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The People Vs. Barack Obama

Page 35

by Ben Shapiro

  Hearst, William Randolph, 88

  Heritage Foundation, 91

  Hersh, Seymour, 131

  Hezbollah, 25, 152

  Hicks, Greg, 41, 42, 47, 48, 50–51, 53, 58

  Hill, G. Kathleen, 35, 54–55

  Hirozawa, Kent, 168

  Hofacre, Elizabeth, 110–11

  Hoffa, Jimmy, 90

  Holder, Eric

  and Benghazi story, 3

  black churches advice of, 104

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 64, 67, 70, 71–76, 80, 81, 83

  immigration laws and, 196

  and IRS activities, 104, 108

  need for prosecution of, 212

  and New Black Panther Party, 186

  Obama’s confidence in, 71, 73, 75, 184

  perjury by, 123

  and RICO Act administration, 6–7

  and targeting of journalists, 122–23, 125

  Holder, Eric

  and targeting of U.S. citizens with drone strikes, 201

  and Wall Street businesses, 194

  Zimmerman–Trayvon Martin case and, 184


  Obamacare and, 175

  Obama’s relations with, 175–76, 206

  Homeland Security Department (DHS), U.S., 28, 67, 96, 114, 149

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 15, 89, 90, 211

  Hoover, William, 79

  Horner, Christopher, 173

  Horowitz, Michael E., 74, 75

  House Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee (House Armed Services Committee), 142

  House Oversight and Government Reform Committee

  Benghazi and, 37, 39, 46, 50–51

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 70, 73

  and IRS activities, 100–101, 103, 111, 116

  House Ways and Means Committee: and IRS activities, 113–14

  Housing Development Authority, Illinois, 199

  Housing and Urban Development (HUD), U.S. Department of: ACORN and, 199

  Howard, Andre, 61, 69, 81

  Hudson, Jennifer, 175

  Hull, Blair, 92

  Hull, Carter, 111, 116

  Human Rights Campaign, 104

  Hurley, Emory, 66–67, 69, 78, 80, 81

  Hurricane Katrina, 13

  Ideological Organizations Project, 89

  Iger, Bob, 175

  Ignatius, David, 107, 131

  illegal gratuity, 159–60, 176

  Illinois Housing Development Authority, 199

  Immelt, Jeffrey, 172, 175

  immigration, 11, 12, 60–61, 196–97, 208

  Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S.: and Fast and Furious Operation, 68

  impeachments, 212

  Ingraham, Laura, 76

  Ingram, Sarah Hall, 102, 115

  “Innocence of Muslims” (YouTube video), 38, 41, 42–47, 55

  Institute for National Security Studies, 132

  Interior, U.S. Department of, 176

  Internal Revenue Code. See Internal Revenue Service

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS) accountability/transparency of, 105–9

  aftermath of targeting by, 113–16, 155

  and blame, 105, 110–11, 112, 116

  BOLO list of, 101–2, 110

  charges concerning the, 87–116

  climate of retaliation at, 97–100

  closing argument about activities of, 116–17

  cover-up for targeting by, 109–12

  Democratic reactions to, 108

  employee bonuses at, 114–16

  investigations/reports about, 89, 90, 93–94, 98, 100, 105, 108, 109–10, 111–12, 113–14, 115, 116

  liberal groups and, 107

  litigation against, 213

  and media as willing accomplices, 209–10

  Obama as unaware of scandal about, 11, 107–9

  Obamacare and, 115

  opening arguments about, 86–87

  public opinion concerning, 117

  targeting of conservative groups/opposition by, 2, 98–117, 155, 204, 206, 209–10

  as tool of intimidation and oppression, 116

  as weapon of political retribution, 88–89

  White House comments about activities of, 11, 108, 112, 113, 207, 208

  International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers, 166

  Internet: and surveillance programs, 143–44, 148

  intimidation, criminal: definition of, 184


  about AIG bailout, 193–94

  and AmeriCorps/Walpin case, 189, 190

  about Benghazi, 1, 3, 47–50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58

  and blame, 3, 13

  about Fast and Furious Operation, 65, 68, 71–76, 78–79, 80, 81

  about IRS activities, 89, 90, 93–94, 98, 100, 105, 108, 109–10, 111–12, 113–14, 115, 116

  phony scandals and, 3

  about Rezko, 160

  about shooting of Navy SEALs, 121

  about surveillance programs, 142, 147, 149

  about terrorism, 96


  Ahmadinejad’s election in, 21–22

  Bush administration and, 22

  Israeli relations with, 129–34, 205

  leaks about, 129–34, 136, 205

  nuclear program of, 129–34, 136, 205

  Obama’s diplomacy overtures to, 22


  al-Qaeda in, 21, 25

  AQIM in, 25

  and Armitage-Plame incident, 205

  due process and, 202

  Obama’s call for pullout from, 21

  Irey, Elmer, 88

  Islam: Obama’s views about, 20–21


  Iranian relations with, 129–34, 205

  leaks about, 128–36, 205

  Syrian relations with, 134

  Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), 132

  Issa, Darrell, 37, 70, 72–73, 74, 78, 80, 190, 209

  Jackson, David, 14

  Jackson, Jesse, Jr., 207

  Jackson, Lisa, 173

  Jaffer, Jameel, 148

  Jarrett, Valerie, 160

  Jefferson, Thomas, 13–14, 211

  Jewish community, 107, 128–29. See also Israel

  jihad, 31–32

  Jobs and Family Services, Ohio Department of, 93

  Johnson, Kevin, 188–89, 201

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines “LBJ,” 89, 90

  Joint Chiefs of Staff: Benghazi and, 40

  Jones, B. Todd, 77

  Jones-Kelley, Helen E., 93–94

  Jones, Paula, 91

  Jones, Terry, 38

  Jordan, 30


  Justice Department targeting of, 2, 12, 14, 122–23, 125–26, 137, 155, 205, 208, 210

  Obama administration hostility toward, 14, 122, 207

  See also specific person or organization

  JPMorgan Chase, 194

  Judd, Brandon, 61

  Judicial Watch, 75–76, 83, 90–91, 94, 117, 169, 182, 200

  Justice, U.S. Department of

  and AIG–Goldman Sachs case, 193–94

  AmeriCorps/Walpin case and, 190 and AP case, 2, 14, 125–26, 210

  BuShitler and, 13

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 63–64, 65, 68, 70, 71–76, 77–78, 79–81, 83

  and HHS fund-raising, 195

  immigration laws and, 196

  and IRS activities, 88, 98, 108

  marijuana laws and, 197

  as most corrupt branch of government, 206, 212

  and New Black Panther Party case, 185, 186, 187

  Obama administration appointments to, 170

  and obstruction of justice issues, 184

  and race issues, 141

  RICO Act and, 6–7, 15, 212

  and Rosen–Fox News case, 14, 122–23

  Snowden case and, 150

  targeting of journalists by, 2, 12, 14, 122–23, 125–26, 137, 155, 205, 208, 210

  White House comments about, 12, 71, 73, 75, 184

  Zimmerman–Trayvon Martin ca
se and, 180, 181, 182–83, 206

  See also Holder, Eric

  Kaiser, George, 170–71

  Kaufman, Brett Max, 154

  Kaufman, Irving, 57

  Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 168

  Kennedy, John F. “JFK,” 89–90, 116, 203, 204

  Kennedy, Patrick, 36, 40, 55

  Kentucky 9/12 Project, 100

  Kerry, John, 54, 150

  Kessler, Glenn, 105–6

  Keyes, Alan, 92

  Keys, Alicia, 175

  Khalidi, Rashid, 128

  Kiestand, Kevin, 190

  “kill list”: for al-Qaeda, 127–28

  Kilpatrick, Bernard, 5

  Kilpatrick, Kwame, 5–6

  Kim, Stephen Jin-Woo, 122, 136

  Kindell, Judy, 101

  King & Spalding law firm, 80

  King, Loretta, 185

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 89

  King, Peter, 151, 197

  Kinzinger, Adam, 44

  Klayman v. Obama (2013), 156

  Klein, Aaron, 32, 161

  Klein, Edward, 161

  Klein, Joe, 96

  Kline, John, 166

  Koch brothers, 106

  Koch Industries, 97–98

  Koran: burning of, 38

  Kris, David, 136

  Kristof, Nicholas, 20

  Kroft, Steve, 43, 46–47, 51

  Kuhner, Jeffrey, 120

  Kyl, Jon, 98

  Labor, U.S. Department of, 103, 168, 174

  Lake, Eli, 126

  Lamb, Charlene, 36, 53

  Lambrew, Jeanne, 103

  Lane, Christopher, 188

  Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, 182–83

  Leadership Institute, 106–7


  aftermath about, 135–36, 155

  and Associated Press case, 123–26, 208, 210

  Benghazi and, 50

  about bin Laden raid, 205

  blame about, 134

  closing arguments about, 137

  and congressional briefing about bin Laden’s death, 120

  due process and, 202

  equality of, 126–28, 210

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 77, 81

  about Iranian nuclear program, 129–32

  and IRS activities, 90, 103–4

  about Israel, 128–36, 205

  opening arguments about, 118–21

  and prosecution of leakers, 135–36, 205

  and Rosen–North Korea case, 121–23, 136

  Sterling case and, 19

  and surveillance programs, 144, 145

  U.S. Code about, 118

  as violations of Espionage Act, 121–35

  White House response to, 124, 207

  See also Snowden, Edward

  Lee, Bill, 181, 182

  Lee, Sheila Jackson, 180

  Legal Defense and Educational Fund, 183

  Leibowitz, Shamai, 135–36

  Leno, Jay, 146

  Leon, Richard, 156

  Leonhart, Michele, 63

  Lerner, Lois, 96, 101, 102–3, 105, 106, 107, 109–10, 111, 115

  Lesin, Mikhail, 200

  Level 3 Communications, 170

  Lew, Jack, 3

  Lewis, Bertha, 200

  Lewis, John, 91

  Libby, Scooter, 205

  liberal groups

  and EPA fees for Freedom of Information requests, 2

  and IRS activities, 107

  See also specific organization


  al-Qaeda and, 25, 31–32, 57

  arms shipments to, 27–28, 31–37, 39, 46, 57

  Ben Qumu in, 29

  and Benghazi attack, 32–37

  gunrunning in, 28, 121

  LIFG in, 25–26

  public opinion about, 27

  Qaddafi uprising in, 24–29, 31

  U.S. relations with, 47

  YouTube video and, 47

  See also Benghazi

  Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), 25–26

  Light, Sharon, 102

  Lincoln, Abraham, 176

  Little, Brown & Company, 91

  lobbyists, 158–59

  Lockerbie bombing (1988), 24

  London Sunday Telegraph, 33

  London Telegraph, 30

  London Times, 30, 31, 129–30

  Lone Wolf Trading Company Inc., 61, 67, 69, 81

  Long, Edward, 90

  Long, Huey, 88

  Lorenzetti, Peter, 104

  Los Angeles Times

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 65, 73

  and IRS activities, 90

  Lott, John, Jr., 169

  low-level employees

  and Benghazi, 48, 110

  blame on, 3–4, 13, 48, 78, 105, 110–11, 134, 212

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 78, 110

  and IRS activities, 105, 110–11

  and prosecuting the Obama administration, 4

  Lynn, William J. III, 158, 159

  MacAllister, Hope, 65, 67, 79

  Maddow, Rachel, 95, 174

  Madoff, Bernie, 6

  mafia, 15–16, 64, 116

  Magariaf, Mohamed, 47

  Maher, Bill, 95

  Mali, 31–32

  Malkin, Michelle, 198–99

  Malley, Robert, 129

  Mammoth Oil, 176

  Manning, Bradley, 19


  Arizona statute about, 60, 82

  Benghazi case and, 19–20, 37

  charges about, 61–82

  closing argument about, 82–84

  definition of, 60

  elements of, 62, 82

  involuntary, 19–20, 37, 60–84

  opening argument about, 60–61

  reckless disregard and, 60, 62, 82

  See also Fast and Furious Operation

  marijuana laws, 197

  Martin, Jenny Beth, 107

  Martin, Trayvon, 178–84

  Mason, Karol, 170

  Matthews, Chris, 14

  Matvienko, Valentina, 153

  Maxwell, Raymond, 54

  McCain, John, 54, 93, 133, 193

  McClatchy news service, 135

  McClellan, John, 210–11

  McConnell, Mitch, 109

  McDonough, Denis, 20

  McGavin, Joe, 199

  McInerney, Thomas, 170

  McNeal, Greg, 127

  McPeak, Merrill, 129


  Bush administration relations with, 13

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 76–78

  and freedom of the press, 14–15

  hacking of, 77

  importance of, 13–14

  IRS activities and, 102, 106–7, 116

  leftist leanings of, 13

  Obama administration and, 14–15, 209–10, 211

  Obamacare and, 175

  as willing accomplices, 209–10, 211

  and Zimmerman–Trayvon Martin case, 180

  See also specific journalist or organization

  ”Media Trackers,” 107

  Meet the Press (NBC-TV), 45

  Mellon, Andrew, 88

  Melson, Ken, 63, 64, 74, 77, 79–80

  Merkley, Jeff, 9


  Chamber of Deputies in, 70

  knowledge about Fast and Furious in, 66, 70

  See also drug cartels, Mexican

  Microsoft, 143

  middle class: Obama’s commitment to, 3

  military, U.S.: sexual assaults in, 191–92

  Miller, Steven, 104, 108–9, 116

  Mills, Cheryl, 51

  Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party, 96

  Miranda, David, 151

  Mitchell, Steven R., 171

  Monaco, Lisa, 67

  Moonves, Les, 175

  Moran, Jim, 91

  Morell, Michael, 55, 149

  Morgan, Piers, 53

  Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 88, 89

  Morsi, Mohammed, 23, 31

  Mossad, 131

p; motive: and conviction of crime, 20

  Mourad, Greg, 167

  MSNBC, 2, 95, 104, 174

  Mubarak, Hosni, 21, 23, 24

  Mueller, Robert, 63, 153

  Muhammad, James J., 186

  Muhammad, Mikhail, 186

  Muhammad (prophet), 38

  Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK), 131

  Mullen, Mike, 48, 49

  Muslim Brotherhood, 21, 23, 31

  Nadler, Jerrold, 26

  Nakoula, Nakoula Basseley, 44

  Napolitano, Janet, 68, 71–72, 83, 114, 196

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 89, 95, 100, 180, 183

  National Constitution Center Liberty Medal: Clinton awarded, 55–56

  National Council of La Raza, 159

  National Defense University: Obama speech about war on terror at, 140–41

  National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, 197

  National Journal, 14

  National Labor Relations Act, 167

  National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), 166–68

  National Military Command Center: Benghazi and, 40

  National Organization for Marriage (NOM), 103–4

  National Partnership for Women & Families, 158–59

  National Public Radio, 102

  National Review, 91

  National Rifle Association (NRA), 91, 154

  National Right to Work Committee, 167

  National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, 166

  National Security Agency (NSA)

  Benghazi and, 40–41

  Ford case and, 19

  internal audit of, 147

  and media as willing accomplices, 210

  NAACP lawsuit against, 154

  Snowden case and, 2, 19, 145, 146, 149, 150, 151, 152, 205, 210

  as spying on foreign leaders, 12

  spying on U.S. citizens by, 126–28

  Sterling case and, 19

  surveillance programs of, 3, 127, 136, 140, 141–56, 207

  White House comments about, 12, 207, 208

  National Transition Council (Libya), 24

  NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 29

  Natural Resources Defense Council, 173

  Navy SEALS, 119–21, 122, 137, 205

  Navy, U.S., 176

  NBC: GE as owner of, 172, 175

  NBC News, 123, 131, 146, 172

  Neal, Richard, 91

  Netanyahu, Benjamin, 129, 130

  New Black Panthers (NBP), 180, 185–88, 201, 210

  New York Times

  and al-Qaeda “kill list,” 127

  Ben Qumu story in, 29

  Benghazi and, 51–52

  bias of, 209

  and Bush administration, 13

  due process story in, 202

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 81

  and funding of elections by nonprofits, 98

  and gunrunning in Middle East/Africa, 30–31, 33

  and IRS activities, 100, 110

  and Israeli stories, 132, 133, 134

  leaks and, 127, 132, 133, 134

  Obama comments about Afghanistan and Pakistan in, 21

  and Obama’s 2004 senate race, 92

  and Qatar-Libya gunrunning, 28

  Risen-Sterling case and, 19


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