Another One Bites the Dust

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Another One Bites the Dust Page 13

by Lani Lynn Vale

  “Not that bad, I’m going to be sore for a while though.” I grimaced.

  He nodded, but I knew it wouldn’t be the end of it. He helped me into the car, as well as Alpha, before getting in on his side. Paper crinkling distracted him, and he lifted his butt up from the seat and withdrew a yellow note.

  “What’s that?” I asked curiously.

  “No clue.” He said as he opened it.

  As he read the note, his face tightened in an unreadable mask. “What?”

  “Nothing.” He said as he folded the note carefully, and then stuck it down into the little holder on the door.

  “Max…” I started to say.

  “Don’t. Not yet.” He snapped.

  I shut my mouth. He’s never yelled at me before. Hell, I’ve never even seen him anything but slightly upset. Seeing this side of him scared the crap out of me. He was shut off. No emotions. He didn’t even look furious anymore. Just blank.

  “I love you.” I whispered to him into the darkness.

  I didn’t get a reply back.

  Chapter 10

  I don’t need anger management classes. You need “Shut the fuck up” classes.



  “Take it easy, man. You’re gonna rebreak it.” James said panting beside me.

  I ignored him. It’d been two weeks since the fight at the football game, and I still didn’t know what the hell to do. I knew Payton thought I was mad at her, but I just couldn’t figure out what to do.

  James blocked my right hook, and countered with his own. He landed it solidly on the base of my ribcage, and I went with the punch, using the momentum to kick out with my right leg. I made contact with the pad that covered his left forearm, and stopped as he went down.

  “Jesus. This is only sparring, douche bag.” James grumbled while shaking out his hand. “If I’d known you came in kill mode, I would have found myself something else to do.”

  I didn’t take his complaining seriously, though. We both had those days where nothing worked except going at it one on one in the gym. Beating the shit out of each other until one of us went down. Most of the time it was me, but today I had a feeling it would be him. We were evenly matched in the strength department, but where I excelled in speed, he excelled in strategy. He could tell what I was about to do before I even did it. It’d been nearly two years since we’d gone at it like this, but today we would be remedying that.

  “Just stay away from my face. I don’t want Janie crying when she sees me.” James demanded.

  I nodded in agreement. Couldn’t have the kids crying. Check. “Got it. Keep those knees away from my junk. No slips like last time.”

  We both knew he didn’t slip, but all’s fair in war and war. You do what you have to do to survive. Take every low blow you can think of. Kick them while they’re down. Unfair in your book means survival in mine.

  I faked a jab with my right before following through with a hooking left. My fist glanced off the side of his jaw because he anticipated the move. What he didn’t anticipate was me sweeping his knees out from under him. I wanted him on the floor though. I was a grappler. I did my best work on the ground.

  “What’s your next move?” James asked slightly winded.

  I tried to get him into an arm bar, but he countered, and I found myself nearly in one of my own. I didn’t pretend to misunderstand what he was talking about. The reason we were here in the first place was that my anger was getting the better of me. Ember told me I needed to stop being such an “ass muncher” (her words, not mine) and sent me here. James arrived a few minutes later with the directive to get my shit straightened or Ember and Payton were leaving for the weekend.

  That sure as fuck wasn’t going to happen with the newest threat. “I called Layne, but he’s got nothing. They thought she was dead. They’re investigating, but can’t do much from the other side of the world.”

  I was at a total loss. How do you find a ghost? The law enforcement connections I had showed that she was never even alive, which isn’t surprising for a CIA spook. The only thing I was able to do was put a man on her. Payton knew that something was up, yet I didn’t want to alarm her. This was bad. Someone trained in practically everything was gunning for her.

  The note I’d sat on after the football game confirmed my suspicions after the fire.

  After the body was found in Payton’s bedroom, burned beyond recognition, we knew that there was an extra person. Someone wouldn’t be able to bar the damn door shut from the outside while burning to death on the inside. ‘Bitch’ had been keyed into the paint of the hood on Payton’s car. Keying of the car had ‘woman’ written all over it.

  Men didn’t bother with stupid shit like that. We leaned towards taking a 4X4 to it instead. Men also leaned to plain fighting. If we were pissed about something, we just had it out. James and I have had more than a few rows. We were pissed, we fought, we resolved it, and we had a beer. That simple.

  “I told you not the face, fucker!” James yelled as he took a cheap shot at my dick.

  I jumped back, and laughed. “I was aiming for your ribs. Who the hell told you to duck?”

  “So, when are you going to tell her?” James asked.

  He connected with my jaw, and I saw stars for a few seconds. Shaking my head, I countered with a knee to his thigh. He went down like a heap of dead weight, but quickly recovered, rolled, and swept my feet out from under me. “I’m not telling her anything until I can make confirmation.”

  The doors slammed open, and we both stopped. We were both locked in a leg bar, watching as Payton marched into the room, a yellow envelope in her hands. She walked right up to me and kicked me with her little elf feet right in the ribs. She packed a surprising amount of power into her kick, and I reluctantly let go of James’ leg before grabbing her around the waist, taking her down to the floor in milliseconds.

  “What the fuck?” I growled from above her.

  Her hair was wild. Her eyes were sparking with anger, and I went through the mental lists of things I’d done that morning to see if I could remember doing anything she’d told me to do that I didn’t.

  “I didn’t mean to leave my chocolate milk cup on your computer. Did Alpha spill it again?” I asked worriedly.

  He’d done that just last week. I’d finished half the cup before leaving it beside the computer while I was reading the paper online. I’d forgotten about it, and Alpha had spilled it in his quest to get the Pop-Tart crusts I’d left on the plate right beside the cup. It’d spilled into the keyboard, and she’d had to get a new one. It wasn’t as if I hadn’t paid for it.

  “You told me you were fucking working, you dick!” Payton growled while squirming and trying to get away from me.

  “I was reading the newspaper, I told you that. What the hell are you talking about?” I growled.

  James stepped up beside us, grabbing the envelope that had pictures spilling out of it. I didn’t pay any attention to him or the envelope. I was too busy feeling Payton’s body underneath mine to think about anything else. I’d buy her a new computer. I didn’t give a fuck right about now.

  It took everything I had not to grind myself into her. Sam had joined the growing audience, and they all watched with laughter in their eyes as we struggled on the floor. For her being such a small girl, she was surprisingly quick and fast. She’d already gotten away from me twice before I finally just straddled her hips and sat on her, holding her arms above her head.

  “What the fuck are you doing kissing and rubbing up against another woman. Jesus Christ. You’re such a bastard.” Payton said, and then burst into tears.

  I was so completely confused, but what I did know was that I hated girls crying with a passion. “Stop crying, I hate it when girls fucking cry.”

  That only made her cry harder, and I felt like a dick. I couldn’t help it though, crying made me feel crappy, and I always responded with anger, humor, or annoyance rather than compassion. My reasoning was if they were laughin
g or pissed, they wouldn’t cry anymore. It worked every single time with Ember. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the same for Payton.

  “Everybody get out.” I commanded.

  Everyone left us, and I looked over as James placed the pictures down beside Payton’s head before leaving quietly. The pictures that were envelope showed me and a woman sitting closely together. What she’d mistaken for a romantic atmosphere was actually a woman I met on the run who was too scared to be seen in public. We met at a local bus station, and I’d caught her before she’d collapsed to the floor.

  “Payton. Look at these pictures closer. Look at the woman.” I instructed.

  She locked her jaw, but did as I asked because she sensed the change in my demeanor. She studied the photo I was holding in front of her face, and then I felt her body slowly relax under mine.

  “What’s wrong with her?” She asked quietly.

  “She was raped and assaulted. She’d ridden in on the late bus, and I picked her up just in time for her to collapse into my arms. She’s one of our Freebirds. I have never given you the impression that I would be anything less than honest with you. If I wanted another woman, I sure as fuck wouldn’t have fucked you this morning. Nor would I be grinding my cock into you right now. If I was interested in another woman, she would have my cock, not you.” I said angrily.

  Her lips were pressed together in a tight line, and anger was pouring off her in waves. “Get off me.”

  I walked backward off her on my knees, and then stopped once I saw her get to her feet. Furiously, she pulled her sweatshirt off. Followed by her shirt, tight leggings, and then finally her tennis shoes. She left her long socks that went up to her knees that were striped blue and red, and stood before me blissfully naked. Strangely, the socks did it for me. That was Payton’s personality, and I loved her for it.

  “Fuck me already.” She demanded.

  I rid myself of my gym shorts, and grabbed her around the waist. “Such a mouth you have on you, maybe we should give you something better to do with it.”

  She went willingly down to her knees, bent over, and took my dick in her mouth. I guided her head lightly with my hand in her hair, and then pulled her off once she got me nice and wet. “Lay down on your back.”

  She laid down gingerly onto the mats, and spread her legs wide. My mouth watered for a taste of her, but I was so beyond ready to fuck her. Straddling one of her legs with both of mine; I took her other leg and set it up on my shoulder before taking my cock in hand and guiding it to her entrance.

  I gritted my teeth as she cried out, but forged ahead until my cock was sheathed fully inside of her. Her silky smoothness nearly set me off, so I pumped into her slowly, squeezing my eyes shut and hoped I lasted long enough for her to get some enjoyment out of it too. Snaking my hand down from the leg that rested on my shoulder, I found her clit and rubbed in slow circles in hope of getting her there quickly.

  She didn’t disappoint. Seconds later, she contracted around me, and I let myself go. I pumped my cock into her hard and fast until my orgasm overcame me. My come shot out of me in hot spurts, and I couldn’t help the groan that slipped from between my lips. My vision dimmed slightly, and I grabbed her around the waist and settled her on top of me as I turned over to my back.

  “When do you kick a midget in the balls?” Payton asked me.

  I rolled my eyes as she went off on yet another tangent. “When?”

  “When he tells your girlfriend her hair smells nice.” She said as she ran her nose along the scruff at my jaw.

  I burst out laughing, and my softened cock slipped from her sheath. We were making a mess, yet neither one of us cared at that moment. “We have to go get a marriage license today.”

  “We’re not getting married until the weekend. Why do we need to do it today?” I asked completely exhausted.

  “You’ve heard that Thursday is Thanksgiving, correct? The courthouse’s closed the rest of the week due to Thanksgiving. Today is the only time to get it if you want to have it by this Saturday.” She said as she sat up.

  “You’re so beautiful.” I whispered to her.

  “I know.” She said jokingly.

  I knew that I needed to tell her, if I didn’t I could put her life in danger, and she needed to be cautious until we could find her. “I have to tell you something about that note from last Friday.”

  “I already know about her. I figured it out with enough snooping around. I just didn’t want to give you a hard time about it.” She said simply.

  I should have known better than to underestimate her. She knew about the Freebirds before I even told her, why wouldn’t she know about this, too? “You need to be vigilant. No more scooter until this is over with. She’d take you out easily on that. You’ll always have Alpha with you, no excuses.”

  “Sir, yes, sir.” She said before saluting me.

  Shit head.

  “Let’s go.” I said before giving her ass a sharp slap.

  She rolled over and got to her feet. Walking to the bathroom that was off the gym, she cleaned herself up and was ready to go within minutes. It’s nice to be able to go somewhere within a normal time span. Most women go get ready for an hour only to come out an hour later looking the exact same. It’s refreshing to find someone that doesn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks of her.

  “Bike or Truck?” I asked.

  With it being nearly Thanksgiving, it was fairly cold out. When you’re on the bike, regardless of how much you wear, you’re still going to feel the cold. What she was wearing also wasn’t conducive with the cold weather on a bike. Tights that showed off every single curve of her legs and ass, as well as a sweatshirt that falls off the shoulder wouldn’t do much to fight off the cold.

  “Bike.” Payton replied.

  “You’re gonna need more than those little damn tights.” I declared.

  “They’re not tights, they’re leggings. Big difference.” Payton snapped.

  They didn’t look any different. “Aren’t those supposed to be worn under something?”

  I held the door of the gym open for her, and six pairs of curious eyes swung our way. “We’re the hell are all of y’all’s parents?”

  The kids all looked at us as if we were crazy. Cora came up to me and said, “Up, Ax.”

  Swinging her up in my arms, I held her on the crook of my arm while surveying the room. The twins were sitting in front of the TV watching some show that had a dancing penis singing about sharing. “What the hell are they watching?”

  Payton’s gaze swung to the TV and she burst out laughing. “What the hell is that? That looks like a uterus and a penis.”

  “It says Yo, Gabba Gabba in the corner there. Our kids won’t be watching this show.” I vowed.

  The other kids were doing various things around the room, and I could hear a commotion going on in the main part of the garage. LG finally made his way to us from across the room, and Payton bent down to pick him up, giving him a smacking kiss on his cheek. Seeing her holding LG made me want kids even more than I already did. She transferred him expertly to her hip, and then laughed as she saw Pru and Piper drawing with a marker all over Justin’s face. At least it wasn’t permanent.

  I went to take the marker away from Pru just as the door burst open and the parents filed in one by one. No one even noticed Justin’s newest addition to his face. All the women looked freaked, and all the men looked quite pissed.

  “What the hell is going on?” I asked.

  Everyone’s grim expression clued me in that it was bad, and about either Payton or me. “Get it over with.”

  “They found Dove’s body last night. She had your card on her, was last seen with you at the bus station, as well as some incriminating pictures. The same ones that Payton was given this morning via courier. The police are here with a warrant for your arrest. We’ve stalled them, and sent them over to Payton’s place. You have about fifteen minutes to get your marriage license, and then you might want to surrender yourself.” James e

  You know that feeling when you’ve realized that your wallet was stolen, or when you look at your bank account to realize that you’ve over drafted your account and won’t have any money for two weeks? That feeling you have when something is so terribly wrong, and you’re not sure how to fix it? That was the feeling I had right now, times ten. Payton looked at me with a mix of emotions playing on her face. She finally settled on utter outrage.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! When would he have done this? He was gone for an hour tops. What time was she killed? We were having sex half of last night anyway!” Payton demanded.

  Sam chuckled. “It won’t stick, Pea. We just want to make sure y’all make it to the courthouse before it closes in an hour. While y’all were in here playing the old in and out game, you all managed to waste an hour. The courthouse closes at three, don’t ya know?”

  “Careful Sam, your Yankie is showing.” James chided.

  “Fuck off. Now y’all get the hell out of here, go get your license, and we’ll meet you both at the station. I’ll give Luke a call, and make sure we’re up to date.”

  Payton took my hand, saluted Sam and said, “Fo’ shizzle, my nizzle.”

  Alpha rode with us since I wasn’t sure if I would be leaving with Payton or not, and one could never be too safe. Especially with a psycho bitch running around. I had a feeling that O’Hare was the one to take Dove out. She knew the best way to get back at me was through her. She knew I would take it personally, and she’d be damned right. I was livid.

  “What are you thinking?” Payton asked as she took my hand into hers.

  “I’m thinking that I’m very pissed off. That I want to go cut that bitch’s head off. She’d better hope I’m not the one who catches her. For her sake, it would be best if she turned herself in, because I’m not in the greatest state of mind right now.”

  “I think I’m pregnant.” Payton said suddenly.

  I sat there stunned for a few moments collecting my thoughts. “Um, how is that possible?”


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