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Page 13

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “Here we are.” Taliana radiated excitement. “I’m sure you two will be very comfortable here.”

  “I’m sure.” I needed to get Taliana and Gareth away before Vera flipped out. We didn’t have to do anything, but throwing a fit wasn’t going to help our cause. “Is there a key?”

  “Here you go.” Gareth handed me a heavy iron key. “You have two choices. You can take the ritual bath and mate tonight.”

  “And the other choice?” Vera interrupted.

  “The other choice is to take the ritual bath tonight and take your time on the rest. The bath is the only part that is required on the evening of the Petere Ceremony.”

  “We’ll do that.” Vera pulled the key from my hand and inserted it into the lock.

  Gareth laughed. “Have an enjoyable evening.” He took Taliana’s hand and led her back up the path we’d just come down.

  “They weren’t kidding.” Vera groaned from inside.

  “A nice bat—” I stopped mid-sentence when I noticed the giant pool in the middle of the room—or sort of room. The ceiling over the pool was open to the sky.

  “Not very subtle.”

  “Nope.” I pulled off my shirt.

  “What are you doing?” She put a hand on her hip.

  “Going swimming.”

  “Uh, no you’re not. We’re not doing this.”

  “Haven’t you gone skinny dipping before?”

  “Yes… but this is different. This is ritual.”

  “It’s only ritual if you want it to be. Otherwise it can just be a casual swim between friends.” I grinned. She needed to relax. We could make the situation fun if we wanted.

  “Between friends?” She arched an eyebrow.

  “Yes.” I slipped off my pants and boxers. “Friends.”

  Her eyes ran up and down my body. I didn’t mind one bit. “I don’t generally want to have sex with my friends.”

  “No?” I feigned surprise. “That’s too bad.”

  “But you’re more than my friend.” She reached around her dress. “Darn it.”

  “Need help?” I walked around behind her and unzipped her dress. I knew that dropping the dress would expose her body to me, so I hesitated long enough to enjoy the moment to the fullest.

  When I knew she wouldn’t expect it I dropped the fabric and pulled her body back into mine. As usual she wasn’t wearing a bra, but she did have a pesky pair of panties on. I reached down with my free hand and started to slip them down.

  “It’s not fair.”

  “What isn’t?” I whispered in her ear.

  “That you make me feel this way.”

  “How do I make you feel?” I pressed her back harder into my body, making sure she knew exactly how she was making me feel. The night had been insane, and I knew there was only one thing that was going to make up for it. Having Vera again. I moved my hand in between her legs. “Come on, tell me. How do I make you feel?”

  She moaned.

  I moved my hand slightly down her leg. “You still haven’t told me.”

  Without warning she spun around in my arms. “You make me feel good.”

  Her lips pressed into mine, and I pulled her flush against me. Her hand slipped between us, and I groaned as she took me in her hand.

  I moved my fingers, wanting to give her the pleasure she was giving me.

  “Are you trying to distract me again?” She leaned her head back, and I took full advantage, running my lips up and down her sensitive skin.

  “I’m distracting both of us.”

  She got more aggressive with her hand. “I can help with that.”

  “Oh, you’re more than helping.”

  “Ready for that swim?”

  She was driving me crazy, and I wasn’t going to be able to hold on much longer if she didn’t stop. “Completely.” I turned us around so my back was to the pool. I returned my lips to her neck and took a few steps backward.

  “Jared!” She yelled as we splashed into the deep water of the pool.

  I laughed. “You asked if I was ready.”

  “You didn’t ask me.”

  “I already knew the answer.” I brushed some of her wet hair away from her face. “You’re gorgeous.”

  “That’s an abrupt subject change.”

  “Couldn’t help it.” I swam over to the side of the pool, taking her with me. I wrapped my legs around her, keeping her tethered to me. I wasn’t letting her go anywhere.

  “Are we sufficiently clean now?”

  “No. But who cares?”

  “I don’t.” She ran her hand down my chest.

  “Good.” I leaned toward her.

  She pulled her head back. “You usually don’t kiss girls.”

  “No. My guess is you usually don’t kiss guys.”

  “Something is wrong with us.”

  “No… we view sex as what it is, sex. Kissing isn’t part of that.”

  “But we kiss.”

  “We do.” Now that I’d tasted her lips, I wanted them all the time.

  “And you saved me today.”

  “Is there a point to this?” I cupped her breast, reminding her that my thoughts were on her body and not on being thanked.

  She closed her eyes. “I just want to understand.”

  “And I just want you.” I lowered my mouth to her breast, keeping one hand anchored to the wall.

  She moaned. “Stop distracting me.”

  I ignored her, and instead let my tongue explore.


  I reluctantly lifted my head. “Yes?”

  “Aren’t you at least slightly concerned that you agreed to mate with me, you’re in a ritual pool with me, and we might spend the rest of our lives tied together?”

  “Didn’t you hear Gareth?” I cupped her chin with my hand. “We have all the time we need. The only thing we needed to do was this bath, and well babe, we’re doing it.”

  “Somehow I don’t think this is what they meant.”

  “I think it’s exactly what they meant.” I ran my lips down her neck again. I was still in the mood even if she wasn’t.

  “Jared?” She fidgeted against me.


  “Do you have more condoms?”

  “In my bag.” I’d brought them as a reflex, and I was now very glad I had.

  “Then we should find your bag.”

  I kissed her eyelid. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah… as much as I’m enjoying the swim.”

  “You’ll enjoy the bedroom just as much.” I pulled us both out of the water, not bothering to search for towels before hurrying down the hallway I assumed housed the bedroom.

  I stepped through a doorway, zeroing in on the large bed that took up most of the room. I set Vera down, letting my eyes take in her gorgeous wet form.

  “Will you quit staring and get over here?” she had her hands at her sides. She wasn’t embarrassed of being wet and naked in front of me, and I loved that confidence.

  “You know for a minute there, I thought I’d lost you.”

  “Lost me?” She sat up on her elbows. “Like I was dying?”

  I laughed dryly. “No, like you didn’t want this as much as I did right now.”

  “How do you know I want it as much as you?” She ran her teeth over her bottom lip, proving my point.

  “By the way you’re looking at me.”

  “How am I looking at you?”

  “Like you want me so bad it hurts.”

  “Then why are you still standing over there?” She relaxed back down on the bed.

  “Because I like teasing you.” I got out a condom.

  “That’s mean.”

  “Is it?” I walked over. “You tease me a lot too.”

  “Not when you’re naked and ready. I do it at other times.”

  “You are naked, but how do I know that you’re ready?” I moved over her on the bed, holding my weight with my hands on either side of her.

  “There’s an easy way to find out.”<
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  I brushed my lips over her neck. “Show me.” I moved next to her on the bed.

  “Gladly.” She took my hand and guided it between her legs.

  She was as wet as I’d hoped. “Yeah, you’re ready.” I lowered my mouth to her breast.

  She moaned and closed her eyes. She was leaving herself completely vulnerable to me, and I knew that was a far bigger deal to her than being naked. Vera didn’t like feeling vulnerable, and neither did I.

  “I’m never going to hurt you.” I didn’t mean to utter the promise I might not be able to keep.

  She opened her eyes. “I hope I don’t hurt you.”

  “Right now I just need you.” I moved over her again.

  “Then take what you need.” She thrust her hips against me.

  “I think I will.” I got ready to enter the place I wanted to be most when the sound of a loud siren interrupted. I rolled off of her. “What is that?”

  “I don’t know.” She sat up. “I haven’t heard that before, but it doesn’t sound good.”

  “We should probably get dressed.” I looked down. I was in no state to get dressed, but I didn’t have a choice.

  “I promise we’ll finish this later.”

  “I hope you keep your promises.” I was worried, but I wasn’t willing to admit it to Vera. She liked me strong and confident. I wanted to give her exactly what she wanted. I quickly dressed in my usual clothes. The traditional Norco cotton outfit was comfortable, but it wasn’t mine. It didn’t feel right.

  “What do we do?” She pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top. “Find my mom and Gareth?”

  “We can sit tight for a few minutes now that we’re dressed, I just wanted us prepared.”

  Loud knocking on the front door crushed that idea.

  “Vera! Jared!” Taliana yelled.

  I rushed down the hall and pulled open the door.

  Taliana pushed right in and closed the door. “Good you’re dressed.”

  “Of course we are.” Vera crossed her arms.

  “Your hair is wet. Don’t bother pretending.”

  “What’s going on?” I waited impatiently.

  “We don’t have time for me to explain.”

  “What do the sirens mean?” I strained to make sure I couldn’t hear anything else over the loud sirens. “Are we under attack?”

  “Yes. We didn’t expect it. Grab your bags and get ready to go.”

  “Ready to go where?” Things were moving fast. I needed to stay focused.

  “The cave.”

  “The cave Gareth took me to?” I asked to make sure. I couldn’t imagine she meant another.

  “Yes.” Taliana wrapped her arms over her chest. “I wish you two would have had more time, and I’d had the opportunity to tell you everything, but I don’t. The rest of your team will meet you there. Wait in the cave. Do not leave until they arrive, do you understand?”

  “What team?” This was the first I’d heard of it.

  “Just do as I say. You need to trust me.”

  A loud explosion had us all hitting the floor.

  “What the hell was that?” Vera asked.

  “This isn’t the time for questions. We don’t have time.” Taliana started down the hall to the bedroom.

  I chased after. “Taliana, you have to tell us—”

  Taliana cut me off. “Take Vera to the cave and wait for the rest of your team.”

  “You have to tell us what’s happening!” Vera tugged on her mom’s arm.

  Taliana sucked in a breath. “I don’t have time to argue with you. Please for once in your life do what I’ve asked without questioning it. It’s time you stepped into the role you were born for.”

  Another explosion sounded, and I knew we had no choice. I put on my pack and handed Vera hers.

  She held out her hand to me “Let’s get out of here.”

  Taliana was waiting in the hall. “No flying, you don’t want to be spotted, but get there as fast as you can. Everything you need is packed.” She kissed Vera on the cheek. “I love you, sweetie. I wish I could do this with you, but you’re in good hands. Make us all proud.”


  “She will.” I adjusted my pack. “What’s the most direct route?”

  “Southwest.” She hugged me. “Take care of her.”

  “I will once I figure out what the hell we’re doing.”

  “I’m sure you’ll figure it out quickly.”

  I sincerely hoped she was right.

  My life was getting more and more insane by the minute. My head was spinning with all the mixed emotions. It was hard to tell which way was up. Jared and I were asking for trouble. Everything we did muddled the waters further, and now we were running from some sort of attack. I had no idea what to think.

  “Go as fast as you can and don’t stop.” Mom repeated her instructions for the millionth time. “This isn’t a joke. You have to survive, Vera.”

  “I value my life. I’ll survive.”

  “I’ll keep her safe.” Jared pulled me protectively to his side. I wished I knew what he was thinking. Were his feelings for me real, or was he playing a game? It would have helped if I understood my own feelings. I wasn’t quite there yet.

  “Good. I need to make sure everyone is safe.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay and fight?” Jared looked my mom straight in the eye.

  “That is a noble offer, but we need you to stay with Vera. Getting her and the crystals safely away is our only hope.”

  “Crystals?” I asked just before another loud blast shook the ground. I held onto Jared. I was getting far too used to relying on him. “What crystals?”

  “Jared will explain everything.” Mom kissed me again. “Go. The others will be there soon. They know what to do.” Mom hurried off before I could ask any more questions.

  “What’s going on? What crystals is she talking about?”

  “I’ll show you.” He started moving further into the forest.

  “Show me how, and do you really think it’s smart to go this way? What if we get lost?”

  “Do you still doubt my sense of direction?” His face remained serious. He wasn’t joking. Jared was in battle mode.

  “No, but this isn’t the time to take chances.”

  He spun on me. “I’m not taking chances. Your mother asked me to get you to the cave. I’m going to do it. Either you trust me or you don’t.”

  “But why? What is this cave? And what the hell are the crystals?”

  “We have to keep moving.” He continued forward through the night, and I followed.

  A loud explosion went off near us, blocking out the sound of the sirens. When were they going to stop?

  “You okay back there?” He called over his shoulder.

  “Yes. That was a little loud.”

  “It was loud because it’s close.”

  “Are you sure we’re not walking further into danger then?”

  He turned again. “Vera, stop doubting me.”

  “Or what?” I put a hand on my hip. “That kind of sounded like a threat.”

  “Or I’ll throw you over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes and drag you to the cave.”

  “Kidnap me?”

  He leaned in close. “I promise I’ll tell you everything I know, but right now we have to move. I’d prefer to fly, but I can’t risk us getting spotted and tipping them off that a Pteron is here. But if I have to I’ll do exactly that, got it?”

  “But why not just get us off the island?”

  “Because of the crystals. I don’t fully understand them, but I know they’re important.”

  He ducked under a branch and turned us even deeper into the woods. “Watch out, we’re going to be heading up hill.”

  “You think I can’t walk up a hill?”

  “I’m just giving you a heads up.”

  “Keep talking. What else is there to these crystals?”

  He didn’t reply, so I let it go for a few minutes.
I followed him up the steep terrain, glancing back every few minutes to make sure we weren’t followed. I wasn’t sure what kind of enemy we were up against, but I wasn’t eager to have them surprise us from behind.

  “Are you ready to talk yet? Or are you going to feed me some bullshit about waiting instead?” I hated being kept in the dark.

  “I’m not going to feed you bullshit, but I’ve got a feeling there are eyes and ears around here.”

  “Eyes and ears that probably already know everything.”

  “Fine. I’ll tell you what I know, but if this ends up getting us in trouble, I’m going to be pissed.”

  “I don’t think it’s going to be the talking that gets us in trouble.” I stopped in my tracks as a bright light filled the sky. “What was that?”

  “I have no idea, but these have to be witches. Well-armed witches.”

  “Your favorite.”

  “Next time you invite me home, let’s try to keep it less eventful.”

  “Yeah, because this is the way I planned it.”

  “I’ll admit I’m impressed.”

  “What are you impressed about exactly?” I pressed my lips together preparing myself for whatever sarcastic comment was about to come out of Jared’s mouth.


  “Me?” I put a hand on my chest.

  “Yes. You didn’t run. There were several points you could have, but you stayed.”

  “What do you call what we’re doing right now?”

  “This isn’t running away from your problems. This is listening instead of talking and getting to the bottom of a lot of questions we’ve been waiting for answers to.”

  “Aren’t you the wise one?”

  “Not wise, just determined.”

  “Whatever.” I pushed ahead of Jared and continued up the hill.

  “Do you want to hear the story or what?” he asked from behind me.

  “You already know the answer to that.”

  “Stay close.”

  “I am close.”

  “Really close. I’m not talking loudly.” He tugged on my pack, and I fell into line next to him. “Have you ever heard of the Origin Crystals?”

  “Murphy mentioned something about them. But I thought it was a joke. He mentioned a lot of stupid things.” I still couldn’t believe I’d ever seen anything in the jerk.

  “Did he also tell you about the story of our creation? The old folk lore?”


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