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Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3)

Page 51

by Bev Pettersen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Horses stomped, eager for breakfast, jolting Jessica awake. Grumbling, she rolled over to check her alarm. Four o’clock. Twenty minutes to shower and dress. She sat up and gently shifted Kato’s warm body. The cat must have left the boy and joined her sometime in the night. She switched on the light. Stared in dismay.

  The boy had vanished. Worse, both blankets and the fancy leather jacket were gone too. So he was either searching for another sleeping spot or had bolted. His dirty clothes were here though, still stuffed in the white plastic bag, so perhaps he planned to return.

  Voices drifted through the door. She scrambled from bed, realizing she’d soon see Mark. She’d been so busy with the boy, she hadn’t indulged in her usual brooding-over-the-boss time. Being at his house yesterday now had a surreal quality. She remembered his bed, but the rest was a little hazy, although her breasts tingled with traitorous warmth.

  She rushed to the shower, throwing Terry a friendly greeting. When she finished, she jogged around the barn and in the back entrance, just in case Mark had arrived before she was suitably dressed. She flipped her hair in a ponytail and grabbed her favorite striped shirt off the handlebars of the bike, pausing for a moment to survey its damaged metal frame.

  She’d hinted to both Mark and Dino that Lefty’s bike needed repairs, but neither of them had rushed to fix it. Very inconvenient because if the knife man was skulking around, speedy transportation was essential.

  She burst from her room, buttoning her jacket, and checked the board. Her new horse, Missy, was scheduled to gallop with the first set and Buddy with the third. She liked to think Mark had split them up to give her more time, but it was probably just a coincidence.

  She entered the stall, speaking softly to the filly. Missy stared and flicked her ears, as though surprised her groom was no longer Maria. Jessica checked her over, unwrapped her bandaged legs and brushed her until she gleamed.

  “Good morning, Jessica.” Emma Rae’s pretty face appeared over the stall guard. “I’m galloping this filly today. Anything I should know that will help me earn points with your boss?”

  “Can’t think of anything,” Jessica said, embarrassed to admit she barely knew the horse. “Good of you to get up early to gallop.”

  “Mark suggested it. And you know he always gets what he wants.”

  Jessica’s head shot up and she stared at the jockey, searching for a hidden meaning. But Emma Rae seemed focused on Missy.

  “I’m tired this morning, so please tell me she isn’t flighty,” Emma Rae continued as she tightened her safety vest. “Last night Mark also said I should cut back on the drinking and lose a couple of pounds.”

  Pain twisted Jessica’s gut at the realization Mark had been with Emma Rae last night. “Celebrating something?” she asked, surprised her voice sounded so level.

  “No, but he promised to put me up on your Buddy horse for his last race, and then Buddy’s being retired. So maybe we can celebrate then.”

  Mark appeared, silhouetted in the entrance to the barn and hollered for the first set.

  “Come on. Tighten that girth,” Emma Rae urged. “I have to keep Mark happy.”

  Jessica stopped Missy in the aisle and boosted Emma Rae into the saddle. She pasted on a smile, watching the effervescent jockey join Mark at the end of the shedrow. He didn’t glance in Jessica’s direction, just nodded at each rider as they passed him at the entrance.

  She grabbed a pitchfork and cleaned the mare’s stall, working mechanically, telling herself she was overreacting. Mark met with different people every night, all kinds of people, all of it necessary for work. And, yes, Emma Rae was pretty, bubbly and single, but that was no reason to be jealous.

  She’d never worried about Anton…who was now engaged to her best friend. She scooped up such a huge load of soiled straw, it almost tipped the muck bin.

  “There’s a big box of donuts in the tack room,” Maria called as she rushed past. “Hurry, before the best ones are gone.”

  Jessica hung up her pitchfork and followed Maria. Her stomach had growled for the last hour, and yesterday’s peanut butter and jam sandwich seemed weeks ago.

  “Oh, wow, look at this.” She stared in glorious indecision at the generous box of donuts, unable to decide between a glazed or chocolate. “Who brought these?”

  “Mark, I think. He’s in a super good mood. Assets had a bullet work yesterday.”

  “Assets worked yesterday?” Jessica blinked in confusion. “But Mark wasn’t here…I mean…I heard he wasn’t at the track yesterday morning.”

  “He wasn’t. He must have been doing something really important to miss Assets’ work. And to bring us all donuts today.”

  “Yeah.” Joy warmed Jessica’s chest. She grabbed a chocolate donut, wrapped the glazed one in a napkin, and hummed as she left with Mark’s donuts clutched in her hand.


  “Want me to cool out Ghost?” Carlos asked.

  “No, send me Jessica,” Mark said. “Tell her to bring a helmet.”

  Jessica appeared five minutes later, a battered helmet tucked under her arm and a wary look on her beautiful face. “I didn’t know we needed helmets to walk a horse,” she said.

  “You’re going to ride.” He adjusted the stirrups for her legs. “Then maybe you’ll be more understanding of your jockey.”

  Her eyes widened, and she backed up. “Is this punishment because I blamed Steve for falling off? Because I totally understand now that betting is risky. And so is riding.”

  “Mount up.”

  “This actually isn’t a very good time for me. I was just about to knock down all the cobwebs, and Dino has those boots he wants cleaned.” She took another step backwards. “Besides, I’ve seen Ghost on the track. He’s much too fast. I’m not sure what Gramps told you, but I’m really more of a pony rider. A very little pony.”

  Her face paled and she tugged at her lower lip, but several grooms were in earshot. Had heard him give Jessica an order. He already gave her way too much slack. It was impossible to back off now.

  “Please, Mark,” she continued, her eyes as wide as saucers. “I really don’t want to ride. The last time I did, the pony rolled and squashed my leg. It wasn’t the least bit enjoyable.”

  “Climb on now,” he said quietly. “Job requirement.”

  She set her mouth and stepped up to the saddle, but her expression was mutinous.

  “Hands on the horn, toe in the stirrup and step up. Don’t kick him in the rump when you swing your leg over.”

  “What happens if I do?”

  Mark smiled. “He’ll buck.”

  “My old boyfriend is looking better and better,” she snapped but stepped on with surprising grace. He even had an opportunity to admire her long legs without anyone guessing.

  “Sit up and relax,” he said, leading Ghost down the road and away from the watchers. He gave her a few minutes to settle before glancing back, and from her ecstatic expression it was obvious she was already hooked. “How you doing, honey?” he asked gently.

  “Oh, Mark, I love this.”

  “So you don’t want to get off?”

  “No, this is fine. But maybe you could release the reins and let me ride by myself.” She gave him such a beautiful smile, his chest tightened, and he was glad he’d been able to think of an excuse to get her alone.

  He obligingly released the reins. She had a relaxed seat and good balance and soon was jogging circles like a pro.

  “Loosen your reins a bit more,” he called. “Ghost has a curb bit and is well-trained. He’ll do everything better if you leave him alone.”

  He propped his hip against a tree, ignoring the insistent vibration of his phone, and simply enjoyed her happiness. He should have realized she was a superb athlete after that incredible snag of Assets. It was clear in the way she moved, her easy grace, her toned body and the way she could wrap her legs around his back—

  He straightened, filled with urgency. “Finish
up and walk him back to the barn now. Ghost needs his lunch. And so do we.”

  “Could I ride him later this afternoon?”

  “If we get back in time.” But he had no intention of coming back until four-thirty. He’d been thinking of her all morning, staring at his horses but not really seeing them. Dino had been the one to notice the bay gelding was a little off, and that wasn’t good.

  Observation was the most important element of training, not only of the horses’ physical appearance but also of their emotional and mental state. They needed balance in every area. When he was younger, he always had his horses physically ready but hadn’t been so attuned to their mental needs. Now he accepted that all aspects were equally important.

  Buddy was the perfect example. Jessica’s loving care had the horse thinking he was the main man again, and the gelding bounced with energy. Of course, it couldn’t be sustained. After fifty-six races, Buddy had more than his share of aches and pains. But they only needed to nurse him through one more race, and then he’d earn his retirement.

  Mark hated the idea of pushing another race on the old fellow, but Buddy was safer with him than any other trainer. And Jessica loved the horse. She’d be devastated if Buddy wasn’t in his barn.

  She pressed a rein against the left side of Ghost’s neck, turning him neatly on his haunches. “Show off,” he called, secretly impressed she was such a quick study. He could tell she’d always need a challenge, something to keep her stimulated, and although skiing was out, riding might be an option. With her grandfather’s backing, she could train and compete in any discipline she chose.

  “There’s an English saddle in the tack room,” he said. “It‘s bigger than the exercise saddles. Tomorrow you can try that. But you’re a naturally relaxed rider, so you might prefer western.”

  She tilted her head, as though giving it serious thought. “Well, let’s see. What clothes would be more fun? The flashy western shirt and silver buckle, or the black velvet helmet and skin-tight breeches?”

  “I vote for the breeches,” he said, staring up at her, high and saucy on his horse. And completely out of reach. She wore a striped shirt, and purple lines banded her breasts. He’d always admired her body, but now that he knew what was underneath, it was increasingly difficult to keep his hands in his pockets. “Time to dismount,” he added, his voice gruff. “You can loosen the saddle here and lead him back. That way we can pop him in the stall and get to my place.”

  “In a hurry, boss?” She flashed him an innocent smile.

  I’ll let you find that out for yourself, he thought.


  Traffic crawled, but it gave Mark time to finish his never-ending paperwork. He’d shoved a pen and notebook in Jessica’s hand, bribing her with thirty minutes in his Jacuzzi if she updated while he drove. Since he intended to join her in the tub, he considered it an excellent arrangement.

  “Sixty days at the farm. Okay, Doc.” He reached out and adjusted the car speaker. “What about the stifle x-ray? The owner wants to sell and is calling every hour.”

  He listened intently then cut the connection and glanced at Jessica. “Got that? Sixty days’ farm rest for Bridge Token. X-rays not ready yet on the Smart Strike colt.”

  She nodded. “And you want to call the farrier about glue-on shoes for the new two-year-old and check with the racing secretary about changing the conditions on Friday’s race.” Her voice lowered as she flipped through his scribble of notes. “Plus, call Emma Rae.”

  “I met with Emma Rae and her agent last night, along with Steve,” he said. “So the jockeys are taken care of.”

  He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve such a beautiful smile, but she seemed relieved, happy about something. And he liked to see her happy, didn’t like the loneliness that clouded her face when the other workers rushed off to their apartments or thoughtlessly excluded her with their Spanish.

  However, she simply didn’t fit. She was a penniless groom sleeping in a stall but walked and talked like an owner. Her sheer class made people uneasy. Maria, bless her heart, had smoothed Jessica’s way, but there would always be a chasm—an even deeper one if people guessed she was sleeping with him. And God help them, he wanted her too much to care.

  He turned in his driveway and switched off the ignition. Heard her stomach growl. “Damn, I’m sorry, Jess. I should have stopped and grabbed you something to eat.” He and Dino always met for a big meal in the morning, but the grooms were far too busy.

  “Maybe we could make a couple peanut butter and jam sandwiches?”

  Her hopeful expression made him feel like a jerk. He hadn’t given her time to run to the kitchen, and she’d probably only eaten a donut or two. Tomorrow he’d bring Egg McMuffins, enough for everybody so no one would guess who he was really trying to feed.

  His jaw hardened as his annoyance at Boone spiked. The man was utterly callous, dropping his granddaughter into the backstretch. Setting her up to quit in despair. Instead, she’d coolly handled everything thrown at her and developed into a pretty good groom.

  He grabbed his briefcase, locked the car and followed her up the steps. The noon sun was warm, and she’d removed her jacket. Her jeans molded to her curves and when she slung the jacket over her shoulder, her shirt lifted, revealing the soft skin on the small of her back.

  God, he was horny. Since he’d had to keep his hands off her all morning, he indulged in a quick grope of her rear while he inserted the door key. She twisted in surprise.

  “Just brushing off Ghost’s hair,” he said, reluctant to admit how turned on he was. He followed her inside and kicked the door shut with a thud. Passed her the bootjack then tugged off his boots and caught up with her in three quick strides. Slid a hand around her hip and nuzzled her neck.

  “You’re going to have to feed me first if you expect top performance,” she protested. “At least a sandwich.”

  “Okay, but one kiss first,” he murmured, inhaling her fresh smell.

  “No, I’m not falling for that—”

  Silencing her with his mouth, he teased the corners, exploring the curve of her lips until her mouth parted. He slipped his tongue in, gentle at first then more persuasive, until she fused to him in a way that left him breathless. “I expect more stamina today,” he managed, sliding a hand over her breast, hiding his need with some flippancy of his own.

  “And I expect lunch,” she added, but her voice had turned husky, and he knew he was getting to her. He slipped his hand beneath her hair, holding her in place, deepening his kiss until her mouth turned soft and pliant. He dawdled with her breasts then drifted lower. Ran his palm up the inside of her leg and cupped her, until her fingers gripped his shoulders and she arched against his erection.

  “Unbuckle my belt, Jess,” he said, needing to know she shared his desire—the hell with food.

  She yanked the buckle open, fumbled endlessly with his zipper, but at last her warm hand held him, stroked him, until he couldn’t think of anything except this maddening woman who was tilting his world. He fumbled in his back pocket for his wallet and extracted a condom. She snatched it from him and kneeled down, teasing him with her mouth as she tugged it on. Teasing him even more. Jesus.

  “Uncle,” he finally croaked. Her eyes held his as he flipped her onto the floor and tugged her jeans off. Spread her legs and thrust. Heard his groan, knew he was rushing but couldn’t slow. She was slick and wet, and he felt like he hadn’t had sex in a year.

  He felt her telltale quivers and grabbed the back of her thighs, spreading them further so he could ram deeper. Felt his own release coming, shuddered and collapsed with her.

  It was almost impossible to move, but he mustered the energy to shift to his side, pulling her to him, keeping her close. She burrowed into his chest. He pressed his lips against the top of her silky head but didn’t say a word, couldn’t, just twined his fingers around the back of her neck and held her.

  They both must have dozed. When a horn tooted outside, she stiffened
and tried to pull away.

  “Lots of time yet,” he murmured, pressing the sensitive spot on her lower back that he’d already learned made her arch into his chest. “Let’s move to the bedroom.”

  She blew out a teasing sigh. “The Labor Board isn’t going to like this. What about the Jacuzzi and sandwich?”

  “You can have anything you want. Afterwards. Now please, just run along to bed.”

  “Anything? Like a hamburger or something?”

  “Oh, babe, you drive a hard bargain.” He probably would have given her Assets to groom if she’d asked right now. Which was the reason it was never smart to sleep with employees. It clouded judgment and pissed everyone else off. Right now, he didn’t give a damn about pissing off anyone, including Boone or Dino or the rest of his staff.

  But she’d already risen and sauntered down the hall, bare legs flashing, and he caught a peek of her beautiful ass. He hadn’t even got her T-shirt off and she acted like they were finished, passing his bedroom and disappearing into the kitchen. He wanted her again but this time he’d have more control, slow down and linger. He just needed more time.

  He found his jeans beneath the coffee table and pulled out his phone. Checked the time. Damn. Already three-thirty. If he did manage to coax her back to bed, there definitely wouldn’t be time for a bath and a meal. Not unless he found someone to look after her two horses and Dino supervised night feeding.

  But she’d been working hard. Deserved a little break. He dragged his hand over his jaw and made an impulsive decision. Called Dino but felt torn as he made the request.

  She was rummaging in the fridge when he walked in. “Find anything good?” he asked as she added thick slices of cheddar cheese to a huge plate of crackers.

  “Here.” She shoved the plate across the counter. “Quickest I could do, but it still leaves me twenty minutes for the Jacuzzi. I’m taking a rain check on the other ten minutes and,” she shot him a defiant look, “I’m taking any leftover cheese and crackers home.”


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