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Confessions: The Princess, The Prick & The Priest (Confessions Series Book 4)

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by Ella Frank

  Confessions: The Princess, The Prick & The Priest

  Ella Frank

  Ella Frank, LLC




  Also by Ella Frank


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Thank You

  Coming Soon

  Special Thanks

  About the Author


  Copyright © 2018 by Ella Frank

  Cover Design: Hang Le

  Cover Photographer: Wander Aguiar

  Cover Model: Jacob, Ryan & James

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  Everyone said our love wouldn’t work.

  That it was too hard, too complicated, too messy.

  Oh how I enjoy proving everyone wrong.

  My men are smart, sexy, sophisticated—

  and most of all, crazy about me.

  The only problem is trying to explain

  that to my big, opinionated Italian family.

  But after all we’ve been through, we deserve a

  happily ever after. And if there’s one

  thing I know about my guys, they always

  manage to have a few surprises up their sleeves.

  Also by Ella Frank

  The Exquisite Series




  The Temptation Series







  Confessions Series

  Confessions: Robbie

  Confessions: Julien

  Confessions: Priest

  Sunset Cove Series


  Devil’s Kiss

  Masters Among Monsters Series





  Blind Obsession

  Veiled Innocence

  Co-Authored with Brooke Blaine

  Sex Addict


  Wrapped Up in You

  PresLocke Series

  Co-Authored with Brooke Blaine





  To the three men who broke all the rules.

  You made me believe.

  You have made others believe.

  Now be happy, and love freely.

  I will miss you.

  Xx Ella

  Chapter One

  I’m not sure why everyone dreads their thirties.

  As far as I’m concerned, it’s going to be

  the best decade ever ~ Robbie

  Six months later…

  “LOVERS, I’M HOME,” Robbie Bianchi called out to his boyfriends, as he juggled several shopping bags in one hand and kicked the front door shut behind him. He stuffed his car keys into the pocket of his shorts, and as he evened out what he was carrying, he took the stairs that led him up to the first floor of their new home.

  With the same smile on his face that he’d left with that morning, Robbie headed across the hardwood floors past the dining room, and into the kitchen, where he spotted a note waiting for him: We’re upstairs, princesse. Come find us when you get home.

  Robbie grinned at the messy crown drawn above the i in princesse, but then quickly did as he was told. With one hand on the steel rail, he took the stairs two at a time, and as he reached the second floor where the bedroom was located, he walked inside to find it empty except for the fish swimming around the tank that lined the wall facing their bed.

  Dropping his shopping bags on the end of the mattress, Robbie headed up to the final floor, where he knew his men were waiting for him. He opened up the glass door that led to the penthouse deck, and when he stepped outside and the warm rays washed over him, Robbie took in a breath of fresh air.

  Ah, he’d always loved summer. Everything about it. The sun, the smell of the freshly cut grass, and the clothes—or lack thereof—Robbie thought, as he reached for the edge of his white tank top and drew it over his head.

  As he tucked it into the back of his shorts, Robbie scanned the wide deck, his eyes roaming over the wooden slat floor, the hot tub over in the corner, and the glistening water of the lap pool surrounded by the potted greenery bordering their rooftop oasis.

  This space had been the final selling point with all three of them when they’d made the decision to leave the condo after what had happened there with Jimmy. It was the perfect place for Julien to relax and do his yoga, for Priest, who loved a good soak to clear his mind, and for Robbie, for whom it was all about the calm he got from finally seeing his men happy and at peace. And that was exactly how he found one of them right now. There, stretched out on one of the sun loungers, was the brand-new reason that Robbie loved summer—an almost-naked Julien Thornton.

  Dressed in tight, black, barely there swim shorts that left little—okay, nothing—to the imagination, the only other thing Julien was wearing was a pair of Aviator sunglasses. His rich, olive-colored skin was glistening with water droplets as he lay sprawled out with his hands behind his head, and oh my God was he a feast for the eyes.

  As Robbie walked to the end of the lounger, his eyes roamed up Julien’s toned legs to his muscular thighs, and ended at the bulge that tight material was cupping like a glove.

  Oh yes, this was hands down the best part about summer now, and luckily for Robbie and Priest, tanning was a favorite pastime of their seriously sexy Frenchman.

  “Bonjour, princesse.” Julien’s honey-toned voice wrapped around Robbie, informing him that he’d been caught staring. But he didn’t care—not one little bit.

  “One second, please. I’m concentrating here,” Robbie said, his gaze trailing up all he could see to finally land on Julien’s face. “Now, sorry, what were you saying?”

  Julien chuckled as Robbie walked alongside him. “Bonjour, princesse.”

  “Oh, yes,” Robbie said, and bent down to brush a kiss across Julien’s lips. “Bonjour, Jules.”

  Robbie went to straighten, but before he got too far away, Julien took hold of the back of his neck and craned up for a deeper kiss. Robbie’s lips parted, and Julien slipped his tongue inside, making Robbie’s cock jerk to attention, as he braced his hand on the back of the lounger and sank into the deliciousness that was all Julien.

  “Hmm,” Julien said against Robbie’s mouth. “We missed you, birthday boy.”

  “Good.” Robbie nipped at
Julien’s lower lip. “That’s just the way I like it. You two here at home, pining after me.”

  “Cheeky boy,” Julien said, and shifted on his lounger so Robbie could sit beside him. “You taste like strawberries.”

  “Strawberries and cream,” Robbie said with a wink. “Don’t forget the best part. El gave it to me with my birthday present. It’s my favorite.”

  “Mine too, now,” Julien said, and slicked his tongue over his full bottom lip. “Did you have a nice lunch with Elliot?”

  “I did. I got myself a new pair of swim shorts,” Robbie said, and Julien’s lips curved.

  “Did you now?”


  “Then why aren’t you in them?” Julien said as his eyes shifted to Robbie’s purple shorts with white flamingos.

  Robbie grinned. “I just got home, Mr. Thornton. At least let me come and say hello before I get naked. Sheesh. Anyone would think you only want me for my body.”

  Julien sat forward and tapped Robbie’s nose. “Then they would be stupid. I want you for many reasons, princesse. One of which, I can’t deny, is your lovely body.”

  Robbie bit down on his lip as Julien ran a finger down the center of Robbie’s naked chest. Then he reached for Robbie’s arm and raised it, looking at the new leather strap that was wound around his right wrist. “Do you like?”

  Julien stroked his fingers over the braided leather and nodded. “I do. It’s beautiful.”

  “Right?” Robbie said, and looked down at the present Elliot had given him. “I’d been looking at it forever. I can’t believe he remembered.”

  “I’m not surprised. He’s a good friend.”

  “Yes, well, I suppose he is,” Robbie said. “Despite how much crap he gave me for finally turning the big three-oh.”

  “But can you blame him, princesse? You barely look a day older than twenty-five.”

  “Well, okay. I’ll take that,” Robbie said, preening from the compliment, even though he wasn’t really bothered at turning thirty. In fact, as far as he was concerned, this was the start of a brand-new Robert Bianchi.

  That’s right, bitches. Best decade ever, coming right up.

  “Where’s Priest?” Robbie said. “He promised me he wasn’t going to work this weekend.”

  “And I’m not.”

  Robbie looked over his shoulder to see Joel Priestley—the missing person from this conversation—walking across the deck toward them in a pair of hunter-green board shorts and a black tank that showed off the musculature of his arms. He had flip-flops on, a pair of sunglasses in place, and, as the sunlight caught his hair, he rendered the two men staring at him mute.

  Priest came to a stop by Robbie, leaned down, pressed a kiss to Robbie’s lips, and said, “I was in the bathroom changing my clothes so I could go for a swim.”

  “Well, you didn’t have to put on shorts for my benefit,” Robbie said. “You could’ve just stripped. Or better yet, you could’ve waited and let me unwrap you. I mean, it is my job and my birthday.”

  “You weren’t here, and it’s not your birthday yet,” Priest reminded him. “You told us August eleventh at ten in the evening.”

  “Of course you remember that.”

  “Of course I do,” Priest said. “There’s nothing forgettable about you.”

  Robbie’s stomach flipped at the offhand comment. Would he ever get used to people loving him the way that these two did? As though it was as natural to them as breathing? Robbie wasn’t sure. It still felt so…unreal to him.

  “Oh, and Julien,” Priest said, as he removed his top. “You do know that tormenting the two of us by lying around in those swim shorts every day is eventually going to catch up with you, yes?”

  Robbie’s cock went from alert to rock hard in an instant at that threat. Not to mention the look in Priest’s eyes as they trailed down over his husband. Robbie turned to look at the man stretched out behind him, and when Julien pushed his sunglasses onto his head, the heated look in that jade stare had Robbie palming himself.

  “I sure hope so, mon amour. I’m certainly not wearing them for my benefit.”

  “Uh huh,” Priest said, and Robbie let out a soft moan and got to his feet.

  After hours away from these two, Robbie wanted to strip right there and demand that someone do something to him, or vice versa. But with the afternoon sun blazing, he didn’t think any of them relished the idea of getting a sunburn where they’d rather…mmm not. So the best course of action was to go and get changed so he could get in the damn pool.

  “I’ll be back up in a minute,” Robbie said as he walked by Priest and trailed his fingers across his chest. “I’m going to go and change into my new swim shorts.”

  “Mm, you do that,” Priest said, and then looked down at Julien. “And now that the birthday boy is home, why don’t we kick off the afternoon right? Let me go get us a drink before I get in the pool.”

  “Oh, I can do that,” Julien said, but Priest bent down and kissed his mouth. “You stay put. If you come downstairs, none of us will come back up.”

  “You’re probably right,” Julien agreed. “Hurry back, then.”

  “With you waiting up here dressed like that?” Robbie said. “Count on it.”

  PRIEST SWATTED ROBBIE on the ass as the door shut behind them and they headed downstairs. Robbie disappeared into the bedroom, and Priest continued down until he was in the kitchen making all three of them a sangria.

  As he opened the freezer to get out some ice, he heard Robbie switch on some music and smiled at the throbbing beat that was now coming from the bedroom. It was, in a word, horrible. Yet one of the things he looked forward to hearing every single day.

  Priest was forever thankful for the man who was likely dancing around in the room above him, and the one who was relaxing up on their deck, and it was moments like this that reminded him how lucky he was to have them in his life—and just how damn close he’d come to losing them.

  Most days, the three of them were back to a fairly normal routine. Well, as normal as people could be after one was kidnapped, the other shot, and the other left waiting to know the outcome of such a horrible night.

  But once the finality of Jimmy’s death had sunk in, they’d decided they needed a fresh start, and after finding this place, the three of them had begun to establish a sense of security again. A stable ground on which they could finally nurture and grow this relationship between them. Something Priest and Julien planned to discuss further with Robbie this weekend.

  Priest put the drinks on a tray and, after cleaning up, headed upstairs to see if Robbie was ready. As he neared the bedroom, the music became louder, and when he walked inside, the sight that greeted him had Priest stopping in his tracks.

  Down on his hands and knees, his delectable ass in the air, Robbie was peering under the bed in search of something. Priest put the tray down on the dresser and walked across the hardwood floor, and once he was directly behind Robbie, he said, “Lose something?”

  Robbie’s head snapped up as he looked back at Priest over his shoulder, and then frowned. “Yes, my flip-flops. Have you seen them?”

  No, no, he had not. But that didn’t stop Priest from saying, “I think I saw them on Julien’s side of the bed the other day.”

  Lies. All lies. But with Robbie’s tight ass on full display, save the strip of material bisecting it, could anyone blame him? And Priest’s words had the desired effect. Robbie moved back to his hands and knees and crawled around the foot of the bed to Julien’s side.

  “I don’t see them,” Robbie complained, but Priest had stopped listening. “Priest? Priest? I don’t—” As Robbie looked back and caught where Priest was focused, Robbie arched an eyebrow. “Did you really see my flip-flops under here?”

  “What do you think?” Priest said, as Robbie got to his feet and strutted over to him.

  “I think,” Robbie said, and licked his lower lip, “that you like the swim shorts I bought today.”

  “Robert?” />
  “Yes, Priest?”

  “These are not shorts. There is no back to them.”

  “There’s a back,” Robbie said, and then slowly pivoted until his very naked one was only inches from Priest. “My back.”

  Priest placed his hands on Robbie’s hips, and then tugged him backward to fit his hardening length against the thin strip of material wedged between Robbie’s ass cheeks. “Has Julien seen these yet?” Priest growled.

  “No,” Robbie said, as he squirmed against Priest’s cock, and Priest dug his fingers into Robbie’s soft flesh and spun him around. “I bought them especially for my birthday. You like?”

  Priest walked Robbie backward until his ass hit the wall. “Can’t you tell?”

  Robbie aimed a mischievous look at Priest from beneath his lashes. “I can, but a boy never grows tired of hearing the words.”

  Robbie reached for the button of Priest’s shorts, but Priest was quicker. He wrapped his fingers around Robbie’s wandering hand and drew it up over his head, pinning it to the wall. Then he did the same with the other, until the handsy little minx was secure.

  “I don’t like,” Priest said, and lowered his mouth until it was a whisper above Robbie’s. “I love. Your swim shorts, your lip gloss, this god-awful music. But most of all…” Robbie’s blue eyes darkened as Priest fingered the leather strap at his wrist. “I love that you’re mine and Julien’s.”


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