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Confessions: The Princess, The Prick & The Priest (Confessions Series Book 4)

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by Ella Frank

  “JOEL.” JULIEN CHUCKLED. “Get your hands off me. I’m trying to make dinner here,” he said, as he expertly sidestepped Priest’s wandering hands and moved down the counter to where a knife sat on the cutting board.

  Priest leaned against the counter behind him and stared Julien down. “Well, you should’ve thought about that before you decided to invite me to assist.”

  “If my memory serves me correctly, I made you come down here because I found you with your ear pressed up against the bathroom door.”

  “I was just—”

  “Eavesdropping?” Julien suggested, as he began to chop the basil.

  “I was just making sure Robert was okay.”

  Julien shook his head as he scooped up the herbs and then moved to sprinkle them in the pot. “Sure you were. Have you forgotten who you’re talking to? You are being nosey. Admit it, mon amour.”

  When Priest pushed off the counter and walked toward him, Julien grabbed the wooden spoon and pointed it. “Stop right there, thank you very much.”

  Priest smirked, but Julien knew his limits, and ever since Priest had re-entered the kitchen, he’d had his hands, mouth, or body pressed up against Julien. Not that that was surprising. After all, Julien was naked, except for the white apron he’d tied around his waist.

  A few months back, when they’d been having dinner at Tate and Logan’s, Tate had let slip a conversation he’d once had with Robbie about white picket fences and naked men cooking for him. And while they’d all laughed, and of course joked that Robbie already had a naked chef whenever he wanted one, Julien hadn’t quite gotten around to fulfilling that particular fantasy yet.

  Tonight, that was going to change.

  “Did you honestly believe for a second that I would sit all the way over there, when you’re standing here in next to nothing?” Priest said.

  Julien stirred the pasta sauce and then raised the spoon to his mouth to taste. It was the exact recipe that Robbie had taught him—his favorite, the one his nonna used to make—and once Julien was satisfied, he turned his eyes on Priest, who had, oui, moved a little closer.

  “I want a taste,” Priest said, but his voice and eyes implied that he was talking about much more than the sauce that was now dripping down the handle of the spoon and along the side of Julien’s hand.

  Julien dipped the spoon back into the pot, and when he brought it up between them, he blew on it, cooling it, before he offered it up to his husband. Priest leaned in and sipped it off the edge of the wood, and before Julien could lower his arm, Priest wrapped his fingers around Julien’s wrist and dragged his tongue along the edge of his hand.

  Julien hummed in the back of his throat, and when Priest’s potent stare found his, he marveled that even after all this time, Priest still made his knees weak.

  “Delicious,” Priest said, licking his lips.

  “Bien. Do you think our princesse will like it?”

  “Oh, we’re talking about the food?”

  Julien’s lips curved as he sidled closer to Priest and put a hand on his chest.

  “Hmm,” Priest said. “Then yes, he will. That’s delicious too.”

  Julien shook his head. “And you think Robbie and I are trouble. Don’t try and charm your way out of what we were just discussing.”

  “I’m not doing that.”

  “Si, you are,” Julien said as he turned back to the stove.

  “Fine,” Priest said, and finally walked over to sit at the island. “But if you want me to actually stay over here, keep talking, or Robert is going to walk in on much more than cooking.”

  Julien aimed a pointed look over his shoulder. “Okay, then. How about you admit that you were being nosey upstairs.”


  “Admit it, mon amour. It’s driving you crazy that he hasn’t formally introduced us to his family yet.”

  “I admit that I was a little bit curious about what he was saying to his mother, yes,” Priest said, and then aimed a look at the stairs. “I just wish he’d talk to us about this. He does about everything else, but at the mention of his family, he clams up.”

  “I agree. We need to talk to him about it.”

  Priest nodded. “We do. He’s always so open about us with everyone. But whenever we mention telling his parents—"

  “I know,” Julien said. “He’s dodging it.”

  “His mom wants him to come home for his birthday.”

  Julien snorted. “See. Nosey.”

  “I just want to help make this easier for him,” Priest said, as if that excused the fact that he’d stood outside the bathroom a little longer than necessary. “His mother already knows about us. She knew from the first time she saw us all together. I’m positive. And so is he. This is absurd.”

  “Oui,” Julien said, finding Priest’s frustration slightly amusing as he bent down to open the cabinet and look for a pot for his pasta. “But introducing your married boyfriends to your family has got to be kind of daunting. Non?”

  Priest conceded that point as Julien wrapped his hand around the handle of the pot and pulled it free, straightening to his full height.

  “Why don’t we talk to him about it tomorrow?” Julien said, as he filled the pot with water and added it to the stove. “Then we can see if he wants to do something with them for his—”

  “Oh. My. God.”

  Robbie’s voice interrupted the two of them, and when Julien turned around, he found their princesse frozen by the dining room table. His lips were parted, his eyes wide, and his gaze was locked on Julien like a tractor beam.

  Shelving their conversation for now, Julien walked across the kitchen as Priest stood so he could hold his hand out to Robbie.

  “I believe I have you to thank for this particular treat tonight,” Priest said, as Robbie slipped his palm into his. “Why don’t you come into the kitchen, birthday boy, and meet your personal chef for the evening.”

  Chapter Three

  Delicate and fragile or fierce and sassy…

  I wonder which Robert we’ll see tonight.

  I bet I know ~ Priest

  I DON’T KNOW what I did to deserve the good karma coming my way right now, but I am not about to stop and try and work it out. No siree, Robbie thought, as he slipped his hand into Priest’s and took a step forward, his eyes locked on the hottest chef in the world standing naked in their kitchen. Well, naked except for the tiniest apron I’ve ever seen in my life.

  “A pretty good start to celebrating your thirtieth year on the planet, wouldn’t you agree?” Priest said by Robbie’s ear.

  Uh, yeah, he would. Robbie swallowed, trying to find his tongue, as Priest guided him into the kitchen, closer to Julien, closer to heaven.

  “We were trying to think of something…special to give you tonight,” Priest said, making gooseflesh break out over Robbie’s skin. “Something you would never forget. I’ve always found a private meal prepared by my very own chef is something I never forget. What do you think?”

  As Priest drew them to a stop in front of Julien, he let go of Robbie’s hand, and Robbie blinked a couple of times to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. When he tried to speak again, nothing came out, and a sensual smile slowly curved Julien’s full lips.

  Priest chuckled. “I believe you’ve rendered him speechless, mon cœur.”

  Julien held his hand out, and as Robbie slipped his palm over the top of it, Julien drew him forward and bowed down to press his lips to the back of Robbie’s knuckles.

  Sweet. Jesus. As if all of that wasn’t enough to make Robbie’s heart thump wildly, Julien looked at him from beneath his lashes and said, “Bonsoir, princesse,” and Robbie close to swooned under the power of that smile and dimple.

  “Um…” Robbie licked his lips. “You’re naked.”

  Julien laughed, and when he straightened, he tugged on Robbie’s hand and drew him in close. “Oui, I am.”

  “Wow.” Robbie put a palm on Julien’s chest to steady himself. “This is, like, one of my
top fantasies ever coming to life right now.”

  “Mhmm. I remember,” Julien said, as Robbie gripped the back of his neck. “It’s fast becoming one of mine too.”

  Now that he’d managed to regain some of his brain function, Robbie leaned back a little and touched the tip of his tongue to his top lip. “I want to see more.”

  “Greedy,” Julien said, but let go of Robbie’s waist so he could take a step back.

  Once there were a couple of feet between them, Robbie trailed his eyes down Julien’s naked torso, to the apron that covered from his waist to the middle of his muscled thighs. “Could you maybe, um…turn around?”

  “I could. If you say please,” Julien said, his voice as effective as a firm stroke to Robbie’s stiffening cock.

  “S’il te plaît.”

  “Très bien, princesse.” Julien pivoted, slowly, and it was all Robbie could do to stand where he was and keep his hands to—and off—himself. The stark white material was a stunning contrast with Julien’s taut, tanned skin, and when his smooth back came into view, Robbie close to whimpered.

  Holy shit.

  The tattoos on Julien’s shoulder, that tapered waist, and the dimples of his firm ass as he came to a stop facing the far wall, had Robbie taking a step forward. Add in the neatly tied bow that sat above Julien’s tailbone, and the ends that swished against his round cheeks, and Robbie couldn’t contain the moan that left his throat.

  “Remember.” Priest’s voice came from behind, making Robbie’s cock even harder. “If you behave yourself, you can do anything you like to that body…later.”

  “Shit,” Robbie said, unable to tear his eyes away. “Have you ever had Jules cook like this for you before?”

  “No, surprisingly.” Priest wrapped his arms around Robbie’s waist and tugged him back into his body. “But I’m starting to think this is the only way we should ever let him cook for us.”

  Julien looked over his shoulder at the two of them, and his smirk had Robbie squirming in Priest’s arms. God, he’s fucking hot.

  “If you two are done ogling me, I have a birthday dinner to finish preparing.”

  Priest massaged the heel of his palm over Robbie’s erection. “You done looking, sweetheart?”

  “Not nearly— Ah, fuck, Priest.” Robbie thrust into Priest’s hand as Julien walked back to the stove, and when he picked up a wooden spoon, Robbie’s mind pictured him doing a whole lot more with that spoon than stirring that pot.

  How in the hell do they expect me to wait through a meal to touch him?

  “Why don’t you go and sit over there at the island,” Priest said, “and watch while he finishes up in here?”

  Robbie nodded as he walked around to the barstools and got up on one. “Julien Thornton is cooking for me naked. This is officially the best birthday ever.”

  “It’s not your birthday yet,” Priest said, and handed Robbie a cosmo. “Now why don’t you sit there and enjoy your drink while I go and finish setting the table. Remember, you can look, but no touching. Not yet.”

  AROUND FIFTEEN COCK-TEASING minutes later, Priest ushered Robbie into the dining room, and when he headed toward his usual spot on the right of the table, opposite Julien’s seat, Priest shook his head and pulled out the chair at the head.

  “I believe this is your seat tonight,” Priest said, and crooked a finger. “Come over here.”

  “So bossy,” Robbie said, his eyes full of mischief as he walked over, trailing his fingers along the back of the chair. “But you should probably get it out of your system now, since I’m the one who’s going to be calling the shots later.”

  “If you win,” Priest said, when Robbie came to a standstill.

  He had dressed in Priest’s favorite short shorts pajama set tonight, and with his hair swept back and still damp, Robbie’s pouty lips and high cheekbones were on prominent display, making it extremely difficult for Priest to keep his hands to himself.

  Their princess was such a contradiction at times, and it always fascinated Priest to see which version of him they would get depending on Robbie’s mood. In some instances, he looked delicate and fragile, and made Priest want to gently trace every exquisite line of his face. At other times, when Robbie was throwing around that sassy attitude of his, it made Priest want to take him over his knee and teach him a lesson. Fierce Robbie was a force to be reckoned with—like now.

  “Since tonight is your show,” Priest said, as he gestured to the seat, “it’s only right that you sit at the head of the table.”

  “My show, huh?” Robbie arched an eyebrow, and then ran his eyes down Priest’s shirt to his shorts. “If that’s true,” he said, and reached out to finger the hem of Priest’s shirt, “how about you undo this and take it off so I can look at you? Seems only fair, since Julien isn’t wearing much more than a handkerchief.”

  “You think so, do you?”

  Robbie nodded and stepped in closer to undo the first two buttons. “Unless, of course, you don’t think you can control yourself. I mean, I assume the rules of this game go both ways. If I can’t control myself, I don’t get my prize, and if you can’t control yourself, I do. Right?”

  Troublemaker. “Right.”

  “In that case,” Robbie said, as he got to the top button and popped it free, “I want to see the other half of my prize in advance. You know, to make me work extra hard to get it.”

  Priest eyed Robbie’s devious grin and wondered when he’d managed to turn the tables, because Priest was suddenly finding it very difficult not to grab Robbie and bend him over said table.

  Robbie ran a finger down the center of Priest’s body to the button of his shorts, and when he saw the erection straining against Priest’s zipper, he raised those blue eyes and bit his lip, an impish expression crossing his gorgeous face. “Uh oh. This little game of yours seems to be going down in flames, fast.”

  Priest wrapped an arm around Robbie’s waist, grabbed hold of his ass, and hauled him in against his body until their lips were within an inch of each other. “The only thing that’s going to be going down anytime soon is you, sweetheart.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Priest kissed his way up Robbie’s jaw to his ear. “Yes, we will. Now sit your delectable ass down while you’re still able to.”

  Robbie sucked in a breath and, when Priest released him, said, “Well, since you asked so nicely,” and took a seat as Julien walked in carrying two plates.

  Julien looked between the two of them, and after he put one plate in front of Robbie and the other where Priest was now sitting, he said, “I’ll be right back. I’m just going to go and put on—”

  “Uh ah,” Robbie said. “If you think for one second you are going to put clothes on, forget it.”

  Julien raised an eyebrow at Robbie, and Priest said, “I think he’s practicing giving orders on the off chance he wins tonight.”

  “For when I win, you mean,” Robbie said, and picked up his drink to take another sip. “And just so you know, I’ve never been more motivated in my life.”

  Julien inclined his head, but his lips twitched as he eyed Priest. “Very well. I’ll just go and get my dinner and we can eat.”

  “The first course, anyway,” Robbie said, as Julien walked back into the kitchen.

  As Julien disappeared, Priest was about to turn to the rascal beside him, when Robbie said, “He has, like, the best ass ever.”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Priest said. “I’d say you’re about even.”

  “No way,” Robbie said, shaking his head. “When it comes to that particular part of the anatomy, Julien wins, hands down. It’s all that yoga. It makes you want to…mm…bite it.”

  Priest shifted on his seat as Robbie plucked the sugarcoated lime off the side of his drink and sucked on it. “If you win, you’ll get to do just that.”

  “Maybe,” Robbie said, as his eyes drifted back to Priest’s. “If that’s what I decide I want. Which, by the way…?”

  “Yes?” Priest said, a
s Julien came back to the table and took his seat.

  “Is this like a one-act kind of thing?” Robbie asked. “Or am I allowed to pick a whole scenario?” Julien shook his head, but Robbie continued, not to be deterred. “I mean, that’s kind of important for me to know before I narrow things down. Don’t you think?”

  “That’s a good point,” Priest conceded, and looked to Julien. “What do you think, chef?”

  “I think you two are as bad as each other,” Julien said. “Always trying to one-up the other.”

  “Aww.” Robbie put an elbow on the table and leaned toward Julien. “I want to get all up on you too, Jules. I’m just working out the dirty details first.”

  Julien ran his eyes over Robbie, and as his gaze lingered on the flirt’s lips, Julien’s eyes darkened. Priest knew by the end of the night that all three of them were going to be up on each other in one way or another—and he couldn’t wait.

  “Then I think you can have anything you want,” Julien said. “That was the deal, and if you want a whole scenario, then you should get it.”

  Robbie grinned like a fiend as he sat back in his chair and looked at Priest. “Best birthday game ever.”

  No one disagreed. In fact, with the way the night was going, Priest had a feeling that this little game of theirs just might become a household tradition.

  WHEN THE MEAL came to an end, Julien watched as Priest got to his feet and picked up Robbie’s plate before heading around to collect his. As he reached Julien’s side, Priest leaned down to kiss his cheek and said, “Superb, as always.”

  “Merci,” Julien said, and smiled when Priest pressed a harder kiss to his mouth. Julien reached up to hold Priest to him, and when Priest’s tongue rubbed up along his, Julien groaned.

  Priest growled against his lips before he raised his head, and when they looked over to Robbie, he said, “Why’d you two stop?”

  Priest chuckled at Robbie’s frustrated tone. “Because you haven’t won yet.”

  Robbie frowned as he looked at the clock. “Close enough.”


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