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The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany

Page 194

by William L. Shirer

  Decline of the West, The (Spengler), 61

  Defense Law, Secret (May 21, 1935), 259, 285fn.

  De Gaulle, Gen. Charles, 744, 817

  Degesch of Dessau, 972

  Dekanozov, Vladimir, 794, 848–49

  Delp, Father Alfred, 1072fn.

  De Luce, Daniel, 784fn.

  Democratic Party (Staatspartei), 55–56, 186, 201

  Denikin, Gen. Anton, 917fn.

  Denmark, 58, 94, 470, 494fn., 561; German plans for invasion of, 678, 681–83, 689; German conquest of, 694–700, 704fn., 710, 711fn., 712, 713, 716, 793; German occupation, 519fn., 775, 957, 1107; surrender of Germans in, 1138

  Der Angriff, 148, 245

  Der Deutsche Erzieher, 249

  Der Fuehrer (Karlsruhe newsp.), 564

  Derousseaux, General, 729

  Derna, 912fn.

  Der Stuermer, 26, 50, 106

  Der Totale Krieg (Ludendorff), 259

  Desna river, 859

  Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, 245, 615–16

  Deutsche Bank, 144

  Deutsche Kredit Gesellschaft, 144

  Deutsche Mathematik, 250

  Deutscher Kampfbund (German Fighting Union), 63, 66, 67, 73

  Deutscher Wehrgeist, 139

  Deutsches Jungvolk, 120, 253, 255

  Deutsche Zeitung, 157

  Deutschland (Ger. cruiser), 214, 215, 226

  Deutschland (Ger. pocket battleship, later renamed Luetzow), 462, 518, 520, 636, 646

  “Deutschland Erwache,” 44

  Deutschlandsender, 1064–1065, 1069

  “Deutschland ueber Alles,” 85, 147, 199

  De Valera, Eamon, 474

  Devonshire (Br. cruiser), 709

  Dickmann, Maj. Otto, 993fn.

  Didier Works, 971

  Die Chemische Industrie, 252

  Dieckhoff, Hans, 400–1, 433fn, 897

  Diehn, August, 144

  Diels, Rudolf, 192–93

  Dietl, Brig. Gen. Eduard, 701, 707, 709, 711, 810

  Dietrich, Otto, 143–44, 221, 224–25, 245, 854

  Dietrich, Sepp, 222fn., 855, 1005, 1090, 1095fn.

  Dill, Field Marshal Sir John, 1001fn.

  Dimitroff, Georgi, 193

  Dinant, 723, 724, 1093

  Dingfelder, Dr. Johannes, 40

  Dirksen, Herbert von, 319, 360, 364, 376, 454, 490, 503, 569

  Dirschau bridge, 589, 600, 601

  Djibouti, 740–41

  D.N.B., 280, 343, 511fn., 562–63, 627

  Dnieper river, 798, 811, 853, 857, 1007

  Dobrudja, 801fn.

  “Doctors’ Trial,” 979fn., 908, 985, 987, 988, 990–91

  Doeberitz, 1057, 1061, 1062, 1064fn.

  Doenitz, Adm. Karl, 637–38, 882; Navy C. in C, 1000, 1002fn., 1003, 1007, 1008fn., 1011, 1056, 1098–1100; commands forces in north, 1112, 1113, 1120–21; Hitler’s successor, 1126–30, 1132, 1134–38, 1141, 1143

  Dohnanyi, Hans von, 693, 904, 1019, 1024, 1026

  Dollfuss, Engelbert, 223, 229, 279–80, 295, 296, 324, 325fn, 331, 334, 341

  Dollman, Gen. Friedrich, 1037

  Dombas, 708

  Don river, 860, 915–17, 919, 922, 925, 926, 928, 929, 1006

  Dondorf, 387

  Donets Basin, 811, 857, 909, 916, 1007

  Dordrecht, 721, 722

  Dortmund, 1008

  Dostler, Gen. Anton, 956

  Doumenc, General, 502, 533–38

  Dover Straits, 757, 764

  Drang nach Osten, 83–84; see also Europe, German expansion aims in

  Drax, Adm. Sir Reginald, 503, 534–36, 541

  Dreesen, Herr, 220, 392fn.

  Dreesen, Hotel, Godesberg, 391, 392, 394–96

  Dresden, 1105

  Dresdener Bank, 144

  Dressler-Andress, Horst, 247

  Drexler, Anton, 36–37, 39–41, 45, 119

  Dubno, 961

  Duesseldorf, 653, 1099

  Duesterberg, Theodor, 157–59

  Duff Cooper, Alfred, 396, 420, 779

  Duilio (It. battleship), 818fn.

  Dulles, Allen, 1018, 1026–27, 1033, 1071fn.

  Dunkirk, 728–39, 747, 770, 773, 777, 826, 1037

  Durcansky, Ferdinand, 437–38, 440, 441

  Dyle river, 716, 717, 724, 725

  Eagle’s Nest, 436

  Eastbourne, 764, 766, 767

  East Prussia, 162, 179–80, 183, 212, 215, 235, 1072; role in Hitler’s designs on Poland, 455, 458, 460, 463, 468, 497, 498, 557, 625; Russian drive on, 1041, 1046, 1085, 1090, 1096–97, 1103

  Ebbinghaus, Julius, 251–52

  Ebbutt, Norman, 288, 784

  Eben Emael, Fort, 725, 814

  Ebert, Friedrich, 34, 52, 53–54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64, 65, 72

  Echternach, 1092

  Eckart, Dietrich, 38–39, 46, 49, 51, 97, 110, 118

  Eckener, Dr. Hugo, 294fn.

  Economics, Ministry of, 259–62, 310, 320, 497, 759

  Eden, Anthony, 214, 283, 288, 293–94, 344, 495, 779, 900, 1018

  Education, ministry of, 249

  Edward VIII, King of England, see Windsor, Duke of

  Eger, 386, 388, 402

  Egypt, 757, 813, 817, 818, 821, 827, 828, 850, 911–13, 915, 919

  Egypt, Khedive of, 751fn.

  Eher Verlag, 80, 246

  Ehrhardt, Captain, 43, 66

  Ehrhardt Brigade, 33, 34, 43

  Eichmann, Karl Adolf, 351, 963, 978

  Eicke, Theodor, 272

  Eidsvold, 705

  Eidsvold (Norw. naval vessel), 701

  Einsatzgruppen, 958–63, 964, 966, 974, 1061, 1139

  Einsatzkommando, 972

  Einsatzstab Rosenberg, 945

  Einstein, Albert, 241, 250–52, 1025

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 923–25, 995, 999, 1001, 1002fn., 1036, 1075, 1076, 1088–90, 1092fn., 1099, 1105–6, 1116, 1122, 1138–39

  Eisner, Kurt, 33

  El Agheila,911fn.

  El Alamein, 911, 913, 914, 919, 920, 922, 933, 934

  Elbe river, 1105–7, 1112

  Elberus, Mount, 914

  El Gazala, 911fn.

  Elizabeth, Queen (Consort), 787

  Ellis, Havelock, 241

  Ellis, Maj. L. F., 732fn.

  Elser, Georg, 654–56

  Eltz-Rubenach, Baron von, 164

  Elverum, 703, 705

  Emden (Ger. light cruiser), 702

  Enabling Act (Mar. 23, 1933), 196, 198–200, 229, 274

  Enderis, Guido, 897fn.

  Engelbrecht, Gen. Erwin, 703

  England, see Britain

  English Channel, 646, 718, 723, 726–28, 731, 737, 746, 752, 761, 762, 764, 768, 770, 772–75, 781, 812, 813, 819, 913, 914, 995, 1012, 1031, 1033, 1036, 1037

  Epp, Gen. Franz Ritter von, 46, 120, 200

  Ernst, Karl, 192, 220–23

  Erxleben, Father, 1025

  Erzberger, Matthias, 34, 43, 51, 58

  Espirito Santo Silva, Ricardo do, 789–90

  Essen, 220, 949

  Esser, Hermann, 49–51, 118

  Estonia, 494fn., 495, 541, 542, 544, 630–31, 794, 833, 962

  Ethiopia (Abyssinia), 289, 290, 296, 297, 301, 469, 566, 741

  Europa, S.S., 768

  Europe, German expansion aims in, 82–84, 256, 280, 286, 305, 308, 405, 427, 429–30, 435fn., 437, 484, 488, 795, 796, 799, 833, 836, 839, 1131; German rule over, 5, 95, 426–27, 746, 757, 795–96, 820, 937–95, 1008, 1082, 1141, 1142; Nazi–Soviet division of East, 514, 515, 523, 541, 549, 562, 631, 639, 795, 808–10; post-war settlement, 1011, 1016, 1032–33

  Excalibur, S.S., 791

  extermination camps (Vernichtungslager), 664–65, 967–74

  Falaise, 1076

  Falkenhausen, Gen. Alexander von, 906, 1031, 1047, 1074

  Falkenhorst, Gen. Nikolaus von, 680–82, 696, 706fn., 709fn.

  Falkenstein, Maj. Frh, von, 879

  Fall Gelb, see Yellow, Case

  Fall Gruen, see Green, Case

  Fall Rot,
see Red, Case

  Fall Weiss, see White, Case

  Fallersleben, 267

  Fatherland Front, 37

  F.B.I., 843

  Feder, Gottfried, 35, 36, 39–41, 84, 127, 143, 144, 203–4,261, 759

  Fegelein, Gen. Hermann, 1114, 1121, 1122

  Feiling, Keith, 302fn., 460fn.

  “Felix,” 817, 819

  Fellgiebel, Gen. Erich, 1030, 1034, 1049, 1052–55, 1057, 1058, 1072

  Feltre, 996

  Femegerichte, 65fn.

  Fermi, Enrico, 252

  Feuchter, George W., 773fn.

  Feuchtwanger, Lion, 241

  Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 97–99

  “Final Solution” of Jewish problem, 936–68, 978, 991

  Finke, Doctor, 987

  Finkenkrug, 719, 720

  Finland, 281, 495, 502, 541, 542, 544, 561, 630, 680, 687, 710, 711fn., 798, 806, 810, 942, 1085; German arms, troops in, 801–6, 809–11, 845, 856–57, 859; Soviet attack on, 665–66, 668, 675, 676, 682, 683

  Firebrace, Colonel, 502fn.

  Fischer, Dr. Fritz, 979fn.

  Fischer, Louis, 784fn.

  Fischboeck, Doctor, 328

  Fischlham, 10

  Fish, Mildred, 1043fn.

  Flandin, Pierre Etienne, 293

  Fleming, Peter, 785

  Flensburg, 656, 1139, 1141

  Florence, Italy, 815, 816

  Flossenburg, 1073

  Foch, Marshal Ferdinand, 741–43

  Fodor, M.W.,784fn.

  Foerster, Wolfgang, 317

  “folkish state,” 88–90

  Folklore Museum, Berlin, 1044

  Forbes, Sir George Ogilvie, 574, 584–85, 592, 601, 614, 639, 648

  Ford, Henry, 149, 267

  Ford Motor Co., 907

  Foreign Ministers’ Conference, Moscow, 1033

  Foreign Office, German, 302, 310, 335, 365, 386, 387, 433, 438–40, 451–52, 454, 469, 488–89, 498fn., 507, 546, 562, 571fn., 595fn., 599, 683fn., 685fn., 719, 748–50, 874–75, 880, 893, 896, 897fn.; Hitler tightens control of, names Ribbentrop head of, 318–19, 324; subsidizes Sudeten Nazis, 359; anti-Hitler plotters in, 380fn., 381, 405; prods Hungary on Slovakia, 429; negotiations with U.S.S.R., 476–77, 479–80, 491, 492, 500, 525, 528, 543fn., 631fn., 667, 668, 804, 807, 840; and Baltic States, 495; see also Ribbentrop; Weizsaecker

  Fornebu, 703, 704

  Forster, Albert, 499

  Forster, E. M., 784

  Four-Year Plan, 262, 265, 275, 300, 310

  France, 84, 224, 286, 287, 294, 299–302, 373, 400, 461, 469, 470, 529, 530, 562, 675, 714; relations with pre-Hitler Germany, 58, 61, 63, 82, 95, 209, 211, 212; opposes German rearmament, 283, 284, 288–89; pact with Russia, 285, 290–91; and Rhineland remilitarization, 291–95, 327; policy on Spanish war, 297–99, 301; opposition to Anschluss, 280, 296, 324, 327, 330, 334fn., 344, 346, 353; prewar relations with Italy, 290, 297–99, 301, 426, 603, 604–7, 687, 690–91; correlation of policy with British, 283, 288–89, 384, 386–87, 389, 398, 402, 403, 436, 461, 469, 608–12, 675; German war plans against, 303, 306, 307, 309, 414, 484–88, 498, 500, 508, 531, 566–68, 590, 591–92; appeasement of Hitler on Czechosl., 354, 360–62, 364–68, 370, 375, 376, 378–94, 396–98, 400–5, 408–10, 414–27 passim, 439, 443, 448, 450–53; pact with Germany, 436–37; supports Poland against Germany, 454, 457, 460, 465, 468, 509, 510, 515–17, 526, 537, 543, 544, 549–50, 553–54, 558, 561, 568, 569, 579, 586–87, 591–92, 596, 600, 602, 604–12, 634; policy on Soviet collective-security bid, 477, 479, 480, 482, 489–90, 494–96, 502–6, 513, 521, 533–38, 541–43; declaration of war on Germany, 616–18; at war, 621, 622, 632, 634, 635–36, 644–46, 651, 658, 666, 669, 671, 672, 689; German “peace” proposals, 639–43, 734; Battle of, 716, 720, 722, 728, 734, 737, 827, 850, 877; collapse, 738–41; German occupation, 759, 775, 821, 922, 923, 924, 943, 945, 956–57, 965, 969, 993, 999, 1009, 1031, 1033, 1036, 1037, 1047, 1060, 1064, 1085; Vichy govt., 806, 813, 815, 817, 850, 921, 923–24; Allied invasion and second Battle of, 1036–42, 1043, 1047, 1076, 1085, 1086, 1099, 1139; see also French Air Force; French Army; French Navy

  Franck, James, 250

  Franco, Gen. Francisco, 297, 299, 419, 529, 787, 791, 812, 814, 817, 819, 872

  Franco–German armistice (1940), 740–47, 758, 759, 793, 794, 821, 852, 924, 1139

  François-Poncet, André, 5, 164, 171, 175, 198, 224, 290, 291, 292, 310fn., 318, 408–9, 416, 425–26, 435, 604

  Franco–Italian armistice (1940), 741, 743–44, 746

  Franco-Polish Military Convention (May 19, 1939), 634

  Franco–Prussian War, 736

  Frank, Hans, 122, 140, 148, 268–69, 276, 661–63, 938, 944, 947, 975, 1143

  Frank, Karl Hermann, 383, 448–49

  Frankfurt, 195, 1089, 1102

  Frankfurter, Felix, 897fn.

  Frankfurter Zeitung, 32fn., 218, 245, 256

  Franz Josef, Emperor, 24

  Frascati, Italy, 1001

  Frauenfeld, Alfred, 279

  Frederick the Great, 90, 169, 197, 245, 530, 532, 906, 1086, 1108–9

  Frederick III, King in Prussia, 93

  Free French, 744

  Freidin, Seymour, 852fn., 912fn.

  Freikorps (“free corps”), 33, 34, 38, 42, 43, 53, 55, 66, 150

  Freisler, Roland, 269, 1023, 1025fn., 1070–71, 1076

  French Air Force, 609, 737–39

  French Army, 425–27, 533, 535–36, 542, 554, 568, 609, 617, 1086; mobilization of, 610, 618, 634; Battle of France, 633, 635, 672, 718, 720, 722–24, 726–28, 730, 731, 736–38; in Norway, 708; repulses Italians, 740

  French Army High Command, 728, 740fn., 785

  French Army (Free French), 983, 1085, 1101, 1139

  French Army (North African), 923

  French colonies, 768

  French Foreign Legion, 708

  French Navy, 609, 740, 744–45, 817, 821, 924–25

  French North Africa, 745, 814

  French Yellow Book, 452fn., 543fn., 584fn., 605fn., 607, 617

  French West Africa, 879, 880

  Freud, Sigmund, 241, 784

  Frick, Wilhelm, 68, 144, 146, 148, 167, 170, 171, 173, 176, 181, 184, 200, 201, 219, 238, 247, 271, 275, 347, 498, 1143

  Fricke, Rear Adm. Kurt, 637, 759

  Friedeburg, Adm. Hans von, 1138, 1139

  Friedrich Karl, Prince of Hesse, 666fn.

  Friedrich Wilhelm, Crown Prince, 52, 146, 153, 157, 159, 197, 907

  Frisch, Rittmeister von, 317, 354

  Fritsch, Gen. Frh. Werner von, 214–15, 219, 305, 308–10, 313–20, 323, 332, 354–56, 366, 373, 374, 414, 435, 488, 1026, 1035

  Fritzsche, Hans, 1143

  Fromm, Gen. Friedrich, 649, 1019, 1030, 1035, 1044–45, 1047, 1053, 1058–61, 1064, 1066–68, 1073, 1076, 1082

  Fuehrerhaus, Munich, 415, 418, 740

  Fuehrerprinzip (leadership principle), 46, 84, 89

  Fuka, 920, 921

  Fuller, Gen. J. F. C, 633, 634, 818fn.

  Funk, Walther, 142–45, 167, 171, 261, 311, 320, 497, 973–74, 1142–43

  Furtwaengler, Wilhelm, 242

  Fuschl, 509, 514, 521, 786, 790, 872


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