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Saxon (Shared Survival Book 1)

Page 5

by Annalise Alexis

  “Sure am. Left some stuff at my place that I need. You picked a fantastic day to start giving a shit about your job.”

  “I’m only down here because Tomas spotted your dinghy getting hammered with some pretty strong swells. You should really check the radar before being that far from shore in one of those little things. You could have gotten yourself killed.”

  “Ah, thanks. Appreciate you looking out for me. Now piss off. It’s gross out here. I’m going home.”

  He chuckles and looks over my shoulder. I can’t explain how but I know Saxon is glaring at him and two seconds away from charging over and flinging him into the ocean.

  “Nice raincoat. You should tell your man to size up.” He squints, trying to focus, and lets out a slow whistle. “And to get a tan. Damn. He’s pale as hell. Where’d you find him? The bottom of the sea?”

  Heh. Not fucking funny, Joseph.

  Saxon’s only partially covered by my second-hand sunflower raincoat. The hood obscures his face, and he’s wearing the tight black pants, but his feet and both forearms are sticking out.

  Not to mention his broad chest and super defined abs. The coat is too small to close in the front.

  Joseph can see him well enough to notice his skin, but with how hard the rain is pelting us, there’s no way he can see much else. I just need to get this conversation over with and get Saxon back to my place.

  A quick glance at Joseph’s uniform tells me he’s not wearing the body cams they normally do when patrolling, so, thank God for that. This soggy weather is actually useful for once.

  “You might want to keep your voice down. He’s pretty sensitive about his fashion.”

  “Hey, as long as he takes care of you, Leigh, he can walk around in a fuckin’ tutu for all I care. Just make sure your dinghy’s gone before the weekend’s over. I’m here until Sunday night and can make sure no one messes with you, but you’ll get ticketed if anyone else catches you leaving it on the beach.”

  I give him a faux salute. “Sir, yes, sir.”

  “Get the fuck out of here with that. I’ll see you later.” He turns and jogs back to where he parked his car, and the anxiety that’s wrapped its way around my lungs doesn’t uncoil until his butt’s in the seat.

  I can’t get back to Saxon and Binky fast enough. I’m tired, and my head still aches from smacking it against Henrietta’s hull.

  “He’s gone. Come on, let’s go.” I start to head toward the road but let out a squeal when Saxon lifts me up without warning. Binky hops off his shoulder and reluctantly settles on my chest. I swear the little tart would abandon me for him.

  “Whoa, I can walk. You don’t have to carry me.”

  Saxon tightens his grip and grunts, and I swear, I can feel it all the way down to my toes. “It is either carry you or track down the male you just spoke with and maim him for being near you. I am a logical being, Mu Xitall. But my attraction to you goes beyond rational thought.”

  “All right, then. You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  Chapter Six


  Her golden hair sits like a crown upon her head as she seeks refuge in my arms, and it takes all that is within me not to beg her to quench my thirst for her. The softness of her curves are hidden beneath layers of fabric, but just the hint of their warmth…

  By the ancients, if I’d known the fires her scent alone would stoke, I’d have cut out my own tongue for my foolish resistance to leave Revaris in the first place. I did not understand.

  When the elders first told me I was one of the Exune—the chosen group of Revari males meant to find their mates on other worlds—I was angry. As males, we are taught from a young age the immense importance of taking a female and curating the mate bond. I spent years aching for the one meant for me, then to be told I must wait longer?

  I was pissed.

  When we left Revaris and headed into the great black hole, I had little hope to find her.

  But then her need stirred me awake—the familiarity of her energy slamming into me like an armor-wrapped fist—and I knew it was the ancient sky spirits themselves who had placed her within reach. She is mine, created for me in every way, and I will not forget what has been gifted me.

  Liquid falls from the sky, pelting my female, and no matter how I hold her, she cannot escape. This damned planet is so wet. My cock throbs with each step, and after tasting my Leigh, even for the briefest of seconds, I am struggling to tame my desire for her.

  Her cheek shifts against my skin as she tries to cover the tiny beast in her arms and protect it from the liquid pouring down. I do not understand the benefit of such a creature. It offers nothing but the softness of its pelt, yet demands everything. Its fangs are far too small to take down predators, and judging by the density of its build, it is not made for combat. So, what does it do?

  My female leans up, cupping her hand around her eyes to shield them from the violent wind. “We’re here. Just put me down and I’ll grab my keys.”

  A growl builds in my throat, and I want to protest but I silence the selfish desire. I do not ever wish to let her go, but until she truly understands the extent of our connection, her body is not mine to command. The honor of plunging into her sweet flesh must be given, but when I finally seat myself between her thighs and feel her shudder beneath me, she will know…

  Our existence begins and ends with one another, and I will protect her at all costs.

  Cool air wraps around my skin as she slides from my arms, taunting me, but when she grabs my hand to pull me inside, my need for her hardens against my suit.

  She closes her dwelling, a place made of some sort of metal and painted wood. No sign of programmable weapons or monitoring devices. This is where she has been living? Unsecured and free for any male who wishes to force his way through the door? How has such a beautiful creature survived alone?

  The tiny overlord jumps from her arms and disappears, and for the first time since we met, I have my female all to myself.

  Her feet drag in exhaustion as she trudges over to a cushioned seat of some sort and collapses onto it. She still wears the thin covering she threw on right before she fell asleep and her skin is far too pale. I despise being so ill prepared to care for her. If this were Revaris, I would have placed her in a natural spring and massaged away her fatigue hours ago, but here?

  She needs warmth and nutrition and I do not even know what food her kind eat. With only the lower half of my suit, I have little to offer her in the way of clothing, but if I could just find…

  My female’s eyes grow heavy as she fights to stay awake, so I do not rouse her. Using her scent as a guide, I find my way to her sleeping quarters, grab the first warm covering I see, and lay it beside her. She stirs and answers my efforts with a smile. “You got me fresh clothes? Sorry I’m being so lame. I feel like I haven’t slept in days.”

  “You are tired, Mu Xitall. Change and rest. I will guard your dwelling.”

  Her tired smile twists into a gasp. “Oh, shit, I’m a terrible host! My mother’s probably rolling over in her grave! You have to be starving.” She jerks up and scurries off toward a small room in the corner with a large cold box. “I don’t have much, but I’m sure there’s something in here…”

  Several clanging sounds ring out, and she struggles to open a jar. Without thought, I take it from her hands and pry the lid free. Her eyes linger on my forearms, and I lean in, unable to control my need to be close to her.

  Her pupils dilate, and a rush of pride swells in my chest. She feels it, too. Our connection is growing. The longer I am near her and ignore my instinct to mate, the harder it is to respect her desire for distance.

  My female clears her throat and drops her gaze to the flat, white sponge she is preparing. “Keep it in your pants, Leigh,” she mutters under her breath while she spreads brown and purple goo on the two pieces of fluff then slaps them together. “All right, dinner is served.”

  “What is the name of this?” I ask, putting the bland c
oncoction to my lips. I will eat what my female made for me, no matter the taste.

  “Peanut butter and jelly. It’s not exactly gourmet, but it’s all I’ve got.”

  The fluff goes down like a thick paste, but surprisingly enough, does not taste as terrible as it looks. “ It is del-i-ci-ous, Mu Xitall,” I force out with my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth.

  She snorts and hands me a glass of wet ooze. “Here, you’ll need this.” I cock a brow, already irritated by its attempts to take her from me earlier. “It’s just water, Saxon. Drink it.”

  “It tried to steal you,” I growl.

  “Right, juice it is then.” She pours me a glass of something sweet, then leans heavily on the counter. Cradling her in my arms feels like second nature, and when she relaxes in my hold, the edge of my wild desire for her eases.

  “You have fed me. Your mother will no longer roll. Sleep now.”

  She says nothing for a moment, only studies me. “I don’t think I can. To be honest, this whole day has been so insane, I’m afraid if I do, I’ll wake up, you’ll be gone, and I’ll still be inside Henrietta at the bottom of the ocean.”

  I guide her to the room that holds her scent the strongest. “Then I will rest alongside you and carry you through your dreams.”


  My phone vibrates on my bedside table and nearly falls to the floor. Thank goodness it’s on silent because an exhausted Saxon still snores softly beside me. His arm’s draped across my belly and his face is tucked in close to mine.

  I thought he was beautiful awake, but asleep he’s damn near breathtaking. No wonder I can’t seem to keep myself in check around him. I don’t know anyone with a pulse who could.

  Making sure to pull the covers over my head to muffle the sound before I listen, I check out who the hell would be calling me this late. Or is it early? With black out curtains and a partially healed head wound, it’s hard to tell what time it is.

  The clock on screen informs me it’s only mid-afternoon. Well, that makes sense. I guess I haven’t been sleeping for as long as I thought.

  A number I don’t recognize pops up on screen, calling a second time, and a notification for sixteen voicemails streams across the bottom. I shouldn’t to listen to them. I already know they’re going to make me feel like crap, but my anxiety and OCD won’t let me refuse.

  There’s no telling what kind of shit show is going on at the boat. The rest of the crew has to be back by now and there’s no way they haven’t noticed Henrietta’s gone. Or that I’m gone. And when they go to check the footage they won’t find it either since I turned off the upload before I went down.

  I’ve made such a mess of this.

  The first six are just panicked messages from my team trying to figure out where I am and where Henrietta is, but the next has me stopping dead in my tracks.

  Risa’s panic-filled voice pours through the speaker. “Leigh, where is the Nautil—Henrietta? And where are you? I don’t know what’s happening or what’s going on but you need to call me. People are saying things. Things that I know can’t possibly be true but it’s gone beyond the team and law enforcement is involved. Please, wherever you are. Call me. This is bad.”

  Wait, what is she talking about? They’re calling the cops on me for sinking Henrietta? I don’t understand. With shaking hands, I scroll through to the next voice message and listen to all of them.

  No. This isn’t possible.

  Message after message plays and each one says a variation of the same thing. Not only are people wondering where I am and what happened to Henrietta, but apparently, they’re calling to tell me I’m under investigation for stealing and mishandling funds. And an officer boarded the boat today with cuffs. Which means they could show up here at any moment. Thank goodness they have a tiny police force or I’d already be in jail.

  Someone’s trying to frame me, and really, there’s only one person it could be.

  Elgin? But why?

  Sliding out of bed quietly is nearly impossible with the way Binky and Saxon sleep, but I manage and tiptoe into the bathroom to throw some water on my face. This can’t be real life. I mean, what would have happened if I had stayed? If Elgin had never fired me and stolen my dive. What? Would they have carted me away in cuffs when I came up for my victory party?

  How long has Elgin been framing me for these crimes? And more importantly, how am I just now finding out about it?

  I feel like such an idiot. I knew I should have said something the moment I noticed Elgin cutting corners and denying my requests but I assumed as long as his crazy was focused the other way it wouldn’t bite me in the ass. I’d just keep my head down, do my work, make history, and then branch out after I’d made a name for myself.

  Yet, here I am—ass thoroughly chewed into little bits, trying to figure out how to keep myself out of jail. And how to keep Saxon hidden.

  How am I going to get myself out of this?

  My computer at the lab! I keep all my important stuff on several external hard drives—one of which is with Anya—but my laptop has all the proof I need to show Elgin’s the one misappropriating the funding. I don’t even have access to the project accounts.

  Rather than risk waking anyone up, I sneak out the front door as quietly as possible, not even bothering to change. There’s a slim chance everyone’s still on the boat looking for Henrietta and haven’t made it back to the lab.

  I know I don’t have a job, but I can prove I’m innocent and Elgin’s the dickhole stealing money, I can keep my freedom at least. The image of Saxon’s handsome face lingers as I make my way toward my car.

  I can’t imagine what me being arrested would mean for him, or what he would do. Something tells me there’s no way he’d ever let someone take me away from him, and he’d probably get himself into one hell of a mess trying to keep me safe.

  I can’t put him in that position. He deserves more than that.

  Holding my breath, I slide my card through the reader and pray it unlocks. I’ve done this thousands of times, but this is different. This time I’m breaking into a building that I’m not welcome in to steal a laptop and a whole bunch of confidential communications that, by law, don’t belong to me.

  Ding. Oh, thank God no one’s had the chance to revoke my access yet.

  The locks flip open, and I quietly pass through the door, then toss a look behind me to make sure Saxon didn’t somehow follow. It feels so dishonest to leave without waking him, but I didn’t want to bring him here in case things go sideways. I don’t even want to think about what a man like Elgin would do if he knew aliens existed.

  The thick leather strap from my cross-body bag bites into my shoulder, but it’s the only one I have big enough to fit my work laptop and most of my notebooks.

  As always, it’s dark, per Elgin’s ridiculous rules about leaving the lights on, and it looks completely empty like I hoped. The rest of the crew must still be on the boat. I should have the place to myself.

  Since I have a few extra moments, I want to grab my favorite coffee cup. My sister sent it to me for Christmas a few years ago before she decided I was a steaming pile of shit just like our dad and refused to speak to me, and I don’t want to leave it behind. It’s a custom made picture of me vomiting rainbows and swimming with dolphins. It might seem dumb, but it’s the only thing I have of hers to hold on to.

  Taking a quick detour to the right, I hurry into the kitchen and search through the cabinets where I always leave it. Wait. Why is it sitting on the counter? I know I washed it and put it up before I left.

  The smell of stale coffee and…what is that?—bourbon?—rise from the cup, and my heart skips a beat. We all left for the boat together. No one would have any reason to come in, unless…

  “I was wondering when you’d show up.”

  Nearly jumping out of my skin, I fumble the cup, catching it just before it slams into the ground ,and whirl around to glare at him. “Elgin? What the hell!” I screech. “Why are you just standing t
here in the dark? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  “Of course not. Why on Earth would I want to do that?” He laughs and lifts a flask. “You deserve something far more painful for the shit you just pulled.”

  Already sensing this conversation is going to go downhill quick, I try to back slip past him but he blocks my way. “I was just going to go pack up my office—”

  “Did you enjoy it? Letting me parade around this morning like I was about to make history when you’d sank my most prized possession in the middle of the fucking ocean!”

  His spittle flies in my face as he screams the last bit, and I flinch at the anger in his voice.

  “Look, I can explain,” I squeak out, stuck somewhere between trying to bite my tongue and fearing for my life. He’s unhinged and drunk. I always thought he was a harmless tool, but his bloodshot eyes are wild and unwieldy.

  “No need. I’ve seen the footage.”

  The room suddenly gets hot and my throat goes dry. “What are you talking about?” The only footage is inside Henrietta at the bottom of the sea. I made sure to turn everything off but the single inside camera.

  “I said, I saw it for myself, you ungrateful brat. You didn’t actually think I’d trust you after you sank the Juniper, did you?”

  “Elgin, what did you do?” I ask, voice cracking. The last of my bravado drains with the sneer on his face.

  “I had Johan insert an undetectable recording device that streamed directly to my private server. I’ve watched you, Leigh. Every second you’ve spent inside my machine, pissing away my money…” He takes a long swig, then wipes his mouth on the sleeve of his two hundred dollar shirt. “I will say, those pink shorts of yours quickly became my favorite. They almost made your fumbling around bearable.”

  Nostrils flaring, I clench my jaw, trying to look intimidating. Elgin might be a guy, but he’s barely taller than me and I’m not exactly dainty. “Get out of my way. I’m leaving.”


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