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The People Vs. Barack Obama

Page 37

by Ben Shapiro

unions, labor

  and auto bailout, 162–65

  and Boeing Dreamliner factory, 166–67

  elections and, 162–63, 176–77

  and Obama appointments, 167–68

  Obamacare and, 174–75, 206

  violence of, 192

  United Auto Workers (UAW), 162–64, 165

  United Nations

  Benghazi abandoned by, 34

  and Libya uprising, 27

  Obama at, 46

  Qaddafi sanctions and, 24

  and Rosen–North Korea reports, 122

  United States

  destruction of, 214

  role in world of, 204, 209

  United States v. Price (1966), 141

  University of Chicago Medical Center, 160–61

  Univision: Obama comments about Fast and Furious to, 71, 75

  Upstream program, 144

  Urban League, 180

  USA Today, 14

  Van Hollen, Chris, 114

  VanderSloot Farms, 103

  VanderSloot, Frank, 103

  VantagePoint Capital Partners, 171

  Vaughn, Aaron, 120, 121

  Vaughn, Billy, 121

  Vaughn, Karen, 120

  Vehicle Production Group (Perseus), 172

  Venezuela: Chávez rule in, 86

  Verizon, 152–53

  Victory Fund, Obama’s, 194

  Vietor, Tommy, 40–41

  voter fraud, 198–99

  Voth, David, 65, 66–67, 79

  Wagle, Sanjay, 171

  Walden, Greg, 26

  Walker, Paul, 63

  Wall Street businesses, 193–94, 210

  Wall Street Journal

  AmeriCorps/Walpin story and, 190

  Wall Street Journal

  and bribery cases, 167

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 79

  and “Innocence of Muslims” video, 38

  and IRS activities, 115

  Walpin, Gerald, 188–90, 201, 210

  Walsh, Kenneth T., 95

  Walther, Michael F., 72

  Walton, Reggie B., 148

  war on terror: ending of, 140–41, 143

  Warriner, Jeremy, 164

  Washington Post

  and Energy Department activities, 172

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 63, 65, 69, 76–77, 79–80

  and IRS activities, 105–6, 107

  and Israeli-U.S. relations, 131

  and Rosen–North Korea case, 122

  and Sebelius’s solicitation of donations for Obamacare, 195

  and surveillance programs, 143, 144, 210

  and Syrian aid, 27

  Washington Times

  and bin Laden’s death, 120

  and IRS activities, 117

  Watergate, 72

  Waters, Maxine, 180

  Watts, Naomi, 205

  Weich, Ronald, 68, 72, 80

  Weinstein, Jason, 74

  Wells, David, 194

  Wells Fargo, 194

  Werfel, Danny, 113, 114

  Western Center for Journalism, 91

  Wetumpka Tea Party (Alabama), 106


  about Benghazi, 42, 48, 53, 155, 204

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 62, 77–78, 83, 121–22, 155

  Snowden as, 145

  Whitaker, Eric, 161

  Whitehouse, Sheldon, 99

  WikiLeaks, 19, 22

  Wilkinson, Monty, 67, 74

  Wilson, Frederica, 180

  Wilson, Joe, 205

  Wilson, Woodrow, 7–8, 12, 204

  Winfrey, Oprah, 175


  and Fast and Furious Operation, 64

  See also surveillance programs

  witnesses, silencing/tampering of

  and Benghazi, 1, 47, 50–53, 58, 122

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 62, 79–80

  Wolfinger, Norm, 181

  Wood, Andrew, 34, 35

  Woods, Charles, 44

  Woods Fund, 198

  Woods, Tyrone, 18, 39, 41, 44

  Woodward, Bob, 14

  Works Progress Administration (WPA), 87

  Wright, Jeremiah, 128, 161

  Wurzelbacher, Samuel Joseph “Joe the Plumber,” 92–94

  Wyden, Ron, 142, 143, 148

  XP Technology, 172–73

  Ya’alon, Moshe, 134

  Yahoo, 143

  Yedioth Ahronoth, 132

  Yeltsin, Boris, 200


  al-Qaeda in, 31, 38

  leaks about terror plot in, 123–26

  Younes, Abdel Fattah, 33

  Younis, Fawzi, 36


  Benghazi and, 42–47, 55

  and elections of 2012, 175

  “Innocence of Muslims” video on, 38, 41, 42–47, 55

  surveillance programs and, 143

  Zapata, Jaime, 68, 82

  Zarqawi, Abu Mussab al-, 26

  Zawahiri, Ayman al-, 38, 126

  Zawahiri, Mohammed al-, 38

  Zimmerman, George, 178–84, 185, 186, 201, 206, 208, 210

  Zindani, Abdul Majeed al-, 38

  Zywicki, Todd, 164

  Threshold Editions

  A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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  Copyright © 2014 by Ben Shapiro

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Threshold Editions Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

  First Threshold Editions hardcover edition June 2014

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  Interior design by Akasha Archer

  Jacket design by Jason Gabbert

  Jacket photograph by AFP/Getty Images

  Author photograph by Yehuda Remer

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Shapiro, Ben.

  The people vs. Barack Obama : the criminal case against the Obama administration / Ben Shapiro.

  pages cm

  1. Obama, Barack. 2. Executive power—United States. 3. Abuse of administrative power—United States. 4. United States—Politics and government—2009– I. Title. II. Title: People versus Barack Obama.

  E907.S43 2014



  ISBN 978-1-4767-6513-6

  ISBN 978-1-4767-6514-3 (ebook)




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