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Page 2

by Colette Davison

  “Why’d you dance last?” Michael asked.

  Jag flashed him that wicked grin again. “Because there’s only one person I want to strip for and that’s you.” He kicked his legs over his head to right himself, just as one of the bar men rang the bell that signalled it was time for the club to close.


  * * *

  Jag sat on the edge of the stage as the bar cleared out and Michael shut the club down for the night. Out the back, Mac would be paying the dancers and seeing them out, but soon, there would only be Jag and Michael left. Jag couldn’t wait. He drank water and cooled his muscles down whilst he waited. He was still high from the buzz of being on stage, not to mention Michael kissing him. Michael had never crossed that professional line before in public, but Jag definitely wasn’t complaining.

  He flopped onto the stage. Most of the stage lights had been turned off, leaving only the UVs, which cast an eerie purple glow over him. A smile crept across his lips and he felt light as the thought struck him that this was home. He felt safe here in a way he’d never thought he would. Hell, he’d even accumulated more stuff than he could carry in a rucksack over the last few months, and enough money to be able to splash out on an outfit to turn himself into a demon. The costume shops had been a total bust, so he’d scoured the department stores, most of which stayed open late, until he’d put something together. The best part of his costume was still hidden, but he’d be revealing it to Michael soon. He sighed, content. No, content wasn’t strong enough. He was… untroubled. For the first time in years, he felt completely carefree.

  “Hey.” Michael sat down beside him and then laid down, propped up on his elbow. “That was one hell of a dance.”

  “That was the idea.”

  “What? To make me horny?”

  Jag laughed. “Yes.” He glanced to the wings Michael was still wearing. “I’m not sure the angel wings are appropriate after that kiss though, are you?”

  “I suppose not.” Michael took them off and set them aside. “You promised me a striptease.” He took his hat off and dropped it beside the wings.

  Jag curled his lips into a grin. “I didn’t say anything about teasing you.”

  Chuckling, Michael straddled Jag on all fours. “A quick strip? I like the sound of that.”

  He leaned down and kissed Jag firmly. Jag reciprocated and for some time, their lips and tongues battled for dominance. Jag tangled one hand into Michael’s hair and pressed the other against the older man’s cheek. He could have easily wrested control from Michael, despite his weaker position on the floor, but, after the initial thrill of the fight, he gave in and enjoyed the feeling of Michael’s masterful lips kneading his. He loved the way Michael’s tongue caressed his, and the way he nipped and sucked at his lower lip occasionally. Jag adored moments like these, where they were close and, even without words, completely in tune with one another. Being with Michael felt so right, in a way that often took his breath away. How could anyone have ever tried to tell him that loving a man was wrong?

  Michael nuzzled his nose against Jag’s. “You were going to strip?”

  “You distracted me.”

  Michael kissed Jag’s throat, above the collar. “I didn’t hear you complaining.”

  “I’m definitely not complaining.” To prove it, he whined mournfully when Michael moved to sit down again.

  “I’m waiting.”

  Laughing, Jag stood and started to undress. Even without music to dance to, he could have made his movements slow and sultry. Could have taken his time to peel off each layer to heighten Michael’s anticipation, but he chose not to. The top came off first and then he wriggled out of the leather trousers. Michael exhaled sharply as Jag revealed his underwear: tight fitting underpants in a red that matched the horns on his head.

  Michael leaned forward and ran his finger under the waist band, stretching the soft material. “The lace is a nice touch.” His voice was husky.

  Jag inhaled. He hadn’t been so sure about the lace panels that ran around his hips, but seeing Michael’s reaction, he knew he’d chosen correctly.

  “Very nice,” Michael cooed, pressing his lips to Jag’s hip, over the lace. Then he lifted his face and stared at Jag with wide, puppy dog eyes. “Are you my Halloween treat?”

  Jag ran his fingers through Michael’s hair and let out a sigh that seemed to fill the cavernous room.

  Michael’s brow crumpled. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I’m so happy right now.”


  Jag sat astride Michael’s lap. He rested his arms over Michael’s shoulders and leaned his forehead against his lover’s. “When we were talking earlier… I realised there’s so much I still don’t know about you. Don’t talk,” he added quickly as Michael’s lips parted. He paused, listening to Michael’s intake of breath. “But there’s also a lot you don’t know about me. Things I haven’t got around to telling you. Things I’m not ready to tell you.” He laughed, aware it sounded nervous. “I’m hoping we’ll be together long enough to learn everything about each other.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Michael kissed the tip of Jag’s nose. “There’s no need to feel insecure.”

  Jag looked up at the lights. “It’s not insecurity, exactly.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “I suppose I’m wondering how I fit into your life.”

  Michael’s face shifted from shocked to concerned. His eyebrows pinched together. “Jag—”

  Jag laid a finger over Michael’s lips. “Let me explain?”

  Michael nodded.

  “You already had a great life before I met you: a thriving business, great friends, and a shit-ton of happy memories.”

  “And sad ones,” Michael said softly.

  Jag’s heart ached for his lover.

  “But I guess the happy memories will always outweigh the bad ones. Every time I think about Edward, it’s because I’m remembering something wonderful we did together. They’ll always be tinged with sadness and loss, but I still treasure them.”

  Jag kissed Michael’s forehead.

  “Don’t doubt for a second that you make my life richer than it was before I met you,” Michael said.

  Jag hoped that was true. The corner of his mouth curved up. “When I was trying to put this outfit together, earlier, I found myself second guessing what you’d like. I wanted to please you and… I don’t know. I guess I didn’t realise it would be so hard to know what would make you happy.”

  “You,” Michael said. “You could have worn a bin liner and I’d have still been happy, because it’s you.”

  Jag raised an eyebrow incredulously. “A bin liner?”

  “Well, maybe not a bin liner, but I hope I’ve made my point.”

  “You have. It’s just… I only had a small glimpse of the fantastic Halloween memories you already have. The ones with your dad, and with Edward.” He raked his teeth over his lip. “And I wanted to give you another great memory to add to those.”

  “Trust me, I will never forget the way you danced for me tonight. One amazingly happy memory made and scorched into my heart.” Michael kissed Jag swiftly, before resting his forehead against Jag’s again. “You were perfect tonight, Jag. You are perfect. And as for where you fit… As far as I’m concerned, you fit here. With me. You always will.”

  Michael’s words made Jag flush with warmth. “I like being here with you.” He let out another sigh, as he began to stroke Michael’s cheek “The thing is, I want to stay here and keep making new memories with you. The ones you’ve given me…” He breathed in and out, silently begging his voice not to crack. “They’re starting to eclipse all my bad ones. Every day I spend with you, I’m feeling a little braver, and a little stronger. I’m starting to feel whole again, because of you.”

  Michael clasped Jag’s cheeks. “You’re doing an amazing job of putting your broken pieces back together. That’s all on you, Jag.”

  Jag shook his head. “If it wasn’t for
you, I’d still be running. I’d still be a scared kid, looking over my shoulder. I’d still be terrified of inaccurate ifs, buts, and maybes. You’ve given me facts that have made me feel safe. You’ve given me solidity, courage, and love, so I could put myself back together again.” He swiped his thumb over Michael’s lips and stared into his blue eyes. “I’m making a mess of this, but I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you and I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Not that thank you felt like enough. Jag’s heart beat with fierce intensity as words flitted into his mind and onto the tip of his tongue. Words he hadn’t considered until that moment, but that felt absolutely right as they sat on the stage together. “Michael?”


  “You feel like home.” Those weren’t the words he was desperate to say, but he wasn’t sure he was brave enough. He held his breath, wondering if he dared to set the words free.

  “So do you. I hope we can be a home for each other for a long time to come.”

  That was all the reassurance Jag needed to be able to let the words leap free. “Marry me?”

  Michael’s eyes widened.

  Jag felt his cheeks flush. “Shit. I—” He shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut. “I’m sorry. I know I’m just a kid and you’re—”

  Michael’s lips sealed over his, smothering the rest of his rambling apology, and a hasty attempt to retract the spontaneous question. Not that he wanted to take it back. He’d meant it, but if Michael wasn’t as serious about their relationship as he was… He pressed into the kiss, not understanding what it meant, but needing closeness and comfort. It was over all too quickly, and then they were staring at each other again. Jag could barely catch his breath, as he waited for Michael to say something.


  Jag blinked. He must have imagined that Michael had spoken at all, let alone that he’d said—


  A surprised and stilted laugh burst out of Jag’s throat. “Seriously?”

  Michael laughed too, louder and more joyously. “Yes.” He stroked his hands over Jag’s face and through his hair. “I can’t even describe how happy you make me. I am madly and hopelessly in love with you. So if you’re sure you want to spend your life with me, then yes, marrying you would make me the happiest man alive.”

  Jag wrinkled his nose. “That’s really soppy.”

  “Are you complaining?”

  Jag chuckled. “No. It’s one of the things I love about you.”

  Michael arched an eyebrow. “Oh? Tell me more.”

  “I’m not sure you need me to give you a big head.”

  Michael pouted. “Please?”

  Jag made tiny circles on Michael’s shoulders with his fingertips. “I love the way you laugh. I love how safe and wanted you make me feel, and I adore the way you can’t function in the morning without a strong cup of coffee.”

  “Who can?”

  Jag tipped his head back in laughter before replying. “Me?”

  “You’re younger than me. Just you wait a few years and you’ll need regular doses of caffeine to make it through the day.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Michael dropped his hands to Jag’s hips and ran his thumbs back and forth over the lace. “You were telling me what you love about me.”

  “I love the way you kiss me every morning, before you get out of bed to make that coffee.”

  “I have my priorities.”

  “I’m glad I rank higher than coffee.”


  Jag kissed his way up Michael’s jaw to whisper in his ear. “I like all the ways you make me come.”

  Michael cleared his throat. “Speaking of which… about those Halloween memories you wanted to make. I don’t suppose they involved me peeling those lace underpants off you with my teeth?”

  Jag shivered. “I think that could definitely be on the cards. But, uh…” He tugged at Michael’s suit jacket. “You’re wearing far too many clothes, whilst I’m practically naked.” He touched his hand to the horns he was wearing, intending on removing them.

  Michael caught hold of his hand. “Keep them on. You look fucking hot wearing them.”

  Jag grinned impishly. “Well, if I’m wearing them I guess I’m still a demon, so… does that mean I get to have my wicked way with you?”

  “Oh, God, I hope so.”

  Jag pressed his palm to Michael’s chest.

  He pushed, gently forcing Michael onto his back. He shifted onto his knees and leaned over Michael. He nipped Michael’s lip and then sucked the sting away, before pressing a lingering kiss to his lover’s lips. He tugged Michael’s shirt free and slid his hand beneath it, feeling soft, hot skin under his palm.

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” he told Michael, before kissing him again passionately, forcing the older man’s lips to yield to his completely. When he’d finished with him, Michael’s lips were damp and swollen, his eyes wide and wanting. “Because tonight, I intend to play the devil and do some very, very wicked things to you.”

  The End

  I hope you enjoyed this story. If you want to meet more of the dancers at Heaven and Hell, you can pre-order Mac and Russel’s story, Unbreakable, on Amazon today.

  Mac’s life isn’t perfect, but he likes it the way it is: safe and predictable.

  * * *

  Mac works in a struggling pole dancing club at night, and a gym during the day. He’s tired and cash strapped, but content, until a confident twink walks into the club and turns his life upside down. It’s hard to resist when Russel asks him to be his fake boyfriend for one night, in return for double his normal take-home pay.

  * * *

  One date turns into more, as Mac helps Russel get an exclusive that will secure him the job he’s always wanted. But the rich playboy who holds Russel’s career in his hands isn’t going to give him the scoop so easily.

  * * *

  As Mac and Russel spend more time together, the lines between fake and real begin to get blurred, but can their relationship become strong enough to be unbreakable in the face of adversity?

  * * *

  Unbreakable is a fake boyfriend MM romance, with a buff pole dancer who swears like a trooper, a twink who likes to take charge, some spanking, light bondage, and a happy ever after. It’s a prequel story to Broken, but can be read as a standalone romance.

  About the Author

  Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairytale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.

  * * *

  You can connect with Colette in the following ways:


  Reader Group, Colette’s Cosy Corner

  Mailing list

  Also by Colette Davison

  Contemporary Romance:

  * * *

  Why I…

  Why I Left You

  Why I Need You

  Why I Trust You

  * * *

  Love on Pointe

  A Dance For Two

  A Dance For You

  * * *

  I Wished For You

  * * *

  Heaven and Hell Club


  Unbreakable (Coming Soon)

  * * *

  Paranormal Romance

  * * *

  Beyond the Surface

  For You I Fall (with T.N. Nova)




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