Hot Summer Nights

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Hot Summer Nights Page 9

by Jaci Burton

She closed her menu, too. “Did you have a challenging day?”

  “I’ve had several. You’d think living in a small town it would be quiet and boring here. But it hasn’t been that way lately.”

  “Hey, I drive on the highways. They’re never quiet or boring.”

  Melanie came back with their drinks. “Have you decided what you’d like?”

  “I’m going with the special,” Jane said.

  “Ditto,” Will added.

  Melanie scooped up the menus. “You won’t regret it.”

  After she left, Jane took a glance around. The place was packed and noisy, plus there was music. There was no time like the present to clear the air between them. She’d put it off long enough.

  “I’m sorry for avoiding you.”

  He shrugged. “It’s okay. You’ve been busy.”

  “That’s true. But I’m always going to be busy. That was no reason to ignore your calls. You were so nice to me and to Tabitha that night. And I was rude to you by not talking to you afterward.”

  “I didn’t expect thanks, Jane.”

  “I know that.” She looked down at her hands, clasped them together. “It’s just that I have some issues regarding men and dating and I’m trying to work past them.”

  He laid his hands over hers. “I’m in no hurry. We’re not running a race here, you know.”

  She lifted her gaze to his. “Thanks for being understanding.”

  “Yeah, that’s me. An understanding guy.”

  She sensed the undertone there, that maybe this wasn’t all water under the bridge, but she let it go when their salads and bread arrived. Hunger took precedence over everything, even a pissed-off man.

  After dinner, he took her to a movie. When was the last time she’d been to a movie that wasn’t animated or rated G? She couldn’t remember. He let her pick and she decided not to torture him by choosing the romance she’d been dying to see, instead selecting a comedy.

  It was a good choice. She laughed until her stomach hurt, clutching Will’s arm during some of the really funny scenes. He laughed, too. It was a great movie and they left the theater arm in arm, talking about some of their favorite parts.

  “Thanks for picking that movie,” he said as they climbed back into his car. “I’d been wanting to see it.”

  “So you secretly hoped that was the one I’d choose.”

  “Yeah. I was sending you psychic vibes.”

  “Apparently you’re good at it. I was going to choose the romance.”

  He made a grimace. “Really?”

  “Would you have gone if I did?”

  At the red light, he turned his head toward her. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Even though you would have hated it.”

  “I didn’t say I would have hated it, but it wouldn’t have been my first choice.”

  She laughed.

  “There’s a new club in Tulsa that plays country. Do you like country?”

  He was being so nice and entertaining. But she wanted to be alone with him. “How about we go back to my place. I can play some country.”

  He gave her a look. “Yeah? You know any moves?”

  She arched a brow. “I know a few.”

  “All right.”

  There was no way she wanted to waste any more time. She’d already wasted enough by being stupid and afraid. After they got to her place, she pulled out her keys and tried not to appear too anxious or in a hurry as they made their way to her front door. But her fingers fumbled with the lock. He put his hand over hers to steady her.

  “That’s not helping,” she said, staring at his hand.

  “What’s not?” he asked, his body nestling very nicely against her—and her backside.

  “You. Touching me.”

  He stayed right where he was. “So, you don’t want me touching you?”

  “Oh, I most definitely want you touching me.”

  “Then move your hand out of the way so I can get this damn door unlocked before we end up doing something indecent on your front porch.”

  Her lips curved at that thought, and at how scandalized her neighbors would be. She moved her hand and his deft fingers—oh, she really liked the things his fingers could do—had the key turned and the door pushed open in a few seconds, his body propelling her inside.

  She flipped on the light, then turned around and took him by the hands, leading him into her living room. She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, scrolling through until she found the music channels, selecting country.

  His lips curved. “You gonna show me your moves?”

  She held out her arms. “You don’t really want me to line dance for you, do you?”

  He swept an arm around her and tugged her close. “Hell no. Not when I can hold you against me.”

  They swayed together to the rhythm of the music, though she had to admit she had no idea what song was playing, whether it was a driving beat or something sweet and slow. All she knew was the length of Will’s body pressed up against hers, and melting into the way he looked at her. And when he cupped the side of her neck and leaned in for a kiss, she was lost.

  And all those reasons for avoiding him seemed so stupid, because she had been missing out on his incredible mouth, the way he teased her by brushing his lips across hers. He deepened the kiss and held her head with his hand, his tongue sliding in to possess.

  She felt dizzy, mesmerized with each stroke of his tongue against hers. She reached for his shirt, lifting it up so she could palm the warm skin of his stomach and stroke his rock-hard abs. They quivered under her touch and she moaned against his lips.

  Her world turned topsy-turvy when he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

  This was all very romantic. She couldn’t remember ever being carried to the bed before. If she knew how to swoon, she’d be doing it right this moment.

  He flicked on the light switch, then set her on the bed and drew his shirt over his head. She took a moment to admire that view of him with his jeans hanging low on his hips, the dark swirl of hair disappearing into his jeans.

  And as she gazed at his erection pressing against the tight denim of his jeans, she licked her lips and lifted her gaze to his.

  He moved toward her and lifted her top off.

  “Nice bra,” he said, teasing the swell of her breasts with the tip of his finger.

  She’d bought new underwear on the off chance they might get to do this again. Now she was glad she did, because the look of appreciation on his face was well worth it. And the light touch of his fingers was causing her heart to beat faster. When he dipped his fingers inside her bra to tease her nipples, she gasped and arched against him.

  Will thought there was nothing as beautiful as the sight before him. Jane’s body was flushed with desire, her nipples tight, hard points against his questing fingers. He flicked the front clasp of her bra and separated the cups, baring her to him.

  She leaned back and let him pull the straps down her arms. He leaned over her and put his lips over one crest.

  She tasted sweet and soft, the sounds she made as he covered her breast with his hand and sucked her nipple into his mouth making his cock throb.

  Everything she did made him hard. She was beautiful and honest in her expressions, giving him everything, watching him as he pleasured her, her curiosity as natural as what the two of them were doing.

  He pushed her back on the bed and undid the button on her jeans, then drew the zipper down, his fingers brushing her soft skin as he pulled her jeans over her hips and legs.

  Man, he really liked her legs. After he dropped her jeans to the floor, he lifted one of her legs and pressed a kiss to her calf, smoothing his hand over her thigh. Her eyes glazed and her lids partially closed. Her breasts rose and fell as her breathing deepened.

  Yeah, he liked watching her body. All of her body, especially her eyes as he put her leg down, leaned over her, and mapped a trail over her skin with his lips. Her eyes were windows, showin
g everything she felt. The blue would go dark and stormy when she was mad or turned on, then bright and sparkly when she was laughing. He could get lost in her eyes—hell, in all of her. He was a goner whenever he was around her. Her skin was like silk and he couldn’t get enough of touching her, tasting her, breathing in her scent. She smelled like fresh strawberries, and he put his lips on her, wanting to lick her all over. He started at her hip bone and worked his way up over her ribs. She giggled—ticklish there—but she definitely didn’t laugh when he covered her right breast with his mouth and took a long, slow suckle.

  She grabbed his head and held him in place while he licked and sucked. He reached down and slid his hand over her sex. Even through her panties she was damp. He caressed her, teasing her. She arched her hips against his hand, whimpering, her hands grabbing the covers.

  His dick pounded in answer.

  He moved down, kissing her belly, sliding his tongue in her navel, then moving lower. Here, her scent grew more exotic, sweet and musky, and he couldn’t wait to taste her, to take her right to the edge and watch her fall over.

  He drew her panties down and slid his tongue over her, and she cried out, spreading her legs for him, trembling as he licked her and found her clit, then put his lips around it and sucked.

  “Will. God, Will, yes.”

  Here was where she was most responsive, and where he loved to give her pleasure. And she took it, arching against him with fervor. When she came, it was with an unabashed cry of release. He held her hips and took her right where she needed to go, loving the taste of her as she released.

  He stood, enjoying the sight of her body bathed in that blush of orgasm. She sat up and reached for his zipper, her knuckles brushing his cock as she drew the zipper down.

  Her eyes were dark with spent passion as she locked gazes with him while she pushed his jeans past his hips. He stepped out of them, watching her while she removed his boxer briefs and grabbed hold of his shaft.

  And when she leaned forward and took him in her mouth, it was his turn to fight for breath.

  He swept her hair behind her back and held it out of her way so he could watch her pleasure him. He tightened as she took him deep, his muscles tensing when she rolled her tongue over every ridge, then licked the sensitive crest of his cock before engulfing him, using her hands to stroke him.

  He shuddered, right on the edge.

  He pulled back, leaning over to kiss her, cradling her head in his hand so he could take the kiss deep. She pulled up and aligned her body against his.

  He felt the rapid beat of her heart against his chest, the way she trembled. He felt the same way, that if he didn’t get inside her soon he was going to explode.

  He laid her back on the bed and grabbed a condom, put it on, then slid inside her.

  She threaded her fingers through his hair as she arched upward. “Yes,” she said on a gasp. “This is where you’re supposed to be.”

  His gut tightened at her words and he thrust deep. “Yeah. Right here.”

  After that there were no more words because he was swept into a maelstrom of sensation, of her body taking him over, her lips meeting his in a kiss that electrified him. And as he moved inside her, he knew there was no other place he’d rather be, no other woman he wanted to be with. She fit him perfectly. Her body was made for his, and as she tightened around him and climaxed again, he went with her, groaning against her neck as he exploded with his release.

  Later, when he could breathe again, he rolled to his side and pulled her to face him. He brushed her damp hair away from her face.

  “Mind if I stay the night?”

  Her lips lifted. “I was hoping you would.”

  “Good. I brought extra condoms.”

  “I bought a box of them. They’re in the bedside drawer.”

  “See? This is why we’re so well matched.”

  She grinned. “I think so, too.”

  It was going to be a long night, and he didn’t think there’d be much sleeping.


  In the past several weeks Jane and Will had been out as much as possible, given her schedule and his.

  Her mom had been really helpful, offering to watch the kids, even during the week. Jane had balked at that at first, since school was in session. But she did want to see Will, so she allowed herself to spend at least one weeknight with him. Sometimes they went out, but usually just for a quick bite to eat, and then they’d end up at her place for some alone time before she had to go pick up the kids.

  The alone time was her favorite part, when she and Will got to know each other’s bodies.

  He was really good at getting to know her body. And she loved worshipping his. After all, it was a great body. She could spend hours looking at it, touching it, tasting it. Those hours always seemed way too short.

  But it wasn’t just the two of them. And she loved that Will insisted they spend time with the kids, too.

  Last weekend, Will had suggested they all go to the zoo. It had been a long time since Jane had taken the kids to the zoo. She didn’t know why. Busy with stuff and other things to do, she supposed. But the kids loved the idea, so off they went.

  A lot had changed at the zoo. A lot had changed in her life lately, too. Namely having Will a part of it.

  Tabitha loved Will. At the zoo, she’d held his hand and dragged him to all the exhibits. Apparently Tabitha and Will shared a love of penguins, so it had practically taken an act of Congress to get the two of them to leave the penguin exhibit. Only the suggestion of lunch had pried them away.

  And then there was Will and Ryan’s shared love of sports. Will had talked to Ryan about baseball, and Ryan had asked if Will would like to come to one of his games, which Will of course said he definitely wanted to do.

  Since tonight was the next scheduled game, Will had showed up, just as he said he would. And the third base coach had come up sick, so Will had gamely offered to pitch in and help.

  Jane had to work at the day-care center, so she hadn’t been there, but they’d met at the house for pizza afterward, and Ryan had given her practically an inning by inning recap. He had a definite case of hero worship. Apparently Will was an aggressive third base coach, so he’d pushed a couple of the kids to run like hell for home on a couple doubles, resulting in them winning the game by two runs against a pretty powerhouse team.

  “You should have seen it, Mom. I thought Coach was going to explode. But Will was right. He had seen Henry and Brandon run, so he knew they were fast and they could sprint for home and beat the throws. It was awesome. He made the right calls.”

  Jane looked to Will. “And you didn’t get in trouble with the coach?”

  Will gave her a look, one of those supremely confident masculine ones that curled her toes. “Please. I was in charge of third base. I knew what I was doing. No way would I have waved them on if I wasn’t sure they were going to be safe.”

  “See, Mom?” Ryan said.

  “I do see. Well done, Will. And I’m glad the team won.”

  After pizza, Will helped Ryan with his geography homework while Jane worked with Tabitha on her spelling. It felt like a family. Epically scary, but solidly comfortable at the same time.

  She didn’t quite know what to make of that.

  She gave Tabitha a bath and got the kids settled for bed, then came out to hang out with Will. They watched a movie for a while.

  “I hear Ryan wants to go to a camp next summer.”

  She paused the movie and turned to him. “Where did you hear that?

  “From Ryan.”

  “Oh. Yes, there’s a camp he wants to go to, but it’s too expensive, so I had to tell him no.”

  “He told me that, too.” Will half turned on the sofa to face her. “The thing is, I was wondering if you’d let me pay for it.”


  He arched a brow. “Why not?”

  “Because…just no. Thank you, but no.”

  “Jane. I want to do it for him. It’s a
great camp. I went there when I was a kid. They have awesome activities like archery and canoeing and backpacking. It’s good physical exercise and a chance to learn to work as a team. They have a great counselor-to-kid ratio, and it’s reputable.”

  She didn’t want to have this conversation about the camp—again—and especially not with Will. “I don’t have a problem with the camp, I just can’t afford to send Ryan there. Maybe someday, but not now.”

  He let the topic fall off—for about five minutes, before turning to her again. “Is there some problem with me wanting to help out?”

  She sighed. “Yes. I’m the parent. You’re not. I don’t need or want your charity.”

  “Ouch. It wasn’t charity. It was a gift.”

  She knew she wouldn’t be able to explain this right, but she had to try. “Look, Will. I appreciate it, but my kids need to learn to live within the means I can provide them without outside help. I’m the parent and I need to give them what I can afford to give them. And if I can’t afford to provide them something, then they have to learn to go without. It’s not like basic food or clothing or shelter. This is a luxury item.”

  “I get that, I really do, Jane. But I have the money and I kind of thought I was part of your life. Part of their lives. Why won’t you let me do this for Ryan?”

  “Because you’re not his father. And you’re not a part of his life.”

  The words had fallen out of her mouth before she’d thought about what she’d said. And now she couldn’t take them back.

  Will looked stricken.

  “Will. That’s not what I meant. Let me explain.”

  “It’s okay.” He stood.

  “It’s not okay. Let’s talk about this.”

  “No, really. I understand. I’m gonna go.”

  She stood and followed him to the door. “Please don’t leave.”

  He turned to her. “I appreciate and respect your independence, Jane. But at some point you’re going to have to open up and let someone in, and that means sharing your life with the kids. And that means letting someone help, even financially. I know that’s a sore spot for you, but—” He shrugged. “Whatever.”

  He walked out and she stood at the door, watching him as he got into his car and left.


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