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Fix Me

Page 5

by Aubry, A

  When as much of the pizza as we could finish was gone, and the leftovers were in Finn’s refrigerator, we cuddled back on the couch and finished our movie. Once it was over, it was going on almost ten o’clock.

  “I suppose I should go,” I sighed, looking at the clock while Finn rubbed my back as I rested my head against his shoulder.

  “Do you want to go?” He asked quietly.

  “Not really, but I have to work tomorrow morning and you probably have practice.”

  “My practice isn’t until ten, and you don’t have to be to work until nine. Why not stay a little longer?”

  I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked at him, “Do you want me to stay longer?”

  He nodded his head quickly, a mischievous smile playing on his face.

  “And what are we gonna do?” I knew what I wanted to do, but it was his house…his rules.

  “Well, I want to do this.” He leaned forward without hesitation and kissed me deeply.

  My body did its own thing before I could control it and shifted to straddle his lap, my pencil skirt bunching up around my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I pushed the kiss to deepen. His tongue slipped into my mouth and found mine, massaging it slowly. This time, when a groan escaped, it definitely came from me. I had never been kissed like this before, every time felt like the first time. The fireworks exploded, my stomach did somersaults, my heart pounded. Finn murmured something against my lips, his hands touching the bare skin on my thighs up to where my skirt was bunching.

  I pulled back and giggled, “What did you say?”

  “Shit, did I say something out loud?” He looked up at me, his eyes growing wide.

  “You murmured something, but we were kissing so I couldn’t understand what you said,” I smiled, playing with the red University of Georgia shirt that he was wearing.

  “Oh, it was nothing,” he tried to play it off, but I knew he was lying.

  He always looked me in the eye unless he was nervous and, now apparently, when he was lying.

  “Finn, you can tell me…” I urged him.

  He sighed, his thumbs drawing little circles against the skin on the top of my thighs and my heart jumped into my throat, “I might have said that I want you…”

  I tried to hide my smile, “You might have?”

  He rolled his eyes playfully, “Okay, fine. I said, I want you.”

  I leaned forward and kissed his lips quickly, his eyes shooting up to meet mine finally, “I want you too, Finn.”

  My confession sounded rather innocent. The last time I had sex with Michael was over a month ago, and he was a selfish bastard when it came to sex. There were times when I didn’t even come because he finished before me. Most times I just faked it so that he would finish and get the hell off of me because he said something about my flaws to piss me off. I couldn’t even remember the last time I had an orgasm that wasn’t self-induced.

  That did sound a little sad and desperate, but it was the truth. If memory served me right, Michael had given me a total of maybe two orgasms in the three years we were together. He refused to do oral sex but demanded that I do it on him, and he fucked like if he went any slower than a jack rabbit, the world was going to end. It was like that movie Speed where if the bus went under a certain speed limit, it was going to explode…but with sex.

  “Really?” Finn sounded surprised.

  I was the one who was totally dumbfounded and surprised that he wanted me. There was a tiny voice in the back of my mind that said as soon as he saw my body naked, he’d change his mind. Mostly because of Michael and his douchebag ways. On more than one occasion he would tell me ‘You’re lucky I love you, otherwise I’d change my mind about having sex’ once he got me undressed. Those were just some of the days that I’d fake the orgasm, let him finish, roll out of bed, and go cry in my bathroom or his until he fell asleep.

  All I did was nod to Finn, I was afraid if I spoke I would say something stupid that would make him change his mind. He shifted me off of his lap and stood up, holding his hand out to me. I put my hand in his and he pulled me up off the couch with ease. Soccer players had to stay in shape, I assumed. That was probably why his biceps were so big.

  Finn led me around a corner to a winding staircase and we climbed the stairs together. Once at the top, he pointed to a door to our left, telling me there was a bathroom in there before he led me down a small hallway. The door on our right was the guest bedroom, and he opened the door on our left and walked us inside. The room was the same size as mine, if not a little larger and an archway showed what looked like a short hallway to our left with a door at the end.

  “What’s through there?” I asked, taking in my surroundings.

  Finn had a large king-size bed, light blue soft looking pillow cases and sheets seemed welcoming while he had a dark blue comforter covering the bed. His bedside tables were stained dark brown that matched his bedframe and he had a short but long dresser against one wall with an obscenely large television sitting atop it. Thank god, I wasn’t the only one with a television in my room.

  “That’s the master bathroom through that door. The hallway leading up to it is all closet space on either side,” Finn answered as he stepped up behind me.

  “Well, damn. You have more closet space than me,” I accidently blurted out.

  He softly chuckled as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and started to kiss my neck. I leaned my head to the side, giving him more access to my neck, my breath hitching in my throat. Someone kissing my neck had never felt this good, why was that?

  His hands tugged at the dress shirt that I had tucked into the waist of my skirt, effectively pulling it out of the waistband before he brought it up and over my head. Finn kissed down to my shoulder as he quickly unhooked my bra and pushed it down onto the floor. This was getting very real, very fast. In the back of my mind, I thought that I should slow it down. But my lust won over all and I willed it to keep going.

  Finn then traced his hands over my body until each hand had a breast under it. My boobs weren’t horribly large, I was rocking an on the cusp B to C cup. They weren’t perfect, this I knew both from my own opinion and thanks to Michael’s input. But the way that Finn’s fingers expertly kneaded them and teased my nipples, he didn’t think there was anything wrong with them. At least, I hope that was what that meant.

  As my nipples started to harden under his touch, a moan escaped my lips. The feeling of someone teasing me like that was a major turn on. When my nipples were so hard that they were standing up straight, Finn’s hands went to the waist of my skirt, trying, and failing, to find the zipper.

  “Where the fuck is the zipper on this thing,” he grumbled against my neck.

  I giggled, “Let me help.”

  He lifted his hands away from me as I reached over to my left hip with one hand and found the small zipper, easily pulling it down for him. His hands returned to my sides and pushed the fabric down until it bunched at my feet. I was now naked in front of him, except for my panties. I felt more vulnerable than I ever had.

  Every negative thing that Michael had said to me over the last three years flowed through my brain. Finn turned me around to face him and all I could do was watch him nervously as his eyes dragged up and down my body slowly. When his mouth opened to speak, I held my breath and prepared for the worst.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous,” he groaned before he kissed me deeply.

  It took me a second to respond to his kiss as his words processed in my mind. He…he just called my body gorgeous. My mind was still jumbling around trying to work it through that he actually said that to me as Finn grabbed onto my hips and tossed me onto the bed as though I weighed nothing. I laid there panting as he slowly removed my panties. When he stood up straight, I realized at one point or another, he had taken off his shirt.

  The moonlight that filtered in through his window was bright and lit up the glorious body of the man that stood in front of me. I had already known that h
is biceps and arms were muscular and big, but his torso and chest were so chiseled it looked like he was modeled after Michelangelo’s David. His abs literally looked like someone had taken a chisel to his body and carved them out, his pecs were toned, and his waist made that sexy V into his pants that led in the direction of a certain appendage I would get to see tonight.

  Finn pushed my legs open with his hands as he kneeled on the edge of the bed. What in the world was he doing? He wasn’t even all the way naked yet. When his head went south very quickly, his mouth making instant connection with the most sensitive part of my body, I got the picture. Warmth rushed over my body as his tongue licked and teased my clit. I held onto the comforter below me as moan after moan escaped my lips.

  It was when Finn slowly slid two fingers into me that I realized an orgasm was close. There was no way that that was already possible. He had been down there for maybe five minutes, or had it been longer? Finn seemed like he knew what he was doing though, so that could have been it. Just as my orgasm was teetering on the edge, Finn took my clit into his mouth and sucked lightly. Pleasure erupted all over my body as my orgasm shoved me over the edge so quickly I almost didn’t know what hit me.

  “Fuck!” I screamed out, pure bliss washing over me.

  Not even any of my self-induced orgasms felt that good. Were there some type of drugs in the pizza we had for dinner? Because I didn’t know that an orgasm could feel like that. Finn pulled back and smiled at me, it was like he knew he had just given me one of the most amazing orgasms of all time. When he stood up and slowly unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down the zipper, I felt like I was a kid on Christmas waiting to see what the wrapping paper held beneath it. I could feel his eyes watching me as he pushed down his pants and boxers, his cock quickly springing free.

  Was my mouth hanging open? Please god, don’t let my mouth be hanging open. I needed to act as though I had seen a cock that big before. How did one actually play that off? He must have been several inches bigger and longer than Michael…Michael even said he was ‘above average’ and I believed him because I was so naïve at the time. Finn, now he was definitely above average. If I had to make a rough estimate based on observation, he was at least ten inches long. Would that thing even fit in me if it was that long?

  He finished removing his pants from around his ankles and reached into the drawer of his bedside table and pulled out a condom. They made condoms that went that big? Fuck, I had been wasting my time with Michael. I watched Finn open the foil of the wrapper and take out the condom. He pinched the tip and rolled it over his long, hard cock. I swallowed hard, wondering what this was going to feel like. When the condom was in place, Finn laid on top of me, one of his hands next to my head as his other one opened my legs more for him before he grabbed onto his cock.

  “Are you ready, Julianna?” He asked softly as his eyes met mine.

  There was something in them. It wasn’t lust like it was when he looked me up and down not that long ago. It was something else entirely. He was waiting for my approval, something Michael had never done.

  I took a deep breath and returned his gaze, “I’m ready, Finn.”

  He took his time easing into me, inch after inch slowly sinking into me. I groaned at the fullness, I had never felt that full down there in my life. Halfway through, Finn stopped to check if I was alright and I just nodded as I held my breath. When he was all the way in, Finn kissed my lips softly.

  I could feel his heart beating in his chest as he laid against me, he was just as nervous as I was. My arms wrapped around his neck as our kiss deepened and he slowly started to move. It was like a breath of fresh air having someone treat your body as if it was fragile. As if they were relishing every second of this intimacy.

  I moaned into our kiss as Finn gripped on my hip as my leg hooked around his waist. The feeling that that single shift caused was exquisite. I could feel my orgasm building once again as every thrust of Finn’s hit my desire for him.

  “Oh, Finn,” I groaned as his lips gently kissed down to my neck.

  His thrusts gradually picked up until they were at a moderate pace, it was the perfect setting to get my orgasm to reach the top all over again. I held back from letting it hit me like it did before, I didn’t want this to be over that quick. When our lips connected again, a whole new fervor picked up, one filled with passion and—dare I say it—love.

  “Julianna,” he moaned quietly against my lips, “You feel so good.”

  That was it. That was the sentence that pushed me over the edge when all I wanted to do was hold on. I was lost in sensation as I called out his name into the quiet room around us, my orgasm ripping through me for the second time tonight. Finn’s teeth gently sunk into my shoulder as he gave one hard, final thrust before his own release took over. Panting, my arms fell above my head as I stared at the ceiling. Were stars always in my vision, because all those little dots were not there when I looked at something before.

  After what felt like an eternity, Finn brought his head up from my shoulder and gazed down at me once again.

  “Did I hurt you?” One of his hands brushed the back of his fingers against my flushed cheek.

  “No, I’m okay,” I smiled shyly.

  He brushed his lips against mine, “You are amazing.”

  I didn’t know I could blush more than I already was, “I could say the same to you.”

  Carefully, he pulled out of me and took off his condom, tying it off at the end. I excused myself and went to the bathroom to clean up. When I came back, Finn’s bedside clock said it was almost midnight. It didn’t feel like we had been doing what we were doing for almost an hour, time seemed to fly by. Finn stood up from his bed once I was fully in his bedroom. His arms snaked around my waist and we were naked body against naked body once again.

  “Stay with me,” he whispered.

  The look he gave me was enough to make my heart flip, how could I say no to him when he gave me that look? His eyes were wide as he looked at me in a way that said he was already feeling something for me.

  “Okay,” I replied, his smile widened at my answer.

  He pulled back the blankets for me and I crawled into bed before Finn went to the other side and took his place next to me. He scooted up behind me, his arm coming around my waist as he kissed my hair. Putting my hand over his that laid out on the bed just in front of my body, I laced my fingers through his and leaned my back against him.

  His breathing slowed and when I glanced back behind me, his eyes were closed, and he was asleep. I pursed my lips to keep from turning into a giggly little school girl with how happy I was feeling. My head rested against the large pillow that was as welcoming as it looked earlier. The soft sounds of Finn’s breathing were my lullaby as I greeted sleep with wide open arms.

  Chapter Four

  My eyes slowly opened as sunlight poured into the room and something soft was pressing against my cheek. When they finally focused, I could see Finn sitting on the edge of the bed in front of me in nothing but a pair of jeans as he kissed my cheek. His damp hair tickled me before he sat up and smiled down at me.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he said softly.

  “What time is it?” I whispered, closing my eyes again.

  “Almost nine,” he said matter-of-factly.

  My eyes shot open as I sat up quickly, the blankets falling from my bare chest. Finn chuckled as I quickly crawled out of bed and started frantically dressing.

  “Why didn’t you wake me sooner? I have to be at work at nine, Finn,” I whined as I tucked my dress shirt into my skirt and zipped it up the side.

  “Hey, you looked so peaceful it would have killed me to disturb you.”

  I rolled my eyes at him, though not fully, and ran into the bathroom to take care of business. Using my finger as a toothbrush, I wiped down my teeth as best I could before rinsing my mouth out with mouthwash. I changed my hair from its horribly untamed messy bun to a high pony tail.

  It was a good thing I always
kept extra deodorant and perfume in my desk for when I had meetings and I wanted to smell good. I walked into the bedroom just in time to see Finn put on a solid black t-shirt that hugged his muscles. Sexual thoughts were racing through my head and I needed to get to work.

  We walked downstairs together, and I went to my purse to grab my phone. I would just call Larry and say that my alarm didn’t go off and I would be in shortly, it wouldn’t be a problem. My phone told me I had a voicemail already this morning, but it wasn’t from Larry, or anybody at work, it was from my apartment. I held my phone up to my ear to listen to the message.

  “Hi Julianna, this is Gwen down at the rental office. We had some of your neighbors report that a man was found sleeping outside of your door in the early hours of this morning. When the police came to escort him out, he claimed he was waiting for you. I’m not sure if you knew about that but I just wanted to make you aware of the situation. Have a great day.”

  Fucking Michael. His late-night texts were begging me to let him in, even when he knew that I would be asleep even if I was home.

  I threw my phone into my purse with a little too much force, “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

  Finn took a sip of his orange juice before handing me a glass, “That doesn’t sound good.”

  Taking a welcome sip, I sighed heavily, “Michael showed up at my apartment last night and fell asleep outside my door waiting for me to come home. My neighbors called the cops and they escorted him out of the building. I don’t know what to fucking do anymore, Finn. I’ve told him we’re over but he’s just not getting it.”


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