Another One Bites the Dust

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Another One Bites the Dust Page 12

by Lani Lynn Vale

  Above me, I could hear the crowd going wild, so it was obvious one of ours just scored. The band started to kick in; bass drums thumped a low pounding beat, saxophones rang out, and the cymbals crashed together. Max led me deeper and deeper into the shadows until we came to rest under the very middle. There were bleachers leading up to the middle of the stands. A gate was at the very top keeping anyone from coming down the stairs.

  “Did you make out under the bleachers in high school?” He asked me curiously.

  “No, you’ll be my first.” I said coyly.

  “Who said I was going to make out with you? Honey, I’m gonna fuck you.”

  He hammered that statement home with a possessive kiss. His hand traveled down my back, and slid into the gap of my jeans. His finger traveled down until finally he found what he was seeking. My back arched as one long thick finger found its way inside of me. I moaned into his mouth, and lifted my leg so it was resting on the rail enabling his finger to have easier access.

  His magic fingers found my clit, and he thrummed it expertly; he got me very near the edge before pulling back, and spinning me to face away from him.

  His cock pressed into my lower back, and I groaned in defeat. “Sex standing up doesn’t work so well for a short person.”

  His hands worked my belt loose, and then tackled the button of my jeans. He shoved my pants and underwear down to my knees. My bare ass was assaulted with the cool night air, and I shivered. My knees went weak when I felt his bare penis touching the skin of my back.

  Max growled and cupped my sex in his large hand. “I’ll make it work if I have to hold you a foot off the ground to fuck you.”

  I kid you not. He did that very thing. Leaning down and wrapping his hand around my waist, he lifted my body until my feet were left dangling inches off the ground and sat me down on his cock. His casted arm came up across my chest and his fingers feathered lightly over my collarbone. My hands clamped down on the arm around my waist, and I held on for the ride.

  He groaned when he was seated fully inside of me. “You’ll have to use your ab muscles.” He said before using his incredible strength to hold me off the ground as well as lifting me up and down on his cock, repeatedly.

  “God, I’m close. Are you close? I’m losing it here.” Max growled.

  Panting, I managed to squeak out, “Please, don’t stop. You’re so deep this way.”

  I had literally no control of the depth. He was in control of the speed, the depth, as well as the pace. I was just along for the ride. It was turning me on even more to know that Max had this kind of strength. Sure, I was only one hundred and twenty pounds, but holding up any amount of weight, let alone moving it up and down, was a challenge. Max wasn’t even breathing hard.

  “Fuck.” Max grunted, and started to move faster.

  I took one hand from his arm, and immediately located my clit. I was close, but I could tell if I didn’t give myself a little push that Max would be going without me if the pace he was setting was anything to go by. The first brush of my finger was all it took. Throwing my head back, I leaned against Max’s shoulder as he pounded me through my orgasm.

  His harsh oath signaled his own release, and he moved slowly until at last he was spent. “Jesus Christ, you sure do make me crazy.”

  He lifted my body up one last time, and he slipped free of me. Wetness followed his cock’s departure, and I groaned. “I’m gonna have wet clothes the rest of the night.”

  “I have a glove you could use until you got to the bathroom.” Max said helpfully.

  I made a disgusted sound, and ignored the hand that was holding out the leather glove. “You need those for the ride home. I’ll make do. Walk me to the bathroom, and then go get me some nachos from the concession stand.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Max agreed.

  We walked hand in hand to the bathroom, and he let me go while he walked around the side of the building to stand in the god awful line. I was about to finish with the bathroom just as he was coming back to meet me. “How did you get through there so fast?”

  He gave me a devilish smile and said, “Charm.”

  As we rounded the corner of the building, a young brunette who likely was the captain of the cheerleading squad shook her palm palms at him and smiled brightly. He gave me a sheepish look, and it took all I had not to burst out laughing. The man was incorrigible.

  We’d just made it up to the fence to see my baby brother make a huge play. “Ten seconds remaining on the clock. The Lobo’s will need a miracle here. Wait a minute, folks! Alvarez is on the outside, he’s at the fifty, forty, thirty, twenty, ten, touchdown Lobos!”

  The crowd went wild. Fans started pouring out of the stands. I was being pushed from all sides. Max simply lifted me over the side of the fence and placed my back against on the other side of it to keep anyone from hurting me. My heart was pounding, and I could see my brother being dog piled in the middle of the field. Player after player jumped on top of him until I could no longer see anymore.

  My smile was so wide that my face hurt; I was so happy for him. Three scouts made it out to see him tonight, and I knew that this was a big game for him. He was graduating in December, a year and a half early. This would most likely get him a full ride. Not that it mattered since he’d gone with Max and my dad to sign enlistment papers. He’d be shipping off to basic training in January with the consent of my parents.

  “Mother fucker.” Max said from behind me.

  I turned sharply just in time to see him bend down, lift Alpha up, and drop him over the fence beside me. Then he did a manly jump and vaulted his body over the fence, not even using the chain link, as I would have had to do. The crowd was still pouring out of the bleachers.

  In Texas, football was taken seriously. The Lobo stadium could hold over seven thousand people, and since it was homecoming, every single seat was filled. There were so many people here that they were sitting on the hills outside of the stadium just so they could watch.

  Teenagers were everywhere, and it was a madhouse. Max, Alpha, and I just stood there. It was so chaotic that if we moved from our spot we would be pulled into the mob of people heading for the field.

  “Move!” A booming voice said from our right.

  My dad’s large body made it’s way through the crowd toward us. My mother was in the shelter of his arms, and trying desperately not to fall on her ass because my dad wouldn’t slow down for her. Once he got to us, he thrust my mother into Max’s arms, and then went in search for my brother who was somewhere in the writhing crowd in front of us.

  He was like a one man wrecking crew as he walked through the horde.

  I heard my mom’s soft sigh as she said, “God, he’s so sexy.”

  “Ewwww. Yuck!” I whined.

  I so didn’t want to hear about that. All I knew was that I was miraculously conceived, as was my brother. My parents were not intimate, nor have they ever been. I was pretty sure they just adopted us just to be nice.

  A fight broke out on the field between the two teams. Helmets started smashing together, fists meeting faces, shouts, and curses.

  “Fuck.” Max hissed.

  He looked behind us, checking for something, and then nodded to himself. He did the hop over the fence again, grabbed my mom around the waist and dropped her to her feet, and then did the same with me, and then Alpha. “Get up to the top of the bleachers. Don’t move from the top. I’ll come for you as soon as I can. I’m going to go find your brother and father.”

  With that, he left us about half way up the bleachers, and then started running down them like a fucking gazelle, two at a time. He hopped the fence with a grace that you wouldn’t normally see in such a large man, and then he disappeared into the crowd.

  “Yours is sexy, too.” My mom surmised from beside me.

  “Damn straight.” I confirmed.

  The gate at the back of the field was pulled open and dozens of police officers came storming in with huge clear shields in front of their bodie
s. Seeing as I’m a master at Call of Duty, I know what a riot shield looks like. I winced as the first person threw himself at one of the officers, and he went down hard. Dumbass. What the hell did he think those were for? They sure weren’t for decoration.

  I spotted a bright orange cast in the middle of the mob and felt relief rush through me. In all my twenty-four years of life, I’ve never seen a real fight. I’ve watched some on TV, but nothing could have prepared me for this. There was just a mass of people beating the shit out of whoever got close. They weren’t even fighting on the same team anymore. It was a freaking mess.

  I spotted my brother’s jersey at the opposite side of the field from the mob and went cold. My brother was on the ground fighting like crazy while five boys in the opposing team’s uniform surrounded him, taking turns throwing punches and kicks at him. The only good thing I could see out of that was he was still in his uniform, helmet and all.

  Not taking the last bit of time to think, I ran down the bleachers two at a time. I didn’t explain to my mom where I was going, and didn’t really want to tell her when I knew she’d just follow into the fray with me if she did. Using the rungs on the chain link fence, I climbed it and threw my leg over the side of the fence before hopping over as best as I could. I more fell to the ground on the other side than landed, and took off running in the direction of my brother.

  My feet tripped over the yard marker, and I picked it up so I could use it as a weapon. Looking down I noticed the pointed edge of the yard marker that held it firmly in the ground while in use. It the ref using this wasn’t careful, he could impale himself unintentionally.

  When I got close enough to hear them, nothing could have stopped me from what I did next.

  “Did you like fucking the girl that everyone else has had? I bet you thought she was a nice girl, didn’t you?” Number 33 taunted.

  My brother went for his knees, but 33 just stepped to the side and laughed as his teammate grabbed hold of his legs. Knowing surprise was on my side, I lifted the yard marker and shoved it as hard as I could through the meat of his butt. While pulling the marker out, I took the sole of my foot and planted it into the boy’s knee that was standing to my right.

  Bellows of pain rose from the two boys, but I didn’t stop to think. I branded the yard marker as a weapon, and held it as one would a spear. “Get away from him.” I screeched.

  “Or what? You caught those two by surprise. Your nothing but a little slip of a girl, we’d probably break you if we took turns with you like we did with the others.” Number 66 jeered.

  “Oh, my God. You boys wouldn’t know how to satisfy me if I drew you a goddamned map.” I goaded them.

  I wanted their attention away from my brother who was trying his damnedest to get up. He had blood running down the right side of his face, but I couldn’t tell if the cut was bad since his helmet only showed so much of his face. The two boy’s I’d taken down earlier were slowly getting back online. The one I’d gotten in the butt was up to his hands and knees, trying to push himself up. Knee boy was sitting on his butt, his knee up to his chest.

  “Look who we have here. Who’s the old bitch?” Number 66 asked.

  I knew it was my mother before I even turned my head. I should have known better. I got my bravery from my mother. Except it only came out when it wanted to, and usually in the worst situations, kinda like now. Since the attack, my bravery has eluded me, but I felt a kind of elation that I was able to stand up to these boys who were easily twice my size. Bennett was shooting daggers at my mother and me.

  “Get the fuck out of here!” Bennett yelled.

  “Uh, oh. Someone’s in trouble. Why don’t you two ladies run along. We’re a little busy here.” Number 66 said before turning his back on us to face Bennett.

  “What are you doing here?” I hissed at my mother.

  “Get over it. What’re we going to do?” She asked worriedly.

  “I have no fucking clue.” I said defeat in my voice.

  The boys were huge, and there was no way my mother and I could take them on, even if Bennett was able to help. Number 66 chose that moment in time to kick Bennett in the face, and I completely lost it. Sprinting the ten yards that were separating us, I jumped on his back and latched my fingernails into his face. He tried to shake me off, but I stuck like a leech. My fingers were digging into something disgustingly squishy, and I prayed I wasn’t blinding him. That would just be so gross.

  I heard my mom yell from behind me, and I was pulled off the back I was attached to by my hair, and fell hard to the ground. My mom tried to help, but like me, she was small and would never do much damage. I could see Bennett taking out one of the other players, but it wasn’t enough. They were going to hurt us, and badly.

  A foot found a home in the softness of my belly, and I groaned and curled in on myself, covering my head with my arms. My mind went somewhere after that. To the same place I went the night of my attack. I wasn’t sure if I continued to be kicked or not, because I was in my happy place. The place where I wasn’t scared or hurt.

  An enraged bellow came from above, and I looked up intime to see my daddy take the boy that kicked me out at the knees. He didn’t stop there though; he hit the boy so hard in the stomach that he doubled over and heaved into the grass. Bennett had butt boy down on the ground pounding his fist into the kid’s ribs. As reality came crashing back, I noticed Max was involved with the remaining three, and they weren’t fairing any better. I couldn’t decide who I wanted to look at, my dad, Bennett, or Max. My head kept whipping back and forth like a fricking cartoon character.

  My mom dropped down to her knees and pulled me bodily into her arms. “Oh God, thank God.” She repeated over and over again.

  “Freeze!” A newcomer bellowed a few feet away from us.

  The boys were dropped to the ground carelessly, and my father, Max, and Bennett all stood there chests heaving. Bennett was no longer wearing his helmet, and I could see the cut was much worse than I’d originally thought. Max took a step in my direction, and was stopped short by the cop that was pointing what I assumed was a Taser in our directions.

  “Do not fucking move.” The cop said.

  “Fuck off. She’s hurt. That thing won’t stop me either.” He said facing the cop in a relaxed stance.

  I was worried Max’s attitude was going to get him shot with this Taser by Mr. Jumpy Cop, and I prayed he kept his mouth shut.

  “Can you tell me why you all are beating up players?” The cop asked.

  “Cool it, kid. This is Max.” A man dressed in all black said. He was wearing a facemask, so I couldn’t tell whom it was.

  “Luke.” Max said before dropping down on the opposite side of my mom.

  He cupped my face in his good hand, and checked my eyes. “You okay?”

  I nodded, choked up. I was so fucking scared. I’d taken for granted the feeling of safeness with Alpha around, but the first time I was put into a situation like the attack, I froze. Then that thought brought up another one.

  “Where’s Alpha?” I said startled.

  I tried to get to my knees, but my ribs protested. Max helped me to my feet by hauling me up under the armpits, and then put his arm around my waist for support. I looked frantically all around and panic started riding up in my throat.

  “I totally forgot all about him, what if he’s out there somewhere hurt?” I said horror evident in my voice.

  “We’ll find him, honey. Don’t worry. He probably just can’t get to us since he’s behind that fence.” Max soothed.

  “I’m a bad doggy mommy; I mean who leaves their dog behind?” I asked nearly in tears.

  “One who was worried about her brother? Don’t think that I’m going to let you off the hook for this either.” He growled.

  “Alright. Mr. Alvarez, we’re going to need you all to come make statements at the station. What the hell is wrong with him? Why’s he bleeding from the ass?” Luke asked with repulsion in his voice.

  “That wou
ld be my big sister. She shoved the yard marker up his ass.” Bennett supplied helpfully.

  “I didn’t shove it up his ass!” I said voice only a tiny bit shrill. “I shoved it through his ass.”

  “Uh, baby? That doesn’t sound any better.” My dad explained.

  I stomped my foot in annoyance. “It’s only though the meat. I didn’t go anywhere near his butthole.”

  My dad, Bennett, Max, Luke, the young cop, and my mom were all shaking with laughter by the time I dug the hole the rest of the way.

  I shut up after that. The boys that could walk were led away in handcuffs. I watched in derision as the one who’d called my mother an ‘old bitch’ continued to spout off his mouth. The young cop had just gotten the cuffs on him when the boy with the knee reached for the officer’s gun.

  He didn’t get far though because he suddenly found himself contending with a ninety pound dog in his face, barking and snarling. All he needed was some foam around the mouth and he’d look like he had rabies. The boy threw himself backwards, but Alpha just followed him down to the ground, still growling.

  “Get him away from me!” The boy-man squealed.

  I didn’t feel the need to get him off of him. I was sick and tired of it.

  Max watched with a bored expression on his face, but finally sighed and turned to me. “Payton.”

  “Heel.” I said in a quiet voice.

  Alpha immediately quieted and returned to my side to lean into me. He threw me off balance, and a shaft of pain barreled through me, but I gritted my teeth and bared it because I didn’t want to let on that I was more hurt than I looked.

  “Let’s get this shit over with.” My dad said as he walked up to my mom who was still on her knees.

  He helped her up tenderly, and threw his arm around her shoulder guiding her along. Bennett followed, and Max, Alpha and I took up the rear.

  “Meet you there, son.” Dad said as he helped my mom into their car.

  I nodded, and continued to walk with Max in silence except for Alpha’s claws clicking against the concrete.

  Max stopped me as we got to the passenger door of his truck. “How bad are you hurt?”


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