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Empath Rising

Page 34

by Archibald Bradford

  Again demonstrating remarkable control despite her fallen state, Nina changed the image again.

  He saw her with the man from before, naked greed on his face.

  “We can’t stop now! You’re the baddest bitch around and everybody knows it, I’ll get paid just for you to show up in the ring!”

  “But what about the shop?”

  The girl was strangely vulnerable; she clearly didn’t like how her friend had changed.

  In a flash Nameless realized that she had long since given him her heartstone.

  Oh… you wanted to bond with him! I am so sorry…

  The black eyed Gigas whirled on him, lunging forwards as if to grab him. But Volka’s golden aura blocked her. Nina’s face was twisted with pain now.

  How did you know that?! I never said that! Who told you?!

  Nobody told me, it’s plain as day, look at your face. Look at how sad you were.

  I wasn’t sad! Who said I was sad?!

  Nobody needed to.

  Who are you anyways? Why is saving me so damned important to you?!

  Because if I don’t save you, you won’t ever have the chance to have the bond that you were seeking.

  She was taken aback now.

  And why does that matter to you?

  Because, I am lucky enough to have three girls bonded to me and…

  Four. Volka’s voice rang out in his mind again.


  Four, how quickly you forget about me husband… Her tone a slight pout.

  Er… right, four! Four girls bonded to me and it has been the greatest joy of my life, and when I see a girl who was treated so poorly that she fell into the darkness and became a Tenebrae-

  What? Who became a Tenebrae?

  Um… you did?

  Are you asking me or telling me?


  You are so annoying.


  Yeah that just makes it worse. So I’m a Dark One now?

  Yeah… sorry.

  You really suck at this.

  Right, anyways, that’s why I want to help you escape this place.

  Why did I fall into darkness anyways?

  Well, that IS what we were trying to figure out right?

  …I really don’t like you.

  With that an image of the man greedily counting money popped into being around them. Her memory was trying to talk to him again.

  This time she had several nasty cuts over her face and arms, dark blood stained her skin.

  “I don’t want to fight in this place anymore. I don’t like how they treat the other girls.” Her tone was subdued, and he simply brushed her off.

  “Don’t worry about it, you just worry about the next fight, you need to win this time, although I made a lot of money betting against you!”

  “You bet… against me?”

  “Yeah, no weapons? It was brilliant! Everyone thought you could take that Trog. Of course, without your hammer I knew just how weak you would be so…” He shrugged.

  “But… why would you do that to me?”

  Nameless could feel her hurt, it was palpable in the room, and how the other guy didn’t notice it was beyond him.

  “I said don’t worry about it, now we’re all set for a rematch and this time you get to use your hammer. So when everyone bets against you I cash in big time!”

  Her pain made his vision turn red.

  Calm yourself husband, do not add to the negative energy of this place.

  Your right, thank you Volka.

  Who the hell is Volka anyways? Again the Gigas looked around and saw no one.

  Not important, what happened next.

  Hey you’re kinda intense now…


  Aaaand you’re an annoying pussy again.

  The first arena reappeared, the fight was over and the man ordered her to hit the Trog again.

  Except now he could feel what she felt in that moment.

  She loved him as her only friend, and hated him for what he had reduced her to.

  No… I don’t want to see this…

  Out of the night there was shouting as the Aegis raid commenced.

  Don’t make me watch this.

  But she didn’t seem able to stop the memory from playing out around them.

  He saw the man, her owner and long time friend, grab a strange rod out of his bag. He saw the Hornets descending from above.

  “Come on we’re getting out of here!” He screamed at her.

  Her hammer was still held in her hand as she watched him level the lost tech weapon at the back of a Wolfen girl.

  She knew what was about to happen, she knew and had to stop it, so she grabbed the weapon out of his hands and snapped the delicate instrument in her palm.

  “You idiot do you even realize how much that damn thing cost?!” He drew back his hand to slap her, but thought better of it.

  “I don’t need to keep a weak bitch around that is going to land me in an Aegis dig site for the next twenty years!” He ripped a bracelet off his wrist and threw it in her face.

  She had made it for him years before to carry her heart.

  Her stone back in her possession, she found herself free for the first time in nearly a decade. He turned to leave, drawing another lost tech weapon from his bag, fully willing to fight his way out with the other men.

  She heard the terrible wailing scream of the Wolfen being killed by the flamer, she heard him laugh with the others. He was going to join them, he was going to hurt other girls alongside the other pigs, and in that moment it was crystal clear to her that he was on the wrong side of all of this.

  She hit him in the back with her hammer before he had taken two steps.

  She felt his spine turn to powder at the extreme force of the blow; he was dead before he hit the ground. She dropped to her knees beside him.

  No… Marcus…

  Several Wolfen appeared around her, one of them tried to wrap a blanket around her shoulders but she couldn’t even feel it.

  She had murdered her best friend.

  Her vision went black and she remembered little after that, the image faded into the swirling darkness around them and the Gigas was on her knees, mirroring the posture of her memory, weeping.

  Nameless moved over to her and enveloped her in his arms, she tried to shake him off but found her strength in this dark place nowhere near a match for his.

  You did nothing wrong.

  Were you not watching? I killed my only friend!

  And by doing so you likely saved the lives of any number of monster girls who would have tried to stop him from leaving.

  That’s… I don’t care about that! I don’t care about those other bitches!

  We both know that is not true. If it were, then you would not have held back on Milly when she was forced into the ring with you.

  That isn’t… no…

  Why didn’t you hit that Troglodyte again when he ordered you to?


  He told you to hit her and you didn’t, why not?

  Because, she fought well, and deserved to be treated with respect.

  ‘Bones of the mountain, heart of the furnace, soul of the warrior, gracious in victory, proud in defeat?’

  Where did you learn that?

  It was what drew me to you in this place. What does it mean?

  …It is the way of the giant, my mother taught it to me when I was young. It’s who I am: Born from the stone of the mountain, heart as steady as the fire of my forge, raised as a warrior, treat your enemies with respect, and never be ashamed of defeat as it shows you how to better yourself.

  And did that man… did Marcus treat that Trog with respect when he ordered you to hit her after she had already lost?

  Shut up! You don’t know him!

  No… but you did. May I ask you something?


  If you hadn’t stopped Marcus, and he killed one or more other girls… would that have been your fault?


  Would you have blamed yourself if you had let him go and he had killed someone with that weird weapon?


  So then which would you rather live with; the death of one bad man – and that is what he was! He may have been a good man once but he wasn’t anymore – so the death of one bad man, or the death of any number of Aegis girls, girls who were there that night fighting to protect their sisters, to protect YOUR sisters.

  …You suck. You already know what I am going to say.

  I know, but you still need to say it.

  She huffed at him, her breath a slight breeze against his cheek. She once again struggled a bit in his arms, although now it was to get her face in front of his.

  Her eyes were suddenly a deep crimson, the darkness receding.

  Obviously I would rather have stopped him than not. But now I am alone again.

  An image flashed into being around them, her alone in a massive cavern, her home in the mountains. The vague memory of her mother drifted by, she died when Nina was young.

  She was an orphan.

  So am I.


  I am an orphan too.

  You are alone?

  He gave a mental head shake.

  No, I found people to love and who love me.

  Well, I don’t have that.

  Why not?

  You said it yourself: I’m not very good with emotions. And after Marcus I won’t ever trust anyone to hold my stone again… unless…

  Her eyes bored into his, the ruby light of them brighter than before, hope on her face.

  Show me who you are, please?

  Surprised, he nodded and opened his memories to her. Volka let out a sigh.

  Volka what’s wrong?

  You have a noble heart, but are a fool when it comes to women I see. I hope you will take responsibility for what is about to happen.

  What do you mean?

  She didn’t answer.

  The memory of Clint whipping him as he protected Milly flashed into being around them.

  You are kind of a badass. Nina said suddenly.

  Her tone was slightly heated as she regarded his kneeling memory, ruby eyes wide; she could see his fear, but he wouldn’t bend, resolved to protect Milly at any cost, a warrior’s determination.

  The vision abruptly shifted, Milly was throwing Clint off of a bridge.

  Heh… good for her.

  Again it shifted; they found themselves doubly coated in shadows as he coaxed Erica out of her own darkness.

  I never liked what they did to the girls in the tents. I’m glad the Aegis people stopped it. But for you to give her everything you had, more even then you gave into saving me… that is so hot.

  Her tone was beyond heated now, Nameless was worried. He had a sneaking suspicion about what was about to happen, and no idea how, or even if, he could stop it.

  The image was now of Ophelia drunk and naked in the darkened orphanage as he tried to get her to make sense and locate her heartstone.

  So the hot butterfly chick bonded to you when you were three, kept it a secret for years, only for the truth to come out and for you to acknowledge the bond? That is so romantic…

  She heaved a sigh, a sad smile on her face.

  Marcus would never have done any of these things.

  She held him with one arm as she watched his memories, a single tear trickling down her cheek.

  You… you are annoying, and really puny, but still you are so hot that I can’t help it. Can we have sex in here do you think?


  No you’re right, that wouldn’t be fair to the others. I would like very much to meet them and hear what they have to say about it. That is, if you are willing to accept me?

  He could sense that his mission was accomplished, if he rejected her here, he could tell that she would be hurt but would be okay.

  Volka’s words sounded in his mind: take responsibility.

  He let out a mental groan.

  Miranda is going to kill me.

  No she won’t, you are puny and weak, but you have the heart of a giant and the soul of a warrior. If anyone raises a hand against you I will hit them with my hammer.

  Her voice was happy, girlish even.

  Well of course, I AM a girl you know. Shall I prove it to you?

  A sudden image of what she wanted to do to him at that moment burst around them, causing him to blush.

  Oh my, that is rather indecent. Volka mused in the mindscape, her tone wistful.

  Looks l-let’s just get out of this place and then we can all have a long conversation about it.

  Okay… one question though?


  Who are you?


  There was a long pause as she tilted her head to one side, one red eyebrow raised.

  Are you trying to be a smartass?

  Nameless sighed.

  Volka laughed around them.


  The rapt audience had witnessed the light come and now they watched it diminish, although none of them knew what it meant.

  There was a groan from the cage and then a voice no one had ever heard calmly spoke.

  “Hey, puny. Not that I mind your hand on my tit. But we need to talk to the other girls first before we can bone.”

  “Sorry!” Nameless abruptly sat up, his hand jerking away from her tiny breast.

  There was a gasping sob and the cage was suddenly very crowded as his three mates struggled to all get to him at once.

  He got them to back off as he edged his way out of the cage, gingerly rubbing at his knees. Once outside he was wrapped in a tearful four-way hug.

  Due to all of his bond-mates blocking his view, he was oblivious of the thunderstruck expressions he was getting from all sides.

  “Look it’s really cute, you getting molested by your lady friends, but can someone get these weird plants off me and find my hammer?”

  No one moved, she heaved a long suffered sigh.

  “Yes, I was a Tenebrae, but the puny guy over there helped me work through my shit so can we skip to the part where we’re all friends? Because friends don’t keep friends tied up.” She shook her wrists meaningfully.

  Nameless finally broke free of the hug and turned to let everyone know that Nina was okay, and was greeted with stunned expressions.


  “Nameless!” Miranda choked out; “Your eyes!”

  “Bloody hell kid! That is downright unsettling!” Paul added, his pipe slipping from his fingers.

  “What is going on?” Nameless was a bit worried now.

  Milly turned him to get a look at his face.

  “Master! Your eyes, they’re glowing! And, and gold!”


  I’m afraid that is my fault Husband, don’t worry it will fade in a few moments, will you seek me out? I confess I am eager to meet my new family.


  Indeed, I am bound to you now and for all time, but at this distance it is a strain to reach you so I must bid you farewell. Please, find me? Her thoughts were vulnerable.

  “I will! I swear I will, but where do I start to look?”

  He was getting more than a few worried glances from the crowd, except for Nina, who patiently waited for someone to untie her.

  Can you not sense me? Focus on my heart.

  He nodded and closed his eyes, diving into his own emotional mindscape.

  “Uh… Nameless, the hell is going on?” Miranda asked.

  He didn’t answer as he sought out the will of the golden being who had aided him in saving Nina.

  His eyes snapped open after a few minutes, his eye colour fading back to his normal muddy brown.

  “East! Nina, she’s to the east!”

  “Cool, still don’t know who the hell she is though. Hi, I’m Nina by the way.” She addressed a surprised Erica, Milly, and Ophelia; “Oh and Erica before you ask I’ve never eaten pussy before, it loo
ks like it might be fun though. As for swallowing cum, that sounds disgusting so I probably won’t do that.”

  Erica’s jaw dropped open, Milly and Ophelia both gave confused looks to the Katje.

  “Oh hell no! Not again! You did not do what I think you did! There is no way you could be that stupid!” Miranda’s voice cut through the crowd.

  Paul and Jan both started laughing.

  “Miranda right? I should probably tell you if you harm my mate I will crush your skull.” Nina calmly told her, her eyes on her finger nails.

  “Your WHAT?!” Milly, Erica, and Ophelia all shouted at once.

  Xalanth walked over to the cage, her demeanor composed as she met the Gigas’s equally nonchalant stare. After a few moments, she ripped the bindings off of the smaller girl and without a word went back and joined her lady.

  Nina mumbled a quiet thank you and crawled out of the cage.

  Her every move was tracked by the Amazons.

  “Lady Essig? Is it safe?” Yana was to the point, her spear aimed at the ground, yet ready.

  Nameless held up Nina’s ruby red heartstone for Sadie to examine.

  “Thank you Nameless.” She murmured as she took the stone delicately between two fingers and held it, rolling it gently around.

  Everyone present held their breath, except Nina, who took up station beside Nameless and took his hand in hers, leaning her head against his hip.

  “She is completely recovered. And yes she did indeed bond with him. That is something you are going to have to work on my friend; if you bond with every girl you save you will soon die of exhaustion!” She smiled and handed the stone back to Nameless who took it with a blush.

  Nameless turned to his mates but Nina spoke before he could.

  “Yeah, I think five is as much as one puny human can handle.”

  Once again the girls were incredulous.

  “What do you mean five?” Ophelia had composed herself somewhat.

  “You know, five,” She counted of with one hand, her other still holding his firmly; “Milly, Erica, you, me, and Volka.”

  “Who the hell is Volka?” Demanded Erica.

  “No idea, she helped our man save me though so I’ll be happy to lick her snatch.”

  “Our man?” Milly’s tone was dark.

  “Yeah, we really should talk.” Nina acknowledged the awkwardness of the situation.

  “Truly this is a glorious day!” Yana interrupted the brewing drama; “Never before has a girl been returned from absolute darkness! Noble Empath! I name you Valkyrja, blessed of the Valkyrie!”


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