snorted as he stared down at her. “I don’t see anything funny about it at all.”

  Lance laughed as he lay on one side of her with Carver kneeling next to her on the other side. He just shook his head and kissed her before getting up and walking over toward the fire at the front of the cave.

  “Sure it is, Carver. I can just imagine your face if you did accidently touch my man parts by accident. It would be hilarious,” Lance said, returning with a small bowl.

  “What’s that?” Carver asked him.

  “Warm wet cloth to clean her up with some. Don’t want her to feel all sticky,” he said.

  Vella smiled. He was so thoughtful. When she looked over at Carver, her smile slowly died. He looked almost sick for some reason. Then it dawned on her. Carver didn’t know anything about romance or stuff like that. He was feeling uncomfortable because he hadn’t thought of something like that.

  As Lance proceeded to clean the results of their loving from between her legs, she struggled to think of what to do about Carver’s insecurity. She was sure he felt that way right then. Being with two men was going to be more of a challenge than she’d thought. It had never occurred to her that they would need so much support and extra assurance. She’d never noticed before with the families she’d been around.

  “Carver? Can I hug on you tonight? I like holding on to you when I’m sleeping. Lance helps keep my back warm and you keep my front warm,” she said.

  His face calmed some, but no smile. She supposed that was the best she could hope for from him. He didn’t smile much at all, she’d already learned. But she did notice more warmth in his eyes than normal. It was enough. That was part of the reason she was already falling in love with them. They were both unique and different from each other. It meant that they would never have a dull moment in their lives.

  She snuggled up to Carver’s warm back and wrapped one arm over his side, squeezing him as she wrapped one leg over his hip. He felt so good to her. Lance’s warm body covered her back, and when he slipped his hand over her to rest just below her breasts, Vella hummed in appreciation. She was right where she wanted to be, cocooned between the two men with promises of a future together.

  I can’t wait to make it to New Hope and settle into a life of our own. This is going to work. I just know it. Nothing can make me change my mind about the two of them. They’re both everything I could ever want in a husband, and I get two.

  Chapter Eleven

  “We should reach them by early afternoon today,” Carver told them.

  He could literally feel the excitement radiating from Vella. She couldn’t wait to be among others like them who just wanted a safe place to live and raise a family. Lance was just as excited, believing that everything would be perfect once they arrived and settled in. Carver wasn’t so sure that everything would work out as perfectly as they both thought.

  It won’t work out for me, anyway. I’ve got to tell her about my past before someone recognizes me and she finds out from a stranger. I don’t want to, though. She’ll kick me out if I do. I want just a few more hours to be part of her family. Just a few more hours.

  It amazed him that Lance still hadn’t thought about how his past might affect their Vella. He was only seeing the bright side of things right now. Carver was pretty sure the other man was already in love with Vella. Hell, he couldn’t blame him. She was beautiful and sweet. Carver was pretty sure he’d completely fallen for her as well.

  “I can’t wait! I wonder how many people are already there. Do you think there are any children? I love children.” Vella chattered nonstop as they drew closer to the community.

  “I think I remember hearing that several of the settlers there had young children. I just hope there will be room for us to have a roof over our heads before winter sets in,” Lance said.

  That was a very real worry of Carver’s, as well. He would insist on helping to winterize or secure a place for them even if Vella refused to allow him to stay. The least he could do was ensure she was warm and dry. He’d find an old homestead within a day’s walk to keep an eye on everyone. Not being close to her would hurt, but he wouldn’t leave her or even Lance in case they needed help. He could at least ensure they were happy if nothing else, a sort of atonement for all of his fuckups in life.

  The last few days—and nights—had been heaven for him. Sleeping with Vella wrapped around him and waking to her warm breath on his neck or shoulder gave him a peace he’d never felt before. Sinking into her body had been the sweetest kind of pain, and when he came, his entire world exploded and reformed again, just a little better than the last time. He loved her. He’d die for her.

  “Carver? Aren’t you tired carrying all that weight around?” Vella asked, looking over her shoulder at him before turning her head back to watch where she was going. “Those furs have to be heavy.”

  “Nope. They’re not that bad. I want to show that Lance and I can provide game and pelts, as well as work them into clothing. It will go a long way in proving we’re going to be good for the community and not a dead weight,” he told her.

  “What about me? Are they going to be okay with me being there?” she asked.

  Carver could hear the worry in her voice. He was about to reassure her, but Lance spoke up first.

  “You’re a woman, hon. That’s all that matters. You’re part of the future of the community.” Lance grinned at her over his shoulder. “Besides, you’ve got your secret weapon.”

  “Huh? What secret weapon?” Vella’s confused-sounding voice was so cute that Carver nearly chuckled. He didn’t la

  “You’re super-duper photographic memory. There’s no telling what all is in that amazing brain of yours that might be important one day. Plus, any books they have there you can read and memorize for future use.”

  “I hadn’t thought of it that way,” she said.

  After a quick lunch of dried meat and stale bread, the three of them hiked deeper into the thickening woods. Carver wasn’t sure if they were still technically in Montana or if they were in a sliver of Idaho, but they should be close to the settlement. The time to admit his affiliation with the bondsmen was just about past.

  “Vella. I need to tell you something about my past you don’t know,” he began.

  “What? You’ve already told me about being part of a big bad motorcycle club. I’m not too naive that I don’t know that you weren’t exactly law-abiding citizens, Carver. I’m okay with that.” She sounded so sweet, and it thrilled him that she accepted that part of his past, but would she accept the rest?

  “It’s more than that, Vella. After everything went crazy, I…”

  “Stop right there,” a deep voice called out from ahead of them. “Put down your weapons and keep your hands where we can see them.”

  Beast growled and started to lunge into the trees, but Vella held on to his scruff, telling him no.

  Carver lowered the rifle he’d been carrying and sighed. It looked like that time had come and gone. He’d blown it with Vella. Unless no one recognized him there, he wouldn’t get another chance to come clean with her. Pain squeezed his heart with needle-sharp talons that dug in.

  Lance dropped his rifle gently to the ground and held his hands out away from his sides, as well. He looked slightly less nervous than Vella did. At least let them all get to the community where they would feel a little more at ease before someone exposed him.

  “Is that a wolf?” another voice asked.

  “No, it’s a really huge dog,” Vella said softly, soothing the dog’s fur.

  “We’re here to join the community we’ve heard about. We’re looking for safety and fellowship with others who want the same things,” Lance said.

  There was complete silence for a few long, nerve-wracking seconds before the voice spoke up again.

  “How did you hear about the community?” the voice asked.

  Beast started growling and making barking noises that weren’t quite like a dog’s. Carver could tell that Vella was scared to death, but she kept the animal next to her.

  “Everyone has heard about it, but it’s hard to get information on the place to be able to find it,” Lance said.

  Curses came from different areas around them. “But you found it.”

  “Just because she had a map of where you were located and the best route. We just started out on our own going by logistics and stories,” Carver began. “Then we met Vella, and she had a map.”

  “Please. We want a home where we’ll be safe,” Vella told the as-yet-unseen men.

  “Are these your men, or are they keeping you?” the man asked.

  “What? No! I mean, yes, they’re my men. They aren’t keeping me hostage or anything. They saved me from some other men when I jumped into a stream that had a lot of rapids in it. I would have died if they hadn’t risked their lives to save me.”

  Carver prayed they would at least take her in. He’d been told they were good people there. No one would force her into anything. He’d take that. Just as he was about to suggest to Lance that they let her go so they knew she’d be safe, a very tall man with broad shoulders and long black hair stepped out of the thick cover of the woods. Another man followed him. This one had a scar across his right cheek that barely missed his eye. He had coal-black hair that he had pulled back. He couldn’t tell how long it was.

  “I’m Abe Waverly, and this is McCall Granger. Mind introducing yourselves?” he asked.

  “I’m Lance Backer, and this is Carver Windom. Our wife is Vella Lockhart.”

  “Okay. Vella, I want you to gather all the weapons and bring them here. Then you can rejoin the men. We’ll show you the way to the settlement and talk more about this,” Abe told her.

  Carver was surprised when she didn’t immediately jump to do his bidding. Instead, she looked to him as if for direction. Her eyes had storm clouds shadowing them as if she were a little afraid. It hit him. Of course she’d be afraid of a strange male telling her what to do. He swallowed hard at the amount of trust she was giving him. He relaxed his features to calm her as much as he could and nodded.

  She looked over to Lance, and when he nodded, Vella began gathering all of their guns and rifles. She left the knives as they were. Then she carried them over to the man called Abe and gently laid them at his feet. She was back between him and Lance in a flash, unease tightening her face into a brittle smile.

  Carver clenched his hands to keep from snapping at them not to scare her. He hated seeing the worry in her eyes. She shouldn’t have to worry about anything now that they’d gotten there.

  “Okay. Follow us. We’ll lead you the rest of the way,” Abe told them. “It’s another thirty-minute walk, so, ma’am, if you get tired or need to stop a minute, let us know. We can stop.”

  Carver’s opinion of the man eased up a few notches. He seemed to genuinely care about women. Or was it their woman? Was he looking at her as a possible wife?

  Not going to happen. Even if I end up having to leave, Lance will take care of her. He might need to choose someone else to help him, but she isn’t going to end up with total strangers. I’ll damn well make sure of that shit before I do leave.

  * * * *

  Vella was equal parts excited about finally arriving and scared out of her mind with how they’d been greeted. Yeah, they had to be careful, but considering they were essentially a family now, why would they still treat them like this? Did the community treat every new family that arrived as if they might be dangerous? It didn’t help that she’d started getting the feeling along the way that Carver was reluctant to find the place. Then he’d been about to tell her something that sounded like it was important. She’d have to ask him once they were alone again.

  Both men kept close to her, making sure she didn’t stumble over something and that all the branches where kept away from her so she didn’t get scratched. It gave her goose bumps all over the way they took her comfort so seriously. She still couldn’t believe her luck to have stumbled or swam her way into their path.

  “How are you doing back there, ma’am?” Abe asked.

  “I’m fine. Thank you.” She looked over at Lance and noticed how he and Carver exchanged worried glances several times.

  The tension between all of them as they walked through the woods had her belly rumbling a rollercoaster of loops that threatened to empty its contents. When she’d pictured finding New Hope, as she called the settlement, Vella had thought there would be questions and maybe some unease from the others, but she hadn’t expected this amount of paranoia. Had something happened to put them on guard like this?

  “Why are you so nervous of people finding you? I thought you wanted new families to help build up the community,” Vella finally built up enough courage to ask.

  “Not really nervous, just cautious, ma’am. We’ve had some rumblings of a group of bondsmen…”

  McCall interrupted him. “Black market bastards, you mean.”

  “Right. Well, they’ve been spotted within a couple of day’s ride from us, and we don’t want them anywhere close. Plus, we don’t trust that they won’t try to pose as settlers to get in and smuggle out information or kidnap our women,” Abe explained.

  “Oh. I didn’t realize they were out this far west and north.” She felt the air around Carver seem to shift.

  Looking over at him, she caught the brief hint of fear in his eyes before it was gone and a steely determination flooded his expression. She’d just thought the tension was high before. Now Carver seemed to be vibrating with it. Why was he so upset to hear about the bondsmen? Was he afraid of them f
or some reason? Vella would never have believed Carver would be afraid of anything. That one realization bothered her more than anything. If he wasn’t comfortable with Abe and McCall, how could she be?

  “Are there children there? I miss seeing children. There are so few of them now,” she said wistfully.

  “Yes. We have several families who have children. Most are under the age of six, but there are a few around ten or twelve,” he told her without looking back at them.

  “What are you doing about educating them? I’d love to help with teaching them if you need someone,” she said, voicing one of the things she’d been thinking about for the last couple of days.

  With her ability to memorize pretty much anything, she could read school books and then help teach the children. She’d love doing that. Maybe they’d already have a school set up somewhere or would consider it since they had young children and wanted to have a community there. They needed a school. Children still needed to learn how to read and write, as well as how to survive now.

  Vella risked a glance at her men to see what they thought of her offer. Lance was smiling a little, but Carver still had a tight expression that made his eyes narrow as he looked straight ahead. Something really was going on inside his head. He didn’t seem to have heard what she’d been talking about, or he was keeping his thoughts to himself. They really did need to have a talk, and sooner rather than later.

  “We’re almost there,” Abe told them. “Another ten minutes and you’ll be able to see some of what we’ve been doing.”

  That bit of news grabbed her attention. She started looking for signs of life around them. Would they have a fence up around the compound, or would it be open into the woods? Where would they grow their produce—close to the houses, or hidden somewhere away from the buildings?

  There was so much she wanted to know, but she was afraid to broach the subject with Abe or the other guy. She figured she would learn eventually. If not, she’d ask others questions to help her figure everything out.


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