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A Royal Affair

Page 9

by Preethi Venugopala

  Clearing his throat, he continued with his speech. He gestured to the musicians to begin. The musicians played and a low buzz began as the guests huddled towards their tables. Some of the youngsters were leading their partners towards the dance floor. He watched as Kritika was led to the dance floor by one of their acquaintances. Before he could reach Jane, Pranav claimed her hand and led her to the dance floor. He seemed besotted with her and Vijay felt the jealousy monster tightening its noose around him.

  His eyes took in how Pranav’s hands were resting on the waistband of Jane’s lehenga. If he moved his fingers an inch, they would touch her skin. Vijay stood there scowling at them, poised to rip him apart if he dared to touch her inappropriately. Jane glanced at him and all his worries vanished recognizing the love in her eyes. Was she fantasising that she was dancing with him, the way he was doing it? If he was, his fingers would surreptitiously tease and caress, and he wouldn’t stop until she was melting in his arms. Another reason why he should wait. He didn’t trust himself to behave when she was around. He felt like a randy teenager when he was near her. Even now, his achkan felt a bit too tight for his liking around his chest and he shrugged to make the feeling go away.

  He walked around, forcing himself to socialize with his guests. He pasted a smile on his face for the many guests and enquired after the health of their families. He appreciated the efforts of an NGO working in collaboration with the palace for the welfare of widows. He half-heartedly listened to business plans that he had no interests in.

  If someone had asked him the details of those discussions, he would have confessed he remembered nothing. His attention had wandered time and again to how gracefully his Jane was dancing in the arms of strangers. It was a torture and yet a revelation as to how perfect she would be as his wife. She seemed far more at ease and more graceful than all those who were born into aristocratic families. After torturing himself by being away from Jane for thirty long minutes, he walked towards her, this time determined to claim her all to himself.

  “May I have this dance, Jane?” he asked, and she placed her hands eagerly in his. He took her hand and graced it with an attentive kiss.

  “That was nicely done. I liked it,” she said with a mischievous smile.

  “Oh, I have been taught my manners, you know. We royals are always attentive to pretty maidens.”

  Her smile widened as he led her towards the dance floor. It was a waltz. His hands snaked around her waist possessively. He pulled her closer to himself than was appropriate for a waltz.

  “I didn’t know you were used to ballroom dances,” he said, thinking of how gracefully she had danced with the others.

  “I had attended a short ballroom dance course before our high school prom to ensure I didn’t end up an embarrassment to my partner.”

  “Who was your partner then?” Vijay asked her, though he didn’t understand why he wanted to know or why he was suddenly feeling jealous about a stranger.

  “I didn’t go to the prom. My partner fell off his bike two days before the dance and broke his arm. The poor guy.”

  “I'm happy to hear that.”

  “You sound pathetically heartless, my prince.”

  “I'm heartless when it comes to strangers who want to claim your attention. You are mine, my princess. Or should I remind you about how perfect we are together?” he asked softly and surreptitiously traced circles with his right thumb on the silky soft skin on her midriff. He watched with a smug satisfaction as her eyes darkened before they dropped to his lips.

  He felt himself whisper something, perhaps her name. His heart pounded and his chest grew tight. He wanted to kiss her then and there. He would have if the music had not stopped then. The waltz had ended. The couples were walking out of the dance floor as dinner would be served next. Perfect, he thought, for he could steal a few moments alone with her. He led Jane by her hand frantically thinking about a place where they could get some privacy.

  But when he walked out of the dance floor, his father’s assistant reminded him that he had to invite all the guests for the royal dinner. He was to preside over it as his father had not returned yet.

  He gestured to his guests to follow him and led Jane towards the royal dining room. It had the capacity to seat 200 people at once and was already laid out with exotic dishes according to the dining preferences of the guests. Dishes from all over the country graced the table. Yet, for the first time, with great delight, he realized Jane was more interested in him than in her plate, which held all her favourite food. Her eyes wandered and met his every now and then. He wanted dinner to be over as soon as possible. But the guests lingered and he politely watched them try out the mouth-watering delicacies and praise the dishes.

  And then it was over. The guests walked back into the ballroom and he grabbed Jane’s arms as soon as the last guest walked out of the dining room. He whispered to Kritika to take over the party.

  Vijay smiled at Jane and led her out through the side door, aiming for the cosy gazebo at the northern end of the central garden, away from the prying eyes of his guests. He patted his pocket to check whether the little box was still there. The gazebo would be perfect for what he had in mind.

  Chapter 18

  Jane didn’t know where he was leading her and she didn’t care. The heat imprint of his palm fuelled the maddening desire that had existed throughout the dance and dinner. She wanted to be in his arms, caressed and cherished by him.

  They were walking amid the floral garden where exotic flowers waved for attention, yet she wasn’t seeing them. Her whole attention was concentrated on him. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t think anything other than follow him, recalling their time together, the passion that always made her blind. Was it always going to be like this between them?

  A tall and beautiful Victorian style gazebo stood in the corner of the garden and he led her there. It was deserted and was lighted only by the pale blue light of the full moon that shone in the sky.

  It felt magical. A scented breeze played with her curls and she felt his fingers brushing her curls away from her neck. He placed a finger on her lips and traced their contours. His lips then touched hers tenderly. Her pulse began to leap in the hollow of her throat and a moan escaped her lips. He kissed the very spot, making her pulse race faster.

  He trailed a train of kisses back up along her neck, jawline and then placed a soft kiss on her lips. She was mesmerized and transfixed as his hand pressed the small of her back, inviting her into his warmth.

  Vijay’s lips grew more demanding with every touch and she parted her lips allowing him to explore. His tongue teased, tempted and stoked her desire. Her legs grew weak. He murmured her name, his voice hoarse with wanting. Then he pulled away and stared into her eyes, his eyes deep and dark. She could drown in them forever.

  ‘God, Jane! You make me forget the world the second I touch you. I become as randy as a green teenager. I think you know why I brought you here, don’t you?” he asked.

  Jane looked at him and nodded. He leaned down and nipped her ear.

  “I want you beside me as my wife, Jane. Forever. I can’t bear to be away from you for even a minute more.” His words touched her soul and her eyes grew wet.

  He bowed to her and then dropped on one knee, holding both her hands in his left hand. With his right hand, he fumbled in his pocket and fished out a small velvet box. How many times had she dreamed of this scene, Jane thought, her eyes never once leaving his face. And now her dream was coming true.

  Before he could present it to her, someone came forward and grabbed it from his hands. Vijay leapt up, stood and glared at whoever had done it.

  It was his father, His Majesty Rudra Dev Varman.

  Rudra Dev didn’t even acknowledge Jane’s presence.

  “Come with me now. We need to talk.”

  Vijay gaped at his father and then back at Jane. He seemed as shocked by his father’s interference as she was. What was happening? Hadn’t his father agreed to their relatio

  “Father, this is Jane. I want you to—”

  His father raised his right hand to silence him and refused to listen to Vijay any further.

  “That can wait. But what I want to tell you, can’t. Come with me this moment.”

  “Whatever it is, you can tell me in front of Jane.” Vijay’s voice trembled with suppressed anger.

  “I don’t think so. I will wait in my office. If you don’t follow me there in another five minutes, I will disown you. And I'm serious,” Rudra Dev said and stomped away from the gazebo.

  “I don’t understand. What has happened to him? He looked quite out of his element now. I apologize for his behaviour.”

  “It is okay, Vijay. Go after him. Find out what is troubling him. I will wait for you in my room.”

  “Thank you, Jane. I will make up for this, I promise. And I have lots to tell you about Daniel.” He placed a quick kiss on her lips and patted her cheeks fondly. When she quietly urged him to go after his father again, he ran his fingers through his hair, turned around and followed his father.

  Jane simply didn’t know what to do next. She sat on the bench inside the gazebo pondering about what had happened. From absolute bliss, she had suddenly fallen into a cavern of uncertainty. When none of her thoughts gave satisfactory answers to the troubling questions in her mind, she got up and walked towards her room as if in a trance. Suddenly she remembered Vijay's parting words. Had he found some new information about Daniel? That gave her hope.

  When she was about to cross into the residential wing, Vijay and his father came out from a door a little farther from where she stood. Both of their faces looked equally troubled. Vijay had changed out of his party outfit and was wearing a shirt, and formal trousers now. He was listening to his father attentively. He shook his head and said something to his father. Just one word from the sentence floated towards her and hit Jane straight in her heart.


  Was Tejaswini the cause of whatever was happening now? Or were they discussing how he had broken off with her?

  Nothing made sense. She watched them till they disappeared down the corridor that led to the basement. Jane knew it led to the private parking area of the palace. Were they going out? Where were they going?

  She returned to her room, deciding to wait for Vijay. Anyway, she wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight.

  She pushed open the door and her eyes fell upon a figure sitting on the couch going through a magazine. It was not someone she had expected to see there. Dread clenched her gut. What else was waiting to pounce on her?

  She curtsied and Indrani Devi, Vijay’s grandmother, patted on the vacant space beside her on the couch.

  Wordlessly, she went and sat next to her. Indrani Devi turned towards her and smiled. She touched her cascading earrings and admired the necklace adorning her neck.

  “You look beautiful! You do resemble the young Daniel I remember. Such a handsome young man he was! No wonder Devika fell for him.”

  Why had the sulking lady from the other day suddenly turned amiable and loving? She was calling him handsome and talking fondly of him. Indrani Devi was certainly one mysterious old woman.

  Was she about to tell her about Daniel? Was she going to finally know the details about Daniel? A new energy coursed through Jane and she turned fully to face her.

  “Do you know anything about Daniel? Please help me find him.”

  “I can lead you to him. But I need some promises.”

  There. There it was. The hint of a hidden agenda.

  “What promise?” she asked, contemplating what her demand would be.

  “You will leave the palace before Vijay returns. I will arrange for someone to take you to Daniel’s place.”

  The words fell like lightning on Jane and an involuntary gasp escaped her.

  “Is this some kind of a trap? Why should I leave? I promised Vijay I would wait for him.”

  “You will not wait for him. You will leave,” said Indrani Devi, arrogance, and power giving a manic aura to the enigmatic lady.

  “But why? I love him,” she said unable to find any other argument that could give her a reason to stay at the palace.

  “You believe he loves you? Sravanapura royal men don’t value love. They only value power and century-old traditions. Just because he has been playing around with you, he won’t make you his wife. That requires you to belong to a royal family. Though for the world I can’t understand the difference between the blood of a royal and a commoner. Child, you are young. Don’t waste your time pinning your hopes on Vijay. I saw what happened at the gazebo. His father will make him do what his own father made him do. He will marry that Tejaswini, whom he does not love. Another woman’s suppressed sobs will torture the walls of this palace yet again. Sravanapura men are heartless. They are a cursed lot.”

  Indrani Devi paused and panted. The passionate outbreak seemed to have knocked the wind out of her. She coughed and gestured towards the water jug. Jane quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to her. She recovered soon and leaned back onto the couch. She closed her eyes and wrapped her sari around her as if the warmth of the garment would give her the much-needed strength.

  Jane watched her patiently. The old lady spoke again after a few minutes.

  “Leave, Jane. Fulfil the promise you made to your grandfather. I once managed to rescue a Worthington from the cruelty of the Sravanapura Royals. Yet, poor Daniel suffered enough. If you come into the family, the hunt for Daniel will intensify once more. Not only by our family but the media will also smell the scope of a good story. Forgive me, if it is possible for you. I know you have already gone through a heartbreak because of Vijay. Trust me, you deserve a better life. Not one that will consume and imprison your soul with unseen chains and rules. Go, child. I will ask Raghav to take you to Daniel. He wishes to see you,” said Indrani Devi.

  Stunned by her words, Jane stared at her.

  “But how did you know about Vijay and me? Vijay said he hadn’t told anyone about us.”

  “No. He didn’t tell me. Kritika blurted it out to me in the excitement of finally seeing you two days ago. And I knew I had to protect Daniel’s family. Sravanapura men are cold-hearted ogres. My husband had vowed to kill his own sister for bringing shame to the family by falling in love with a foreigner. What did he know about love? All that mattered to him was money and family pride. The bastard,” she said.

  Indrani Devi’s outburst left Jane tongue-tied momentarily. Had she suffered at the hands of her husband?

  “Where is Daniel now? How is he?” Jane asked, turning the topic back to Daniel.

  “He is fine. I own a residence in Goa. My husband had gifted it to me the day Vijay’s father was born, the day I’d given him an heir. It has now been converted into a luxury resort. I no longer own it. I bequeathed it to Devika after the death of my husband. Daniel’s sons run it now.”

  “Sons. How many uncles do I have? Do they have kids?”

  “Of course, they have. You have a fully thriving lineage of Worthingtons in Goa. Go visit them. And take Daniel with you to Surrey. He is waiting for you to join him to go and finally meet his family. I will keep the Sravanapura men in the dark about this entire thing. We need to. To protect Daniel and his family. I know for a fact that Vijay’s father is continuing his search for Daniel and Devika.”

  “I will go, ma’am. I want to meet them too. Just tell me one thing. Did you get Devika’s portrait removed from the gallery?”

  “Yes. I had asked Raghav to keep an eye on Kritika to get further details about Vijay’s plans. Raghav informed me that he heard Kritika talking to Vijay about Devika’s portrait. And she also mentioned Daniel. I became worried. I had it removed.”

  Jane stared at the lady who had gone against her own family to help Daniel and Devika.

  “Before you go, I want you to handover your phone to me. Also, leave a note to Vijay. I will tell you what to write.”

  Reluctantly, Jane handed over her phone
to Indrani Devi. It didn’t matter. She could email Vijay. She had her digital diary too that held all her phone numbers. And she believed in Vijay.

  But her priority now was Daniel.

  She sat down and wrote a note to Vijay as dictated by Indrani Devi. With every word that she wrote, she knew she was throwing away all hopes of happiness she had weaved with Vijay. When she signed her name at the end, a teardrop slipped from her lashes and fell onto the paper. It smudged her name. Perhaps it was an omen. Sadness and anger cruised through her veins and she glared at Indrani Devi.

  “I love him sincerely, and he loves me too. Why are you making me do this?”

  “You will not understand. Trust me, if your love is strong enough, he will return to you. But you don’t know Sravanapura royals the way I do. They always take the easy way out.”

  “You are wrong about Vijay. He will prove you wrong.”

  “He might. Or he might prove that he belongs to the same mould as other Sravanapura men. I will pray, though, that he isn’t like the others. But if he is, rest assured that you don’t deserve him. Find someone better.”

  “I have faith in him and our love. He will come to me. I'm sure of that.”

  “May you be correct.” Indrani Devi’s face was devoid of any emotion as she got up to leave.

  Raghav, her assistant, suddenly appeared near her, as if he was waiting for her to finish, and led her out of the room.

  Half an hour later, Jane left the palace, all her belongings hurriedly packed into her overnight bag. When she was about to leave the room, the maids arrived to change the sheets. Vijay wouldn’t even find her scent in the room.

  As the car passed the gates and headed north, Jane turned to take in a last glimpse of the brilliantly lit palace that had won her heart but would probably never be her home.

  Chapter 19

  The hospital lobby was teeming with reporters. The royal bodyguards parted the crowd to allow Vijay and Rudra Dev to pass through.

  Engrossed in the party, Vijay hadn’t been aware of the drama starring him that had unfolded in the world outside. Tejaswini had attempted to kill herself after posting a suicide note on Facebook, blaming him and the media for prompting her to take the extreme step. At the palace, when his father had informed him and explained why he had stopped him from proposing to Jane, he had immediately forgiven him for thwarting his chance of happiness with Jane.


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