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Chase Calloway

Page 5

by Sandi Lynn

  “I’m having a beach party on Saturday with some people here at the office. It would be rude of me not to invite you. It’ll be fun. You should come. There will be a lot of alcohol, surfing, sunbathing, volleyball, barbeque, music, and when nightfall hits, a big beautiful bonfire where you can roast marshmallows. I have one every year and it’s a blast.”

  “Thanks. I’ll think about it.”

  “Okay. Have a good night. Still looking forward to spending the evening alone?” He smirked.

  “Yes.” I grinned.

  “Sounds boring, but to each his own. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He walked away, and I couldn’t help but laugh. I shoved the flyer into my purse and called it a day.

  After the market, I took my bags, two at a time, up the stairs and into the kitchen. Once I put away all the groceries, I cooked myself some dinner. Nothing fancy. Just a small homemade pizza and a salad. I took it over to the table and sat down, looking out the window at the palm trees that lightly swayed back and forth. I glanced at my purse, which was sitting on the chair next to me, and pulled out the flyer that Chase had given me. I typed in his address, 2715 Ocean Front Walk, Venice CA, and discovered he only lived fifteen minutes from me. That was a little too close as far as I was concerned. Maybe attending his party would be a good thing. Mrs. Buckley always taught me to look for something positive in a negative. Chase Calloway was a negative, but the positive aspect of his party would be that I would get to know my co-workers and potentially make some new friends. Unlike the backstabbing bitch from back home, the one I grew up with and had known since I was six years old.

  As I was cleaning up the kitchen from dinner, there was a knock at the door, and when I opened it, Mrs. Graham was standing there with a plant.

  “Mrs. Graham. How are you?”

  “Hello, Kinsley, and please call me Delilah.”

  “Come on in.” I smiled.

  “This is for you, dear, a little housewarming gift.” She handed me the green plant.

  “Thank you. That was so sweet. Can I make you a cup of coffee or some tea?”

  “A cup of tea would be nice.” She smiled as she took a seat at the table. “What’s this?” She picked up the flyer.

  “Chase Calloway invited me to his beach party on Saturday.”

  “Oh, that was nice of your boss to do that.”

  “Not my boss. His son. He works there as well.” I grabbed two teabags from the cabinet. “He’s actually asked me out to dinner twice.”

  “And you haven’t gone?”

  “No.” I smiled as I poured hot water in two cups. “He’s not my type.”

  Next thing I knew, Delilah pulled out her phone and brought up a picture of him.

  “Oh my. He’d certainly be my type.” She winked.

  I set the cups on the table and took a seat.

  “Are you going to go Saturday?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. It would be a good opportunity to get to know some people from work.”

  “And it would be a good opportunity to get out and explore. Now back to Chase Calloway. Why won’t you have dinner with him again? And don’t tell me he’s not your type. This man is everyone’s type.”

  “I’m not looking to go out with any guy right now or for a long time. Remember why I moved here. Plus, he’s a total Casanova. You should see how he flirts with all the women. It’s like they’re under a spell when he’s around. It’s nauseating.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Well, I can definitely see why.” She smiled. “Just go to the party and have some fun. You deserve it. You’re settled here now so there’s no reason not to.”

  “I’ll think about it.” I smirked.


  The next morning, after Mr. Calloway left for a meeting, I walked over to Lexi’s desk.

  “Morning, Lexi.” I smiled.

  “Good morning, Kinsley.”

  “Are you going to Chase’s beach party on Saturday?”

  “Yeah. His parties are always the best.” She grinned. “I hope you’re going to go.”

  “I don’t know. I’m still thinking about it.”

  “Well, you should. There’s going to be a bunch of us there.”

  “What a way to start the day.” Chase smiled as he stopped at Lexi’s desk. “Good morning, Kinsley.”

  “Good morning.”

  “Did you stop by to see me?” he asked with a smirk on his face.

  “No. I came to see Lexi.”

  Lexi snorted.

  “Oh. Well, it’s nice to see you’re making some friends here. Lexi, I need to go over a few things with you in my office when you’re finished.”

  “I need to get back to my desk anyway,” I spoke. “Lunch?” I asked her.

  “Sounds good.” She smiled.



  “What do you need to go over with me?” Lexi asked as she stepped into my office.

  “What did you two talk about?” I responded as I leaned back in my chair.

  “Really, Chase?”

  “Yes. Get on with it.” I waved my hand.

  “She asked me if I was going to your party.”

  “Is she coming?”

  “She doesn’t know yet.”

  “Well then, it’s up to you to make sure she comes.” My brow arched.

  “I can’t force her to go, Chase.”

  “True. But you can certainly persuade her, darling. In fact, you can do it at lunch today.”

  She cocked her head at me. “What is it about her that has you all wound up?”

  “I don’t know,” I spoke with seriousness as I stared at her.

  Kinsley Davis was one hell of a sexy woman. I’ve been with a lot of beautiful women in my life, but there was something different about her that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I wasn’t the type of man to really get to know the women I slept with. I honestly could have cared less. I knew they would never amount to anything and that was the way I wanted it, so why bother getting to know them. But, from the moment I saw her, something inside me was pulled towards her. I couldn’t explain it even if I tried. Now I was counting on Lexi to make sure Kinsley attended my party. She needed to be there. I needed her to be there.

  Chapter Twelve


  I opened my eyes and let out a big yawn before climbing out of bed and changing into my workout clothes. Over the past week, I made it my daily morning routine to run along the beach before starting my day. Now that I was living in California, I needed to make sure I stayed in shape.

  I made a cup of coffee, brushed my teeth, and put my hair up in a ponytail. After placing my Apple watch on my wrist, I grabbed my earbuds and my key, and headed out the door and across the street to the beach, where I would run at least three miles. As I was running and trying to concentrate on the music that was playing in my ears, the only thing I could think about was Chase’s party. I knew it would be fun, but at the same time, I was nervous, and I had no idea why.

  After my run, I hopped into the shower, put on my bikini, and then slipped into my short sundress. Grabbing my bag, I climbed into my car, punched Chase’s address into my phone, and headed to his house. My belly was fluttering with nerves and I had a subconscious suspicion it had something to do with Chase Calloway. His incessant flirting all week was getting to me. Don’t get me wrong, he seemed like a nice guy. A guy who was way too sexy to walk the face of the Earth. But again, I knew his type and he wasn’t mine. If I was into one-night stands or a casual fling now and again, I’d jump on that in an instant. Would it actually be so bad to try it? After all, I did come to Cali to reinvent myself, try new things and start fresh. I could ditch the old Kinsley Davis and have some fun for once in my life. This was California, not Berkshire, Indiana. Everyone and everything seemed so alive and the vibe was amazing.

  I pulled up to the curb down the street from his house since there was nowhere else to park and walked up to the front door, where I rang the doorbell, and a man in a black
suit answered.

  “Good afternoon, are you here for the Calloway party?” he asked.

  “I am.” I smiled.

  “Please come in. Mr. Calloway is out on the beach with the other guests.”

  “Thank you.”

  I stood in the entryway and gasped at his beautiful home. White. Everything was white. From the walls to the furniture and the moldings that were complemented with a white-washed oak floor. As I was following the man in the black suit to the patio door, Lexi came from I wasn’t sure where.

  “Kinsley!” she exclaimed. “You’re here.”

  “Hi, Lexi.” I smiled brightly.

  “Come on, let’s go down to the beach.”

  She hooked her arm around mine and led me out the French double doors and to the sand, where people gathered all around, playing volleyball, sunbathing, surfing, and sitting at round tables talking with one another with drinks in their hands.

  “Well, hello there, Kinsley.” Chase smiled as he scanned me from head to toe. “You look lovely.”

  “Hi, Chase. Thanks.”

  “Thanks for coming. You won’t be sorry. I’ll catch the two of you later. I have to run into the house for something.” He smiled.

  Lexi walked me over to where she had three chairs set up and a large umbrella staked in the sand to provide some shade.

  “Can I get you something to drink? There’s every kind of liquor imaginable.”

  I looked over to my left and saw a bar set up with a bartender shaking cocktails.

  “Seriously? He set up a bar out here?” I asked.

  “He’s Chase Calloway. When he does something, he goes all out. How about a margarita? This guy makes the best watermelon ones.”

  “That sounds good.”

  “I’ll be right back.” She smiled.

  “I hope you’re having a good time,” I heard Chase’s voice approach me from behind.

  I tilted my head back as he stood over me with a wide grin across his face.

  “I’ve been here five minutes.” I smirked.

  “Right,” he spoke as he set down his surfboard and took a seat in the chair next to me. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Lexi’s getting it for me. Thanks.”

  “So tell me, Kinsley.” He leaned closer to me. “Have you ever been surfing?”

  “No. This is actually the first time I’ve been on a beach. Well, I mean, when I moved here.”

  “Seriously?” He chuckled. “Why is that and where are you from?”

  “I’m from Berkshire, Indiana and that’s where I’d been for the past twenty-four years.”

  “Sounds dreadfully boring.”

  “Oh. It is. Trust me.” I gave him a small smile.

  “Here’s your margarita,” Lexi spoke as she handed it to me. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Welcome to California. May you find the fun you seek.” Chase smiled as he held up his glass of scotch to me.

  “Thank you.” I gave a small smile as I brought my glass to his.

  “Surfs up, bro!” Steven yelled as he ran past us with a surfboard.

  “I’ll catch you later, sweetheart.” Chase grinned as he stood up, took off his shirt, grabbed his board, and ran down to the water.

  I gulped as I stared at his ripped body. His washboard abs, biceps that were the perfect size, and muscular back made my legs tighten. Lexi made it back and introduced me to a couple of friends of hers. While we all sat and talked, my eyes kept diverting to Chase on his surfboard.

  “Let’s go swimming!” Lexi spoke with excitement as she stood up and slipped out of her cover-up.

  Swimming in the ocean was something I’d always dreamed of, so I took off my sundress and followed Lexi and the other girls out to the water.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I was sitting on my surfboard when I saw Kinsley and the girls heading towards the water. Instantly, my cock started to rise as I stared at her in her bikini. Her hourglass figure was something to be desired as well as her perky C-cup breasts, which were scantly covered by her bikini top. The best part about her was that she was natural. Almost all the women I’d been with had breast implants, which I found nothing wrong with, but I preferred natural ones. And from what I could see, they were perfect. Once she was in the water, I paddled my surfboard towards her.

  “Get on.” I smiled.

  “Your surfboard?”

  “If you’d prefer to get on something else, I would be more than happy to accommodate you.” I smirked.

  “I bet you would.”

  “Come on. Get up here.”

  She glared at me for a moment and then climbed on my board facing me, and we sat there for a moment while the waves rocked us back and forth.

  “What do you think?” I asked.

  “It’s nice. I take it you surf often?”

  “I surf every day. Mostly in the mornings before I head into the office. It helps clear my head.”

  “I know what you mean. I run every morning before work on the beach across from my apartment.”

  “I definitely can tell,” I spoke.

  “Excuse me?” Her brow arched.

  “I mean, look at you. You’re in great shape. I can tell you take care of yourself. You’re sexy.” I winked.

  “And you’re nothing but a big flirt.”

  “Thank you.” I grinned. “It’s an art actually.”

  “And one you’ve seemed to master very well.”

  “What can I say? Beautiful women bring out the best in me.” I smirked.

  “Good to know. Thanks for the chat, but I’m going to head back to shore,” she spoke as she tipped off my surfboard and swam away.

  I sat there watching her with a narrowed eye. She was a small town girl with no life experience. I could change all that. I could show her what living life in California was all about, and I intended to keep pursuing her until I got what I wanted.

  “I saw you chatting Kinsley up,” Steven said as he swam up on his board next to me. “Make any progress yet?”

  “No. Not yet.”

  “I’m thinking you need to forget about her. Plus, I don’t think she’s your type.”

  “And what is my type?” I glared at him.

  “A chick who is kind of dumb. The airhead type. Kinsley isn’t that girl. She’s smart.”

  “Exactly, and it’s refreshing.”

  “Ah. I see what’s going on here.” He pointed at me. “You want her so bad because she turned you down and no chick has ever done that. You see her as a challenge and you won’t stop until you’ve won. She’s a game to you.”

  “Maybe,” I spoke as I watched her walk across the sand. “I’m hungry. Shall we eat?” I smiled at Steven.

  We paddled our boards back to shore. Once I was out of the water, I tucked my board underneath my arm and set it down by the house.

  “Chase!” Amanda yelled as she and her posse came running over.

  “Hello there, darling.” I grinned as I stared at the four lovely ladies in their bikinis.

  “This party is so cool. Thanks for the invite.” She threw her arms around me and gave me a hug.

  “Well, you’re welcome. The party just wouldn’t be the same without you beautiful women here.”

  “Maybe later we could…” She smiled playfully.

  “I think that could be arranged. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to grab something to eat. Enjoy yourselves and make sure to drink up!” I winked.

  I walked over to the buffet table that was set up on my large patio and noticed Kinsley was in line and talking to Jarrod, one of the programmers at the office. He was a good-looking guy and I could see the light in his eyes as he was talking to her. I needed to stop their conversation.

  “Hello, Jarrod.” I smiled at him as I cocked my head.

  “Hey, Chase. Great party.”

  “Thanks. Kinsley, can I speak with you for a moment,” I spoke as I grabbed the plate from her hand.

  “Umm. S
ure.” Her brow furrowed.

  I walked her and her plate over to a small table on the patio and set it down.

  “What now?” she asked as she took a seat in the chair.

  “I just wanted to give you a heads up about Jarrod. He just got out of a three-year relationship.”

  “Okay? And?”

  “I just noticed you getting chummy with him and I thought you should know. He’s not in a good place right now.”

  “I didn’t know I couldn’t talk to someone who just got out of a relationship. Plus, he seemed fine to me.”

  “I wasn’t saying that. I just saw the way he was looking at you and I thought you should know in case you were thinking about going out with him.”

  “He didn’t ask me out, Chase. We were just having a conversation. You know, like normal people do? And even if he did ask me out and I went, what business is it of yours?”

  “It’s totally my business since you refuse to go out with me.”

  Her eyes narrowed as she brought her fork up to her mouth.

  “I won’t go out with you because you’re a walking STD.” She smirked.

  “I most certainly am not. I’m totally offended by that comment. I’ll have you know that I take protection very seriously. In fact, it’s probably the most serious thing I take in life.”

  “Good to know.”

  A smile crossed my face. “Now that we’ve cleared that up, have dinner with me tomorrow night.”


  “Come on, Kinsley. You’re killing me here. I want to get to know you.”

  “Why?” She cocked her head.

  “To be honest, I don’t know. I just do, and you should be flattered because I generally could care less about getting to know someone.”

  She set down her fork and placed her hand over her heart.

  “Mr. Calloway. You’re right. I am flattered,” she spoke in a sarcastic tone.

  I rolled my eyes and sighed.

  “Fine. I’m not asking you again. But I will say that you missed out on one of the best times of your life.”

  “I’ll live.” She smiled.

  “Enjoy the party, Miss Davis,” I spoke as I got up from the table and walked away.

  Chapter Fourteen



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