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Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series)

Page 3

by Rae, Alicia

  The smile on my face was a mile wide. “That would be awesome.”

  Kyle reciprocated my smile. “I thought you might like that. I was going to wait to tell you just in case things don’t work out, but I couldn’t seem to help myself,” he said apologetically.

  “Don’t be sorry. I love the idea.” I beamed before lifting to give him an affectionate kiss. Then, I pulled back. “A girl can dream.” I sighed.

  His chest vibrated me with laughter while his eyes glowed with happiness. “Yes, a girl can dream.”

  I glanced down at my hands when I realized they were starting to feel like prunes, and Kyle’s gaze followed mine.

  “I guess it’s time to get out, beautiful,” he said.

  I yawned, and he chuckled.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” He leaned forward to kiss me before sitting us up.

  We quickly took turns washing each other’s backs with an oversized sponge before rinsing off. The sensations were soothing. I stepped out of the tub first with Kyle following, and we both dried off.

  After dressing in one of Kyle’s white T-shirts and my panties, I tiredly climbed into his bed. My bed now, too. Being here in his home felt so different and new from my home in Florida. I guessed it would take time to settle in.

  Kyle got dressed in only briefs before turning off the light. He lay down beside me, tucking me into his side. This house might not feel like my own, but right here, nuzzled into his warmth, was definitely my home.

  “Good night, beautiful,” he murmured into the darkness, pulling me closer and kissing my cheek.

  “Good night, Kyle,” I replied.

  As I drifted off to sleep, I wondered how long it would take me to settle in to my new surroundings.

  There was something to be said about waking up in a man’s arms. It made me feel safe, loved, and comforted. I smiled against Kyle’s skin, thinking of what might lie ahead of us in day two of living together.

  I wondered how long it would take us to ease into a routine. Before spending the day in my new writing cave inside his home—our home—I would kiss Kyle good-bye as he headed off to work. Then, he’d come back, and I’d welcome him home with an affectionate kiss. I would make him dinner, and we would talk about our day.

  That’s how it goes, right?

  It was what I had dreamed of, growing up as a girl. I had been one of those tomboys, but I’d still dreamed of fairy tales.

  I am a romance writer after all. I silently wondered what my parents and sister would think. Would they have guessed my career path?

  With my outdoor skills, my father probably would have pictured me as some professional four-wheeler. While my mother and Annie, who had both seen more of my girlie side, probably would not have been as surprised.

  Kyle turned on his side, facing me. His sleepy gaze met mine. “What has you up so early? You usually never wake up before me unless something is on your mind,” he said quietly.

  I snuck my arm in between his arm and side to nestle against him. “I was wondering how couples adjust to living together and get into routines—you know, kissing you good-bye for work, greeting you at the door when you return, and making you dinner.” I couldn’t help the funny smile that appeared on my face. I was embarrassed to voice my previous thoughts.

  The side of Kyle’s lip lifted in amusement. “I can’t wait for all the kisses and dinners.”

  I laughed and rolled my eyes. “Of course you’d pull those two parts out of my entire speech.” I teasingly shook my head. “I should have known better.”

  His chuckle was low and deep. Sleepiness still lingered in his voice as he said, “I’m a guy. Of course those are my favorite things…but you did forget a very important one.” His tone became breathy while his eyes darkened.

  “Oh yeah?” My heart rate sped up as I felt the atmosphere change between us. “What’s that?”

  “All the hot, passionate morning sex we’ll be having,” he said, pulling me on top of his chest.

  My hands came out to steady myself. “Only morning sex?” I teased before running my tongue across my bottom lip.

  His eyes further darkened with need as his gaze lowered to my mouth. He slowly shook his head from left to right. “Definitely not,” he said, gripping my waist firmly while lifting his hips. His erection instantly hardened. “I’m going to make love to you in the morning”—he rocked against me once more—“afternoon”—and again as his hands traveled up my white cotton T-shirt to cup my breasts—“and evening.”


  The feral look in his eyes made a shiver run up the length of my spine, making me shudder.

  I exhaled a breathy sigh. “That’s a lot of lovemaking.”

  “Indeed,” he said with a sexy grin curving his lips. “I think we should start right now.”

  My insides quivered into a puddle at his thick tone. He sat up while keeping me secure in his lap. The blankets fell loosely around us, revealing his chest and briefs, while I was still dressed in cotton panties and one of his T-shirts that was becoming my favorite.

  I bent my legs on each side of his thighs, straddling him, as I ran my hands across his bare shoulders and down the front of his chest. With each second my hands touched him, his breathing accelerated as did my own. Our closeness felt so intimate. He looked to be deep in thought as if he was struggling to find words. I waited patiently for him to speak.

  “I can’t believe you’re really here to stay with me,” he nearly whispered.

  “I’m here to stay, Kyle,” I said sincerely. “Nothing will chase me away.”

  He blinked, taking in my last words. “Promise? Promise me, no matter what, even when things get tough, you’ll stay and fight for us, and we’ll work through it.”

  The weight of his words silenced me. I had never seen him look so vulnerable, and it made me wonder what I was missing. How much of him do I still need to learn? Or is he just scared that I will run from my own fears? I had a feeling it was only a matter of time until I would find out.

  “Promise,” I said wholeheartedly. I had no intentions of running when things got tough. I vowed to be stronger from here on out, and I would work through any rough patches we might endure in our relationship.

  Kyle sighed in relief. His reaction made a million questions flash through my mind, but now was not the time to push him.

  “You once told me that I held your heart in my hands,” I said softly. “I want you to know that the same is true for my own, Kyle. You have given me so much, and my heart is yours. I’ll never walk away from that,” I vowed to him and myself.

  A profound satisfaction filled his eyes in that very moment, and I thought my heart might burst.

  “I love you, Lily,” he said with the utmost sincerity and adoration in his voice.

  “And I, you.” I smiled, my heart overflowing with love.

  Kyle kissed me. This was not just any kiss. It was hard and all-consuming, full of passion and yearning. I matched his fervor stroke for stroke, caressing his tongue with mine.

  Breaking apart, I raised my arms as he swiftly lifted my shirt above my head, baring my breasts to his lingering gaze. His hands wrapped possessively around my waist, anchoring me, while his gaze penetrated mine for the slightest moment before he dipped my upper body backward. I lost all logical thought as he began to trail kisses from my throat down to my collarbone, unhurriedly making his way down to the tip of my breast. A warm buzz pulsated throughout my body, spreading endlessly.

  As he lifted his mouth, he righted me, raising me into a kneeling position. I braced my hands on his muscular shoulders. He pulled one side of my panties down and then the other. I shifted on my knees until I was free of them. Kyle maneuvered me, so he could remove his briefs before repositioning me atop him.

  I stroked his firm erection in my hands. Closing his eyes, he groaned. The smooth skin of his length contrasted the firmness of it. It was a heady combination, making me eager to feel him deep within me. When he looked as if he could bear no mo
re, he gripped my hips and lifted me, placing my sex directly above his own. I was wet and ready for him to take me.

  His hands caressed my outer thighs. “Take me in your hands, Lily, and guide me inside you,” he commanded.

  I rubbed my thumb across the head of his erection. He drew in a swift breath at the contact. Nearly panting, I enclosed both of my hands around him and positioned him until the tip of his moist head brushed along my sex. Lowering my hips slowly and deliberately, Kyle watched as he disappeared inside me. I gazed into his eyes to see they were keen and hot.

  His groan filled the air, mixing with my own, as I sank farther down on him. I started to move up and down his erection, increasing my speed with sensual purpose. The sensations were exquisite. Feeling my orgasm stir, I tightened my inner muscles around him.

  Closing the distance, he leaned forward and captured my mouth. At the brink of my orgasm, he clutched either side of my waist, pulling me down on him to deepen our connection. I gasped, breathing his name against his lips, as we both found our release together.

  I linked my fingers around his nape as I dropped my head against his chest and tried to steady my breathing. I could feel the light sweat beaded across his skin. He held me tightly against him while lowering us until he was flat on his back.

  After we caught our breaths, I lifted my head to meet his stare. His eyes roamed the contours of my face, making my cheeks flush. Raising his hand, he ran the backs of his fingers down my cheek and all the way to my throat.

  “I love it when you blush,” he said quietly.

  I had no idea what I was being so shy about. “I’m not even sure why I’m blushing,” I replied in a soft tone.

  His hand continued to stroke my skin while he smiled. “So, what would you like to do today? We could go out and sightsee around the town or stay in. Your call.”

  I thought about all the remaining boxes in his office that still needed to be unpacked. However, the idea of going out for a bit sounded wonderful. Fresh air could always do wonders for the body and soul.

  “How about a bit of both?”

  Kyle nodded. “That sounds like a plan. Do you want to unpack a little more today?”

  “Yes,” I answered. “I think organizing my stuff some more would help me feel more settled.”

  “Okay, let’s get you unpacked.” He smiled. “Then, we can maybe head out for a night on the town.”

  “That would be great,” I replied.

  We both rose from the bed, and we went to our own dressers and pulled out clothes for the day. I picked a loose T-shirt and sweatpants, so I could be comfortable while unpacking. I turned to face Kyle and noticed he had also picked a gray pair of cotton sweatpants. My gaze caught on the perfect way they hung low on his hips, showing off the gorgeous V of his sculpted, narrow waist. I lifted my eyes to meet his, seeing his own glittering with humor. He knew I had been staring at him.

  As he walked toward me, he put on his shirt in one swift movement. He stopped in front of me and laced our hands together. He leaned toward me slightly until his mouth hovered over mine. My lips parted while I inhaled his intoxicating male scent before he kissed me tenderly.

  “I’m really going to love waking up next to you every morning,” he said with a loving smile. “I think you’ve made me damn near the happiest man on earth.”

  Unclasping his hands from mine, I rose up on my toes while tossing my arms around his nape. He positioned his hands on either side of my waist, pressing our bodies close together. I glanced up into his eyes that I adored to no end.

  “I love waking up next to you, too—more than you’ll ever know,” I whispered. My admission was to him as well as to myself. It was an indescribable feeling to know I was not alone anymore, that I had someone who was mine to love with all my heart.

  With a huge grin spreading from ear to ear while his eyes radiated brightly, he tightened his hold around my waist and lifted me in the air before spinning me around in a circle, never breaking eye contact with me. Laughter poured out from within me, resounding throughout the room.

  He slowed and then lowered me back to the ground. My mind swooned with so many emotions. His face suddenly turned serious, all playfulness gone. He raised his hands and tenderly stroked them down each of my cheeks before running them across the length of my jaw. He closed the small gap between our lips, and he parted my mouth as he deepened our passionate kiss.

  This was what life was supposed to be—full of love and happiness forever. As he kissed me lovingly, I prayed this part of our relationship would never end. Every fiber of my being told me that right here, with him, was exactly where I was meant to be.

  Our lips separated, and he rested his forehead against mine. We both inhaled deeply, trying to catch our breaths.

  After a short moment, he leaned back, and his grin returned. “Damn, Lily…I could kiss your sweet mouth all day.” He shook his head in wonder. “It’s distracting.”

  I chuckled low in my throat. “Same could be said about you.”

  He kissed my cheek just as the doorbell rang. We raised our eyebrows in unison.

  “Well, I guess we have company,” he said lightly, taking my hand in his. “Better go see who is knocking on our door this early.”

  As he led me to the front door, a loud bark resounded from the other side. Kyle laughed while giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I tilted my head up to look at him, taking in the affection in his eyes.

  “Sounds like Harley is home,” he said with fondness.

  I smiled, remembering his enormous German shepherd who had been my pal when I last visited. Kyle opened the door, and Harley came barging through with his tail wagging profusely. Kyle dropped on his haunches, opening his arms, as Harley let out a cry.

  “Hey, boy,” Kyle said excitedly.

  Harley jumped on Kyle’s lap, kissing his cheek and nuzzling him.

  “I’m happy to see you, too.”

  “I swear that dog has a sixth sense,” Abbey said.

  I directed my attention to her.

  “He paced the house almost the entire night, and he was practically sobbing all morning. It’s like he knew you were home,” she said to Kyle.

  Abbey’s gaze shifted to me as Kyle rose to his feet.

  “Hi, Lily!” she said in a friendly manner, her eyes beaming.

  In that very instant, I concluded that she must be a morning person like her brother. “Hi, Abbey,” I said, smiling at her.

  Abbey stepped forward and embraced me. I reciprocated, delighted to see her again.

  As we parted, Kyle said, “Good morning, Abbey.” He pulled her in for a quick hug, too. “Come on in.” He gestured her into the foyer. “Thank you for bringing Harley back.”

  “You’re welcome,” she replied to Kyle. “He was great company. Who knows? I might just have to get a dog someday.”

  “I would recommend adopting an older dog who is past the chewing stage.” Kyle laughed. “Speaking of chewing, I hope he didn’t destroy any of your shoes.”

  Abbey chuckled. “Nope. He’d be dead if he had,” she said jokingly.

  We all rolled with laughter.

  “Well, that’s a plus.” Kyle looked over at Harley. “There’s hope for you yet, boy.”

  As we headed in the direction of the living room, Abbey stopped, noticing all the boxes stacked in Kyle’s office.

  “Wow,” she said incredulously. “That’s a lot of boxes.”

  “That’s what I said.” I shook my head. “It’s amazing how many it took to move.”

  “I’m sure you would have even more with your shopping habit, Abbey,” Kyle teased.

  I instantly wondered if I had another Brooke on my hands. Brooke was a dear friend of mine, and she was also my editor. She added a whole new meaning to the phrase, Shop till you drop.

  “Probably.” Abbey let out a laugh. “Thank goodness I have two big brothers to help me move.”

  “Oh no!” Kyle cocked his head in Abbey’s direction. “I’ll definitely be out
of town that weekend.”

  I smiled at their easy sibling camaraderie. It was cute.

  The three of us plus Harley walked into the living room. Kyle sat next to me on the couch while Abbey sat on the love seat. She was wearing a gorgeous charcoal dress jacket with a matching skirt. She was all business today.

  Crossing her legs, Abbey said first, “Mom and Dad actually called me on my way over. They were wondering if we could all have dinner tonight. Nothing fancy. Just a quick get-together.” She paused, glancing between Kyle and me. “We’ve all missed you, and we’d love to see Lily again, too.”

  Kyle turned to look at me curiously, like he didn’t want to make the decision without my input.

  Crap. Is this my choice to make?

  I’d loved when my family had Sunday family days. My parents had always been adamant about spending the day together with no TV or electronics. The day had been about embracing each other’s company. We’d cook dinner with one another, and we’d talk about our week and what was going on in our lives. Sunday had been my favorite day of the week.

  “Sure,” I said, taking the initiative and shifting my gaze to Abbey. “That sounds wonderful.”

  Abbey’s eyes lit up. “Great! I’ll text Mom on my way out, so she can start getting ready for company. They’ll be so pleased you can make it. Mom has been all over me lately about not visiting enough. With you being gone”—she glanced at Kyle—“and Ryan and Kate preparing for the baby, all the pressure has been on me to keep Mom from going stir-crazy.”

  I remembered that Ryan was Kyle’s older brother by a couple of years, and Kate was Ryan’s wife. They were expecting their first child soon.

  Kyle laughed affectionately. “That sounds like Mom.” He tilted his head to face me. “My mom gets flustered if she doesn’t see each of us for a while, and then she’ll start to hunt us down.”

  “Not to mention, she is really getting on Ryan and me about getting back into our routine of attending Sunday family get-togethers,” Abbey said to Kyle.

  “That sounds like a great time, Abbey,” I said in a warm tone. “Would you like me to prepare anything for dinner?”


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