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The People Vs. Barack Obama

Page 33

by Ben Shapiro

  55. Matthew Vadum, “Obama Gives $446 Million to ACORN Veteran,”, June 12, 2012,

  56. David Martosko, “Nonprofit Executive Overseeing the White House’s Obamacare Youth Video Contest is the Disgraced ACORN Group’s Former Top Lobbyist,” Daily Mail (U.K.), August 19, 2013,

  57. “Judicial Watch Releases Special Report: ‘The Rebranding of ACORN,’ ”, September 28, 2011,“the-rebranding-of-acorn”/.

  58. Josh Gerstein, “President Barack Obama: ‘Due Process’ in Drone Strikes,”, September 7, 2012,

  59. Jo Becker and Scott Shane, “Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will,”, May 29, 2012,


  1. Ed Morrissey, “Obama: Say, There Was a Little ‘Sloppiness’ in State Department Security, Huh?,”, December 31, 2012,

  2. Josh Gerstein, “Barack Obama Vows Action on Fast and Furious Gun Program,”, October 18, 2011,

  3. Billy Hallowell, “ ‘Outrageous’: Obama Vows Full Investigation, Accountability Amid IRS Intimidation Furor,”, May 13, 2013,

  4. Fred Lucas, “Obama Calls for DOJ Review of Leak Investigations,”, May 23, 2013,

  5. Deep Harm, “Obama Appoints James Clapper to Oversee ‘Independent’ NSA Review,’ ”, August 12, 2013,

  6. “Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies: Transparency and Open Government,”,

  7. “Remarks by the President on Trayvon Martin,”, July 19, 2013,

  8. Ed Morrissey, “Obama: Sacked Consulate and Dead Ambassador ‘Bumps in the Road,’ ”, September 24, 2012,

  9. Fred Lucas, “WH Clarifies: Obama Told CNN Espanol in March He Heard About ‘Fast and Furious’ ‘On the News,’ ”, October 5, 2011,

  10. Katie Pavlich, “Obama on IRS Scandal: I’ve Got No Patience with It,”, May 13, 2013,

  11. Dana Milbank, “Obama, the Uninterested President,”, May 14, 2013,

  12. Margaret Hartmann, “Obama to Leno, ‘We Don’t Have Domestic Spying,’ ”, August 7, 2013,

  13. David Jackson, “Top Obama Aides Say They Knew Nothing of Solyndra,”, September 23, 2011,

  14. Ben Johnson, “Obama Doesn’t Comment on Ongoing Trials—Unless They Involve Trayvon Martin,”, April 15, 2013,

  15. Stephen J. Dubner, “How Biased Is the Media? Bring Your Questions for the Author of Left Turn,”, August 2, 2011,

  16. Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1784,

  17. Rotella v. Wood, 147 F.3d 438 (2000).

  18. Arie J. Lipinski, “Combating Government Corruption: Suing the Federal Government Via a Proposed Amendment to the Civil RICO Statute,” Valparaiso University Law Review 46, no. 1 (Fall 2011): 169–210.


  ABC News

  Hicks comment to, 51

  and Israeli-Iranian relations, 132

  and Libyan uprising, 27–28

  and Obama comments about Fast and Furious Operation, 71

  and Obama’s enemies list, 93

  Abu Ghraib, 13

  Abu Obeida al-Jarrah Brigade, 33


  and congressional elections, 212

  and IRS activities, 105–9, 207

  Obama’s Wisconsin comments about, 158

  of presidency, 7–10

  Accountability Review Board (ARB): Benghazi report by, 48–50, 53, 54, 56, 58

  Adams, David S., 45

  Adams, J. Christian, 185–86

  Adelson, Sheldon, 103

  Affordable Care Act. See Obamacare

  Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA), 199


  al-Qaeda in, 31, 52

  Ben Qumu in, 28–29

  Navy SEALs shot down in, 120–21

  Taliban in, 21

  AFL-CIO, 90, 162, 168

  Africa Command, U.S., 41


  of Benghazi, 41–42, 53–56, 58–59

  of Fast and Furious Operation, 78–82, 83

  of IRS activities, 113–16

  about leaks, 135–36, 155

  and rewards and punishments, 3–4

  agencies, federal

  increase in number of, 8

  number of employees in, 8

  See also specific agency

  Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 21–22

  Akin, Ali Sait, 39

  Al Arabiya, 140

  al-Awlaki, Anwar, 205

  al-Hasidi, Abdel-Hakim, 25

  al-Libi, Abu Yahya, 38


  and Benghazi, 26, 38, 39, 52

  CIA staff connections to, 152

  “decimation” of, 43, 55

  Espionage Act and, 19

  gunrunning to groups linked to, 29–32

  heightening of terror threats from, 56

  in Iraq, 21

  “kill list” for, 127–28

  leaks about terror plots of, 123–25, 126

  Libya and, 25–26

  Obama administration’s willingness to work with, 34

  Obama’s support for rebels linked to, 27–28

  and Syria, 24

  See also September 11, 2001; specific person or nation

  Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), 25

  Alexander, Christopher, 22

  Alexander, Donald, 91

  Alexander, Keith, 142

  Alito, Samuel, 97

  American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 107

  American Bar Association, 105

  American Center for Law and Justice, 99

  American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 148, 154, 183

  American Future Fund, 96

  American International Group (AIG), 193–94

  American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, 128–29

  American Issues Project, 96–97

  Americans for Prosperity (AFP), 98, 99, 102, 106r />
  Americans for Tax Reform, 169

  AmeriCorps, 188–90

  Andrew, John A., III, 89

  Andrews Air Force Base: Benghazi ceremony at, 18, 19, 44

  Annenberg, Moe, 89

  Ansar al-Sharia, 34, 39, 45

  anti-Semitism, 103

  antiballistic missile sites, Israeli: leaks about, 134

  AOL, 143

  Apple, 143

  appointments, Obama administration and Congress-Obama relations, 166

  and Energy Department, 170–72

  pledge for, 158

  recess, 166, 168

  SEIU and, 165–68

  and stimulus package, 170

  See also specific person

  ”Arab Spring,” 20–24, 34, 204, 208

  Argonaut Ventures, 170–71

  Arizona: immigration laws in, 196–97, 208

  Arizona State University: Obama speech at, 87

  Armitage, Richard, 205

  Arms Control Export Act (AECA), 19, 24, 27, 42, 58, 61–62, 83

  Assad, Bashar, 23, 24

  Associated Press (AP)

  Clinton comments to, 56

  Justice Department and, 2, 14, 125–26, 208, 210

  leaks and, 2, 14, 123–26, 127, 208, 210

  and Zimmerman–Trayvon Martin case, 180

  Association of Community Organizations for Reform (ACORN), 198–200

  AT&T, 149

  ATF. See Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

  Attkisson, Sharyl, 50, 51, 69–70, 76–77, 78–79, 209

  Authorization for Use of Military Force (2001), 57

  automobile industry: bailout of, 162–65

  Avenger, Inc., 97

  Avila, Jamie, 67

  Axelrod, David, 92, 208

  Ayers, Bill, 128

  Azerbaijan, 131–32

  Bacigalupo, James, 35

  Baer, Greg, 192

  Baier, Bret, 29, 123

  Baker, Isaac, 93

  balance of power, 213

  Bank of America, 192, 194

  banks: Obama’s meeting with CEOs of, 192

  Barack H. Obama Foundation, 107

  Barkan, Alexander, 90

  Bartlett, Dewey, Jr., 171

  Bates, John, 148

  Battles, Thomas, 182

  Baucus, Max, 98, 108, 164

  BBC News, 201

  “Be on the Look Out” (BOLO) list, 101–2, 110

  Beck, Glenn, 100

  Becker, Craig, 166, 167–68

  Belhadj, Abdel Hikim, 26

  Bell, Derrick, 128

  Bell, George T., 90

  Bellota Canyon (Arizona): bandit activity in, 61

  Ben Ali, Zine El Abidine, 22, 23, 24

  ben Hassine, Seifallah, 38

  Ben Qumu, Sufyan, 28–29

  Ben-Yishai, Ron, 132

  Benghazi (Libya)

  aftermath of, 41–42, 53–56, 58–59

  al-Qaeda influence in, 26, 38, 39, 52

  American deaths in, 1, 18, 25, 42, 44, 46–47, 53, 57, 204, 213

  attack on U.S. mission at, 37–42

  Ben Qumu and, 29

  blame for attack at, 41–53, 58, 110, 112, 204

  charges about, 19–56

  CIA and, 30, 32, 39, 40, 45, 48, 50

  closing arguments about, 56–59

  cover-up for, 18, 20, 42–53, 58, 204

  elections of 2012 and, 18, 43, 44, 51, 52, 58

  Espionage Act and, 24, 42

  and gunrunning in Middle East/Africa, 24, 30, 32–37, 39, 46, 203–4

  investigations concerning, 1, 3, 47–50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58

  involuntary manslaughter and, 19–20, 37

  and Islamist terrorists as security forces at Benghazi, 33–37

  and media as willing accomplices, 209

  Obama’s whereabouts during attack at, 3, 41, 49

  opening argument about, 18

  and pre-attack activities, 32–37

  RICO Act and, 20, 58

  role of mission at, 32

  and security at Benghazi mission, 1, 33–37, 45, 48, 49–50, 58

  silencing of witnesses about, 1, 47, 50–53, 58, 122

  and staffing of mission, 35, 39

  terrorism and, 43, 44–45, 46, 52

  whistle-blowers about, 42, 48, 53, 155, 204

  White House comments about, 1, 46, 47–48, 49, 53, 206–7, 208

  YouTube, 42–47

  Bennet, Michael, 99

  Bensinger, Peter, 197

  Bertini, Catherine, 48

  Bhargava, Deepak, 199–200

  Biden, Joe “Uncle Joe,” 119–20, 121, 122, 133, 140, 171

  bin Laden, Osama

  death of, 43, 49, 56, 118–20, 124, 137, 165, 208

  Klein comment about, 96

  leaks about, 205

  black churches, IRS activities and, 104

  Blackwell, Morton, 106–7

  Blagojevich, Rod, 160, 161, 208

  Blair, Dennis, 127


  for Benghazi, 41–53, 58, 110, 112, 204

  on Congress, 196–97

  for domestic surveillance program, 145–49

  for Fast and Furious Operation, 69–70, 74, 76, 204

  on gun shops, 69–70

  immigration issues and, 196–97

  and investigations, 3

  and IRS activities, 105, 110–11, 112, 116

  about leaks, 134

  on low-level employees, 3–4, 13, 48, 78, 105, 110–11, 134, 212

  Block, Sharon, 168

  Bloomberg, 132

  Board of Tax Appeals, 88

  Boehner, John, 73, 150

  Boeing, 166–67

  BOLO list (IRS), 101–2, 110

  Bolton, John, 132

  Bon Jovi, Jon, 175

  Booz Allen Hamilton, 2, 145

  Border Patrol, U.S., 61, 67, 68, 197

  Boston Marathon, 153–54

  Boswell, Eric, 53

  Boundless Informant (NSA program), 145

  Boustany, Charles, 100

  Boyer, Peter, 194

  Boyle, Matthew, 209

  Breitbart, Andrew, 199

  Breitbart News, 103, 209

  Brennan, John, 124–25, 127

  Breslan, Paul, 91

  Breuer, Lanny, 64, 72, 74, 80, 194


  benefits of, 206

  charges about, 159–76

  closing arguments about, 176–77

  illegal gratuity and, 159–60, 176

  intent and, 159–76

  and media as willing accomplices, 210

  opening arguments about, 158–59

  RICO Act and, 176, 212

  U.S. code about, 157, 159

  See also specific incident

  BrightSource Energy, 171

  British Petroleum, 195

  Broaddrick, Juanita, 91

  Broadwell, Paula, 55

  Brooks, David, 150–51

  Brown & Root, 89

  Brown, Corrine, 180–81

  Brown, Lawrence, 188, 189, 190

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 129

  Buell, Samuel, 5

  Bugliosi, Vincent, 13

  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF): Fast and Furious Operation and, 63–70, 74–81

  Burger, Anna, 165

  Burke, Dennis, 63, 64, 67–68, 71, 77, 78, 80–81

  Burns, William, 134

  Bush (George W.)

  administration appointments of, 166

  approval ratings of, 9–10

  Ben Qumu and, 29

  elections of 2008 and, 162

  executive privilege assertions by, 73

  gun walking and, 74

  Iran and, 22, 132–33

  labor unions and, 162

  litigation against, 213

  media relations with, 13

  press and, 13

  scandals and, 13

  surveillance policies of, 139–41, 143, 144, 149, 154, 155–56

  weaknesses of, 204
  Bush, Jeb, 55–56

  BuShitler, 13

  business community, concessions from, 192–95, 206

  BuzzFeed, 51

  Cairo, Egypt, Obama’s trip to, 20–21

  Cambridge (Massachusetts) Police Department: Gates case and, 187–88

  Cameron, David, 24, 195

  Cameron, Simon, 176

  Camp, Dave, 113–14

  Campaign Legal Center, 114

  Capone, Al, 208

  Cardozo, Nate, 125

  Carney, Jay

  and AP case, 126

  and Benghazi, 1, 46, 47–48, 49, 53, 206–7

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 73

  and Gosnell trial, 208

  and IRS activities, 108, 112, 113

  and Israeli-Iranian nuclear program, 133

  and leaks about terror plots of al-Qaeda, 124, 208

  Onion parody of, 2

  scandal comments by, 2–3, 15

  Caron, Paul, 87

  Carter, Jimmy, 129, 204

  Carville, James, 91

  Casa, Olinda, 65–66

  CBS, 175, 209

  CBS Evening News, 93

  CBS News

  Benghazi and, 40, 43, 46–47, 50, 51, 209

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 69–70

  and hacking of journalists, 77

  Cefalu, Vince, 77–78

  Center for Community Change, 199–200

  Center for Individual Freedom, 169

  Center for Public Integrity (CPI), 169–70

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Armitage-Plame incident, 205

  Belhadj capture by, 26

  and Benghazi, 30, 32, 39, 40, 45, 48, 50

  and Boston Marathon information, 153

  BuShitler and, 13

  and gunrunning in Syria, 30–31

  leaks and, 119, 124, 133, 136

  and Libyan uprising, 27

  Petraeus as head of, 55

  and Rosen–North Korea case, 122

  Snowden revelations and, 152

  and staff connections to terrorist organizations, 152

  surveillance programs and, 144, 149

  in Turkey, 30–31

  Chaffetz, Jason, 37, 50–51, 120–21

  Chait, Mark, 69, 70, 79

  Chamber of Commerce, U.S., 98

  Chambliss, Saxby, 152


  about bribery, 159–76

  about conspiracy and espionage of Obama administration, 19–56

  about IRS activities, 87–116

  about manslaughter count, 61–82

  about obstruction of justice, 184–200

  about surveillance programs, 141–54

  about unauthorized disclosure of information, 121–35

  Chávez, Hugo, 86

  checks and balances: importance of, 213

  Cheney, Dick, 150


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