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The Store Boy

Page 9

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  "When shall I commence my duties?"

  "Now. You will copy this statement into the ledger you see here.Before doing so, will you look over and verify the figures?"

  Ben was soon hard at work. He was interested in his work, and thetime slipped fast. After an hour and a half had passed, Mrs. Hamiltonsaid:

  "It is about time for lunch, and I think there will be no more to doto-day. Are you familiar with New York?"

  "No, I have spent very little time in the city."

  "You will, no doubt, like to look about. We have dinner at six sharp.You will be on tine?"

  "I will be sure to be here."

  "That reminds me--have you a watch?"

  Ben shook his head.

  "I thought it might be so. I have a good silver watch, which I haveno occasion for."

  Mrs. Hamilton left the room, and quickly returned with a neat silverhunting-case watch, with a guilt chain.

  "This is yours, Ben," she said, "if you like it."

  "Do you give it to me?" asked Ben joyously. He had only expected thatit would be loaned to him.

  "Yes, I give it to you, and I hope you will find it useful."

  "How can I thank you, Mrs. Hamilton, for your kindness?"

  "You are more grateful than Conrad. I gave him one just like it, andhe was evidently dissatisfied became it was not gold. When you areolder the gold watch may come."

  "I am very well pleased with the silver watch, for I have long wantedone, but did not see any way of obtaining it."

  "You are wise in having moderate desires, Ben. But there goes thelunch bell. You may want to wash your hands. When you have done socome down to the dining room, in the rear of the sitting room."

  Mrs. Hill and Conrad were already seated at the table when Bendescended.

  "Take a seat opposite Conrad, Ben," said Mrs. Hamilton, who wassitting at one end of the table.

  The lunch was plain but substantial, and Ben, who had taken an earlybreakfast, enjoyed it.

  "I suppose we shall not have Conrad at lunch to-morrow?" said Mrs.Hamilton. "He will be at the store."

  Conrad made a grimace. He world have enjoyed his freedom better.

  "I won't have much of my four dollars left if I have to pay forlunch," he said in a surly tone.

  "You shall have a reasonable allowance for that purpose."

  "I suppose Mr. Barclay will lunch at home," said Mrs. Hill.

  "Certainly, since his work will be here. He is to be my home clerk,and will keep my accounts."

  "You needn't have gone out of the house for a clerk, Cousin Hamilton.I am sure Conrad would have been glad of the work."

  "It will be better for Conrad to learn business in a largerestablishment," said Mrs. Hamilton quietly.

  This was a new way of looking at it, and helped to reconcile Mrs. Hillto an arrangement which at first had disappointed her.

  "Have you any engagements this afternoon, Conrad?" asked Mrs.Hamilton. "Ben will have nothing to do, and you could show him thecity."

  "I've got an engagement with a fellow," said Conrad hastily.

  "I can find my way about alone, thank you," said Ben. "I won'ttrouble Conrad."

  "Very well. This evening, however, Ben, I think you may enjoy goingto the theater. Conrad can accompany you, unless he has anotherengagement."

  "I'll go with him," said Conrad, more graciously, for he was fond ofamusements.

  "Then we will all meet at dinner, and you two young gentlemen canleave in good time for the theater."


  After dinner, Ben and Conrad started to walk to the theater. Thedistance was about a mile, but in the city there is so much always tobe seen that one does not think of distance.

  Conrad, who was very curious to ascertain Ben's status in thehousehold, lost no time in making inquiries.

  "What does my aunt find for you to do?" he asked.

  It may be remarked, by the way, that no such relationship ever existedbetween them, but Mrs. Hill and her son thought politic to make therelationship seem as close as possible, as it would, perhaps, increasetheir apparent claim upon their rich relative.

  Ben answered the question.

  "You'll have a stupid time," said Conrad. "All the same, she ought tohave given the place to me. How much does she pay you?"

  Ben hesitated, for he knew that his answer would make his companiondiscontented.

  "I am not sure whether I am at liberty to tell," he answered, withhesitation.

  "There isn't any secret about it, is there?" said Conrad sharply.

  No, I suppose not. I am to receive ten dollars a week."

  "Ten dollars a week!" ejaculated Conrad, stopping short in the street.


  "And I get but four! That's a shame!"

  "I shall really have no more than you, Conrad. I have a mother toprovide for, and I shall send home six dollars a week regularly."

  "That doesn't make any difference!" exclaimed Conrad, in excitement."It's awfully mean of aunt to treat you so much better than she doesme."

  "You mustn't say that to me," said Ben. "She has been kind to usboth, and I don't like to hear anything said against her."

  "You're not going to tell her?" said Conrad suspiciously.

  "Certainly not," said Ben indignantly. "What do you take me for?"

  "Some fellows would, to set Aunt Hamilton against me."

  "I am not so mean as that."

  "I am glad I can depend on you. You see, the old lady is awfullyrich--doesn't know what to do with her money--and as she has no son,or anybody nearer than me and mother, it's natural we should inherither money."

  "I hope she will enjoy it herself for a good many years."

  "Oh, she's getting old," said Conrad carelessly. "She can't expect tolive forever. It wouldn't be fair for young people if their parentslived to a hundred. Now, would it?"

  "I should be very glad to have my mother live to a hundred, if shecould enjoy life," said Ben, disgusted with his companoin's sordidselfishness.

  "Your mother hasn't got any money, and that makes a difference."

  Ben had a reply, but he reflected it would be of little use to arguewith one who took such widely different views as Conrad. Moreover,they were already within a block or two of the theater.

  The best seats were priced at a dollar and a half, and Mrs. Hamiltonhad given Conrad three dollars to purchase one for Ben and one forhimself.

  "It seems an awful price to pay a dollar and a half for a seat," saidConrad. "Suppose we go into the gallery, where the seats are onlyfifty cents?"

  "I think Mrs. Hamilton meant us to take higher-priced seats."

  "She won't care, or know, unless we choose to tell her."

  "Then you don't propose to give her back the difference?"

  "You don't take me for a fool, do you? I'll tell you what I'll do.If you don't mind a fifty-cent seat, I'll give you twenty-five centsout of this money."

  Ben could hardly believe Conrad was in earnest in this exhibition ofmeanness.

  "Then," said he, "you would clear seventy-five cents on my seat and adollar on your own?"

  "You can see almost as well in the gallery," said Conrad. "I'll giveyou fifty cents, if you insist upon it."

  "I insist upon having my share of the money spent for a seat," saidBen, contemptuously. "You can sit where you please, of course."

  "You ain't very obliging," said Conrad sullenly. "I need the money,and that's what made me propose it. As you've made so much fuss aboutit, we'll take orchestra seats."

  This he did, though unwillingly.

  "I don't think I shall ever like that boy," thought Ben. "He's alittle too mean."

  They both enjoyed the play, Ben perhaps with the most zest, for he hadnever before attended a city theater. At eleven o'clock the curtainfell, and they went out.

  "Come, Ben," said Conrad, "you might treat a fellow to soda water."

  "I will," answered Ben. "Where shall we go?"
r />   "Just opposite. They've got fine soda water across the street."

  The boys drank their soda water, and started to go home.

  "Suppose we go in somewhere and have a game of billiards?" suggestedConrad.

  "I don't play," answered Ben.

  "I'll teach you; come along," urged Conrad.

  "It is getting late, and I would rather not."

  "I suppose you go to roost with the chickens in the country?" sneeredConrad. You'll learn better in the city--if you stay."

  "There is another reason," continued Ben. "I suppose it costs moneyto play billiards, and I have none to spare."

  "Only twenty-five cents a game."

  "It will be cheaper to go to bed."

  "You won't do anything a fellow wants you to," grumbled Conrad. "Youneedn't be so mean, when you are getting ten dollars a week."

  "I have plenty to do with my money, and I want to save up somethingevery week."

  On the whole the boys did not take to each other. They took verydifferent views of life and duty, and there seemed to be smallprospect of their becoming intimate friends.

  Mrs. Hamilton had gone to bed when they returned, but Mrs. Hill was upwatching for her son. She was a cold, disagreeable woman, but she wasdevoted to her boy.

  "I am glad you have come home so soon," she said.

  "I wanted to play a game of billiards, but Ben wouldn't," grumbledConrad.

  "If you had done so, I should have had to sit up later for you,Conrad."

  "There was no use in sitting up for me. I ain't a baby," respondedConrad ungratefully.

  "You know I can't sleep when I know you are out, Conrad."

  "Then you're very foolish. Isn't she, Ben?"

  "My mother would feel just so," answered Ben.

  Mrs. Hill regarded him almost kindly. He had done her a good turn inbringing her son home in good season.

  "She may be a disagreeable woman," thought Ben, "but she is good toConrad," and this made him regard the housekeeper with more favor.


  From time to time, Mrs. Hamilton sent Ben on errands to differentparts of the city, chiefly to those who had been started in businesswith capital which she had supplied. One afternoon, he was sent to atailor on Sixth Avenue with a note, the contents of which were unknownto him.

  "You may wait for an answer," said Mrs. Hamilton.

  He readily found the tailor's shop, and called for Charles Roberts,the proprietor.

  The latter read the note, and said, in a business like tone:

  "Come to the back part of the shop, and I will show you some goods."

  Ben regarded him in surprise.

  "Isn't there some mistake?" he said. "I didn't know I was to look atany goods."

  "As we are to make a suit for you, I supposed you would have somechoice in the matter," returned the tailor, equally surprised.

  "May I look at the letter?" asked Ben.

  The tailor put it into his hands.

  It ran thus:

  "Mr. Roberts: You will make a suit for the bearer, from any goods he may select, and charge to the account of Helen Hamilton."

  "Mrs. Hamilton did not tell me what was in the note," said Ben,smiling. "She is very kind."

  Ben allowed himself to be guided by the tailor, and the result was ahandsome suit, which was sent home in due time, and immediatelyattracted the attention of Conrad. Ben had privately thanked hispatroness, but had felt under no obligation to tell Conrad.

  "Seems to me you are getting extravagant!" said Conrad enviously.

  "I don't know but I am," answered Ben good-naturedly.

  "How much did you pay for it?"

  "The price was thirty-five dollars."

  "That's too much for a boy in your circumstances to pay."

  "I think so myself, but I shall make it last a long time."

  "I mean to make Aunt Hamilton buy me a new suit," grumbled Conrad.

  "I have no objection, I am sure," said Ben.

  "I didn't ask your permission," said Conrad rudely.

  "I wonder what he would say if he knew that Mrs. Hamilton paid for mysuit?" Ben said to himself. He wisely decided to keep the mattersecret, as he knew that Conrad would be provoked to hear of this newproof of his relative's partiality for the boy whom he regarded as arival.

  Conrad lost no time in preferring his request to Mrs. Hamilton for anew suit.

  "I bought you a suit two months since," said Mrs. Hamilton quietly."Why do you come to me for another so soon?"

  "Ben has a new suit," answered Conrad, a little confused.

  "I don't know that that has anything to do with you. However, I willask Ben when he had his last new suit."

  Ben, who was present, replied:

  "It was last November."

  "Nearly a year since. I will take care that you are supplied with newsuits as often as Ben."

  Conrad retired from the presence of his relative much disgusted. Hedid not know, but suspected that Ben was indebted to Mrs. Hamilton forhis new suit, and although this did not interfere with a liberalprovision for him, he felt unwilling that anyone beside himself shouldbask in the favor of his rich relative. He made a discovery thattroubled him about this time.

  "Let me see your watch, Ben," he said one day.

  Ben took out the watch and placed it in his hand.

  "It's just like mine," said Conrad, after a critical examination.

  "Is it?"

  "Yes; don't you see? Where did you get it?"

  "It was a gift," answered Ben.

  "From my aunt?"

  "It was given me by Mrs. Hamilton."

  "She seems to be very kind to you," sneered Conrad, with a scowl.

  "She is indeed!" answered Ben earnestly.

  "You've played your cards well," said Conrad coarsely.

  "I don't understand you," returned Ben coldly.

  "I mean that, knowing her to be rich, you have done well to get on theblind side of her."

  "I can't accept the compliment, if you mean it as such. I don't thinkMrs. Hamilton has any blind side, and the only way in which I intendto commend myself to her favor is to be faithful to her interests."

  "Oh, you're mighty innocent; but all the same, you know how to featheryour own nest."

  "In a good sense, I hope I do. I don't suppose anyone else will takethe trouble to feather it for me. I think honesty and fidelity aregood policy, don't you?"

  "I don't pretend to be an angel," answered Conrad sullenly.

  "Nor I," said Ben, laughing.

  Some days later, Conrad came to Ben one day, looking more cordial thanusual.

  "Ben," he said, "I have a favor to ask of you."

  "What is it?"

  "Will you grant it?"

  "I want to know first what it is."

  "Lend me five dollars?"

  Ben stared at Conrad in surprise. He had just that amount, aftersending home money to his mother, but he intended that afternoon todeposit three dollars of it in the savings bank, feeling that he oughtto be laying up money while he was so favorably situated.

  "How do you happen to be short of money?" he asked.

  "That doesn't need telling. I have only four dollars a week pocketmoney, and I am pinched all the time."

  "Then, supposing I lent you the money, how could you manage to pay meback out of this small allowance?"

  "Oh, I expect to get some money in another way, but I cannot unlessyou lend me the money."

  "Would you mind telling me how?"

  "Why, the fact is, a fellow I know--that is, I have heard of him--hasjust drawn a prize of a thousand dollars in a Havana lottery. All hepaid for his ticket was five dollars."

  "And is this the way you expect to make some money?"

  "Yes; I am almost sure of winning."

  "Suppose you don't?"

  "Oh, what's the use of looking at the dark side?"

  "You are not so sensible as I thought, Con
rad," said Ben. "At least ahundred draw a blank to one who draws a small prize, and the chancesare a hundred to one against you."

  "Then you won't lend me the money?" said Conrad angrily.

  "I would rather not."

  "Then you're a mean fellow!"

  "Thank you for your good opinion, but I won't change mydetermination."

  "You get ten dollars a week?"

  "I shall not spend two dollars a week on my own amusement, or for myown purposes."

  "What are you going to do with the rest, then?"

  "Part I shall send to my mother; part I mean to put in some savingsbank."

  "You mean to be a miser, then?"

  "If to save money makes one a miser, then I shall be one."

  Conrad left the room in an angry mood. He was one with whomprosperity didn't agree. Whatever his allowance might be, he wishedto spend more. Looking upon himself as Mrs. Hamilton's heir, he couldnot understand the need or expediency of saving money. He was notwholly to blame for this, as his mother encouraged him in hopes whichhad no basis except in his own and her wishes.

  Not quite three weeks after Ben had become established his new home hereceived a letter which mystified and excited him.

  It ran thus:

  "If you will come at nine o'clock this evening to No. ---- West Thirty-first Street, and call for me, you will hear something to your advantage. James Barnes."


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