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Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series)

Page 26

by Rae, Alicia

  I blinked up at him. “And break our first Sharpie Weekend?”

  Kyle grinned, stroking my chin. “I think we can make an exception.”

  I smiled up at him, overwhelmed with emotions coursing through me. Yet, I was happy that he wasn’t freaking out. “Okay,” I breathed.

  After the longest car trip of my life, which was actually only six miles round-trip, we arrived back at the house. If the feeling of possibly carrying a baby wasn’t surprising enough, choosing between eight brands of pregnancy tests surely had been.

  I exited the car, still completely in shock. My subconscious was poking at me, telling me that I already knew the answer.

  Nausea on and off—check.


  Sensitive to smells—check.

  Skirt feeling snug—check.

  No idea when my last period was—check!

  I could not recall ever missing my pill. I took it like clockwork, but with my chaotic schedule and moving, I had not paid much attention to my periods.

  Kyle placed his hand on the small of my back, stifling his humor, as I stood in the garage.

  “Come on, beautiful, inside you go.” With the bag in his hand, he gestured me in the direction of the back door leading to the mudroom.

  I walked straight into the house and through the kitchen. I paused at the living room threshold, and Kyle stopped at my side.

  “Do you want me to wait out here?” he asked quietly.

  I shook my head, turning to stare at him. “Aren’t we supposed to wait till morning? I think they are more effective earlier in the day,” I rambled.

  “I don’t think I can wait that long, Lily,” he said, pulling me into his embrace.

  I felt myself relax with his strong arms around me. I was not sure why I was so taken aback. The thought of having a baby made me smile. I guessed it was the unplanned part that had my mind in a daze. I was also a tad embarrassed that Kyle had caught on before me.

  “I think we’ll both sleep better if we know tonight,” he added.

  “Okay, I think you’re right.” I smiled softly.

  Side by side, we walked into the bathroom. I reached for the bag, pulled out the box, opened it, and read the back label.

  Pee on the stick and wait three minutes. That sounds easy, right?

  I ambled over to the toilet and then looked back at Kyle. He was leaning against the sink with one leg kicked out in front of him, and his arms were crossed over his broad chest. Even now, while I was in a complete state of shock, he stood there, strong and utterly supportive. I was reassured for the millionth time that I could not have picked a better man to fall in love with.

  Except…he was apparently rooted in his spot with no intentions of moving.

  Is he seriously going to stand there and watch?

  My cheeks flushed slightly. “Uh…I don’t think I can pee with you in here,” I admitted shyly while lingering in front of the toilet.

  Kyle chuckled, shaking his head. “I want to be here,” he countered.

  “You watching me pee…is too weird.” I chortled anxiously, fiddling with my hands nervously.

  “Fine.” He laughed. “But I’m coming back”—he glanced at his new watch and then smirked at me—“in sixty seconds, so you better pee quickly.”

  He reemerged at what I was pretty sure was not a full minute. I inwardly rolled my eyes while washing and drying my hands. I was thankful that I had already finished. Kyle closed the distance between us, and he led me toward the Jacuzzi ledge. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

  Two minutes…

  One minute…

  Thirty seconds…




  And then our answer flashed on the screen.



  “We…” Kyle broke off, sounding stunned. “We are going to have…”

  “A baby,” I whispered, finishing his sentence.

  Kyle pivoted me, so I was sitting with one leg on either side of his waist. Our eyes became transfixed on one another.

  “A baby,” he breathed.

  His eyes were glowing so brightly while my heart warmed in my chest. All I could do was nod in agreement. A loving smile spread across my face, and his expression mirrored my own.

  “I can’t believe it,” he breathed. His eyes glistened before he blinked, and then his gaze bore deeply into mine. “Everything I’ve ever wanted is right here in front of me.”

  His words left me speechless, and I felt the same way, too. He was my world. I loved him more than anything. Nothing would ever have the power to change that.

  I cupped my belly with both of my hands, caressing it, with a new sense of motherly love. It was so powerful that it rendered me speechless.

  I was pregnant. Our sweet, beautiful child was growing inside of me at this very moment.

  Kyle stood behind me, embracing us, while placing his hands on top of mine. His touch was strong and consuming yet full of so much love.

  In six short days, I would be marrying the man of my dreams. I could not wait to see the look in his eyes as he saw me for the first time in my wedding dress as I walked toward him.

  My vows…I had so much to say. They had to be perfect, so he would always know how I truly felt.

  I awoke from my dream, and I nuzzled closer into Kyle’s warm body. I was pretty sure I had not slept most of the night. My glowing visions repeated themselves over and over again in my mind with vivid pictures that had felt so real.

  A smile was glued on my face while pondering over the remaining time we had spent together last night. We were both still astonished that we would soon be parents to a little baby boy or girl, yet we were so blissfully happy that we were floating high in the clouds.

  Kyle stirred next to me, and he automatically pulled me until I was nearly on top of him as if I was not already close enough. “Morning, beautiful,” he said while tipping his head down at me with a gorgeous smile. “Did you manage to get any sleep with all that tossing and turning you did last night?” he asked kindly.

  I ran my hand up and down the hard planes of his chest, absorbing the feeling of him. “I think so,” I answered uncertainly. “My mind, however, did not want to shut off,” I added.

  “I could tell from all the ruckus to our bedsheets,” he chortled playfully as he looked around.

  Sure enough, we were entangled in the silk. He looked at me with humor, knowing he was right.

  “Well, at least this time, they were good dreams,” I countered softly.

  “That’s definitely a positive change,” he said sincerely. Lifting his hand, he stroked my long blonde hair flowing down the back of my nightshirt. “I had some good dreams myself.”

  I rested my elbow out in front of me to support my head while moving my opposing hand to run small circles over his collarbone. “What about?” I asked quietly.

  “I think my mind was trying to decipher if you have a little Kyle in there or a feisty little Lily in there,” he said with an affectionate voice. “Then, my thoughts ran wild, picturing one of each in there.” He shook his head. “But I eventually settled, thinking as long as there is only one in the oven at a time, we’ll be okay.”

  Laughter poured out of me. “There better be only one in my oven, or you mister,” I said, pointing my finger teasingly at his chest as I remembered his challenging words, “are in heaps of trouble.”

  “Heaps?” He grasped my waist and flipped me onto my back, pinning me beneath him. Looming over me, his eyes were glowing with a mixture of desire and amusement. “If I remember correctly, you always talk yourself out of those heaps of trouble, so I think the same rule should apply to me.” He smirked.

  “Hmm,” I pondered while raking my hands up the length of his back. “I think that exception only applies to the woman,” I retorted.

  “Well then,” he said in a husky tone while roaming his eyes up and down my body, “I should just remind you of
my rough and tough alpha side, as you always say.”

  He took my mouth against his before I could come up with a sassy comeback.

  After starting our morning with sweet, tender lovemaking, the rest of the day was filled with lazing around. It was absolutely perfect.

  Kyle had even opened up more about his time after returning home from the military. He said while dealing with the loss of his best friend, Colton, he had started seeing Jeanine, the therapist who had helped me. Jeanine had helped him transition back into civilization, and he’d accepted the death of Colton. After Kyle had come home, he had thrown himself into work with his other Army friend, Blake, when the opportunity had arisen to be business partners.

  I felt a familiar pang of sadness at hearing how he’d sheltered himself from everyone during that time, except for when he had been working or attending the occasional dinner with his family. The only answers he had given to his parents and siblings was that he was working with Blake on their business around the clock to get them off the ground.

  After the two of them had worked on the first few projects together, they had split the profits and then decided that they had different goals, so they had parted ways amicably. For the last year and a half, Kyle had been building his company on his own with the help of Abbey.

  He told me again how he truly felt he was meant to find me, so he could heal my broken heart, and while falling in love, I had saved him in the process. I would never tire of hearing him say that. My heart soared every single time.

  Hearing him open up more to me as he peeled back the layers of his life felt like it strengthened our bond, and I could understand him on a deeper, more intimate level.

  By four in the afternoon, I was radiating in pure delight over our Sharpie Weekend. It was a piece of heaven just to quietly revel in our serene quality time together.

  Kyle was in the kitchen, starting dinner, while I took a quick bathroom break. After washing my hands, I headed back in the direction of the kitchen, and then I heard the doorbell ring.

  “I’ll get it,” I said, knowing that Kyle was knee-deep in seasoning and tenderizing the meat for the grill.

  I sauntered over to the front door and opened it. The other side revealed a stunning tall brunette.

  I offered a friendly smile. “Hello. Can I help you?” I asked.

  Her eyes glanced over me nervously. “Is Kyle here?” she questioned while trying to look around me to see inside the house. “It’s urgent.”

  That was when I saw her very round belly.

  My eyes widened in surprise. “Sure,” I murmured, having no clue who she was. “Let me get him. I’ll be right back,” I answered.

  I walked away, leaving the door open. As I strode through the foyer and made my way toward the kitchen, I was not sure what to think of the woman at the door. Who is she?

  I found Kyle washing his hands at the kitchen sink with the plate of meat to his left on the counter.

  “Lily, have you seen the Nature’s Seasons bottle? It’s the only one I can’t find, and it’s a must-have.”

  “Um…no,” I replied, not having the slightest clue where it was. “Kyle, there’s a woman here to see you,” I added.

  He tipped his head up to meet my eyes. “A woman?” he asked, raising a brow.

  “Yes.” I nodded, gesturing in the general direction of the door. “She’s at the front door, and she said it’s urgent.”

  “Uh…okay,” Kyle grunted, looking frustrated over the interruption. “Alright, let’s go and see what she wants,” he said, taking my hand and tugging me alongside him.

  I could not help but feel my gut churn. Something was off, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. With every step near the door, the prickling sensation increased.

  As we reached the front door, the woman was anxiously shifting on her feet. Her eyes snapped immediately to Kyle as he came into her view.

  “Amber?” Kyle said with recognition and confusion. “What are you doing here?” he asked despondently.

  The woman—apparently, Amber—twisted her hands in front of her. “Um…I was hoping to talk with you.” She redirected her attention to me. “Alone.”

  I went to turn on my heels to give them privacy, but Kyle stopped me, refusing to let go of my hand, as he shook his head.

  “Anything you need to say to me can be said in front of Lily,” he replied in a serious tone. “What’s this about, Amber?”

  “Okay,” she responded with a tone that left a sour taste in my mouth. “Have it your way.”

  Her hands came to her stomach, and my throat clogged with fear.

  “I came by to let you know that I’m pregnant.” She hesitated and then looked directly at Kyle. “And it’s yours.”

  My hand dropped from Kyle’s, and this time, he let it fall.

  “What?” he said, pure shock radiating loud and clear in his tone.

  I took a small step back, not wanting to hear any more. I felt like the walls were crumbling down around me. A baby? Another baby? With another woman?

  Our perfect bubble of our Sharpie Weekend was popped, shattered, completely…

  I couldn’t even form another coherent thought.

  She had to be at least six months pregnant. The logical part of my brain fought to rationalize the situation at hand, saying she was before me and it was out of his control.

  But a baby?

  We are having a baby, and we are getting married next week!

  Kyle whipped his head in my direction. “Lily…” he said in warning, fear lacing his voice.

  I shook my head, feeling overwhelmed. I took another small backward step. I needed to let them sort this out. I felt out of place and confused beyond reason. “You…” I paused, trying to make my brain form a rational response. “You two need to sort this out. I’ll…I’ll be in the other room,” I muttered dejectedly.

  Kyle looked torn and unsure what to do. He had a pregnant woman standing in front of him, claiming the baby was his, and his future wife, also a few weeks pregnant, was backing away from him. He sighed, running his hands through his hair in frustration. Seeing him in such a distressed state made a sharp pain stab at my chest…but this was too much.

  My conscience contested for me to stand by his side, but the other part told me to give them their privacy. I was so utterly confused.

  “Okay,” he finally answered. “Just give us five minutes, and then we’ll talk.”

  My heart splintered a little more as I nodded my head despondently.

  That means it must be true. He was with this woman…before me…but the baby is his. What do we do now?

  I wanted to crumble to the floor and weep, but I forced myself to back away and give the two of them space. When Kyle gestured for her to sit outside on the front porch, I vaguely remembered two chairs were out there.

  He must not want her in our house…his house.

  Has she been here before? Obviously, she must have been since she was here now…

  Jealously was an awful, gut-wrenching feeling. I needed to separate myself and gather my wits that were now not making any logical sense. I aimlessly walked through the living room and then into the kitchen. Not wanting to sit, I strode through to the mudroom.

  Once there, I ran my hands through my hair, trying to force myself to breathe in and out. My eyes caught on to my silver car keys hanging from the key rack.

  Reaching my breaking point, I knew I needed space and time to think—alone. I grabbed my keys from the hook and opened the door leading to the garage. With my heart clogging my throat, I felt like I was suffocating. I just needed some distance to breathe and rationalize my thoughts. I made my way over to my car, got inside, and turned it on before hitting the switch to open the large garage door.

  Checking my rearview mirror to make sure the coast was clear, I slipped the car into reverse and backed out. I did not slow until I heard Kyle’s panicked yell.

  “Lily!” he cried out with a shocked expression as he stood.

watched me, and it made my chest tighten painfully.

  I almost stopped.

  But then, I looked up to see her standing next to him as she put her hand on his shoulder.

  With my mind made up, I hit the accelerator again and continued down his driveway with tears filling my eyes. I reached the street, shifted the car into drive, and floored it. The tires made a quick squeal beneath me as the engine of my car roared, pressing me backward in my seat as it raced forward.

  Tears poured down my face, and I tried to wipe them away.

  Fuck me.

  A baby with her? How could this be happening?

  We are having a baby.

  Now, he’s possibly having two babies? How awkward will that be?

  I suddenly wanted it to be a nightmare. I was hoping someone would dump cold water on me and then laugh and tell me it was some cruel, horrible joke.

  As my car covered the miles, I had no idea where to go. I wanted Brooke, but Florida was so far away. I needed a friend. Just then, Abbey entered my mind.

  Can I trust her not to tell him?

  I parked my car and reached for my cell phone. When I opened my screen to call Abbey, I saw I had missed six calls from Kyle. I forced myself to hit Ignore, and I found Abbey’s name in my Contacts list.

  “Hello?” she answered on the second ring.

  “Abbey? Are you at home?” I asked, failing to stifle my cries, while cars flew past me on my left.

  “Lily? Oh my gosh! What’s wrong?” she asked frantically. “Are you okay?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it over the phone. Before I tell you anything, I need you to promise me something,” I demanded quietly.

  I realized Kyle was her brother, but right now, I needed some distance from him, and I was in great need of a friend.

  “Okay. Why don’t you come over, and we’ll talk about it then?” she answered with apprehension. “Am I right to assume this has something to do with Kyle?”


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