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Empath Rising

Page 5

by Archibald Bradford

  Bloody hell, he’s having a fucking panic attack!

  “Right, head between your legs, breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Deep breaths.” She held his head down, massaging his neck; her voice retained its authority but had turned soft.

  This kid is made of cotton candy and lamb farts.

  After several minutes he regained control of himself and was able to speak.


  “No kid, I’m sorry. You didn’t ask for any of this, but you stepped up when you didn’t have to and here I am treating you like an Aegis recruit.”

  “S’kay, it’s okay… I deserved it, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. I hurt Milly and I don’t know how to fix it.”

  “Tell me everything that happened. Spare no detail; you’re strong enough, I think, to do that.”

  After a moment, making sure that his breathing had calmed down; he sat up, closed his eyes and told her everything.

  “Okay, again, my fault. When she said she was going to take care of you I figured she had some first aid training, I forgot about the healing properties of her milk. It’s unusual that she was able to produce it so soon though…”

  He said nothing in response.

  After a long silence Miranda tried a different approach.

  “It’s clear that you have no experience with girls, hell other boys your age wouldn’t be able to take their eyes of my tits! You haven’t even looked at them once. Maybe you think that makes you a gentleman, but with her it makes you an idiot.” He looked at her in surprise, this time not turning away from her stony stare; “Here’s the thing kid, that asshole from before with the whip? He couldn’t hurt her, I mean emotionally, not really, at least, not for a long time. But with you, she is totally vulnerable.”

  She fiddled with her naval for a second, and then brought up the amber coloured heartstone in her fingers. She nodded for him to take it. He did.

  It was warm, he felt a stirring in his loins, a deep hunger for Miranda’s touch that he couldn’t account for, and he found himself looking forwards to that evening for some reason.

  Miranda looked confused at his reaction for a second, then gave a bemused shake of her head and took the stone back, replacing it in her naval.

  “That other shitwank? He merely carried a heartstone. You and I, we quiet literally own them, own the heart within them. Remember what I said about a Gigas being unable to break it? You could. With a few careless words you could ruin her. Just… consider the gravity of that for a moment.”

  He swallowed, now staring at the tiny blue orb in his own hand, then after several moments, he nodded.

  “What do I need to do?”

  “Simple. Be honest with her. You’re not ready for sex? That’s fine; there are other ways of being intimate, but you need to make that clear to her, and the sooner the better.” She pointed at the door simply; “Go, your pet needs you tamer. Make sure she’s alright.”

  He left without hesitation and she nodded to herself pensively.

  I hope he’s able to step up, if I do have to separate them…

  She shuddered at the ugly thought. Then tried to get back to being relaxed, one finger absently fiddling with Jan’s heart, frowning again at the sight of him holding it…

  Chapter 3:

  Making Amends

  After getting his belongings from the change room and his pants back from the laundry, Nameless tracked Milly down; she had donned her shorts and his shirt and had left the bath house, wandering listlessly back towards town while pulling up clumps of grass from beside the well-worn path and eating dully.

  She was crying.

  “Milly! I’m really sorry for what happened-”

  He caught up to her and she turned to regard him, wet eyes sullen; her mouth completely full as she chewed placidly.

  “Shrokay Mashter, ish mrfaul-” She gave a huge swallow to finish what she had in her mouth; “-my fault, I shouldn’t have come on to you like that. I was being a bad girl.”

  The skin around her blue eyes was puffy and red, her cheeks dripping. She gave a great sniff, bits of dirt and grass clung to her trembling lips.

  “No Milly, it’s my fault. I got naked and into the bath with you… You had every right to expect that we’d… that I’d… and I’m sure a real man would have.” He had trouble meeting her watery gaze; her moist irises were so innocent and vulnerable.

  Once again he felt emotions not his own, messing with his head. He felt her fear and he somehow knew that a large part of it was fear of displeasing him, fear of him rejecting her. He shook off this strange certainty, then approached Milly and tentatively took her limp hand in his in an attempt to bolster her wavering heart. The shadows of the day had grown long.

  “Master… do you… do you want me to go?” Her question came out in a whisper and it was insane to him, the directness of it caught him off guard and he didn’t answer right away; “You don’t have to say anything. You never asked for this, for me, I was so excited that I never thought about what you wanted, and you already did so much for me and I-” Her voice faltered and she turned away, watching the sun setting in the distance, a fresh flood of tears streaking down her face.

  They had arrived at the bathhouse later in the day, two hours within and now people were winding down their evenings. But Nameless knew he couldn’t finish his day like this, so he gathered his courage, more afraid than when he faced down the man with the whip earlier.

  Afraid, because she deserved to know the truth and truth is a scary thing.

  “Milly, if you left, like this… I would never forgive myself.” Milly’s head twirled back around to face him, her face wide open as she absorbed his words; “But… I-I have to tell you, I don’t know what I’m doing… I’m not a tamer, or some badass Aegis operative. I’m just a dumb orphan kid scared of his own shadow. There were… girls and stuff, and they messed with me, and ever since I never really learned how to deal with them. I’ve never had sex before, and I’m afraid, afraid it won’t be good, afraid I won’t be good, afraid that you’ll laugh at me. I’m even afraid to be naked around you. Just being shirtless like this, with you, is really uncomfortable for me.”

  Milly was shocked at the notion.

  What!? But he’s so handsome! And of course it will be good!

  “Master… I burn for you. Here…” She laid one hand in the valley just below her taut naval, where her creamy flesh met the denim of her shorts; “I’ve never felt anything like this before, and it should be terrifying but it feels so right, so perfect. Please believe me when I say that I am not afraid. If you took me. Here. Now. It would be the greatest thing to ever happen to me. And I don’t doubt for a second that you would be good, that we would be great.”

  Nameless lowered his head, emotion clouding his throat.

  “I’m sorry Milly, I wish I was the kind of guy who could just do that. I wish that you had bonded with someone stronger-”

  “Never! Master! Please, never say that! You put yourself between me and a whip! A whip that hurt you so badly, I would happily spend the rest of my life with you even if you never touched me. Not even once! Just—Please! Don’t send me away!” She sobbed out her last desperate request.

  It hung in the air between them and he recognized her greatest fear: being without him. He drew in a shuddering breath to calm his heart and steel his resolve. Then raised his head and spoke.

  “I won’t. I promise. I won’t ever turn my back on you.” His voice, stronger now, broke past her fear and then he was in her arms, she sobbed as they collapsed down to their knees.

  His arms pinned at his sides, he couldn’t return her hug so he just nestled his face into the crook of her neck and held it there.

  “M-Master, thank you, thank you, thank you!” She gave the side of his head several frantic licks, as he mumbled into her neck.

  “You’re welcome, Milly.”

  Unbeknownst to the huddled pair, their emotional catharsis did not go unwitnessed: two s
ets of eyes, one grey and the other amber, watched intently from a bend in the trail.

  After giving the couple a few minutes to compose themselves Miranda and Jan made their presence known, Miranda’s clothes were no longer dusty and she struck an imposing figure in her crisp uniform. For her part Jan’s formerly muddy clothes were also crisp and fresh looking, although she was eyeing the dusty path longingly.

  “Alright kid, now that everyone has been cleaned up I think we can call it a day, I’ll come at you tomorrow with all of the paper work and such. It’s great, you’ll love it.” Miranda’s voice was flat at that.

  “But, where is Milly going to-”

  “At your place. With you. Her Master.” Her tone held a hint of warning in it.

  Don’t say something stupid kid, not now.


  They walked back into town and Miranda bid them goodnight.

  “Go home and get some sleep, or not.” She smirked as she and Jan strode off.

  Nameless blushed and Milly looked a little guilty. Together they walked back to his crummy apartment. Once inside he salvaged what he could of the muddy bread for a meager dinner, although he was still somewhat full from Milly’s milk.

  She watched him while he ate.

  “Would you like some Milly? I cut off the muddy parts, I know it isn’t much but…”

  “Oh no Master, I am fine. I ate on the walk back after all.”

  After the emotional encounter outside the bathhouse they were both feeling awkward and it showed in their exchange as they prepared to bed down for the night after he finished eating.

  “You can take the bed. I’ll be fine on the floor here.” He handed Milly a clean blanket for his narrow mattress.

  “Oh, Master, no! Please I can sleep on the floor!”

  Milly was mortified: bad enough he hadn’t wanted them to sleep together, and she didn’t dare press him on it, but her on the bed while her Master slept on the floor? That would be crazy!

  But Nameless wouldn’t hear otherwise.

  “I’ll be more comfortable on the floor anyways; at the orphanage I used to sleep under my bed so the other kids couldn’t… well anyways, I slept on the floor a lot, so it’s fine.”

  With great reluctance, Milly lay down on her side in the bed, its small frame barely able to accommodate her size and her hooves stuck out a few inches from the bottom. She watched, eyes blinking owlishly as her new master settled on the floor, his back facing her. He wore ratty pajama bottoms and a shirt to bed. Milly, trying to be considerate of her master, kept her clothes on.

  There was a pregnant silence. Milly felt she had to say something to him, anything. But she didn’t know what. Finally she opted to just say what she felt.

  “Master?” His head tilted towards the ceiling, but didn’t face her; “I’m glad I met you.”

  “Milly… I’m glad I met you too.”

  Warmth flooded her loins at his response.

  They settled in to sleep.

  It had been an eventful day: Nameless had been whipped, had bonded with a Minotaur, drank her milk straight from her breasts, and then followed through by nearly breaking her heart. All he wanted to do was sleep.

  But it would be a restless night; because for some reason Nameless couldn’t shake the intense arousal he had felt when he had touched Jan’s heartstone.


  Jan and Miranda were having sex.

  GREAT sex.

  True to her words, Miranda was rubbing Jan’s tummy in just the right spot to get her leg kicking frantically. All the while Miranda’s face was buried in Jan’s pussy, her tongue bathing her hairless lips as she rapidly thrust two fingers into her pet’s dripping hole. Jan was making that whimpering noise that Miranda so loved to hear, her ears flat to her head and her tail wagging in tandem with her kicking leg.

  “Who’s my good puppy? Who is she?” Miranda’s voice was excited and full of energy, her breath caressed Jan’s moist flesh, her words delivered rapidly to ramp up Jan’s own excitement.

  “AH!!! Me! I’m your good puppy, I am!” Jan panted, tongue lolled completely out of her mouth, draped over one cheek.

  “Yes you are! Yes you are my good puppy!” Miranda resumed her tongue bath of the puffy labia under her nose.

  Jan was always amazed at her mate’s ability to do three things at once, four if you counted the dirty talk. She squirmed at the acknowledgement, her mistress loved doing this for her and she loved that she loved it. The belly rub alone would have been enough to get her off but Miranda was nothing if not thorough.

  Jan’s leg was going nuts.

  Miranda sped up her thrusting fingers and her tummy-scratching hand. She knew that her pet was close; she just needed one more little push. She sucked Jan’s clit between her teeth, gently grazing the sensitive bundle of nerves and sucking as hard as she could. She was almost worried that the wolf girl was going to hurt herself she was thrashing around so hard.

  Her leg froze mid kick, corded muscles tight and her tail likewise frozen mid-wag.

  “Is puppy going to howl for me? Is she?”

  “Yeah—ah—Yea-!” Jan’s words became indecipherable as ecstasy washed over her and she released the resounding howl that had built up inside her, letting the whole world know that she was, indeed, a good puppy.

  As her howl tore from her throat she could feel Miranda still hard at work, her juices covered her mate’s face, and her tummy was raw in just the right way. Her howl lasted forever; waves of pleasure coursed through her, the walls of her pussy frantically squeezing around Miranda’s thrusting fingers.

  A few miles away a pair of mud coloured brown eyes snapped open and a boy with no name proclaimed that he too was a good puppy…

  Finally her howl cut off as she ran out of air, and when she caught her breath Miranda blew a long raspberry just below her naval.

  “Ah!! Mistress! That tickles so good!” Jan giggled and pushed Miranda’s head down with both hands.

  Miranda’s face ended up back on her pussy, so she blew another, much wetter, raspberry. That caused Jan’s leg to kick a few more times as she whimpered again.

  She slowly recovered from her blissful release, her leg stilled, her tail wagging slowly.

  Jan’s orgasm over at last, Miranda turned gentle and kissed her way up the Wolfen’s lithe body, treating one pert nipple to a couple of sucking nibbles before she draped her naked frame over her pet’s and brought her lips close for a soft kiss. After which an eager Jan happily cleaned her own juices off of her bond-mates chin, before deciding that Miranda’s whole face needed a good tongue bath.

  After several minutes of basking in the afterglow, the naked lovers continued the conversation that had abruptly halted when Miranda had all but torn Jan’s clothes off and thrown her onto the bed.

  “So… we don’t have to separate them?” Jan had her nose in Miranda’s sweat slicked hair, breathing deeply and enjoying her mistress’s familiar scent.

  “No, I think they’ll be okay, the kid is a creampuff most of the time, but I have to give him credit, he took that whip like a boss and when it came down to it he took care of Jiggles just fine.”

  Miranda’s eyes were closed in blissful exhaustion, her head resting on her pet’s shoulder and one hand gently cupping Jan’s breast, rhythmically squeezing it for her own amusement.

  Making love to Jan was always a workout, but it was her favorite form of exercise.

  “Yeah he’s got big brass ones for such a little squirt.” Jan observed.

  “Mmmmm… keep talking like that, you’ll make me jealous.” Miranda slurred out.

  “Hah! He seems a sweet kid and I like him, but I doubt he could pull off one of your belly-rubs Sugar-Tits!” Jan cheekily licked at her hair again.

  “That’s a relief; and here I thought you were going to change teams on me.” Miranda adjusted to get more of their flesh in contact with Jan’s, blissed out from the cuddling.

  “No, whenever I crave a good poke
I’ll just go pester Jez. Guaranteed her tongue trumps his dick.” Jan paused at that, then gave a pensive sigh that threatened to spoil the mood; “I miss her, hell I even miss Kala.”

  A lump formed in Miranda’s throat.

  “I miss them too puppy, but they’re safer where they are. You know they’re not up for this, no matter how much Kala says she is. No one should have to go through with this.”

  “Except me?” Jan’s voice was a whisper. Miranda tensed up but didn’t say anything; “Sorry, I don’t know why I said that. Guess I miss my bond-sisters more than I thought.”

  “Jan, if you aren’t up for this either… I could request a differe-”

  “No, Mistress. I’m fine. It’s just.” She heaved a sigh; “That girl, Milly? No papers and a pig like that for an owner? This could easily have been her. That’s what’s eating at me. But this is too important, don’t worry mate-of-my-heart, I know my duty. I am Wolfen. This is what I was bred to do.”

  Miranda drew back to look into those beautiful amber eyes.

  Oh my love, if only you didn’t have to.

  Hunting Tenebrae was not a task any Aegis member relished.


  Early the following morning, Nameless was awoken from a restless slumber by a sturdy knock on the door, Milly still slept. He got up and stumbled to the door, opening it with a bleary mumble.

  “Good morning to you too, big boy!” Jan announced with a bark of laughter.

  She and her mistress were at his crummy apartment, and it took him a moment to realize that both women were staring at the tent in his pants.

  He squeaked and shut the door in their faces.

  How they knew where he lived he didn’t know, he took a few moments to adjust himself then opened the door again to face Jan’s knowing grin.

  “Right, I have the provisional permit of heartstone ownership, and the other paperwork to let you keep Milly the Minotaur around for now.”

  To her credit Miranda tried to act like she hadn’t seen anything but Jan kept glancing down at his groin meaningfully.


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