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Empath Rising

Page 13

by Archibald Bradford

  Nameless returned to the cottage to wait for Joe, aimlessly puttering about for awhile.

  “Hello the house! Anyone home?” Joe had poked his head in through the door.

  “Yes, come in please!” Nameless gestured to the kitchen chairs.

  “No that’s alright; I’d rather you came out actually. Paul filled me in, man knows as much about thatching a roof as I do, and I do it for a living! So we can just get straight to work. I have the first set of bundles.”

  “Is everything alright?”

  They had met around town before, though never exchanging more than cursory greetings but Joe looked unusually nervous to Nameless.

  “Er... yeah, it’s just… well hell! It’s those flower girls you see.”

  “Oh! Um, are you gunna be okay?”

  “Oh sure, I just need to get this job wrapped up, and well, avoid the section of fence over by the edge of the field right?”

  As far as Nameless knew that was right across from the Blomma, he hadn’t seen them yet though.

  “Yeah I guess, well if working will help then we should get to it!” He walked out onto the porch to join the other man.

  Joe looked sheepish.

  “Right, yeah, your right. So anyways I have enough bundles of thatch to keep us busy for several hours, er, my wife is with the wagon at the homestead actually, she wanted to um…she wanted to help. That trail is too narrow for my wagon so we’ll have to hoof the bundles in, as many as we can carry at a time.”

  He gave Nameless a speculative look, sizing up how many bundles the scrawny man could carry.

  Seeing his look Nameless tried to reassure him.

  “Don’t worry, I might not be strong but I’ll work hard, and Paul and Milly will be back from the market in a while with our little cart so…”

  “Good, good…” Joe face drifted off, looking in the direction of the Blomma garden, a wistful expression in his eyes, before he finally snapped himself out of it; “Okay, well let’s get to work then!”

  As they began the arduous task of bringing the thatch through the trail, Nameless quickly realized that Paul’s wife had not in fact come to help. She merely placed herself between Paul and the fence by the Blommas and made sure that if his eyes ever wandered over that way her glare would be there to greet them.

  Milly and Paul returned much sooner than he expected. Joe and his wife were still at the cottage, Joe having decided to get to work thatching, his wife having decided to keep watching Joe.

  Nameless was shirtless now from the hot day and the heavy lifting, they had less than half the wagon unloaded and he was glad to see the cart.

  That was, until he saw the stunned look on her face.

  “Milly are you alright?”

  “Oh she’s fine my boy!” Paul wore a smug grin; “Moon-Pie has been doing some figuring and I’m afraid she is just a little shocked by what she’s figured!”

  “What do you mean?” Nameless asked but the old man just heaved a slightly tinkling sack at him, it was kind of heavy.

  As Nameless looked, he realized it was full of coins.

  There was more money in that sack then he had ever had all at once in his life.


  “Ha! Now you see Moon-Pie’s problem? The milk shifted even faster then I’d hoped, seems there is a local shortage of the stuff, more than a few folk came from Wayfelt and beyond to try and procure some.”

  “H-how much…” Nameless was still trying to process.

  “Oh it’s simple really! Between yesterday and today we took just over seven gallons to market, two of which belonged to me mind you, with four quarts in a gallon, and we shifted the stuff in half quart bottles, that’s a pint for the less educated in the crowd, at one hundred forty five coins each…The end result kid, is your heifer just earned the pair of you five thousand bits and some change in a day and a half. Not to mention over two thousand bits for me.” The old man looked quite pleased with himself.

  Nameless looked at Milly, her face still stunned as she turned to him.

  “Master… my boobies… are worth a fortune…”

  Paul laughed at that.

  “Course they are! Even without the milk! I took some liberties so you’ve actually already spent a small amount on supplies, and I expect the price to drop some after the initial rush; I’d estimate you’ll pull in a thousand coins a gallon give or take. I used up all of the bottles I had stored so I ordered more. A lot more, I find the half quart ones always moved better then the full quart for some reason...” He trailed off as he realized the two kids weren’t really listening.

  After several beats he sighed and left them to their shock, hauling some sundries out of their cart and into his house. He had ordered a six gallon pail, and managed to find another; he left it in the cart for later that night.

  Abruptly, Nameless and Milly both started laughing at once, then hugging each other and laughing some more.

  Paul watched them from his porch, smoking his pipe as they came to grips with their new reality.

  Heh, to be young and get that first taste of success again.

  He shook his head and went to look after his hens.


  Nameless was happy, after he and Milly regained control of themselves and their first real day of work on the cottage was finally finished they rested underneath the great oak tree in their field.

  Our field! Ha! This place is already feeling like home…

  Together they watched the sun set and then the moon rise through the tall grass; Milly held him to her side and was lost in thought, her hand absently playing with his hair.

  She is always touching me; I don’t think she even knows that she’s doing it.

  Not that he minded her touch, having her hand gently massage his scalp was quiet pleasant. He found himself growing ever more comfortable with her constant contact.

  Her continued pensive expression was beginning to worry him though.

  “Are you alright Milly?”

  She shook her head slightly, bemused, and looked at him with an uncharacteristically subdued smile as he shifted away from her to better meet her gaze.

  “Of course Master!”

  He could sense that her usual cheer was missing despite her words.

  “It’s just… you seem to be distracted. Did I do something to upset you?”

  “Not at all!” She shook her head vigorously; “I’m just thinking about things.”

  “What sort of things?” He pressed, bothered by her uncharacteristically downcast mood.

  Milly sighed and regarded him thoughtfully for a moment.

  “Master, you know that I love you right?”

  Nameless’s eyes widened at her words. He knew they were true based on the strange sense that he got from her heartstone, but he had never heard her say the words outright.

  “Milly… I, uh, yeah, I know.”

  He blushed, and the more his face reddened the more embarrassed he became. He looked away in an attempt to compose himself.

  We’ve seen each other naked! I just milked her! This is just talking, but her eyes are so blue…

  “I know I wasn’t on my best behaviour, when I first bonded with you, and more than a few times since… but… Master-” she waited for him to return her gaze once more, but when he didn’t right away she looked down, took a shaky breath, and asked him what she so desperately needed to know, her voice a gentle whisper; “Do-do you love me too?”

  Nameless whipped his head back; her face was turned away now, her cheeks red, her eyes watery, and her breath coming in shaky gasps as she waited for him to respond.

  As he watched, a gentle tear made its way down her cheek.

  She is terrified!

  He didn’t need to sense her turbulent emotions coming from the braid around his neck to know that much.

  “Milly, oh my sweet Milly…” His throat closed with emotion as he used his hand to turn her chin towards him.

  I should have had the courag
e to tell you this already.

  Her eyes slowly turned to meet his gaze; then widened when she saw that he too had moisture running down his cheek.

  They widened even more once he found his voice again.

  “Of course I love you. How could I not? You are the kindest, warmest, most patient girl I have ever…” His voice trailed off as she give of a resonate low of emotion, outright crying now.

  His fears forgotten, he leaned into her and pressed his lips against hers.

  They had kissed before of course, but there was something in the chasteness of this kiss that made it more intimate, more real and he felt more of his boundaries falling away.

  The wetness of their tears intermingled on their lips as he leaned into her, her breasts squeezing against his shoulder. He realized it was the first time he had ever kissed her; she was always the one kissing him.

  He vowed to himself to change that.

  After several moments, their lips parted. They both still had tears running down their faces from the intensity of the moment.

  Her breath came in shuddering gasps until she swallowed and composed herself.

  “Master, can I…” She looked nervous again, but no longer terrified; “There is something I have wanted to do for you ever since you dove into the mud after my heart…”

  She smiled at the image, it was the most moving thing she had ever seen and she knew that she would cherish the memory always.

  He smiled in response.

  “I would do anything for you Milly.” He rested his palm on her cheek lightly, while gently rubbing his thumb in the dimple on her chin.

  She took another shuddering breath before she made her request with a rush of breath.

  “Can I give you a blowjob?” Her face flushed even more.

  For his part Nameless thought his heart was going to beat its way out of his chest.

  That was the last thing he expected her to ask.

  His hand had frozen in place on her face. Shock overwhelmed him.

  She wet her pink lips with her tongue.

  “I know you are nervous about having s-sex, and I know that I come on to you really strong a lot, and that some girls were… really mean to you in the past.” She took his thumb between her teeth, gently suckling it for a moment, before she released it and continued in an intimate whisper; “I just really want to show you that, well; girls can be sweet too… I can be sweet.”

  She shifted in place with nerves, her breasts rubbing against his shoulder, nipples hard in the cool evening air.

  “That is, if you’ll let me?”

  Nameless was speechless, his heart pounded so hard he was sure she could hear it, he could sense her anxiety, but it was nothing compared to her desire.

  The heat of it rolled off of her in waves.

  She wanted this, more than she wanted him to milk her every day, to hold her, and to play with her breasts. More than anything in the world, Milly wanted to pleasure her man, her mate, her love. He was touched, he was terrified, and he was so very, very horny.

  Unable to speak Nameless just looked at her, he could sense her growing fear that he would refuse, and he knew that if he did it would hurt her gravely. The courage it had taken for her to ask for this made him weak in the knees. He remembered what Paul said about taking the plunge and he closed his eyes for a moment, thinking about how this would change things between them…

  And then decided that things needed to change; he couldn’t disappoint her, not again.

  Slowly, shakily, he nodded his head.

  Her smile was the sun coming up as she giggled nervously in relief, before leaning in for another kiss, this one much less chaste. She threw her leg over him, straddling his lap without removing her lips from his.

  Nameless thought that he would explode right there. He had never been so turned on in his life: the inevitability of what was going to happen, of what she was going to do to him, made his cock so hard it hurt.

  She had settled in his lap, grinding her crotch against his rock hard member through their jeans as she bathed his tongue with hers. He couldn’t help but return her passion, suckling at her mouth while his hands grasped at her flesh, his passion overcoming his inhibitions as he desperately tried to get at as much of her bare skin as he could.

  She whimpered as she felt his hands clutching at her back, her sides, and finally fumbling to get under her shirt. She broke the kiss just long enough to shed the bothersome cloth that separated her master’s hands from her heated flesh.

  When she leaned in again she felt his hands grip her breasts hard. His fingers toyed with her sensitive nipples, and even though he had milked her quiet recently she knew she had a bit more for him.

  He broke their kiss as he felt her fluids on his hands. Slowly, his eyes not breaking from hers, he lifted one of her erect tips to his lips. She let out an involuntary moo, her eyelids flickering closed for a moment, when he licked her pink flesh, savouring the sweet creamy flavour.

  However, as he brought her hardened nipple into his mouth he only managed one good draw before she pulled away. He couldn’t hide his disappointment as he had barely gotten a mouthful of her cream.

  She giggled at his petulant expression.

  “Sorry Master, but It’s my turn to drink from you…” Her voice was low and husky as she shifted off of him and settled down onto her thighs, her knees together and her hooves both to one side; “Can you… stand up for me? I think it will be easier that way, if you’re sitting I might poke you with my horns.”

  He took a moment to get a good look at her; she was breathtaking in the growing moonlight and there was more than enough light to make out the hunger in her expression.

  He stumbled to his feet, falling back against the bark of the oak tree, the roughness of it not bothering him at all as he watched her movements.

  “Milly, I…” He finally found his voice, his doubts resurfacing once more.

  “Shhhh, Master.” She cooed to him as she nuzzled her face against his bulge while her fingers worked to free his member from the constriction of his pants; “We both want this. The heat of the bonding might be over but I still want you so very badly, and the thought of taking you in my mouth…” Her voice faltered with passion as she shuddered against him; “I need this, so please don’t fight it okay?”

  He could feel the softness and the warmth of her cheek through hit pants. He closed his eyes for a moment as he nodded to her, trying to collect himself.

  The gentle rasp of his zipper scattered his mind further.

  The sound was so loud in his ears, like anyone passing by would hear it, and it lasted so long… Finally he opened his eyes again and gasped as gentle fingers made contact with his erect cock, pulling him free into the cool evening air.

  “It’s… it’s so big…” She said with reverence.

  He thought his heart was going to explode at her words. The coolness of the air was nowhere near enough to put out the fire coursing through his veins.

  She gently clasped him in her palm, giving a single hesitant stroke.


  He looked down at her, tears staining his cheeks as the raw emotion and sexual tension combined to make this the most unforgettable experience of his life. His eyes met with hers and he saw something surprising.

  Doubt was written across her features.

  “I’ve never… done this before, so please... will you watch me?” Her breath caressed his erect flesh as her face drew near and she gave another exploratory stroke; “I know how, of course, my sister told me all about it, but…” She stammered and his heart broke for the poor girl, always having to take the lead because he was too weak, too soft.

  He reached out with both hands, intending to reassure her with his touch; his hands settling on the downy warmth of her floppy ears as his thumbs caressed her horns.

  She shuddered as he grasped her head.

  “We could do it that way,” She whispered at him gently, mistaking his intentions; “If you move me h
ow you want, then I’ll know that it feels good for you.”

  Their eyes locked, sharing in the gravity of the situation. With no more words left to say, he nodded his understanding.

  Slowly, she opened her mouth and gently stuck out her tongue, offering him a warm and wet bed to rest his engorged member.

  Her demeanor was calm but her thoughts were frantic.

  Please Master! Use me! Let me taste you!

  Nameless nearly burst right then, he had never seen anything so erotic as his beautiful, caring, loving, and oh so very patient cow offered her mouth to him. That image, combined with the strange waves of passion coming from her heartstone, made him think his knees would give out.

  Several heartbeats passed as he struggled to remain upright, he could faintly see drool rolling off of her tongue to land on her naked breasts below. With one hand she gently cupped his balls, while the other pointed his member directly at her exposed tongue. Her breathing was coming in rapid gasps as she waited for him to plunge his cock into the moist confines of her mouth.

  Something had to give.

  When she felt his hands grip her head she thought he meant to take her forcefully, and that thought had nearly made her swoon, but he just held her head in place. Her mouth watered even more as her gaze shifted from his eyes to the drop of pearly fluid that had accumulated on the tip of his member.

  I need to taste him…

  As she watched, the drop began to slide down his erect phallus, finding its way onto her thumb before tickling its way down her wrist. Her tongue twitched.

  The tension finally broke with a mutual gasp when he slowly pulled her towards him. Gripping her head tightly, her panting breath chased away the coolness of the evening air from his exposed flesh as she drew ever nearer to her goal.

  At last his sensitive glans made contact with the scathing heat of her tongue, stroking against it for a few moments before it made its way deeper into her willing mouth, stopping with half of his flesh still exposed, not wanting to choke her.

  Milly’s eyes widened as she got the first taste of his musk, she could feel her heated sex grow wetter as she finally tasted what her master had to offer. Tears of joy streaked down her cheeks as she saw the pleasure in his eyes.


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