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Saxon (Shared Survival Book 1)

Page 15

by Annalise Alexis

  “Fine. You can come. Wait, what do you mean they took her?”

  The hair raises on her back as my claws lengthen. “Show me. Show me where she fell. But stay back, tiny creature, because once I scent her blood, everything around me is going to die.”

  Chapter Twenty


  A loud thud echoes through the metal chamber when I free myself from the human soldier’s grip and fling him into the wall opposite me. First, they attempted to draw my blood and take samples. Those males ended up in shreds. Second, they decided to inject me with multiple medications in an attempt to subdue me.

  So far, those have not worked in their favor either and, despite my restraints, I have been able to protect myself.

  “Grab his hand! Just grab his fucking hand and slap it on there!” Elgin commands, pointing to my pod. He’s desperate to get inside, yet unwilling to do the work himself. Sweat drips from his brow, and he kicks a chair across the room in a fit of rage. “It’s not that hard! He’s in chains.”

  Jacob throws down the controller in his hand. “Then do it yourself! I’m sick of this shit. We’ve been at it for nearly an hour just trying to get close enough to grab him, and he kicks our asses every time! We’re scientists. Not rodeo clowns. My contribution to science shouldn’t require getting my face smashed in.”

  The two soldiers nearest Elgin exchange a glance, surprise widening their eyes. The largest of the two slaps a hand on Jacob’s back and pulls him away.

  “Boss, he’s right. We have him. He’s enough for now. The big guys in the States will figure the rest out. We don’t need to get in his ship.”

  “Levowitz, if I wanted your opinion, I’d fucking ask for it,” Elgin yells, charging up to the male who dared to speak. “He isn’t enough. I want them both and I don’t care if you have to carve the answers out of him, I’m going to get them!

  “Leigh made me look like a complete fool when she sank the Nautilus right in front of my colleagues—people with more money and reach than you could even wrap your simple little brain around. Sterling already blames me for her stealing his money, some of the committee even think it’s me! I need something big to earn back my seat at the table and this is my fucking ticket there.”

  The male called Levowitz shakes his head. “Look at him. He’s not going to tell you anything or walk over and do what you want. We don’t even know if he speaks English. You found a fucking alien. Isn’t that enough recognition?”

  Elgin jerks his chin to the males standing outside the door of the metal container and it creaks open. “This one needs to disappear.”

  “What the hell? You’re serious?” Levowitz asks as he gets dragged away. “You can’t do this, asshole. You’re not God.”

  “You’re right. I’m more powerful.” The speaking device in his hand rings out and he answers—his twisted frown transforming into a grin. “Get him out of here and bring me someone else who wants to make some money. This thing will talk. We just need to give it the right motivation.”


  “If you don’t quit smacking me in the side of the head with that gun, I’m going to kick you in the nuts first chance I get.”

  My knees buckle as the soldier who dragged me out of the sand kicks the back of my legs, and I go down, hard. Fuck. Note to self. Don’t talk crap when the dude holding you at gun point’s standing right behind you.

  “Get up and shut up.”

  I throw up my hands after he roughly yanks me to my feet, thankful I had I time to shove the plastic shard I’d managed to keep down into my pocket. “Sorry, sorry. I’m not used to being pushed around.”

  He purses his lips then shoves me forward again. “You don’t say.”

  “Well, I might be a little more cooperative if you’d just tell me where you’re taking me. Any chance it’s to the ladies room? Because I really need to piss.”

  “Might as well tell you, I guess. Not like it matters to me one way or another what that little prick wants to do with you. We’re going to see Elgin. He’s got your boyfriend chained up on the other side of the beach, and things aren’t going so well for him. Seems the freak doesn’t want to talk.”

  I turn back and glare at him. “He’s not a freak.”

  “Touchy touchy,” he mocks. “You really screwed that thing, huh? What’s its dick look like?”

  “I know you’re not seriously asking me that.” But he is. And it’s weird as hell. What’s with men and their obsession with dicks?

  The closer we get to the more populated area of the beach, the more anxiety I have. I’m trying to walk slowly, but every time I drag my feet, he shoves me forward again and it hurts. I need to figure out a plan. I can’t let them take me in there with Saxon and use me as leverage to get whatever they want. And that’s exactly what they’ll do.

  As we pass the last dense patch of trees off to our left, I consider all my options. There’s only one right now, and it’s the best one I’ve got. “Okay, I was serious before when I said I need to pee. Can you please let me go pop a squat. The last thing I want to be doing when I talk to Elgin is worrying about pissing my pants.”

  Soldier guy laughs. “You really think I’m going to buy into that shit? What? You think you’re going to take off through the woods and escape? Not happening.”

  “Please? You can watch me if you want. I don’t care, but I really have to go.”

  He eyes me for a second, then lifts the rifle in his hands. “You run, I shoot. I don’t give a shit what Elgin says. There’s no way I’m taking a chance on you getting away from here and telling the government I’m involved.”

  “You’re from the US, huh? You stationed at the base over on Guam?”

  “Stop with the questions, Nancy Drew and take your piss.” I start to walk off to the right a bit, and he jerks me back toward him. “I don’t want to watch you piss, but I never said I wasn’t going to keep an eye on you. Squat here. I’ll take a few steps back.”

  Damn. The petty part of me was really hoping I’d get the chance to pee on his shoe.

  The wind on my naked butt feels wrong, and I’m so nervous, I can’t squeeze a drop out. Once I yank up my pants, I kick some dirt around, trying to hide the fact I didn’t really need to pee and bend down once more to tie my shoe. Or pretend to at least.

  “Oh, come on now. That’s the best you’ve got?” He stomps over. “There’s no use in delaying the inevitable. Get up.”

  “He’s going to kill me.”

  “Better you than me, blondie. I’m trying to get paid, not disappeared.”

  “Aw, you’re afraid of him?” I ask, throwing in a snort just to see if I can get under his skin.

  All traces of humor flee from his brown eyes. “Nah. Not him, but the spooks he has ties to? All the off the books shit he’s got his sticky little fingers in? Yeah, those are the people I’m trying to avoid. I’ve got my own family to worry about, and Elgin plays dirty.”

  How did I never know this? I’ve spent forever working for Daxx Corp. Sure, I knew Elgin was a creep, but I didn’t know he was a criminal mastermind. Seems almost comical to think of him that way. Especially since I spent our entire work relationship thinking he was an attention-hungry tool.

  “You don’t want to be here do you?”

  I never noticed before, mostly because I’ve been too busy trying to figure out how not to die, but the dude looks exhausted and uncomfortable. Maybe, he isn’t the heartless bastard I first assumed he was. Maybe, just maybe, I can talk him into letting me go.

  It’s worth a try…

  “Would you? None of us wanted to be involved with shit like this. But once you’re on his payroll, you get whatever dish you’re served. Money’s good, but some of the messed up stuff we’re expected to do…” he shakes his head and tightens his grip on the gun. “Let’s just say it’s not for everyone, and if you can’t handle it, you get handled. Know what I’m saying? So yeah, I feel bad for you. But is it enough for me to ignore what I’m supposed to do? Hell, no.�

  The radio attached to his collar starts to go off, and when he turns away, I slip my hand into my pocket and grab the plastic shard. I have no clue what I’m going to do with it, but it’s now or never and honestly, I left crazy behind and landed somewhere between desperate and dumbass about ten minutes ago.

  The static crackles over the line. “Ten-four. Yeah, she needed to piss. We’re on our way. Tell Elgin not to get his panties in a twist,” he replies.

  “Hurry up. He’s in a mood,” a curt voice says in reply.

  The soldier kicks the ground and laughs in a condescending way. “In a mood? Of course he is. He’s moodier than a bitch in heat.” He disconnects his ear piece and takes a swig of the water bottle from his back pocket. “Seriously, get up. Don’t make me rub your face in it.”

  The sharp edge of the plastic cuts into my hand, and a thousand thoughts barrel through my mind. What am I going to do with it? Jab him in the neck? Sure, he’s a jarhead mindlessly following orders and he’s threatened to kill me more than once, but something about shredding his carotid isn’t sitting right. This guy is about to turn me into Elgin, but I still can’t stomach the thought of killing him so violently.

  I can’t do it. There has to be something else. Letting the plastic fall back into my pocket, I use a pile of broken discarded branches to push myself up and wrap my hand around the thickest limb in the bunch. Gnarled and knotted, it’s firm and not as decayed as the others. The small burst of courage comes out of nowhere and before I can think too much about it, I grip the piece of worn wood and come up swinging.

  Shielding my face with both arms, I pant for a few seconds before peeking between my fingers.

  Holy hell, I did it. He’s laid out on his back, blood trickling from a gash on his forehead. He must have been looking away when I stood up. But why?

  Maybe because even with your pants up, your ass is still half out. See he wasn’t a complete piece of trash.

  The gun is right beside him, but his hand’s less than two inches away. If I can get it I’ll have something to protect myself with. Well, that is if I can figure out how to shoot it, but how hard can it be?

  Determined not to be like the cliché girl in horror movies, I tip toe toward him, careful not to make a lot of noise, and crouch down. The thick strap attached to the weapon is slung over his shoulder, but if I can pull it just right…

  As my fingers brush against the hard woven fabric, he flinches and sucks in a deep breath. I bite my lip hard, trying to silence the tiny scream threatening to escape, and if it weren’t for the adrenaline pumping through my veins, I probably would have freaked out.

  With a trembling hand, I try again. The beat of my heart is roaring in my ears and I’m starting to sweat.

  After all of this is over I’m going to need to be medicated.

  With a slow exhale, I inch the strap up over his elbow, then his wrist, and soon, all that’s left is getting it over his head.

  I can do this. I can so do this.

  If I can manage to lift his head without waking him, I’m home free. I can go save Saxon in a blaze of glory and finally tell Elgin to suck it. Or something like that. At this point, I’ll settle for not getting blown up or captured again.

  All right, Leigh. It’s now or never.

  As I’m trying to psych myself up to try one last time, the leaves rustle behind me. Before I have the chance to turn, something smacks into me, hard, and I’m ripped off my feet and tackled to the ground.

  Clawing at the hands wrapped around my waist, I roll out of their grip. A strangled gasp tears from my throat and I lunge forward, wrapping my arms around him.

  “Saxon?” I croak as my dehydrated eyes fail to muster tears. “They took you. I swear they did. How are you—"

  “Look again, female,” he says, and it’s only after I pull back do I notice a litter of scars splayed out against his chest and the gold cuffs on his ears. He’s not my Saxon. But he looks a hell of a lot like him, so much so I could swear he’s his—


  “Ah, so he did tell you about me. What did he say?”

  “That you were a pain in the ass. He left out the part where you’re his twin.”

  He tilts his head side to side. “Not the most pleasant introduction, but not far off from the truth.”

  A jolt of pain sings across my back where my shoulder jarred during my not so graceful landing. “Fuck, that hurts. Did you really have to tackle me?”

  “Tackle you? I was saving you. You may thank me now.”

  Hold up, just one second…

  “You didn’t save me. I knocked that big dude out before you even showed up.”

  Pavil narrows his eyes and looks between me and the guy I left unconscious on the ground. “Yes, but he was on the brink of awareness. If you had stimulated him anymore, he would have you pinned down by now. Again, you’re welcome, Leigh.”

  “You couldn’t have known that, but whatever, I’ll thank you anyway.”

  He smiles and puffs out his chest like he’s really something. “I was concerned when the sexual fur maiden reported your capture. I’m beyond pleased I was able to find you so quickly. And to think my brother doubted me,” he scoffs.

  Sexual fur maiden? Oh!

  “Are you telling me that my cat told you what happened to me? And what’s that about Saxon? Have you spoken with him again? Is he okay?”

  “She did. She’s hiding just over there. Waiting for news of my brother. You know she really has quite the obsession with him, and me as well. The creatures on this planet are so strange. The humans are even worse. The males here are completely inept.”


  “I mean, seriously. I could have slaughtered more than of them with ease."

  “Answer my fucking question! Is he okay?” Something shorts out in my brain, and I don’t mean to yell, but how unconcerned he seems makes me want to strangle him. What is he even blabbering on about? And why is he so relaxed when his brother’s probably strung up somewhere having God knows what done to him?

  Pavil throws his hands up, his long black claws gleaming in the sunlight. “By the stars, he said you were tough, but I had no idea. You will make an excellent addition to our collective.” I narrow my eyes and start to sound off on him again, but he interrupts. “He lives. In fact, from what I can smell, they are holding him right over there.” He gestures toward far end of the beach and the modified shipping container I was drawn to earlier.

  “So, they haven’t hurt him yet?” I ask, swallowing the lump that’s currently set up shop in my throat.

  “He has not been subjected to anything he can’t handle. You should have heard the nonsensical filth coming out of his mouth while he was unconscious. Nothing chaps his ass like being bested. I should know, I do it often.”

  “Not from what I’ve heard. He’s made it pretty clear you’re the one who always ends up on his back.”

  He laughs and claps his hands. “Look at you! Defending him. You are going to be even more pleasant than I expected. Perhaps this terrible planet will offer me an equally impressive mate.”

  “I’ll always defend him. No matter what it costs me. ”

  Expecting him to make another remark about how inept humans are, I look up to find him staring at me without a trace of humor on his face. Rather than joke, he gets up and helps me to my feet.

  “On Revaris, twin births are uncommon and highly desired. For us, protecting those we care for is of the utmost importance and, for a twin, the meaning of this goes deeper than the usual bond. You fought for my brother, Leigh. I will protect you as if you are my own…with my very last breath.” His eyes flicker with mischief. “Without all the mating benefits and fun stuff.”

  “Wow. That turned quickly.”

  He shrugs and takes my hand. “From my hand to his, female. You will be protected. Now let’s go get my brother.”

  “We need a plan. And that gun.” I jerk my chin toward the guy still passed out on the ground. Witho
ut word, Pavil walks over and removes the gun, punching the guy in the face for good measure. His nose crunches, and blood starts to well at the bottom of his nostrils.

  “Come. These Earthling pricks have been allowed to breathe for too long.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Hot sticky air clings to my skin, threatening to suffocate me. At first, the humans used a machine to circulate the air, making the cramped space they’ve strung me up in more bearable, but now? They have turned it off in response to my lack of cooperation, and the temperature has risen at least fifteen degrees.

  It is fucking hot, and the longer I remain here, the angrier I get. I’ve tried to break the chains, but with how they have suspended me, I am unable to do so. At least, not until my full strength has returned. I am healing, but every time they suspect I have recovered, they shock me again with their weapons, leaving me back where I started—pissed and waiting for Pavil to do what was asked of him.

  If I die like this because he is somewhere jerking off…

  I miss my mate and I despise not knowing if she is okay. I swear if those vile humans lay a finger on her… No. I cannot think like that and allow my rage to control my thoughts. I only have one other option and I will not use it unless my situation is dire.

  I will trust that Pavil has found my Leigh and is keeping her safe.

  Heavy boots scuff against the metal floor as one of the armed human soldiers jabs another electrical prod against my side. Pain ricochets across my chest and down my arm. They figured out quickly that shocking the less dense areas of my suit produces more pain.

  “What the fuck’s taking so long? You should be done by now.” The two males in the room jump, one nearly knocking over his tray of supplies. “This piece of shit is scheduled for transport in less than two hours. We need everything complete then.”


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